ocr computer science a level coursework grade boundaries

Computer Science A-level Project Writeup guide for OCR A-level



Helpful Links:

Look at the Mark Scheme on the A-level hub: Project Marker (alevelcompscimarking.herokuapp.com) you should use this to roughly understand the sections you need

Mark scheme specification: OCR A Level Computer Science H446 Specification

Example top grade project : 514655-programming-project-set-a-high.pdf

Scope of a project: OCR A Level Computer Science Project Setting Guidance

Systems methodology , you need to understand Agile, Waterfall etc and the SDLC stage Unit 23 — Systems Methodology — YouTube

A-level project template:

Below is a possible layout you could follow for your project, this is taken from Example top grade project : 514655-programming-project-set-a-high.pdf but I have added the mark scheme for top band marks which is from OCR A level mark scheme you can see it on Project Marker (alevelcompscimarking.herokuapp.com) too:

Section 1 — Analysis

Problem Definition

  • The problem statement short paragraph
  • Stakeholders, who will use it?
  • Decompose problem (break it down show why having computer is necessary)
  • Interviews/ Requirement gathering… however you want to do this questionnaires reddit talk to people… Key thing is to analyse the info you get
  • Transcribe or show info gathered then analyse what it means for you project
  • Research into other problems… what other trading app are out there and how do they work, what features do you want to take from them or improve?
  • Hardware requirements, what hardware or software is required to run this app?
  • What does stakeholders want in terms of the design of app and functionality
  • LIST SUCCESS CRITIERA… these are your business cases e.g. users can search a stock and analyse its price, users can buy a stock in the simulation, they can login etc.

Section 2 — Design

  • User Interface design: Draw wireframes for each screen and describe each button or feature saying how they link to success criteria
  • Justify and explain each screen , why is it there, how does it help to find a solution to your problem?
  • How have you made your application usability, have you thought about user experience. Justify and explain why the screens are like that
  • Get stakeholder input on the designs , analyse this feedback and change the designs
  • Algorithms — Describe any complex algorithms that you want to design to put into your project, link to success criteria. Show pseudocode to give an idea of how the algorithms will work.
  • Justify and explain the algorithms how they will be developed and how you will break the algorithm down so you can develop.
  • Show a USE CASE and UML Class diagram of how the code in the app will function Summary of Use Case and Class Diagrams (youtube.com)
  • Show how the flow of the actions lead into other screens DFD diagram or just from your design of screen show the functions and code that will be run 4 — Data Flow Diagrams — Unit 23 Systems Methodologies (youtube.com)
  • Show Data dictionaries highlight all the variables you will use CASE Tools Data Dictionaries Decision Tables Screen Design (youtube.com)
  • Show decision tables where necessary to describe the algorithms or key choices Tools Data Dictionaries Decision Tables Screen Design (youtube.com)
  • For any databases show database schema ERD diagrams Entity Relationship Diagrams (youtube.com) how to make one How to make an Entity Relationship Diagram (youtube.com)
  • Design your testing table , show how you will comprehensively test your application, describe how else you will test it?

Section 3 — Development and testing

  • An iterative detailed description explaining and justifying why you have written he code you wrote in there… break the project down into stages or sprints saying what you delivered and how you tested it at the end of each stage.
  • Show how you tested each part that you developed, you need to keep a record of all the parts you developed, what went wrong and how you fixed the bugs.
  • You should show why you made the code easily adaptable and maintainable
  • You should explain in detail how you developed all the algorithms you said you were going to write in your design
  • At the end of each stage of development describe: What has been done, how it has been tested, how it meets your success criteria, whether you changed the design or not, where you are in the project what else needs to be done

Basic Structure: Documenting the milestones

For each milestone, include the following:

1. Objective of the milestone: In one or two sentences, describe what this milestone achieves.

2. Code listing: Provide a listing of the code for this milestone. Code must be commented with appropriate variable and data structure names.

3. Explanation of the code: Explain what the code section does and justify algorithms or approaches. It might not be immediately obvious to an examiner how the code works or why problems have been solved in the way they have. Remember, the examiner may not be familiar with the language you are using. If input validation is required, explain that too.

4. Module testing: Explain the tests you performed for this section of code and the outcome of those tests. You will likely be playing the game and tweaking the variables a lot to get the outcome you want. You should provide evidence of this process.

5. User feedback: Your user should tell you what they like and dislike about this aspect of the development so far, with ideas for future development. Your user must be an integral part of the iterative development process.

6. Reflections: As a result of playtesting and user feedback, discuss what needs to be changed.

Section 3 — Testing for Development

And testing to inform evaluation.

  • Final Testing — You need to carry out the tests you designed in the design section saying whether or not they passed and the application meets the success criteria. Describe the tests in detail highlighting where the tests went wrong and what you need to do to fix them.
  • Stakeholder or user testing — Hand the application to the users and let them play with it. You need to monitor them then interview them again like you did for design to fully understand the things that went well or not so much.

Section 3 — Evaluation of solution

  • List all the success criteria and say whether or not you met it
  • Show evidence of each success criteria being met by showing screen shots and detailed descriptions
  • Explain and justify why you did or did not meet the success criteria
  • Explain and justify how usable your application is to users, what could be improved


  • Show that you can be criticial of your work, show what you think worked well and what did not.
  • Describe how you can improve it by giving solutions. Justify and explain it.


  • How will you plan to maintain and update the application? Why? Justify and explain


Written by Icodewithben

Watch the YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJyd5XVdI2rrXENOIAaU-xw . The Computer Science A-level hub https://alevelcompscimarking.herokuapp.com/

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OCR – H446 – Computer Science A-Level

  • Computer Science A-Level – H446

OCR Computer Science A Level (H446)

  • H446/01 – Computer Systems
  • 1.1 – The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • 1.2 – Software and software development
  • 1.3 – Exchanging data
  • 1.4 – Data types, data structures and algorithms
  • 1.5 – Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues
  • H446/02 – Algorithms and programming
  • 2.1 – Elements of computational thinking
  • 2.2 – Problem solving and programming
  • 2.3 – Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms
OCR H446/01 – 1.1 The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
OCR H446/01 – 1.2 Software and software development
OCR H446/01 – 1.3 Exchanging data
OCR H446/01 – 1.4 Data types, data structures and algorithms
OCR H446/01 – 1.5 Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues
OCR H446/02 – 2.1 Elements of computational thinking
OCR H446/01 – 2.2 Problem solving and programming
OCR H446/02 – 2.3 Algorithms

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OCR A level Computer Science Overall Grade Calculator

OCR A level Computer Science Overall Grade Calculator

Subject: Computing

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Other


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ocr computer science a level coursework grade boundaries

I have created this quick grade calculator to help predict grades a little more accurately.

This uses the 2019 grade boundaries and raw marks from Paper 1, Paper 2 and NEA. I have used my most recent mock exams for the Paper 1 and Paper 2 marks.

I have then added a table that calculates 5% added to the exam paper raw marks, and another table with 10% (students always do slightly better in their final exams compared to their mocks and you may see a pattern from past year groups between 5 and 10% increase). Both tables have a cell that calculates how many marks would be needed to get up to the next grade (ie if, with the 5% added, the student is on a C grade - how many more marks would they need to get for the B grade).

Of course, due to covid the grade boundaries are very likely to come down slightly but I have found the “how many more marks” has been really helpful to see if I think the student has a chance for that next grade up… usually you can see if it is really unlikely (I don’t think the grade boundaries are going to come down substantially).

I hope this helps with predictions, but also to help discuss what they need to be working toward on their individual papers.

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OCR A Level Computer Science mapping file. Download our comprehensive teaching resources and use the mapping table to align to the OCR examination board.



A Level Science grade boundaries

This page outlines the A Level Science Grade Boundaries for AQA and OCR A exam boards.

Each year the exam boards endeavour to make sure that exam papers are designed to be no easier or harder to achieve a particular grade than previous years. This does mean that each year the percentage required for each grade changes slightly depending on how hard the exam paper is. And so, Oxford Revise has collected all the grade boundaries for the last 5 years of exams, giving you an idea of what percentage you will need to achieve to get a specific grade.

Grade boundaries for your subject are not published before the exams take place. Boundaries are set after exams have been completed and papers have been marked.

Check below for the AQA or OCR A exam board and see what was required in previous years for Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

AQA A Level Biology

A* 180/260 (69%) 173/260 (67%) 168/260
A 153/260 (59%) 142/260 (55%) 136/260
B 125/260 (48%) 115/260 (44%) 113/260
C 98/260 (38%) 89/260 (34%) 91/260
D 71/260 (27%) 63/260 (24%) 69/260
E 44/260 (17%) 37/260 (14%) 47/260

AQA A Level Chemistry

A* 250/300 (83%) 237/300 (79%) 236/300
A 210/300 (70%) 196/300 (65%) 192/300
B 173/300 (58%) 158/300 (53%) 158/300
C 136/300 (45%) 121/300 (40%) 124/300
D 99/300 (33%) 84/300 (28%) 90/300
E 62/300 (21%) 47/300 (16%) 56/300

AQA A Level Physics – Coming soon

Ocr a level biology.

A* 183/270 (68%) 184/270 (68%) 169/270
A 155/270 (57%) 156/270 (58%) 137/270
B 130/270 (48%) 130/270 (48%) 115/270
C 106/270 (39%) 104/270 (39%) 94/270
D 82/270 (30%) 78/270 (29%) 73/270
E 58/270 (21%) 52/270 (19%) 52/270

OCR A Level Chemistry

A* 234/270 (87%) 213/270 (79%) 211/270
A 198/270 (73%) 168/270 (62%) 172/270
B 158/270 (59%) 132/270 (49%) 139/270
C 118/270 (44%) 97/270 (36%) 107/270
D 79/270 (29%) 62/270 (23%) 75/270
E 40/270 (15%) 27/270 (10%) 43/270

OCR A Level Physics

A* 211/270 (78%) 211/270 (78%) 214/270
A 182/270 (67%) 181/270 (67%) 182/270
B 151/270 (56%) 147/270 (54%) 151/270
C 120/270 (44%) 113/270 (42%) 120/270
D 90/270 (33%) 80/270 (30%) 89/270
E 60/270 (22%) 47/270 (17%) 59/270

OCR GCSE Computer Science Grade Boundaries

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