Essay on Being Late to School: Hurry Up with New Ideas 2024

You push the snooze button once again and finally open your eyes. It is already 8:50, and your classes start at 9. “I’m going to be late again!”— you think, already in full panic mode. In a minute, you rush out the door half-dressed, swallowing your sandwich on the go. 

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Does this happen to you every morning? Then, writing an essay on being late to class will be a beneficial task for you.

The picture tells why writing an essay on being late can be beneficial.

In the article, you’ll see how to approach writing a “being late” essay. Our custom-writing team has collected the most useful tips that will help you nail the task. Additionally, you will find here:

  • topics to write about;
  • examples of writing different types of essays on being late to class. 

☑️ How to Write Essays about Tardiness

  • 📜 Essays on Being Late: Different Types
  • 💡 Top Essay Ideas
  • 🔎 References

In case you have to write an essay on being late in general, regardless of the situation, the following tips are for you. Learn how to compose a successful 500-words essay on the topic:   

Step #1: Start with describing a situation when being on time is extremely important.

Let the situation be a job interview, for instance. Tell about the consequences of being late in that case. Can a person who is late for a job interview actually get a job?

Step #2: Now, you can discuss reasons for tardiness.

So, why do some people tend to be late regularly? What excuses do they usually have? Are there any scientific explanations of this phenomenon? Give answers in your essay.

Step #3: Finally, you can discuss how to manage this problem.

Introduce some basic principles of time management. Don’t forget to add your recommendations. If you’ve already had a similar issue, describe how you handled it.

If you have to write an essay about your tardiness, here’s how to apologize for being late:

📜  Different Types of Essays on Being Late: How to Write

Did you know that there are several types of essays on being late? And each type requires different structure. Sounds overwhelming, right? 

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Worry not: we have an explanation for every type of essay. With our advice, you can nail your paper on coming late to school!

Apology Letter for Being Late

You write an apology letter when you need to report why you were late. It’s a short, formal essay addressed to your teacher or professor. It can seem daunting at first, but it’s relatively easy to write.

  • Start with your teacher’s or principal’s name. You can add “dear” if you want. Example: Dear Mrs [your teacher’s name]
  • Apologize for your lateness. Be sincere and straightforward. Example: I am very sorry I missed the first part of your class today.
  • Explain why you were late. Don’t make up excuses! Describe the situation as it happened. Example: I was late because I got caught up in a traffic jam.
  • Say that you understand that you were wrong. Promise that you won’t be late again. Example: I understand that I should have gotten up earlier. I’ll do my best not to let this happen again.
  • Ask what you can do to catch up with the material you’ve missed. Example: I will do the classwork I’ve missed. Please allow me to write the exam I’ve missed.
  • Sign the letter with your name and a complimentary close. Example: Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [your name]

Cause and Effect Essays for Being Late

Papers on lateness are great for exploring causes and effects. In your essay, you can focus on the reasons behind tardiness and the consequences of being late.

  • Select a problem that you can work with. Example: Being late for school causes a lot of stress for a student .
  • State the leading cause of the problem. Example: Lateness is often caused by a lack of sleep due to stress or too much work.
  • Think about the possible effects of this problem. Example: Tardiness can lead to more stress-related problems.
  • Write a conclusion. You can simply sum up what you described in the essay. Example: As you can see, being late often causes additional stress.

Narrative Essay for Being Late

Writing a narrative essay is almost like telling a story. In this case, you’ll compose a short story about your absence or tardiness. Here are some tips:

  • Write a clear introduction. For example, describe the day when you were late for school. Example: One day I was late for a science lesson and missed a very exciting experiment.
  • Write from the first-person perspective. This is instrumental if you’re describing something that happened to you personally. Example: I want to write about an experience that taught me a lot.
  • Tell the whole story! Start by describing the reasons why you were late and finish with the outcomes and the lessons learned. Example: In the end, I understood that I should manage my time better.

Reflective Essay for Being Late

A reflective paper is a lot like a narrative essay, but it’s more formal. Here you can reflect on your understanding of punctuality and talk about what influenced it.

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  • Start by formulating the main idea or a thesis. Example: Understanding how my actions affected other people helped me to become more punctual.
  • Describe what you’ve learned through experience and how it influenced you. Example: This experience showed me that if you’re tardy, you can miss the most important events in your life.
  • Don’t be afraid to show some creativity and use descriptive language in your reflective essay. Example: The realization hit me like lightning.

Argumentative Essay for Being Late

When writing about being late, you will need to convince the reader of your viewpoint by using arguments.

For example, you can choose to write about how lateness can affect academic performance:

  • Formulate your topic as a question. The answer will become your thesis statement. Example: Topic: How can tardiness affect academic performance? Thesis: Students that come late to school disrupt the discipline and miss out on important information, leading to poor academic performance.
  • Introduce two arguments—one for and one against your statement. Example: Tardiness negatively affects students’ academic performance, although some people think it’s an exaggeration.
  • Present arguments that will persuade the reader that your point is correct and that the opposite is wrong. Example: Students who come to school late miss the first part of the discussion, which makes it hard for them to understand the lesson.

💡  Essays on Being Late: Top Ideas

In some cases, you’re allowed to select what to discuss in your paper. There are several angles to consider the topic from, and you may have trouble picking one.

The picture shows a quote by Karen Joy Fowler.

Can’t decide what to write about in your essay on being late to class? Here are some ideas you can choose from with examples.

Reasons for Being Late to Class

You probably think that laziness and poor time management are the main reasons why students don’t arrive in time. For your essay on being late to school, you might also want to consider the following ideas:

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  • Some live too far away, and it’s difficult for them to arrive on time.
  • Some have illnesses or disabilities that cause them to be late.
  • Sometimes students experience too much stress and have trouble sleeping.
  • Learners who are bullied at school may refuse to go back there.
  • Issues with public transport may result in delays.
  • Some are afraid of their teachers, or they don’t want to write tests.
  • Some students want to challenge authority by breaking the rules.
  • Some might have problematic parents who try to keep them at home.
  • Working because of the family’s tough financial situation forces students to skip classes.
  • Practicing religious rites may result in lateness to school.
  • Kids can come late on purpose to show off.
  • Conflicts with teachers make learners avoid attending classes.
  • Caring for younger siblings may cause lateness.
  • Another reason to consider for your essay is the desire to get an adrenaline rush.
  • A car breaking down or a bike’s flat tire can cause learners to be unpunctual.
  • Some students are not motivated to study.
  • Living in a troubled neighborhood can prevent punctuality.
  • Kids may fall asleep in public transport and pass their stop.
  • If a child is inattentive in the morning, they may forget to get out of the house in time.
  • Caring for pets before school can be a reason for students to be late.
  • Some are exhausted and sleep through their alarms.
  • If something around the house needs repair, students may fail to arrive at school on time.
  • Going to bed late at night makes it difficult to get up in the morning.
  • Forgetting their belongings at home may cause students to go back to collect them.
  • An essay on being late to school might want to look at mental health problems as a cause for lateness.
  • Some might be negatively influenced by their peers.
  • Many students spend too much time getting ready in the morning.
  • Noisy neighbors can cause sleep problems or even make one miss one’s alarm.
  • Family problems often affect children’s capability to be organized and punctual.
  • Many school kids like buying coffee before class and spend a lot of time in queues.
  • Students might skip a class because they haven’t done their homework.
  • For some people, it’s tough to keep track of time.
  • Absence can be a result of caring for elders.
  • Some may spend too much time preparing breakfast .
  • Some students’ parents distract them instead of helping to get ready for school.

You can discuss one of these reasons in your essay about tardiness and propose what can be done:

Students who live too far away should inform their teachers beforehand that they can be late.

Lateness and Academic Performance

Alternatively, you can focus on the impacts of tardiness on studying. Explain the effects of poor attendance in an essay: write about one of the following points.

  • During the first hours in the morning, students are the most attentive.
  • The first few minutes of class often cover essential information.
  • If you are often late, your tardiness can become chronic, which can affect your academic performance .
  • Tardiness causes behavioral problems and can lead to suspension.
  • Lateness makes you distracted and less attentive.
  • A significant disadvantage of being late is possible conflicts with teachers .
  • Students who are late have problems with keeping accurate records.
  • The ability to follow the instructions is reduced in tardy learners.
  • Students that often arrive late can miss out on important tests or exams.
  • Lateness increases academic stress .
  • Being tardy increases the school workload at home.
  • One pupil’s lateness can disrupt the whole class.
  • Tardiness negatively affects one’s reputation .
  • Lateness usually makes learners feel disconnected from school.
  • Tardiness can result in dropouts.
  • Teachers often decide to keep late students out of class.

The picture talks about mental disorders related to chronic lateness.

  • Learners who are always late might have a harder time getting teachers’ help and support.
  • At worst, chronic tardiness can delay the graduation of affected students.
  • The stress that comes with being late to class can impact learners’ concentration .
  • Teachers may want to check late students’ homework more thoroughly.
  • Tardy pupils may be assigned extra tasks or tests.
  • Tardy students may have to report to the principal .
  • An instructor is less likely to grant you automatic A or other favors if you’re chronically late.
  • Tardiness can start a snowball effect with many unintended adverse consequences.
  • In a lesson with group projects , late teenagers disappoint their classmates.
  • Chronic lateness in middle school may lead to problems in high school.
  • Late students may not be admitted to exams .
  • Tardy students might find it challenging to keep up with the education process.
  • Tardiness decreases motivation to study .
  • Some teachers punish late students by deliberately lowering their grades.
  • Pupils who are not punctual are unlikely to get school awards and prizes.
  • Continually tardy learners are likely to be detained after school.
  • Parents might want to punish their chronically late children by making them to do additional work.
  • Classmates will consider their tardy peers last when they need to select partners for group projects.

You can also discuss how tardy students affect the activity of the whole class:

Students who are late for school cause teachers to interrupt their lessons. They take other students’ attention away from the teacher and can sometimes disrupt discipline in class.

Reasons for Being Punctual

Naturally, every student needs to learn how to manage time properly . So, why not write an essay about the importance of being punctual? Here are some topic examples:

  • Punctuality makes you more disciplined .
  • Punctuality means not only getting to school on time but also never missing your deadlines.
  • Punctual students perform better in academics .
  • Punctuality makes your thoughts more precise and your mind more stable.
  • Punctual students won’t get in trouble or detention due to lateness.
  • Punctuality characterizes a confident person who is realistic about how long their actions take.
  • If you’re always on time, you rarely miss crucial information and can learn more skills .
  • Another reason why not being late is beneficial is that you can perform more tasks during the day.
  • By being punctual, one shows respect for other people and oneself.
  • People have more confidence in those who are always on time.
  • It isn’t easy to follow one’s schedule without being punctual.
  • You don’t need to apologize if you’re not late.
  • Punctuality saves time and reduces stress .
  • A punctual person does not have to cancel plans because of their lateness.
  • For a punctual person, it’s easier to multitask .
  • You are less likely to have problems with teachers or classmates.
  • Punctuality is a valuable skill in all spheres of life.
  • Punctuality leaves you more time to enjoy your hobbies and relax.
  • Punctual students are considered reliable.
  • An argumentative paper could demonstrate that there are simply no disadvantages to always being on time.
  • Punctual kids don’t force teachers to interrupt lessons and have fewer conflicts with them.
  • Punctual students are more organized.
  • Timeliness helps students to build confidence .
  • Punctuality goes hand in hand with professionalism and attention to detail.
  • It’s less awkward to wait for someone than have someone else wait for you.
  • Precise scheduling teaches learners how to manage time and prioritize things .
  • You don’t come off as disrespectful or arrogant.
  • A punctual person has their life under control.
  • Punctual students worry less about making mistakes .
  • Others don’t make fun of people who avoid being late.
  • Punctual people are usually treated with respect.
  • Punctuality helps learners build their integrity .
  • Always being on time makes you more likable.
  • You’re comfortable with having some downtime if you’re punctual.
  • Students’ punctuality increases their self-control .

You can also try and find other reasons why being punctual is better than being tardy.

If you’re punctual, you have better relations with teachers, and you’re considered reliable.

How to Stop Being Late to School

Still haven’t found a good topic for your essay on being late to class? Try writing about how to avoid lateness!

  • Calculate the best time for you to wake up, get ready, and leave the house.
  • Keep track of how much time you spend on your morning routine.
  • Learn to respect your teachers and fellow students.
  • Think of how to reduce stress.
  • Try going to bed and waking up earlier.
  • Don’t be afraid to discuss your tardiness problem with teachers.
  • Leave the house as early as possible.
  • Set several alarms without a snooze option.
  • Think of the best way to get to school beforehand.
  • Invite your friends to meet somewhere and go to school together.
  • Make your alarm melody louder and more energetic.
  • Start to follow the same sleep schedule every day.
  • Prepare everything in the evening so that you don’t have to do it before school.
  • Set alarms to know when it is time to go out, eat, or do homework .
  • Spend more time outside to reduce stress.
  • Set your watch and clocks five or ten minutes ahead.
  • Exercise more . Morning jogging is especially helpful for developing punctuality.
  • Do your homework as early as possible.
  • Organize your working space and make it comfortable.
  • Plan your activities so that you can go to bed earlier.
  • Spend less time on social networks or playing computer games .
  • Remember that being late is disrespectful.
  • Ask your parents to help you prepare for school quicker.
  • Learn the schedule of the public transport you use.
  • Avoid getting distracted on your way to school.
  • Respect your own time and find ways to stay motivated.
  • Remember that arriving too late often means missing out on important information.
  • Don’t fall asleep on public transport on your way to school.
  • Reward yourself when you arrive on time.
  • If you live far from your school, find a friend who has a car and could drive you.
  • Have a nutritious breakfast that can be quickly prepared.
  • Check your backpack before going out to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
  • Ask your parents or siblings to wake you up if you sleep through the alarm.
  • Try being punctual without rushing.
  • Ask your parents to avoid distracting you in the morning.
  • Don’t use your smartphone while having breakfast or getting ready to leave.

You can come up with your own tips as well!

Try to keep your things organized so that you can get ready more quickly.

Excuses for Being Late

You know how excuses for being late to school can sometimes be funny and make teachers question if you’re telling the truth. Yet, there are many valid reasons for a delay, which are helpful to know. Discussing why students failed to come on time may be interesting for an essay on being late to school. For example:

  • Illness verified by a parent.
  • Medical appointments.
  • Problems in the family .
  • Extreme weather conditions.
  • Participation in community events.

There are many legitimate reasons for a student’s absence. Here’s how you can write about them in your essay:

Example: Students with ADHD are usually not punished when they’re late, but they’re encouraged to be more punctual next time.

Now you know everything you need to write a perfect paper! There is one more piece of advice we want to give you. Don’t forget about the deadline for submitting your essay on being late.

And thanks for reading the article! Send it to your peers who might find it useful.

🤔  Essays on Being Late FAQ

Students are often latecomers. Coming to class on time may seem unimportant. There is usually no serious punishment, which is one of the reasons why some students are always late.

The disadvantages are numerous. A latecomer attracts the unwanted attention of the audience and provokes negative reactions. Those who are late do not make a good impression. Coming late is bad in most aspects except for a few advantages like sleeping more.

An occasional late arrival doesn’t necessarily say anything about your personality. Everyone might have some bad days when things just don’t work out well. But always coming late (or often enough) says that you are irresponsible and have poor time-management skills.

Sometimes, students are asked to write an essay after they are late to class. The topic of that essay is simple: being late. It is a means of discipline to help students understand how bad it is to arrive late.

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  • Family Values Essay: How to Write, Essay Topics & Examples
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🔎  References

  • Solve a Teaching Problem: Students Come to Class Late: Carnegie Mellon University
  • 5 Ways to Stop Being Late to All of Your Classes:
  • The Impact of Tardiness on School Success: Hailey Elementary
  • The Role of Personality and Agencies of Socialization in Tardiness, Absenteeism and Academic Performance: Researchgate
  • Cause and Effect Essays: EAP Foundation
  • Narrative Essays: Purdue University
  • Reflective Writing: Plymouth University
  • 4 Habits of Punctual People: Fast Company
  • This Is Why You’re Always on Time: Huffpost
  • Student Truancy and Lateness: OECD iLibrary
  • 9 Extremely Good Reasons You Should Never Be Late Again:
  • Best and Worst Excuses for Being Late to Work: The Balance Careers
  • The Advantages of Being on Time vs. Being Late to School: Seattle PI
  • Never Be Late Again: 15 Tips to Guarantee You’ll Always Be on Time: Entrepreneur
  • How to Deal with a Teen Who Is Late for School Every Morning: Very Well Family
  • Reducing Late Arrivals: Duquesne University
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This was very helpful. Thanks

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Thanks for your guide to starting, developing and finishing essays on being late. Hope it will help me writing an outstanding essay!

Fabulous info on writing essays on being late! I really enjoy reading your posts! They are very efficacious!!! Thanks!


Sample Absence Excuse Letter for Work: Free & Effective

Today, I’m here to share my insights and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective absence excuse letter for work, complete with a template to get you started.

Key Takeaways:

  • Purpose of an Absence Excuse Letter : To formally inform your employer of your absence and the reason for it, ensuring a written record.
  • Essential Elements to Include : Date of absence, reason (kept vague for privacy), and a request for understanding or any necessary accommodations.
  • Tone and Clarity : Keep the letter professional, concise, and to the point, maintaining a respectful tone throughout.
  • Template Availability : A customizable template is provided to streamline the process.
  • Personal Experience Tips : Insights from my experiences, emphasizing privacy, employer policies, and the importance of timeliness.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. start with the basics.

Begin your letter by addressing it to the appropriate person, usually your direct supervisor or the HR department. Include the date at the top of the letter for reference.

2. State the Purpose of Your Letter

In the opening line, clearly state that you are writing to inform them of your absence. This sets the expectation and purpose right from the start.

3. Specify the Dates of Your Absence

Be specific about the dates you were or will be absent. This helps in planning and managing workloads.

4. Briefly Explain the Reason for Your Absence

Provide a brief explanation of why you were absent. Remember, it’s important to maintain your privacy, so keep it general unless you’re comfortable sharing details.

5. Express Your Intent to Catch Up

Assure your employer of your plan to catch up on any missed work. If you can, outline a brief plan on how you intend to do so.

6. Close with a Thank You

End your letter by thanking your employer for their understanding and support. This helps maintain a positive relationship.

7. Proofread and Send

Before sending, double-check your letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written letter reflects your professionalism.

Template for Absence Excuse Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my absence from work from [start date] to [end date] due to [general reason]. I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence and plan to catch up on any missed work promptly upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if there are any forms I should complete or if further information is required.

[Your Name]

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Privacy Matters : You’re not obligated to disclose detailed personal information. A general reason like “medical issues” or “family matters” is sufficient.
  • Know Your Employer’s Policies : Familiarize yourself with your employer’s policies on absences and follow any specific procedures they have in place.
  • Timeliness is Key : Inform your employer as soon as possible. An early heads-up can significantly ease the process.
  • Follow Up : After returning, it’s a good practice to check in with your supervisor to confirm any catch-up work or updates you’ve missed.

Real-Life Example

In one instance, I had to write an absence excuse letter due to a sudden family emergency. I kept the explanation general, stating “family emergency” as the reason, and reassured my employer of my intention to manage my workload effectively upon my return. This approach maintained my privacy while fulfilling my professional obligations.

Engage with Your Experiences

Writing an absence excuse letter for work can seem daunting, but with the right structure and a respectful tone, it’s a straightforward process. I encourage you to share your own experiences or tips in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Photo of a young Asian male with allergies, evident by the tissues and antihistamine pills on his desk, typing an allergy sick leave email

Q: What is an absence excuse letter for work?

Answer : An absence excuse letter for work is a formal document that an employee writes to inform their employer or supervisor about their inability to attend work due to personal or medical reasons. It serves as a professional way of communicating the absence and providing a valid explanation for the employee’s nonattendance.

Q: When should I write an absence excuse letter for work?

Answer : You should write an absence excuse letter for work as soon as you become aware of the need to be absent. It is important to notify your employer in advance or as soon as possible to allow them to make necessary arrangements and adjust workloads accordingly.

Q: How long should an absence excuse letter for work be?

Answer : An absence excuse letter for work should be concise and to the point. Ideally, it should not exceed one page. Focus on providing essential information such as the reason for the absence, duration, and any proposed solutions or assistance.

Q: Should I provide any supporting documents with my absence excuse letter for work?

Answer : Depending on your company’s policies, you may be required to provide supporting documents for certain types of absences, especially medical-related ones. 

This may include a doctor’s note or medical certificate. Check your company’s guidelines or consult your HR department to determine if any supporting documents are necessary.

Q: How should I deliver my absence excuse letter for work?

Answer : It is recommended to deliver your absence excuse letter for work in a professional manner. You can choose to hand it directly to your supervisor or HR representative, send it via email, or use a certified mail service if a physical copy is required. Keep a copy of the letter for your records.

Q: Is it necessary to follow up on my absence excuse letter for work?

Answer : Following up on your absence excuse letter for work is a good practice. If you have specified a return date, ensure that you inform your employer if there are any changes or updates to your situation. It shows your commitment and professionalism in keeping your employer informed.

Q: Can an absence excuse letter for work guarantee approval of my absence?

Answer : While an absence excuse letter for work provides a formal notification, the approval of your absence ultimately depends on your company’s policies and the discretion of your employer. It is important to adhere to your company’s guidelines and communicate with your employer regarding any necessary arrangements or alternatives during your absence.

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How to Write an Excuse Letter After Being Absent from Class?

How to write an excuse letter after being absent from class

Let’s admit it: We’ve all had to bunk college class a couple of times, for whatever reason. But to be marked absent by your teachers and professors will have its consequences. For instance, most colleges will refuse to let you take any examination if your overall attendance in the semester/year was below its limit. So, you need to know how to convince your tutors to forgive you for your absence. We will tell you how to write an Excuse Letter After Being Absent from class.

By the end of this essay, you will know how to structure and write out an excuse letter for being absent from a college class. There will be sample letters provided at the end, too, to give you an example of how a well-thought-out, convincing, and reasonable excuse can be given. Remember: it is not the kind of excuse that you use, rather how you deliver it that matters.

Step 1: Plan your excuse:

You might already have a genuine and honest reason as to why you could not attend your class. But if you bunked for an unnecessary errand, you cannot explain yourself without embarrassing yourself and disappointing your teacher. In fact, they will not let it slide at all, and you will be marked absent immediately. So, if you do not already have a good excuse, you need to plan one.

A good excuse is something that is not too imaginative but not too realistic either. You do not want to look like you are telling tall tales, nor that your matter was so serious that your teachers would want to know more details or ask more questions and then catch you for lying if you are not prepared for that. Brainstorm and write down roughly all the kinds of excuses you can think of, keeping in mind what your limits are. Using the method of elimination, i.e., one by one crossing out each weaker excuse till you are finally left with the best, you can quickly find the most believable excuse. Remember to ask yourself these questions when practicing the elimination method:

  • Have I ever known somebody who actually had this excuse? 

If it is an excuse commonly used by students, ask yourself do the teachers usually believe or accept that excuse? If yes, then go for it. Otherwise, it is overused and teachers no longer have any faith in it.

  • Was this matter more important to attend to, than the class? 

Logically ponder over this question. Attending somebody’s birthday party is not that important. But a funeral is certainly something more important to many people than attending a college class.

  • Was it a life-threatening situation?  If so, can I actually “prove” it, or is it just my word that the teacher will have to trust?

Faking evidence can be a little tricky, but usually, teachers will believe your friends’ and family’s testimony if they are willing to vouch for you at all. If it was a doctor’s visit, you could take a ticket from the clinic for an appointment with an optometrist or a dentist (even if you never actually attended it). Also, making up stories about dental or eye problems is easier as many people, maybe even yourself, have been through such experiences. Talk about your wisdom tooth needing an extraction! Make sure the struggle is relatable so your teachers can understand where you are coming from.

  • Am I prepared for any kind of question that could be asked about this?

Again, if the story is relatable your teachers will not feel inclined to know any more details. On the other hand, if you say you survived a car accident, your teachers will be curious to know more about the situation, and you might fumble over your words or find it difficult to prove you are telling the truth. So, stick to something that is not very dramatic.

  • If I were a teacher, would I forgive a student for being absent if they used this excuse?

This is the most important question. Try putting yourself in your teachers’ shoes and imagine a student has written a letter to you, using that excuse to explain their absence. When you flip the perspective, it becomes much clearer what merit the story holds.

Step 2: Know your recipient. 

A few things are crucial to know about your teacher, principal, admin, or whoever you are writing this letter to. If you do not know one or more of these facts, your letter will more likely be rejected.

  • Your recipient’s preferences . Some officials do not accept letters sent to their email, let alone a printed letter handed to them. Sometimes they would rather you approach them at their respective office and explain the matter face-to-face. It all depends, so from the very beginning, you must be sure if they will accept an excuse letter at all or if they are looking for something else.
  • Your recipient’s email address. If this letter is sent via email, you will have to know the correct email address to use. Sometimes people have multiple emails, each for a different purpose. Do not send this type of letter to an email address clearly meant for business inquiries only. You could politely ask your recipient for their email address, explaining that you need to discuss a matter related to the class. Or, ask a friend or classmate. However, be careful! Some people do not like having their email addresses distributed without their prior consent, so ensure that your recipient is comfortable with that knowledge being shared. Otherwise, they will feel too offended even to bother opening your mail, let alone reading your letter.
  • Their relationship with students. If they can be amicable with students, your letter can be written with some informal, casual words. You can throw in a few jokes or compliments (appropriate ones) too — anything you know that could uplift their mood. But if your recipient keeps a rigorous and limited relationship with students, keep your writing strictly formal and avoid stretching the story. Get straight to the point, do not waste their time, or make any inappropriate comments. If they take attendance seriously, use a solid and valid excuse.
  • What kind of excuses works for them? Ask your friends, classmates, or seniors what excuse helped them have their absent markings replaced with a “P.” You will be surprised to find out what your recipient personally believes is a reasonable excuse and what is not. And here’s a bonus: You will gather ideas for a better excuse to use or how you can tailor your letter to appeal to that specific recipient. But be aware! Only confine with people you can really trust, or try not to give yourself away. You never know who will directly report you for trying to lie!

Step 3: Structure of a letter.

Follow this exact order for the letter. You can change your body’s order, explaining your points in an emphatic order, which is writing in order of least important to the most important. 

(Your contact information) 

(Contact information of the person you are writing to (in 3-4 lines))

(Leave a space here)

(Body of letter)

(Your signature)

The greeting should be formal, and one line only. Use phrases like, “Dear Ms/Mrs/Mr/Dr” or, “Respected Madam/Sir/Officer.” 

The body of the letter consists of three or more paragraphs. Each should be kept short and concise. Each new paragraph should present a different point, and all the paragraphs must be related. 

Introduction. Give 2-3 sentences on why you are writing this letter. For example, “I would like to explain the reason behind my lack of attendance in the last month.”

The next few paragraphs should be about your excuse. Bear in mind, don’t just write about what happened to you, but how it affected you and why it prevented you from attending the class. Explain how despite the classes you missed, the course or the subject still matters deeply to you. Apologize for the inconvenience you might have caused, and offer some services to make up for what you missed. For example, “If you deem it appropriate, I could do an extra assignment to make up for the time I have lost.” Even if it is not your intention to put it any more work, this gesture will win you a lot of respect from your teacher, and they will have a reason to believe that you are taking your course seriously. 

The conclusion should wrap up all your points, and emphasize your strongest argument to ensure that the recipient is left with something to consider.

Finally, the last line should be one sentence of giving thanks, best wishes, etc.

After writing your letter, check for spelling and grammar errors. There are many tools online that can quickly check for these mistakes. Ask a trusted friend to read your letter for you, and consider their comments. What should be added? What needs to be redacted? How can something be worded better? Take your time to write multiple drafts, and choose the best one in the end.

Sample letters.

The following letters are examples written out, using the advice previously stated, for you to get a better idea of what an excellent letter should look like.

Joe C. Brian, 731-595-9570, [email protected]

May 4 th, 2021

Andrew McQueen, Professor of International Relations

Department of SSC, TN University, Tennessee 38301 

Dear Mr. McQueen,

I am writing to inform you of the reason for my lack of attendance in the online classes that initiated last week, on April 23 rd .

First and foremost, International Relations is a subject I have always felt enthusiasm for since the start of the semester. This is a course that, under no circumstances can I control, would I refuse to give my time to. Unfortunately, I have indeed been through circumstances I could not avoid, and those were the reasons I was unable to attend your classes. I completely understand your frustrations; you have every reason to believe I have been irresponsible and inattentive. However, I did everything in my power to be a part of your lectures. It was simply impossible.

For your information, the last three months have been overwhelming. I had been experiencing intense migraines, which at first, I assumed was only due to the fact I had been sitting before a bright computer screen for longer time periods. Then, the migraines gradually got worse to the point where I could not focus during simple tasks. After seeing a doctor, it was apparent that one of my wisdom teeth was jammed. After a few more appointments with a dentist, it was clear that I needed it surgically removed as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the local dentist booked the surgery for April 27 th last week. They could not do it any later; they informed me that they were fully booked for the next 6 months. Since the successful extraction, I have been unable to chew certain foods and continue to experience headaches. Still, my doctor ensured that it was only temporary, and soon I would be able to feel level-headed again.

I understand if you cannot arrange extra classes, though I would be willing to attend any. I am also willing to take on any extra assignments you might have in store for me. My only hope is that you find my excuse to be reasonable and reconsider marking my attendance. Lastly, attached to this file is a pharmaceutical note for OTC painkillers, with May 1 st . I am confident that my recovery will be quick, and by next week you shall see me in the class Zoom call.

Thank you, and best wishes,

Lesley J. Wells, [email protected]

Dr. Leo E Keenan


Rahway Business Institute, New Jersey 07065

Respected Dr. Keenan,

This letter is addressed to you to inform you that in the next two weeks, I will be unable to attend your evening group project sessions.

Firstly, I would like to offer you my condolences for your mother’s untimely passing. She was a bright star of this institute, and she will be sorely missed. I sent flowers to her memorial. Congratulations on your promotion, as well. You earned it, and we all cannot wait to see the exciting projects you will reveal soon. 

Unfortunately, I could not offer these words in-person, and neither will I see you for the next two weeks. A relative of mine is seriously ill, and they live alone two states away. My family took it upon themselves to pay them an emergency visit, and I will be heading there with them. My aunt is very near and dear to my heart. In many ways, she feels like a second mother. I would not wish to part with her, let alone abandon her to battle this sickness alone. The doctors have hope that she will make it, but the stakes are high as she is dependent on a ventilator and susceptible to any sudden onset of fever. Attached to this letter is a note signed by my parents and aunt herself, giving more information on this matter.

I cannot wait to join your classes again soon. If you like, I can make up for these missed opportunities with extra assignments. Until then, I apologize for the trouble my absence may cause you. Please reconsider your decision to leave me marked “A” on your database.

Best regards,

Lesley Wells.

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How To Write An Excuse Letter For A Work Absence (With Examples)

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It’s essential to know how to write an excuse letter for a work absence because there’s going to be a time when you have to miss work, whether it’s for a doctor’s visit, a sick day, or personal reasons.

Your letter should explain why and how long you’ll be absent and it should be sent to your boss or supervisor . In this article, we will go over how to write an excuse letter for being absent, provide an excuse letter sample, as well as some tips to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways

Explain when you’ll be gone and for how long so your boss and your team are prepared for your absence.

Double-check any company guidelines or policies before you write your excuse letter for being absent in work.

Generally, companies will accept a short excuse letter, so keep it brief.

Excuse Letter For Work Absence

How to write an excuse letter for a work absence

Sample formal work excuse letters, tips for writing an work excuse letter, excuse letter faq.

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When writing your letter, make sure to follow the business headings format and follow any applicable company guidelines. Above all, try to keep your letter short, so your boss (or whoever you address it to) doesn’t have to spend hours trying to figure out when and why you’re leaving.

You only need three paragraphs to communicate all of your information.

Opening paragraph. Your opening paragraph should state that this is an excuse letter for a future absence. You should list your reason and the dates you’ll be out of the office in this first section.

Body paragraph. Next, give more details about the absence, like who will cover your duties or how you’ll be available for your teammates to reach you. If anyone has agreed to help you with your projects, make sure to name them.

Sometimes it can be helpful to include your co-workers’ information, too, if they’re covering for you.

Closing paragraph and sign off. Finally, thank the person you’re writing to for being understanding and include any additional information and offer to help them plan for your absence.

Below are some excuse letter examples for some common reasons to be absent from work. Remember to tailor your letters to your specific needs when writing your excuse letter for work.

Jury duty excuse letter for work sample

Jane Doe Account Manager ABC Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 October 20, 2023 Karen Smith HR Director ABC Company 100 Street Rd City, State 12345 Dear Ms. Smith, I am writing to inform you of my intent to be absent from work starting Monday, November 2nd, until Wednesday, November 4th. I have been summoned for jury duty, so I will be unable to be in the office or work remotely. I will be checking my email and scheduling phone calls in the morning and evening, outside of jury hours, while I am out. I expect to be available between 7 am and 9 am as well as 5 pm to 8 pm for work matters. I’ve arranged for my colleague, Ron Miller, to handle any communication outside of the company for me. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide you with or help arrange extra support while I’m out. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, Jane Doe

Medical excuse letter for work sample

John Smith Sales Associate Number 1 Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 October 21, 2023 Mary Williams Director of Sales Number 1 Company 100 Company Rd City, State 12345 Dear Mrs. Williams, Please accept this letter as my formal excuse for my absence from work. As I mentioned previously, I will need to undergo a small operation on Friday, October 30. I’ve attached my doctor ’s note for your reference below. I expect to be out of the office both Friday, October 30 and Monday, November 2. I have spoken with my team, and Joan Anderson has agreed to cover the weekly reports that I am responsible for drafting. Bill Doe will check in with me and send over any urgent work that I need to address at the end of each day. Thank you for understanding, and please let me know if I can help arrange anything else while I’m out of the office. I’d be happy to help you in any way that I can. Regards, John Smith

Doctors appointment excuse letter for work sample

Mark Skylar XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 July 20, 2023 Josh Smith XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to inform you that I have a scheduled doctor’s appointment that requires my presence during working hours. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize the impact on my work duties. My appointment is Friday, July 25, at 10 a.m. As you know, maintaining my health is essential to ensure that I can perform at my best in the workplace. I am confident that this appointment will not take an extended period, and I will return to work once the appointment is over. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I look forward to your approval of this short leave from work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mark Skylar

Personal day excuse letter for work sample

John Fisher XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 July 20, 2023 Emily Cameron XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 Dear Mrs. Cameron, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a personal day off from work on Wednesday, July 19. I understand the importance of my responsibilities and duties at XYZ Company and I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause. I assure you that I will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that my work does not suffer. During my absence, I will ensure that any pending tasks and projects are properly delegated to my colleagues or completed in advance. I will also provide the necessary instructions and documentation to ensure a smooth workflow in my absence. Thank you for your consideration and understanding. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, John Fisher

When writing your work excuse letter, be sure you follow your employee guidelines and policies and use a business letter format. Here are a more few tips for writing a good absence excuse letter for your job:

Reference your employee guidelines and policies around sick days . Usually, companies have a defined process for time off. Consult your employee handbook or double-check what the process is with someone before drafting your letter. Your company should indicate what information they need in an excuse letter or who to deliver your letter to.

Some companies make a distinction between excused and unexcused absences. Make sure that when you submit your absence letter, you’re leaving work for an approved reason. It depends on your company, but typically pre-planned events like doctor’s appointments, religious holidays, jury duty, or helping immediate family members can be considered excused absences.

Follow business letter format. This is a professional letter, you’ll need to write your excuse letter like any other professional letter. You don’t have to share all of the details of where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing while you’re out of the office.

It’s better to keep things short since these letters often go on file for future reference. We’ll give you a template and business letter samples at the end of this article if you need help.

Don’t abuse your leave. Of course, some employees need to take time off, but that doesn’t mean you should be sending an absence excuse letter once a week or extending your absence past the necessary window. You should think about your reason for leaving before you write and send your excuse letter.

The more leaves of absence you take, the more likely it is that you’ll end up in a conversation with your boss if you leave all of the time.

Talk to your teammates. You should coordinate with your team before you draft your letter so you have an idea of who can cover your work if there’s anything that has to get done while you’re gone. This will not only make you look good as a proactive employee, but you’ll also feel better while you’re out knowing who’s got your tasks covered.

Offer to work remotely if possible. In today’s world, telecommuting or working remotely is easier than ever. If you’re planning an absence because you can’t physically make it to the office instead of being unable to work, think about requesting to work remotely instead of taking an absence.

Often, you can save your allotted time off by asking to work remotely temporarily .

Make time for your co-workers to reach you. Even if you’re out of the office, it doesn’t mean your company stops working. You should provide a way (like phone, email, or text) for your teammates to reach you and general hours when you’ll respond. Most likely, your colleagues won’t need to contact you, but it’s good to be prepared and offer this anyway.

Get your letter written as soon as possible. The more notice you give someone your absence letter, the better. They’ll have more time to coordinate with you and your co-workers to figure out what needs to get done before, during, and after your absence.

Offer your help. Include specific ways you can help your team while you’re gone or offer to brainstorm ways to help in your letter. Your boss and your teammates will thank you for being flexible and helpful before you leave.

Cover your bases for unexpected absences too. There comes a time when something unexpected comes up. It happens from time to time. You should still send a message as soon as you can. It will look good for you if you follow up on an unexpected leave with a formal letter explaining why you were out and how you’ll make up the work you missed.

How do you apologize for being absent from work?

Apologize for being absent at work by being honest about why you were absent, not making excuses, and apologizing. You can also explain what you’re going to do to prevent it from happening again.

The key is to own your mistake — which means not blaming anyone or any circumstances but yourself — and apologize.

What’s a good excuse for being absent?

A good excuse for being absent is sickness (for you or a family member), family emergencies, appointments, or home maintenance problems. Having to unexpectedly provide child care or experiencing a mental health challenge are also good reasons for being absent from work.

How do I write a letter of excuse for work?

Write a letter of excuse for work by explaining the details of your absence, communicating any arrangements you’ve made for your absence, and thanking the person for their understanding.

Be brief but thorough, describing how long and why you’re going to be gone, as well as who will be covering for you. You can also invite the recipient and any coworkers to contact you during your absence — just remember to provide the information they need to be able to do this.

Why should you write an absence excuse letter?

You should write an absence excuse letter because it’s courteous and it serves as a record of absence. Even if it’s in the form of a quick email, an excuse letter gives your manager a heads up that you won’t be in to work. This gives them time to prepare for your absence.

Your excuse letter also serves as a permanent record in case you need verification of your absence and the reason for it in the future.

How do you justify an absence from work?

Car accidents, the death of a loved one, and personal or a child’s illness are reasons to justify an absence from work. It’s important to use legitimate excuses and not to abuse your absence leave policy at work.

Purdue University – Writing the Basic Business Letter

Terry Katz and Associates, P.C. – 8 Acceptable Reasons To Miss Work

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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  • Absence Excuse Letter For School, College, Or Academy

There are instances when students need to be absent from school, college, or academy due to various reasons. To help you effectively communicate your absence, we have prepared four templates for writing absence excuse letters. These templates cover common situations such as medical appointments, family emergencies, personal commitments, and religious observances. Each template provides a clear explanation of the reason for your absence, expresses your commitment to academic progress, and requests understanding and support from the recipient. It is important to customize these templates by including specific details such as dates, reasons, and any necessary documentation. By utilizing these templates, you can communicate your absence professionally and respectfully, ensuring that your absence is properly acknowledged and recorded. Remember to follow any additional guidelines provided by your school, college, or academy regarding absence notification.

Template 1:

Title: Absence Excuse Letter for School - Medical Appointment

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to inform you of my absence from school on [date(s)]. I had a scheduled medical appointment for [reason]. Despite my efforts to secure an appointment outside of school hours, it was not possible due to the limited availability of the healthcare professional.

I understand the importance of regular attendance and strive to maintain a good academic record. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed assignments and classwork. I kindly request that you provide me with any materials or assignments I may have missed during my absence.

Attached to this letter is the medical appointment confirmation slip for your reference. I would appreciate it if you could please excuse my absence for the aforementioned date(s) and update my attendance records accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please let me know if there are any further steps I need to take to ensure a smooth transition back into the classroom.

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Title: Absence Excuse Letter for College - Family Emergency

[Recipient's Name] [College Name] [College Address] [City, State, ZIP]

I am writing to inform you of my absence from college on [date(s)] due to a family emergency. Unfortunately, a sudden and unforeseen situation arose that required my immediate attention and involvement.

I understand the significance of regular attendance and am committed to maintaining my academic progress. I will make every effort to obtain the notes and materials covered during my absence and complete any assignments or assessments as soon as possible.

I kindly request your understanding and support in excusing my absence for the aforementioned date(s) and updating my attendance records accordingly. Please let me know if there are any further actions or documentation required on my part.

Thank you for your cooperation. I appreciate your assistance during this challenging time, and I look forward to resuming my studies as soon as possible.

Template 3:

Title: Absence Excuse Letter for Academy - Personal Commitment

[Recipient's Name] [Academy Name] [Academy Address] [City, State, ZIP]

I am writing to inform you of my absence from the academy on [date(s)] due to a personal commitment. Unfortunately, this commitment, which has been planned well in advance, overlaps with my regular class schedule.

I fully understand the importance of consistent attendance and the impact it has on my academic progress. I assure you that I will take the necessary steps to mitigate any potential gaps in my learning. I kindly request that you provide me with the necessary materials or assignments I may have missed during my absence.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in excusing my absence for the aforementioned date(s) and updating my attendance records accordingly.

Thank you for your support. I will make every effort to ensure a smooth transition back into the academy and maintain my commitment to my education.

Template 4: Title: Absence Excuse Letter for School - Religious Observance

I am writing to inform you of my absence from school on [date(s)] to observe a religious holiday. As a devout follower of [religion], this day holds significant importance in my religious calendar.

I fully understand the value of regular attendance and the impact it has on my education. I will diligently make up for any missed classwork, assignments, or assessments in a timely manner. I kindly request your understanding and cooperation in excusing my absence for the aforementioned date(s) and updating my attendance records accordingly.

I am more than willing to provide any additional information or documentation to support my request. Please let me know if there are any further steps I need to take to ensure a smooth continuation of my studies.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I appreciate your support in accommodating my religious observance.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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A Detailed Guide on How to Write An Excuse Letter of Absence From Work (With Examples)

A letter of absence from work is a formal letter or an email an employee sends to notify superiors of being absent from work.  This can result from exceptional events such as emergencies, home matters, ailments, or crucial personal issues that can’t be postponed.  In many cases, employees skip work only for a succinct duration, part of the day, or mostly a day.

Workers should deliver an excuse letter as quickly as possible, ideally before missing work, to ask for approval.  You should know that every organisation possesses its principles about personal time-off and leave protocol.  Most of them give guidelines and instruct workers on what to do in case of skipping work.

This article will guide you on how to write a letter of absence from work.

Table of Contents

What to Include in a Letter of Absence From Work

A work absence letter or email has to include detailed input, such as the date or time of absence and the motives for missing work.  It should also define if the worker is imploring for authorisation to take personal time off or miss work without notification. It ought to have a mannerly and competent tone. 

Ensure your letter of absence comprises the following:

  • A professional and respectful introduction that contains the title and name of the boss.
  • A statement defining if it’s an excuse letter for work absence or a letter of permission for skipping work in the future.
  • The purpose of writing the letter.
  • Details and consenting papers the company requires according to leave policy should be provided.
  • The date or time of absence.
  • A message explaining if the employee finalized their tasks as scheduled.
  • A polite closing that includes acknowledgment and thanks.
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Tips for Writing an Excuse Letter of Absence From Work

A good excuse email or letter must be polite, written well, and precise.  The message has to be sincere and explicit, making evident the unforeseen motives behind the employee’s absence. 

At the same time, a professional explanation email is not an article and should be brief and understandable to read. Avoid personal details, getting too personal, or using fancy language. 

You may need to write a letter to HR in many situations, such a when you’re absent from work. HR professionals are hwlpful when dealing with sanctioning leave, payroll and benefits and resolving conflicts or problems in the workplace. If you’re interested in starting a career in this realm, you can start by joining an HR course .

Below are exceptional cues to get you started and assist you in providing your employees with the best format for absence letters.

Examine the company’s protocol regarding time off

Be sure to examine the ccompany’s protocol and include in the letter all that’s needed (e.g., supporting documents, accepted reasons). 

Each organization approves a maximum number of absences for personal circumstances, and you should keep to it. 

Write like a professional

Use proficient expression both in writing and formatting.

Use proper opening and closing that includes the administrator’s title and surname.

Read also: How to write a loan application letter in Nigeria. 

Have a backup individual

If it’s a letter of permission, ensure you note who will fill in for you during your absence and how you can get through to them (e.g., emergency phone or email).

Make it policy proof

 If it’s an excuse note for a sudden absence, ensure you cite a reason approved by your company’s policy.

Don’t be ambiguous, but don’t get too personal as well

Employees hold the right to privacy.

While some firms may ask for a medical statement to explain skipping work as a result of an ailment, the excuse letter should not be into personal details about the employee’s condition.

So you can summarize the participation in an awful family occasion (e.g., the funeral of an immediate relative) or an unforeseen professional situation (e.g., earning an award), but you shouldn’t disclose private details.

Make it brief

A few honest expressions are sufficient. Review all vital points and incorporate relevant information but never make your boss waste too much time going over an excuse letter.

Brief statements like “kindly pardon my absence”, or “please pardon my absence” are nice means to go directly to the motive of the letter.

Read also: How to write a creative script for Youtube Videos. 

Comply with internal protocols

The employee guide should analyze the processes to follow in the issue of unexpected absences.

For instance, some organizations award excused absences just for earlier planned occasions.  Others demand a brief notice in case of being unpunctual or unable to appear at work (e.g., phoning the supervisor or an HR team member).  Make sure the excuse message comes after the timeline and protocol agreed in your company.

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Samples of Professional Letter of Absence From Work

Below are various examples of excuse letters you can employ freely. You can paste them into an email, and with small personalization, you have something that can earn you out of difficulty.

The instances provided cupped challenges such as being missing due to home issues, illness, vital obligations, unforeseen calamities, etc.

Sample 1: Excuse letter of work absence due to family matters

Dear Mr./Ms. [Supervisor Last Name],

As a result of urgent family issues, I was not able to be present at work on [date/date + time for partial absence]. 

My 2-year-old son had a convulsion and required immediate medical attention.

 Kindly accept this formal message and affirmation that I will finish my tasks by [date] as planned.

Please kindly pardon my absence. I remain at your disposal for any supplementary information. Thanks for your consideration.

[Your Signature]

You can also change the title of the above-cited example if the need arises.

Sample 2: Excuse email for being absent due to sickness

Subject: Missing work due to sickness

My inability to attend work on [date/date + time of absence] as a result of illness. [I couldn’t come to work/I was caused to leave work early] the reason being that I urgently required medical care.

 Kindly consider this as a formal notification and promise that I will thoroughly accomplish my tasks by [date] as planned.

I remain at your full service for any additional information. Thank you for understanding.

Tip: if the circumstance is a bit more complicated than simple flu, it would be more reasonable to rewrite the subject as a Letter of absence from work due to illness.

Sample 3: Letter of authorization for missing work due to a vital issue

I will not be able to attend work on [date] due to an important matter, and I’d like it if you could grant me a personal day off. 

Would you please let me know if that’s convenient and if you need additional information?

Thank you so much for being so understanding.

Best regards,

Sample 4: Formal absent excuse letter due to an unforeseen circumstance 

Please accept this letter as a proper notification of my inability to be at work on [date] as a result of an emergency. 

I was accessible via email and phone the whole time and have already performed the tasks planned for this period. 

Would you please let me know if I can deliver additional information?

I appreciate your understanding.

Sample 5: Letter of Absence from Work due to family problem

I’m writing to inform you that on [date/s] I was absent from work due to unexpected family problems. [Give more details: broken pipe/car troubles/ babysitter issue / etc]

This is why I kindly request you accept my apologies for being absent without notice.

Thank you for understanding,

[Your name/department].

So, that’s it! I’m sure you now understand how to write a letter of absence from work. Good luck as you make good use of everything I’ve written above. Thanks for reading!

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Sulaiman Halima

I am Sulaiman Halima, a Microbiology student born and raised in Ilorin, Kwara State. Writing has always been my dream since childhood; it makes me curious. Apart from the fact that I learn more through writing, I chose writing also because I found it to be a great way to express my thoughts and share my feelings with others.

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How to Write an Absent From Work Email (with Samples & Templates)

Every employee may face a situation where he/she needs to be absent from work for a day or two. However, it is very important that you should inform your organization about any such absence from work in a proper and timely manner. For this purpose, you can write an absent from work email so that you can formally obtain the approval of the employer for your absence from work.

Table of Contents

What is an Absent from Work Email?

A formal email written with a viewpoint of communicating or informing your employer about your absence from work is known as an absent from work email. It is also known as an absence excuse email, missing work excuse email, or simply an absence from work email.

There can be various reasons for writing an absent from work email such as writing an absent from work email when you are sick or when you have a family issue. In order to inform your employer about your absence from work and seek his/her approval, it is very important that you should write any such email in accordance with the company’s policy or employee manual.

An absent from work email is written to your supervisor or superior, or simply to the HR Manager of the company. Whether or not a company requires you to write an absent from work email or letter in case you take a day off, it is a good practice to inform your boss about that via writing an email or letter.

It is also very important that you should retain or keep any such email or letter in your record so that whenever any issue arises, you can be able to easily justify yourself and clarify your position. In order to better understand how to write an absent from work email, make sure to check out the given-below relevant samples and templates. All these samples can be downloaded for free and can easily be edited as per your requirements.

The absent from work email samples provided here on this page can also be used in place of letters. For example, if your organization requires you to inform them about your absence via writing a letter, the contents of the given templates can easily be used as absent from work letters.

Absent from Work Email Sample 1:

Subject: [Your Name] – Absence Excuse

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Recipient],

This is to inform you that I will not be able to come to work from [mention Start Date] to [mention End Date], as I am traveling to New York City to attend the funeral of my grandfather. During my absence from work, Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Colleague] will take my responsibilities.

However, if something urgent or important comes up, you can contact me on this phone number [mention Contact number]. Thanks a lot for your understanding.

Best Regards,

[Sender’s Name]

[Sender’s Designation]

Absent from Work Email Template 1:

essay for being absent

Absent from Work Email Sample 2:

I am writing this email to let you know that I won’t be able to come to the office today as I am sick and experiencing a fever since the last night. I went to my family doctor today morning and he/she prescribed me the medicine and advised me to stay home for [mention the Number of Days]. So, I will not be available for work from [mention Start Date] till [mention End Date].

During this time, Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Coworker] will be in charge of my work and handle my tasks and attend the meetings on my behalf. However, in case of emergency, you can reach me via this phone number [mention Phone Number]. Hopefully, you can understand my situation.

Absent from Work Email Template 2:

essay for being absent

Absent from Work Email Sample 3:

Please accept this email as my formal notice of absence from work on [mention Date]. As you know that these days I am going through a lot in my personal life. I am getting divorced due to which I have to attend meetings with my lawyer and financial advisors.

Meanwhile, Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Colleague] has agreed to handle my work for the above-mentioned date. I thank you for your support and understanding. If you need to ask anything important, make sure to contact me on this number [mention Contact Number].

Absent from Work Email Template 3:

essay for being absent

How to Write an Absent from Work Email?

With the help of the given absent from work email samples and templates, you can easily understand and get an idea of writing an absent from work email. However, if you want to know how to write an absent from work email from scratch, then make sure to follow the given-below tips and include the following important details and information in your email.

  • The subject line of your absent from work email should include your name and the words “Absence Excuse”.
  • Use formal greetings and formal salutations like “Dear Mr. Smith”.
  • Start the letter by stating the reason for writing an absent from work email. Make sure to keep the reason concise and to the point and don’t go into the deep details.
  • Write your absence email as early as possible i.e., as soon as you realize you can’t go to work.
  • The date or dates for which you will be absent from work.
  • If you exactly know, only then mention the date of returning to the work.
  • If possible, offer your assistance during your absence from work.
  • Mention the name of your colleague or coworker who will handle your responsibilities during your absence.
  • Attach the supporting documents with your emails such as a doctor’s note or any other type of documentation necessary to verify your situation.
  • The overall body of your email must be brief and direct.
  • Be professional and keep the tone of your email polite.
  • Make sure not to come up with anything that can’t be verified. Just be honest and truthful and stick to the facts.
  • Provide your contact details like a phone number, so that the employer can reach you in case of an emergency or if they have something important to ask.
  • Any other additional information or details that are required by the employer as per the company’s policy in case of any such absence from work.
  • Close your email in a professional manner by using the words “Sincerely” or “Best Regards” etc.
  • Just like any other formal document, make sure to proofread the email before finally sending it.
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Formal and Polite Absence Excuse Letter Samples for Your Perusal

An absence excuse letter is always formal, polite, and to-the-point. Keeping these important points in consideration, here are two samples of such letters.

Absence Excuse Letter Sample

An absence excuse letter is written to explain the reason for being absent from the workplace or academic institution. This letter is used in situations wherein the leave was unplanned and sudden, and thus must be justified as soon as possible.

Most organizations expect their employees to provide an absence excuse letter through email. Such a letter should be sent either on the day of being absent or the very next day, so that others can be assigned the pending work.

Failure to notify the head of the department can lead to termination from the job. A letter of absence must explain the reason for being absent as well as specify when the employee is expected to return.

You must also make sure that the tone of the letter is polite and formal. Following are some absence excuse letter samples for your perusal.

Absence Excuse Letter – Family Emergency

A similar letter of absence can be addressed by a parent to the school, in case the child cannot make it to class. It can also be used by college students and individuals enrolled in other academic programs who are required to follow strict attendance protocols.

Absence Excuse Letter – Application by Parent

These samples should help you write an appropriate absence excuse letter that suits your needs. Make sure that you clearly specify the reason for being absent, so that the recipient of the letter is aware of your situation.

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School attendance problems are complex, and our solutions need to be as well

essay for being absent

Professor of Inclusive Education, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa

essay for being absent

Professor - Autism and inclusive education, Queensland University of Technology

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Jess Whitley receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Beth Saggers receives funding from AutismCRC.

University of Ottawa provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation CA-FR.

Queensland University of Technology provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU.

University of Ottawa provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA.

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Over the past few years, the pandemic prompted school closures and remote learning that drew international attention to issues of students missing school — what researchers call “non-attendance.”

Millions of students across the world missing varying amounts of school raises concerns about students’ learning loss and mental health — and also about long-term implications, particularly for those already at-risk for poor educational outcomes.

But school non-attendance is not a new issue. Terms like “epidemic” have been used in relation to school attendance problems in many countries such as Canada, the United States and Australia for a long time. There have always been students who missed school.

School attendance problems are complex and often very challenging to address. And for responses to be effective in getting students to school more often, they need to reflect this .

Not a Hollywood picture

A teen watching television looking glum.

Popular culture is filled with examples of teenagers skipping classes — and in films like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off , this is framed by humour and a gleeful sense of freedom. But Ferris Bueller went back to school the next day without any major impact on his life. This isn’t the case for many.

Evidence shows worse outcomes for students who miss a lot of school, including lower academic achievement , lower graduation rates, higher rates of interaction with juvenile justice systems , mental and physical health issues and lower employment.

And certain life circumstances, such as poverty, increase the risk of chronic school attendance issues.

Chronic school attendance problems are usually defined as missing more than 10 per cent of school days.

School attendance in countries like Canada and Australia is mandatory until between 16 and 18 years of age, depending on the province or territory.

There are legal penalties for families whose children are chronically absent from school as well as for students themselves, and possible involvement of child protection services.

Many reasons students are absent, disengaged

There are many reasons why students miss school.

Some because they are disengaged, others because of significant anxiety or mental health and well-being concerns.

Some are absent because of frequent experiences of harassment, bullying and racism .

Others miss school because they have family responsibilities such as younger siblings, or because of disability-related needs that schools are struggling to support . Students may experience multiple types of school attendance problems, and these may vary over time.

Young students in a classroom working at desks; one is in a wheelchair.

Punishing attendance problems fails to address the issues students face, from family responsibilities to barriers related to racism or inadequate support for disabilities.

Complex, flexible approaches needed

There has been more evidence in recent years of the recognition of the complex, multilayered and flexible approaches necessary to improve school attendance. There have also been efforts to think about school attendance as more than just “present” or “absent.” Are students participating? Are they included? Are they engaged? Are they learning?

Many initiatives are still based on simplistic ideas of school attendance and punitive approaches that really don’t work well in the long run .

Read more: If I could change one thing in education: Community-school partnerships would be top priority

These fail to address the issues experienced by students that create the attendance problem in the first place. And these approaches often further punish students most at risk of school attendance problems.

There are four key points or “ABCDs” for schools, families and communities to consider:

1. Academics and well-being

Well-being supports, including mental health and addictions services, lunch programs, identity-based clubs, and opportunities for movement and physical activity are all important in promoting school attendance.

But if a child can’t read, or an adolescent is struggling to learn algebraic equations and falling behind their peers, well-being initiatives aren’t enough. An integrated approach to support academic success and well-being for students is essential.

2. Building relationships

A sense of belonging and connectedness is critical to engagement, learning and attendance for students. Students need to feel like they matter to someone at school — someone who notices when they’re not there but who also welcomes them when they are.

Teen students in a class, some with raised hands.

Relationships need to be purposefully fostered between and among students, staff, families and communities. Mentorship programs , peer buddies, leadership opportunities, community experiential projects or attendance counsellors are some examples of ways to support relationship building.

3. Climate of school

A supportive and positive school climate is key for students, staff, families and communities. Schools can provide opportunities for shared decision-making, autonomy, support and valuing of student and family identities and strengths.

Extra-curriculars and high expectations need to be in place alongside supports to meet these. Families can be welcomed in a range of ways that reflect the needs of communities. Bullying and harassment, including anti-racist, homophobic and anti-Indigenous abuse, needs to be addressed.

4. Data needed

Data is important for understanding attendance — who is at school, who is not. And if not, what are the reasons? In shifting responses to attendance, schools can consider also shifting the ways they collect, use and report on data. For example, an early flag system to identify student attendance patterns can help to proactively support students and families before chronic issues arise.

Considering traditional attendance counts alongside school climate data, student records, academic profiles and student well-being indicators can tell a fuller story, and lead to more effective ways of getting students to school — and keeping them there.

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  • School absence
  • School attendance
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Explanation Letter for being Absent

Explanation Letters for being Absent

Explanations letters for being absent are written by the employees for informing their superiors or employers regarding the reasons behind their absence. Usually, an employee informs his employer about his forthcoming absence, but sometimes, he may not be able to notify his employer beforehand regarding his absence in an emergency or unpredicted circumstance. In such cases, the employee writes a letter afterward and explains his absence to the employer with logical reasons.

This letter is an essential document not only because it goes in the employee file, but also, because it is important, as it formally explains to the employer why the employee was absent. If an employee does not care enough to write this letter, it might show his lack of seriousness toward his work and he/she might not be able to stay in the good books of the employer. The employers understand the emergency situations, but they need a formal notification and explanation from an absent employee as well.

This letter may contain varying details based on the employee’s and the company’s requirements. If a pre-designed template from any online source or program is chosen for the task of writing this letter, it can be customized as per those requirements. Otherwise, an employee can design and write the letter himself as well, but that, of course, would require more effort and time. Generally, the letter includes the following details:

  • Details of the employee.
  • Details of the employer.
  • The period of absence.
  • Reasons behind the absence.
  • Reasons behind not informing beforehand, if applicable.
  • Apologize, if applicable.
  • Inform about how the missed work would be or have been compensated.

The explanation letters for being absent may even be written by the students to their teachers or principal or any concerned authority. The same details, as mentioned above, would be included with some variations depending on the scenario of a school and student environment.

This letter, written by an employee or a student, needs to be formal and professional in nature. It should be comprehensive and yet not wordy. Any irrelevant or misleading information should be avoided.

This letter stands for my sheer confession of the obliviousness that I had indulged in for being absent from work without even letting you know by writing a letter or email. As I have always been recognized as an honest and professional employee, I consider it my obligation to state the happenings which kept me from doing this earlier.

On my last working day when I went back home, I got the bad news of my grandfather’s sudden death which left me in shock giving me no time to think like a rational person since I had a huge emotional attachment to him. I booked the earliest first flight and went to my hometown where he used to reside to attend his funeral ceremonies.

After two days I realized my folly and felt thoroughly responsible for being so irrational. I at once contacted the manager and told him the reason but it was too late. So I decided to write this explanation letter to you. I hope you will understand my situation and will give me a first and final fair chance to prove myself.

essay for being absent

By writing this letter I plead guilty to not showing up at the office for two consecutive days without asking for leave beforehand. I am working with [company name] for several years and this is the first time that anything of this kind ever happened. Through this apology letter, I want to explain the reason behind this incident.

The reason for being absent was a sudden heart attack. I had no idea what was happening to me when I got home. The only thing I could feel was sweating and shortness of breath. Afterward, I got faint and when I woke up I was in the emergency room with a cluster of doctors around me. On inquiry, I came to know about this mini heart attack and its origin.

I had to stay at the hospital for 2 days since I was still in ICU. The doctors kept me under observation for 24 hours to see if it happens again. Moreover, mobile phones or any such device is prohibited there due to which I was absolutely unable to contact you anyhow.

I am also attaching my MC along with all the details and dates mentioned in it in order to strengthen my above-narrated statement.

Thank you for your understanding!

essay for being absent

I express my deep regrets for not being able to provide you with the advanced announcement about being absent to work for the last 2 days. I understand the importance of informing the authorities before going on an out-of-the-blue leave for even a single day so that the work is not meet them halfway. But I couldn’t inform you and below I have mentioned why.

On Tuesday morning, I was on my way to the office when I met a life-risking accident. I was spontaneously taken to the hospital where I got my medical examination done. 

Although I got many bruises and wounds all over my body luckily I didn’t get any major injuries due to which I was discharged after one day. The medicines I was given kept me sleepy the next whole day. I have also attached the necessary documents with this letter to support my statement.

Thank you for understanding!

essay for being absent

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We should be focusing on absenteeism among teachers, not just students

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, michael hansen and michael hansen senior fellow - brown center on education policy , the herman and george r. brown chair - governance studies @drmikehansen diana quintero diana quintero former senior research analyst, brown center on education policy - the brookings institution, ph.d. student - vanderbilt university @quintero05diana.

January 27, 2020

  • 11 min read

Measures of chronic student absence are now taking on important policy roles across the country. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) required the adoption of non-test-based performance measures in revamped school accountability systems, with chronic absenteeism emerging as a common preferred measure. Thirty-six states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have included either chronic absenteeism or other measures of student attendance as a factor in their school-quality indicators.

Since then, chronic absenteeism has further gained attention from researchers. Our colleagues in Brookings’s Hamilton Project have put together an impressive body of work on student absences , as well as resources for policymakers on how to incorporate these measures into school accountability systems, including a recent interactive data feature on school and community factors contributing to chronic absence.

The focused attention on student absences is for good reason. About 8 million students missed at least 15 days of instruction during the 2015-16 academic year. Chronic absences put students at risk of lower test performance , disengaging from courses , and dropping out of high school .

Using chronic student absenteeism as a measure of school quality, however, could disproportionally affect schools serving low-income students due to its strong correlation with non-school factors, such as poverty and family background. Our calculations using data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) shows chronic student absenteeism and the percentage of students eligible for subsidized lunch service (a proxy for poverty) has a correlation coefficient of 0.23 across schools. Thus, without otherwise correcting for it, using student absence measures in school accountability systems could inadvertently perpetuate the tendency to punish schools serving high-need students, one of the well-known shortcomings of No Child Left Behind that the new ESSA law was trying to correct.

Fortunately, there is a closely related measure that we believe warrants attention. In this post, we explore teacher absences, an important in-school factor that affects student learning but has received comparably little policy attention. We also discuss teacher- and school-level approaches to tackle teacher absenteeism and provide guidance for policymakers.

Teachers’ effect on student outcomes

Research has long established that teachers are the most significant school-based inputs into student learning. Empirical evidence now presents a persuasive case that teachers impact a range of student outcomes beyond test scores, including student absences , suspension rates , noncognitive skills, and college attendance .

“On average, nearly 29% of teachers were considered chronically absent (missing 10 or more school days) in the 2015-16 school year.”

Naturally, teachers need to be physically present in the classroom to provide these benefits to students. Data from the OCR, however, suggests teacher absenteeism is a concern across many schools nationwide. On average, nearly 29% of teachers were considered chronically absent (missing 10 or more school days) in the 2015-16 school year. This is nearly twice the 15% of students who are counted as chronically absent (though we should note that OCR sets a bar of 15 or more days absent for students).

When teachers miss school, substitute teachers need to be called in to cover the class. Substitutes are not nearly as effective in promoting student learning, presumably due in part to the disruption of the classroom’s instruction and the fact that substitutes are typically less-experienced instructors. For example, 10 additional days of teacher absence are associated with a decline between 1.7% to 3.3% of a standard deviation in math achievement. Further, teacher absences are costly to districts given the financial cost associated with finding and hiring substitute teachers, which accounts for roughly 1 percent of all public education spending annually. Though it may not sound like much, 1 percent of over $700 billion is not exactly pocket change.

The case for focusing on teacher absences

Despite the documented negative effects of excessive teacher absences, they have received little policy attention to date. It is not clear whether this lack of attention is due to union resistance, policymakers’ reticence to burden teachers with more scrutiny, or some other cause. Regardless, we feel teacher absences could be useful accountability measures for several reasons.

First, chronic teacher-absence rates are less strongly related to student poverty in comparison with student absence measures. Our tabulations of the OCR data show the correlation coefficient with the share of students eligible for subsidized lunch service to be 0.05. The logic here is that school accountability measures should reflect the school’s input, and teacher absences are better than student absences at signaling that input.

Second, and more importantly, teacher absences in the U.S. are notably large in comparison to other industries and countries . Though comparatively high absences among teachers have been documented previously, we suspect these rates may not be perceived as worrisome because teachers have good reasons for being absent. After all, the nature of the job entails high levels of contact with kids who get sick frequently, and the large share of women in the profession could imply teachers take more days off due to maternity leave or other household caregiving responsibilities.

Yet, our tabulation of data from the Current Population Survey suggest these reasons may not pass muster (see Figure 1). Both male and female teacher-absence rates are significantly higher than college-educated workers in other industries, including other public service occupations. (Note that we intentionally excluded summer and winter holidays to avoid overcounting teacher absences.) And nurses’ working conditions certainly expose them to sick people more frequently, yet the female nurse-absence rate is comparable to teachers and male nurses are absent about 20% less than male teachers. The data suggests absences among public school teachers are relatively elevated—and a point of leverage worth policy consideration.

Figure 1 Absence rate among workers by gender

Prior evidence on the topic also corroborates excessive absences among school teachers, and that a notable share of teachers’ absences appears to be discretionary. For instance, teachers are more likely to be absent on Mondays and Fridays, and a large percentage of absences due to illness tend to be next on days adjacent to weekends or holidays, or in short blocks of time that do not require medical certification.

Teacher-incentive strategies to reduce absences

The discretionary nature of absences suggests that teacher behavior could respond to different policies. For example, a study using teacher contracts from New York school districts found stronger teacher attendance was associated with certain policies like bonuses for high attendance or a sick leave buy-back program. Another analysis of New York teachers showed that teacher attendance increased during the first year of an incentive plan in which teachers could receive monetary compensation for missing less than seven days. A study of teacher absences in North Carolina concludes that a policy that simultaneously raises salaries and imposes small penalties on absences would both increase teachers’ expected incomes and lower districts’ costs.

A number of school districts have taken different approaches to address teacher absences and offer some anecdotal evidence. In Aldine Independent School District (Texas), for example, an incentive plan in which teachers with two or fewer absences can receive additional contributions to their retirement plan has helped the school district to reduce costs and increase the number of teachers with perfect attendance in a year.

Yet not all evidence is equally positive about reducing teacher absenteeism. An analysis from 40 of the largest school districts across the nation found that school districts with certain leave policies (such as paying teachers for unused leave, allowing teachers to carry over personal leave, and restricting leave on specific dates) had similar attendance rates in comparison to schools without such policies. Though we should note most of the districts in the study had in place a combination of absence-focused policies, making it hard to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of any particular policy. We take the generally positive evidence as suggesting teacher absences could respond to individual intervention aimed at changing teachers’ behavior. However, because the evidence base is still quite small, we see this as an invitation for further policy experimentation and research.

Do teacher absences signal school health?

The discussion prior to this point implicitly assumes the choice to be absent—whether because of sickness or just taking a personal day—is essentially an individual outcome. But we should also be sensitive to the role schools may play in determining teachers’ behavior. A prior study suggests that school and district policies and practices are important determinants of absences. For example, schools in which teachers experience higher levels of stress, low worker interdependence, or have an unsupportive school climate could plausibly face higher teacher absences.

Teaching is an emotionally and physically taxing job. According to the 2013 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index , 46% of K-12 teachers reported high daily stress. More recently, the 2017 Educator Quality of Work Life Survey showed that nearly two-thirds of teachers and school staff find their work always or often stressful. These results suggest that programs aimed at reducing teachers’ stress could be a possible mechanism to reduce teacher absenteeism.

“[P]rograms aimed at reducing teachers’ stress could be a possible mechanism to reduce teacher absenteeism.”

Interdependence between coworkers may also play a role. Prior research suggests that low worker interdependence is associated with higher absences, presumably because individuals feel their own attendance behavior does not affect their colleagues. Anecdotal evidence from schools corroborates this idea: Schools in which students from an absent teacher are assigned to other teachers in the school, rather than to a substitute teacher, may have lower absenteeism rates.

Teachers might also be inclined to miss class in schools with a lax school climate around absences. Prior research has shown absence behaviors among peer teachers affect individual absences. Yet, if principals stress the importance of attendance by building awareness among teachers and tracking absences more closely, perhaps that culture could help promote attendance.

Moving forward in addressing teacher absences

Though reducing teacher absences to zero is unrealistic and should not be the objective, designing policies to discourage the overuse of leave and providing teachers with the support they need to be in class can be a means to improve student outcomes. If we want students to treat their attendance more seriously, we should also consider policies that will encourage teachers to set the right examples for them. To our knowledge, only one state—Rhode Island—has included teacher absence measures along with student absence measures in its school accountability system.

We should note some important considerations to keep in mind when thinking about teacher absences for school accountability. First, we suspect that improvements in teacher attendance might be best addressed through a combination of “carrots” (for teachers) and “sticks” (for schools). Much of the evidence shows teachers are generally responsive to individual rewards for better attendance, so carrots could work well for the teachers. Yet, we also want to avoid situations where teachers are individually punished for legitimate absences, thus we discourage the use of punishments (i.e., the metaphorical stick) on individuals. However, given the evidence of schools’ contributions to absence behaviors, we believe sticks could be useful to apply pressure on schools.

Though more research is needed here, we suspect school-level attendance measures can flag problem spots for policymakers, indicating which schools’ climates or management practices may be contributing to mediocre outcomes. Though making schools accountable for teacher attendance should encourage school leaders to re-evaluate and improve their practices, we also caution states to carefully define what counts for an absence since that definition could create unintended consequences in schools’ hiring practices. For example, to reduce absences rates, schools could be discouraged to hire teachers with chronic health problems, which would be problematic.

Further, we also encourage policymakers and school leaders to consider the specific metrics that absence policies use as they will likely have different effects on teacher behavior. For example, holding schools to account for the average number of absence days among teachers pushes everyone to miss fewer days, while using the share of teachers whose absences exceed a given threshold should discourage teachers with excessive absences, but may not affect most teachers whose absences are more moderate. The appropriate policy levers are going to vary depending on the policy goal. We should be clear that the research evidence to date is agnostic as to which dimension of teacher attendance is most important—all studies we know linking teacher attendance to student outcomes use measures of individual absence and do not consider shares of chronic absenteeism, which is reported in the national OCR data. It may be the case that some dimensions of teacher attendance matter more than others, though we cannot say which is more important without further evidence.

“Chronically absent teachers can cause their classes to stagnate and potentially compel colleagues to work harder to pick up the slack.”

High teacher absenteeism has important consequences for students. Chronically absent teachers can cause their classes to stagnate and potentially compel colleagues to work harder to pick up the slack. Excessive teacher absenteeism is a sign that the public’s investment into public education is being underutilized, and we encourage more research and policy experimentation to gain some of the potential efficiency back.

Yuhe Gu, Grace Breazeale, and Sarah Novicoff contributed to this analysis. We thank Lauren Bauer, Michael Gottfried, and Jon Valant for helpful comments.

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50 Excuses for Missing Online Class

50 Excuses for Missing Online Class

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50 Excuses for Missing Online Class - Homeworkmarket

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​Why School Absences Have ‘Exploded’ Almost Everywhere

The pandemic changed families’ lives and the culture of education: “Our relationship with school became optional.”

By Sarah Mervosh and Francesca Paris

Sarah Mervosh reports on K-12 education, and Francesca Paris is a data reporter.

In Anchorage, affluent families set off on ski trips and other lengthy vacations, with the assumption that their children can keep up with schoolwork online.

In a working-class pocket of Michigan, school administrators have tried almost everything, including pajama day, to boost student attendance.

And across the country, students with heightened anxiety are opting to stay home rather than face the classroom.

In the four years since the pandemic closed schools, U.S. education has struggled to recover on a number of fronts, from learning loss , to enrollment , to student behavior .

But perhaps no issue has been as stubborn and pervasive as a sharp increase in student absenteeism, a problem that cuts across demographics and has continued long after schools reopened.

Nationally, an estimated 26 percent of public school students were considered chronically absent last school year, up from 15 percent before the pandemic, according to the most recent data, from 40 states and Washington, D.C., compiled by the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute . Chronic absence is typically defined as missing at least 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days, for any reason.

Source: Upshot analysis of data from Nat Malkus, American Enterprise Institute. Districts are grouped into highest, middle and lowest third.

The increases have occurred in districts big and small, and across income and race. For districts in wealthier areas, chronic absenteeism rates have about doubled, to 19 percent in the 2022-23 school year from 10 percent before the pandemic, a New York Times analysis of the data found.

Poor communities, which started with elevated rates of student absenteeism, are facing an even bigger crisis: Around 32 percent of students in the poorest districts were chronically absent in the 2022-23 school year, up from 19 percent before the pandemic.

Even districts that reopened quickly during the pandemic, in fall 2020, have seen vast increases.

“The problem got worse for everybody in the same proportional way,” said Nat Malkus, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who collected and studied the data.

essay for being absent

Victoria, Texas reopened schools in August 2020, earlier than many other districts. Even so, student absenteeism in the district has doubled.

Kaylee Greenlee for The New York Times

The trends suggest that something fundamental has shifted in American childhood and the culture of school, in ways that may be long lasting. What was once a deeply ingrained habit — wake up, catch the bus, report to class — is now something far more tenuous.

“Our relationship with school became optional,” said Katie Rosanbalm, a psychologist and associate research professor with the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University.

The habit of daily attendance — and many families’ trust — was severed when schools shuttered in spring 2020. Even after schools reopened, things hardly snapped back to normal. Districts offered remote options, required Covid-19 quarantines and relaxed policies around attendance and grading .

Source: Nat Malkus, American Enterprise Institute . Includes districts with at least 1,500 students in 2019. Numbers are rounded. U.S. average is estimated.

Today, student absenteeism is a leading factor hindering the nation’s recovery from pandemic learning losses , educational experts say. Students can’t learn if they aren’t in school. And a rotating cast of absent classmates can negatively affect the achievement of even students who do show up, because teachers must slow down and adjust their approach to keep everyone on track.

“If we don’t address the absenteeism, then all is naught,” said Adam Clark, the superintendent of Mt. Diablo Unified, a socioeconomically and racially diverse district of 29,000 students in Northern California, where he said absenteeism has “exploded” to about 25 percent of students. That’s up from 12 percent before the pandemic.

essay for being absent

U.S. students, overall, are not caught up from their pandemic losses. Absenteeism is one key reason.

Why Students Are Missing School

Schools everywhere are scrambling to improve attendance, but the new calculus among families is complex and multifaceted.

At South Anchorage High School in Anchorage, where students are largely white and middle-to-upper income, some families now go on ski trips during the school year, or take advantage of off-peak travel deals to vacation for two weeks in Hawaii, said Sara Miller, a counselor at the school.

For a smaller number of students at the school who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, the reasons are different, and more intractable. They often have to stay home to care for younger siblings, Ms. Miller said. On days they miss the bus, their parents are busy working or do not have a car to take them to school.

And because teachers are still expected to post class work online, often nothing more than a skeleton version of an assignment, families incorrectly think students are keeping up, Ms. Miller said.

Sara Miller sits at a desk, with trophies on the shelves and a computer in front of her.

Sara Miller, a counselor at South Anchorage High School for 20 years, now sees more absences from students across the socioeconomic spectrum.

Ash Adams for The New York Times

Across the country, students are staying home when sick , not only with Covid-19, but also with more routine colds and viruses.

And more students are struggling with their mental health, one reason for increased absenteeism in Mason, Ohio, an affluent suburb of Cincinnati, said Tracey Carson, a district spokeswoman. Because many parents can work remotely, their children can also stay home.

For Ashley Cooper, 31, of San Marcos, Texas, the pandemic fractured her trust in an education system that she said left her daughter to learn online, with little support, and then expected her to perform on grade level upon her return. Her daughter, who fell behind in math, has struggled with anxiety ever since, she said.

“There have been days where she’s been absolutely in tears — ‘Can’t do it. Mom, I don’t want to go,’” said Ms. Cooper, who has worked with the nonprofit Communities in Schools to improve her children’s school attendance. But she added, “as a mom, I feel like it’s OK to have a mental health day, to say, ‘I hear you and I listen. You are important.’”

Experts say missing school is both a symptom of pandemic-related challenges, and also a cause. Students who are behind academically may not want to attend, but being absent sets them further back. Anxious students may avoid school, but hiding out can fuel their anxiety.

And schools have also seen a rise in discipline problems since the pandemic, an issue intertwined with absenteeism.

Dr. Rosanbalm, the Duke psychologist, said both absenteeism and behavioral outbursts are examples of the human stress response, now playing out en masse in schools: fight (verbal or physical aggression) or flight (absenteeism).

Quintin Shepherd stands for a portrait, dressed in a gray blazer and white shirt. Behind him are large bookcases, filled with photos, awards and books.

“If kids are not here, they are not forming relationships,” said Quintin Shepherd, the superintendent in Victoria, Texas.

Quintin Shepherd, the superintendent in Victoria, Texas, first put his focus on student behavior, which he described as a “fire in the kitchen” after schools reopened in August 2020.

The district, which serves a mostly low-income and Hispanic student body of around 13,000, found success with a one-on-one coaching program that teaches coping strategies to the most disruptive students. In some cases, students went from having 20 classroom outbursts per year to fewer than five, Dr. Shepherd said.

But chronic absenteeism is yet to be conquered. About 30 percent of students are chronically absent this year, roughly double the rate before the pandemic.

Dr. Shepherd, who originally hoped student absenteeism would improve naturally with time, has begun to think that it is, in fact, at the root of many issues.

“If kids are not here, they are not forming relationships,” he said. “If they are not forming relationships, we should expect there will be behavior and discipline issues. If they are not here, they will not be academically learning and they will struggle. If they struggle with their coursework, you can expect violent behaviors.”

Teacher absences have also increased since the pandemic, and student absences mean less certainty about which friends and classmates will be there. That can lead to more absenteeism, said Michael A. Gottfried, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. His research has found that when 10 percent of a student’s classmates are absent on a given day, that student is more likely to be absent the following day.

A large atrium like hallway, with students and teachers milling about.

Absent classmates can have a negative impact on the achievement and attendance of even the students who do show up.

Is This the New Normal?

In many ways, the challenge facing schools is one felt more broadly in American society: Have the cultural shifts from the pandemic become permanent?

In the work force, U.S. employees are still working from home at a rate that has remained largely unchanged since late 2022 . Companies have managed to “put the genie back in the bottle” to some extent by requiring a return to office a few days a week, said Nicholas Bloom, an economist at Stanford University who studies remote work. But hybrid office culture, he said, appears here to stay.

Some wonder whether it is time for schools to be more pragmatic.

Lakisha Young, the chief executive of the Oakland REACH, a parent advocacy group that works with low-income families in California, suggested a rigorous online option that students could use in emergencies, such as when a student misses the bus or has to care for a family member. “The goal should be, how do I ensure this kid is educated?” she said.

Students, looking tired, sit at their desks, back to the camera.

Relationships with adults at school and other classmates are crucial for attendance.

In the corporate world, companies have found some success appealing to a sense of social responsibility, where colleagues rely on each other to show up on the agreed-upon days.

A similar dynamic may be at play in schools, where experts say strong relationships are critical for attendance.

There is a sense of: “If I don’t show up, would people even miss the fact that I’m not there?” said Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, the commissioner of education in Connecticut.

In her state, a home visit program has yielded positive results , in part by working with families to address the specific reasons a student is missing school, but also by establishing a relationship with a caring adult. Other efforts — such as sending text messages or postcards to parents informing them of the number of accumulated absences — can also be effective.

Regina Murff, in a tan blazer, stands by the doorway of her home.

Regina Murff has worked to re-establish the daily habit of school attendance for her sons, who are 6 and 12.

Sylvia Jarrus for The New York Times

In Ypsilanti, Mich., outside of Ann Arbor, a home visit helped Regina Murff, 44, feel less alone when she was struggling to get her children to school each morning.

After working at a nursing home during the pandemic, and later losing her sister to Covid-19, she said, there were days she found it difficult to get out of bed. Ms. Murff was also more willing to keep her children home when they were sick, for fear of accidentally spreading the virus.

But after a visit from her school district, and starting therapy herself, she has settled into a new routine. She helps her sons, 6 and 12, set out their outfits at night and she wakes up at 6 a.m. to ensure they get on the bus. If they are sick, she said, she knows to call the absence into school. “I’ve done a huge turnaround in my life,” she said.

But bringing about meaningful change for large numbers of students remains slow, difficult work .

essay for being absent

Nationally, about 26 percent of students were considered chronically absent last school year, up from 15 percent before the pandemic.

The Ypsilanti school district has tried a bit of everything, said the superintendent, Alena Zachery-Ross. In addition to door knocks, officials are looking for ways to make school more appealing for the district’s 3,800 students, including more than 80 percent who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. They held themed dress-up days — ’70s day, pajama day — and gave away warm clothes after noticing a dip in attendance during winter months.

“We wondered, is it because you don’t have a coat, you don’t have boots?” said Dr. Zachery-Ross.

Still, absenteeism overall remains higher than it was before the pandemic. “We haven’t seen an answer,” she said.

Data provided by Nat Malkus, with the American Enterprise Institute. The data was originally published on the Return to Learn tracker and used for the report “ Long COVID for Public Schools: Chronic Absenteeism Before and After the Pandemic .”

The analysis for each year includes all districts with available data for that year, weighted by district size. Data are sourced from states, where available, and the U.S. Department of Education and NCES Common Core of Data.

For the 2018-19 school year, data was available for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. For 2022-23, it was available for 40 states and D.C., due to delays in state reporting.

Closure length status is based on the most in-person learning option available. Poverty is measured using the Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates. School size and minority population estimates are from NCES CCD.

How absenteeism is measured can vary state by state, which means comparisons across state lines may not be reliable.

An earlier version of this article misnamed a research center at Duke University. It is the Center for Child and Family Policy, not the Center of Child and Family Policy.

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Essays About Growing Up Without A Father: Top 5 Examples

Writing essays about growing up without a father deals with sensitive issues. To help you with your paper, check out our guide including top essay samples and prompts.

Of the 18.4 million children in America, one in four grows without a father . Writing an essay on this topic can be a great way to convey your feelings and share your experiences with others. If you grew up with a father, it can be an opportunity to learn about the challenges some of your peers may face. 

Learn how to deliver your essay with key research by reading the examples below:

1. Effects of an Absent Father by Anonymous on Eduzaurus.Com

2. life without a father by alexandria, 3. how a boy[’s] life [is] affected when raised without a father by meghan bush, 4. how growing up without a father affects the child by anonymous on, 5. growing up fatherless essay by writer jill, 7 writing prompts for essays about growing up without a father, 1. the importance of having a father, 2. reasons why fathers can be absent, 3. life without a father, 4. effects of growing up without a father, 5. my dad and his illness, 6. taking on my father’s responsibilities, 7. without a father, i became….

“Without the role of a strong, loving and supportive father figure in the house, it can break a family and cause significant damage to the child mentally and cause a lap in many areas of their life.”

In this essay, the author mentions the psychological impact of not having a father at home. Repercussions include impulsiveness and anger issues. In addition, getting abandoned often makes the child jump to conclusions and blame themselves. This resentment and hostility lead to illegal substance abuse that ruins lives. The author also tells a story to explain that when the fatherless child grows up and has his children, he will not know how to be a good father because he didn’t have one.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about dads .

“I personally fall into this category and I believe that unless the other parent is deceased, there is no reason why one parent should raise a child.”

Alexandria writes down her thoughts on her mother’s lack of response when her father left their family. She says that it makes her blame herself for all the hardship they’re going through. But, despite her situation, Alexandria learns to respect her mother more, her feat inspiring her to be independent and strong as she is. She believes that no one should grow up fatherless as life is full of ups and downs, and a child will need a father figure to lean on. She advises those unfortunate like her to continue living and have faith in God.

“In life, we are given more than just luck, but an opportunity, a chance to be better and do better each and every day.”

Bush retells the story of two boys from the book “The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates” and connects it to reality through research studies. She explains that while both boys lost their fathers at a young age, Wes Moore, who lost his father to an illness, had a more challenging time accepting what happened than The Other Wes Moore, whose father was gone from the beginning. Bush also doesn’t believe Wes Moore is luckier than the other boy because they had a choice, and both decided for themselves. Instead, she believes that whoever is there to guide a child as they grow up dramatically influences their future life choices.

“This deviant behavior seems to affect females more than males… On the other hand guys growing up with no dad are more often likely to drop out of school…”

The writer delves into research to examine the impact of growing up fatherless, the common cause, and who is more affected. According to their findings, susceptibility to addictive substances, behavioral problems, and depression are some effects of this unfortunate setup. Parents’ separation is the main reason a child grows up without a dad. In the end, the author concludes that while girls are more psychologically affected by facing life without a dad, it still affects boys in other ways.

“He was never really a father to me. Even after being with him for a couple of days, he was still a complete stranger to me.”

Jill’s essay shows how her story relates to Rick Braggs’s essay. She also includes some lines from his essay to prove it. She says that she grew up knowing nothing about her father except his appearance and the bad things her family said about him. So, when she had to move in with him for a while, Jill had no idea how to act, especially when he tried his best to act like her dad. But, in the end, she lets the readers know that her dad became her best friend, and while their bond is not as strong as other father-daughter duos, she is grateful to have him back.

Here are prompts to inspire you in writing your essay:

Identify and explain to your readers why a father is vital in a home and their child’s life. Write down their roles in raising a child and include things only a father can give his kid, such as essential parenting, life lessons, and a father’s perspective on life. Looking for more? See these essays about brothers .

Use this prompt to learn and discuss the most common reasons a child loses a father. There can be many reasons a father is absent from their child’s life. These include death, childcare difficulties, medical challenges, or choosing to be an absent father for personal reasons. Discuss these reasons in your essay and make sure to include relevant examples and research data to support your reasons.

Essays about growing up without a father: Life without a father

If you have a personal experience living without a father, share it with your readers if you are comfortable doing so. Relay your story of how it is living without a dad present in your life. Include his reason for absence and how it made you feel. Use this prompt to create a compelling and engaging personal essay for your readers to enjoy.

Use this prompt to discuss how the absence of a father in a home positively and negatively affects the entire family. Then, support your claims by interviewing someone who finds life easier without one parent and adding research results and statistics. For example, the father is abusive, so everyone’s life becomes happier and more peaceful when he leaves. However, losing a father due to death can be catastrophic for some families, resulting in grief and depression.

If you like to write more on this topic, check out other essay topics about family .

Not all fathers leave because they want to evade their obligations. Some just don’t have the chance to stay. This prompt is for all who have lost a father due to an illness. First, introduce your father to your readers, what his passions were, how you bonded, and things you learned from him. Next, write down the most significant change in your life since losing him and explain why. Then, advise others in the same situation on how to move forward with life.

In some cases, when you lose the presence of a parent in the household, the responsibilities can then fall on the children. For this essay, look into the father’s responsibilities and discuss how these responsibilities can burden the children if they lose a parent. If you have personal experience with this, discuss your feelings and the challenges you face. For an interesting essay, conduct interviews with those who live in a fatherless household to understand their experiences.

In this essay, discuss how the absence of a father affected children, for better or worse. Research by conducting interviews to discover the experiences of those who have lived without a father and discuss the difference between the two with your readers. Remember to ask for permission before sharing another person’s personal experience in your essay.

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essay for being absent

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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essay for being absent

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  1. Excuse Letter for Being Absent in School: Examples and Templates

    An excuse letter for being absent in class is a document that explains why a student missed one or more classes. It can be written by the student, a parent, or a guardian, depending on the situation. The purpose of an excuse letter is to inform the teacher or the school administration about the reason for the absence and to request any make-up ...

  2. Excuse Letter for Being Absent in School: Free Samples and Templates

    Steps and Guidelines in Writing the Excuse Letter. Step 1: Start with the formalities. Step 2: Write the statement of intention and purpose. Step 3: Indicate the reason for absence. Step 4: Request any missed schoolwork assignments. Step 5: End the letter with a formal closing.

  3. Essay on Being Late to School: Hurry Up with New Ideas 2024

    Example: Being late for school causes a lot of stress for a student. State the leading cause of the problem. Example: Lateness is often caused by a lack of sleep due to stress or too much work. Think about the possible effects of this problem. Example: Tardiness can lead to more stress-related problems.

  4. Sample Absence Excuse Letter for Work: Free & Effective

    Template for Absence Excuse Letter. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to inform you of my absence from work from [start date] to [end date] due to [general reason]. I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence and plan to catch up on any missed work promptly upon my return.

  5. Excuse Letter for Work Absence: 3 Examples and Writing Guide

    Examples of excuse letters for being absent from work Here are three examples of letters that you can reference: Example 1 Here's an example of a leave of absence letter for a family matter: Kenneth James Procurement Associate Procurement Corp. 165 Main St. Houston, TX 77000 Nov. 21, 2022 Dear Kenneth, I'm writing to inform you of a planned absence beginning this Thursday.

  6. How to Write an Excuse Letter After Being Absent from Class?

    Step 2: Know your recipient. A few things are crucial to know about your teacher, principal, admin, or whoever you are writing this letter to. If you do not know one or more of these facts, your letter will more likely be rejected. Your recipient's preferences.

  7. Absence at school Free Essay Example

    Absence at school. Categories: Law School. Download. Essay, Pages 4 (943 words) Views. 4277. Students who arrive late for their first class period (7:25 am-8:11 am) DO NOT GO TO THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE. Go directly to class and present a note to your first period teacher signed by your parent/guardian; otherwise, late arrivals will be considered ...

  8. How To Write An Excuse Letter For A Work Absence (With Examples)

    Please accept this letter as my formal excuse for my absence from work. As I mentioned previously, I will need to undergo a small operation on Friday, October 30. I've attached my doctor 's note for your reference below. I expect to be out of the office both Friday, October 30 and Monday, November 2.

  9. Absence Excuse Letter For School, College, Or Academy

    Template 1: Template 2: Template 3: There are instances when students need to be absent from school, college, or academy due to various reasons. To help you effectively communicate your absence, we have prepared four templates for writing absence excuse letters. These templates cover common situations such as medical appointments, family ...

  10. A Detailed Guide on How to Write An Excuse Letter of Absence From Work

    1.1K. A letter of absence from work is a formal letter or an email an employee sends to notify superiors of being absent from work. This can result from exceptional events such as emergencies, home matters, ailments, or crucial personal issues that can't be postponed. In many cases, employees skip work only for a succinct duration, part of the day, or mostly a day.

  11. How to Write an Absent From Work Email (with Samples & Templates)

    Absent from Work Email Sample 3: Subject: [Your Name] - Absence Excuse. Dear Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Recipient], Please accept this email as my formal notice of absence from work on [mention Date]. As you know that these days I am going through a lot in my personal life.

  12. Formal and Polite Absence Excuse Letter Samples for Your Perusal

    I have attached Anna's medical certificate for your record. Thank you, (Signature) Lina Taylor. These samples should help you write an appropriate absence excuse letter that suits your needs. Make sure that you clearly specify the reason for being absent, so that the recipient of the letter is aware of your situation. « Previous Post.

  13. School attendance problems are complex, and our solutions need to be as

    Some because they are disengaged, others because of significant anxiety or mental health and well-being concerns. Some are absent because of frequent experiences of harassment, bullying and racism .

  14. Essay On Student Absenteeism

    Student absences from university classes is no a new phenomenon nowadays. Absenteeism can be defined as persistent, habitual, and unexplained absence from school (Brooks, 1997, as cited in Bond, 2004). This phenomenon happens in each educational centre.So, is no longer a serious problem because it becomes something familiar around us.

  15. Explanation Letters for being Absent

    Sample -3. I express my deep regrets for not being able to provide you with the advanced announcement about being absent to work for the last 2 days. I understand the importance of informing the authorities before going on an out-of-the-blue leave for even a single day so that the work is not meet them halfway.

  16. We should be focusing on absenteeism among teachers, not ...

    Naturally, teachers need to be physically present in the classroom to provide these benefits to students. Data from the OCR, however, suggests teacher absenteeism is a concern across many schools ...

  17. 50 Excuses for Missing Online Class

    4. Application Glitch. The online application may not work well in other instances. Just say something like…. "Hello. My Zoom application crushed while logging in for the online class.". 5. False Alarm. You can say there was a false alarm in your house.

  18. UCMJ Article 86: Absence Without Leave

    More extreme punishments include a Bad-Conduct Discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for six months for being absent with the intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises. Understanding Article 86 (Absence Without Leave) of the UCMJ. The crime of being absent without leave under the UCMJ consists of three elements.

  19. Why School Absences Have 'Exploded' Almost Everywhere

    For districts in wealthier areas, chronic absenteeism rates have about doubled, to 19 percent in the 2022-23 school year from 10 percent before the pandemic, a New York Times analysis of the data ...

  20. The Effects Of Absent Parents

    The Effects Of Absent Parents. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Life with absent parents as a young child is very difficult and has somewhat of an empty feeling to it. Growing up as a young child without a mom and/or dad takes years ...

  21. Essays About Growing Up Without A Father: Top 5 Examples

    There can be many reasons a father is absent from their child's life. These include death, childcare difficulties, medical challenges, or choosing to be an absent father for personal reasons. Discuss these reasons in your essay and make sure to include relevant examples and research data to support your reasons. 3. Life Without a Father

  22. Absenteeism Essays

    Absenteeism Essay. 1222 Words | 3 Pages. Absenteeism is a problem that cost companies money, time, and energy (Prater & Smith, 2011) - so it's no wonder they try to avoid it as much as they can. It has been defined as a "habitual failure to appear, especially for work or other regular duty" ( Absenteeism is an indicator of ...

  23. Essay On Absent Father

    Having an absent father also has a positive correlation with self-destructive behaviors. This can include feeling depressed, worthless, and self-blame (Bemak, 1999). In this study, Bemak looked at 169 people who had migrated here from Vietnam and had American fathers. Most of these children did not grow up with a father, because the father was ...

  24. Excuse Letter For Being Absent Essay

    Being a legit essay service requires giving customers a personalized approach and quality assistance. We take pride in our flexible pricing system which allows you to get a personalized piece for cheap and in time for your deadlines. ... Excuse Letter For Being Absent Essay, Thesis Format University Of Birmingham, Best Creative Essay Writing ...