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Kotlin vs. Java for Android development

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Editor’s note : This article was last updated 17 August 2022 to include additional comparisons between Kotlin and Java. 

Java Kotlin Android Development

Android applications have become an integral part of our daily lives; for example, many businesses use Android applications to communicate with their customers. However, selecting the best programming language for Android development can be a herculean task.

Until Kotlin made its majestic entry, developers were comfortable with Java. Now, anyone entering the world of Android development faces a dilemma: should I use Kotlin or Java?

In this article, I’ll compare Kotlin and Java to help you make an informed decision. We’ll cover the following points:

  • What is Java?

Features of Java

What is kotlin, features of kotlin, speed of coding, performance, extension function, coding convention, documentation, talent pool, learning curve, what is java.

Java is a simple, powerful, and robust object-oriented programming language that is suited for many purposes, like building and managing Android apps, web apps, server apps, embedded systems, big data, and more. Java was released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems, which is now a property of Oracle, and most of its features are available in open source.

Momento Designs Java

The Java l anguage was formerly known as Oak, named by the founder James Gosling after an oak tree that stood outside his office.

Java is best suited for creating Android apps since it is platform-independent, and as a result, Java apps work on any platform. Java has its own runtime environment, Java Runtime Environment, as well as an API. A major portion of Android apps are based on Java, which is one of the most popular languages on GitHub.

Java is a dynamic language, which makes it possible for developers to modify the program structure while it is running. Java offers many security features in addition to frameworks like Spring and Spring Boot, which is also known as Spring Security .

As a multi-threaded language, Java includes a built-in garbage collector and supports memory management, unlike other languages like C++. Because it is network-centric, Java facilitates distributed computing, and it supports checked exceptions that are caught as they occur.

Java is renowned for its WORA feature, meaning “write once run anywhere”. With this portability, you can use Java on any platform. Java creates static members once that can be shared by all instances of the class.

Originally intending to make coding in Java more productive, a team from JetBrains introduced Kotlin in 2017. Shortly thereafter in 2018, Kotlin became its own official programming language. With support from Google, Kotlin was introduced as an alternative to Java for mobile development.

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that can be compiled into JavaScript and can run on both browsers and a Java virtual machine (JVM). An Android developer can code in Kotlin or Kotlin Native and use an IDE to build cross-platform apps.

Kotlin Main Class

The Kotlin programming language combines object-oriented programming and functional programming in an unrestricted manner. With this feature, Kotlin is powerful and a good option for both Android and server-side applications.

Tech giants like Netflix, Trello, Uber, Twitter, and Pinterest use Kotlin to create their Android apps, and others are planning the migration.

Kotlin is a concise language that helps developers reduce lengthy lines of code. As a null safe language, Kotlin handles NullPointerException and null references using its safe call operator ?. . Kotlin can be compiled quickly and supports both primary and secondary constructors.

Kotlin has an interoperable language feature that makes it possible to call Java code. It can also create external declarations for Java Script libraries, utilizing the full power of the Kotlin type system.

Kotlin is a tool-friendly language since it can be written and converted from Java using IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse, and other IDEs. Finally, Kotlin has a smart cast feature, which reduces the application’s cost and enhances its speed and performance.

Kotlin vs. Java

Kotlin and Java provide almost the same speed for coding.

Java has more coding processes than Kotlin, therefore, a developer can spend less time thinking of a solution. However, Kotlin has more laconic constructions, which allow a developer to type less code.

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java vs kotlin presentation

Finding a solution to a task in Kotlin requires more time than with Java, meaning that the language has a higher cognitive load. For an abstract thinker, Kotlin is the ideal choice.

Because the difference in coding speed between these languages is not sizable, the verdict for Kotlin vs. Java on coding speed is a draw.

Both Kotlin and Java compile to ByteCode, which runs on JVM, so it’s difficult to compare them in terms of memory usage. Therefore, measuring, tracking, and comparing their performance is hard.

With its extra features, Kotlin is more functional than Java. In addition, due to Kotlin’s Coroutines tool , it’s also easier to work with multi-threaded apps. However, Kotlin compiles and executes a little slower than Java, which is mainly due to its extensive number of features.

On the other hand, Java is simple and has fewer extra features than Kotlin, thereby compiling faster. Because the difference is only slight, the battle of Kotlin vs. Java based on performance is also a draw.

In terms of stability, we can see a significant difference between Java and Kotlin.

Java has been in the development scenario for quite a long time. There is long-term support for versions like Java 8 and Java 11, meaning that if anything goes wrong with these versions, developers can fix it with a patch. A developer can download various versions of Java with a free license.

Although Kotlin is also an established language, it is still younger than Java and has no versions with long-term support at the time of writing. Although both Java and Kotlin are considered stable languages, Java can ultimately be considered more stable.

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One major strength of Kotlin compared to Java is the use of the extension function, which allows a programmer to add additional functionality to a class. This is achieved by prefixing the name of the class and function.

In Kotlin, the variable specification data type is not required, while in Java, the variable data type is required. Declaring variable data type has some advantages, like easy identification of some types of error, optimizing memory, and increasing the speed of arithmetic processing. Therefore, Java wins the battle of data type.

In Kotlin, line breaks are used to format the code construct, while Java uses the semicolon to end a statement or declaration. As a result, the Kotlin coding convention is easier than the Java convention.

Easy deployment plays a crucial role in customer experience and satisfaction, facilitating the process of building, testing, and deploying new code, updates, and modules. Because Kotlin uses fewer lines of code, it’s easier to deploy and maintain a Kotlin application than Java.

Static members

The Java programming language has static members for its class, while Kotlin does not support the static keyword. Therefore, you can’t create static methods and static variables in the Kotlin programming language.

Although both Kotlin and Java provide plenty of documentation, it’s easier to find a tutorial for Java since it has been in use for a longer time. Java is often considered to be the most straightforward programming language to learn, and you can find its official documentation from Oracle .

On the other hand, although a comparatively young language, I believe Kotlin’s official documentation is sufficient to learn how to work with it, so this also ends in a draw.

According to data from Google Trends , Java peaks the interest of developers more than Kotlin. Although Java has experienced several ups and downs, the popularity of the language stays ahead of Kotlin by a long shot.

The major reasons for this include Java’s long lifespan as well as the simplicity and resources for getting started with Java.

However, Google’s efforts have helped in Kotlin’s adoption and usage, for example, catapulting Kotlin to the fourth spot for most loved programming language in the Stack Overflow 2020 developer survey.

Kotlin originated from Russia, therefore, a noteworthy percentage of Russian developers have opted for Kotlin, forming the core of the Kotlin community. Even so, the Kotlin community is around 20 times smaller than Java’s, and more developers are still inclined to using Java.

A distinct part of the developer community for Java originates from India. India has a large population of junior developers, and Java is fairly simple to learn, so many students begin learning with Java. This trend extends beyond India as well, with junior developers across the world beginning their education with Java.

According to the latest Developer Survey from StackOverflow at the time of writing, Kotlin is one of the most popular technologies, with around eight percent of professional developers choosing Kotlin. While it is ranking highly in Google Trends, Java failed to make it on the list.

Although Java is on the list of the most-loved technologies with around 44.1 percent of developers expressing interest in continuing to develop with it, Kotlin surges ahead with 62.9 percent.

Incidentally, Kotlin brings more money to developers with a revenue of $55k per year in comparison to $50k for Java. For these reasons, Kotlin wins the battle of the talent pool.

While Java and Kotlin both have ample documentation, Kotlin has a smoother learning curve. Java requires writing more code than Kotlin to resolve a task, but the programming language has been in the development scenario for a longer amount of time and has a stronger community, so a beginner can find necessary documentation and help more easily.

Kotlin, on the other hand, requires more cognitive investments in learning than Java. However, it requires less code overall, making it apt for experienced developers or visual learners. Therefore, the winner for learning curve is Kotlin.

Choosing between Kotlin and Java is hard. While both languages are similar, they are best suited for different tasks.

On one side, Java is a universal language. Primarily, Java was used for developing Android applications, but it’s become an ideal choice for big data, ecommerce, and enterprise systems. Companies like Netflix, AppleTV, Hybris, and ATG all use this technology.

On the other hand, Kotlin is a fast emerging language that provides developers with the opportunity to experiment with the latest modern programming paradigms in Android development. Therefore, Kotlin is a better choice for developing modern-day Android apps. Almost every app in the Google Play store is based on Kotlin, which serves as a base for writing microservices. Companies like Pinterest, Trello, Coursera, and Evernote use Kotlin, to name just a few.

In the end, the choice of the language depends upon the developer and the project. If you’re a beginner, consider going for Java. If you’re a cognitive thinker who prefers writing less code, Kotlin is the ideal choice. I hope you enjoyed this article, and happy coding!

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Kotlin vs Java: the 12 differences you should know

Mariana Berga

Which is better Kotlin or Java? Kotlin and Java are popular for Android development, each with unique advantages. Java is well-established with a vast ecosystem, making it reliable for various platforms, especially legacy systems. Kotlin offers a modern, concise syntax, reducing boilerplate and bugs, and is favoured by Google for Android development. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on the project needs and developer preference. Kotlin is ideal for new projects seeking efficient development, while Java suits projects needing robust stability.

This article seeks to explain the 12 main differences between both programming languages. Afterward, we'll discuss whether Kotlin is or not better than Java and highlight the main reasons.

Table of Contents

What is Java? What is Kotlin? Why are we comparing Kotlin and Java? Kotlin vs Java: key differences     ➤   1. Null Safety     ➤   2. Extension Functions     ➤   3. Code     ➤   4. Coroutines Support     ➤   5. Data Classes     ➤   6. Smart Casts     ➤   7. Checked Exceptions     ➤   8. Functional Programming: Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas     ➤   9. Primitive types     ➤   10. Public Fields     ➤   11. Wildcard Types     ➤   12. Implicit conversions Kotlin vs Java: comparison table Kotlin vs Java: which is better? Conclusion

What is Java?

Java was launched in 1995 and developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which in 2009 was acquired by Oracle). It is an open-source , general-purpose , object-oriented programming language . As a multiplatform language , Java works on almost any device, operating system, and server. In addition, since it is compiled to bytecode, it can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Moreover, Java is statically typed, performing type checking during compile time. In fact, Java's syntax shares some similarities with C and C++ but provides fewer lower-level facilities.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is much younger than Java, since it was first introduced in 2016. It's an open-source language that can also compile code to bytecode and run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) , enabling it to work on almost any platform. Plus, libraries and frameworks made in Java are also compatible to operate in a Kotlin project.

Inspired by Java, Kotlin aims to express an improved version that is cleaner, simpler, faster to compile, and entails a mix of object-oriented and functional programming .

Why are we comparing Kotlin and Java?

As mentioned, Java is a general-purpose language, and together with JavaScript and Python , it is among the most popular languages in the world. Kotlin is not yet fighting for that podium, but it has been a tough competitor when it comes to Android development .

One year after its launch, in 2017, Google recognized Kotlin as their second official language for Android development. In 2019, Kotlin was declared as the favored programming language for Android applications at Google . Consequently, it underwent incredible growth.

Kotlin vs Java: key differences

Now that we have a bit of context, you might wonder how Kotlin's growth impacts Java. Will Kotlin replace it? The answer is not that simple. There are a lot of mixed opinions on this subject. To understand both sides of the debates, let's first take a close look at their differences.

1. Null Safety

The famous NullPointerExceptions in Java gives quite a headache. The idea behind NullPointerExceptions is that it enables users to attribute a null value to any variable . Yet, suppose users attempt to use an object reference that happens to have a null value. In that case, Java's NullPointerExceptions comes into play and opens an exception that developers need to handle.

In contrast, in Kotlin, it is not possible to attribute null values to variables or objects by default. If we try to do so, the code will fail at compile time. Therefore, there are no NullPointerExceptions in Kotlin . However, if the developer wishes to assign a null value, it is possible to mark the variable in question as nullable explicitly. To do so, one must add a question mark:

val number: Int? = null

2. Extension Functions

Unlike Java, Kotlin allows the developer to extend the functionality of classes without necessarily having to inherit from a class. To perform the extension function in Kotlin, the developer must prefix the name of the class (that will be extended) to the name of the function created by using the '.' notation.

In Java, to extend the functionality of an existing class, one must create a new class and inherit the functions from the parent class. In other words, the extension function is not available.

One of the key differences between Kotlin and Java is that Kotlin requires way less code. It is a very concise language, which reduces the chances of making errors and simplifies the developers' work.

Overall, Kotlin's brevity makes it more manageable to write large projects considering that it typically requires fewer lines of programming than Java to write the exact same functions. Plus, it knows how to keep it short and straight to the point without compromising syntax's readability.

4. Coroutines Support

In Android, by default, components that belong to the same application run in the same process and thread, typically referred to as the main thread and responsible for the UI . Network I/O and CPU-intensive operations are considered lengthy. When either one of these operations is initiated, the respective calling thread is blocked until the entire operation is completed.

To avoid complications on the main thread, Java enables the creation of multiple background threads when handling lengthy operations. The downside is that managing multiple threads is a complex task that may lead to more errors in the code.

Similarly, Kotlin also provides the capability to create multiple threads. Nonetheless, it introduces a better and more straightforward solution: coroutines .

How do coroutines work? Well, coroutines are stackless and allow the developer to write code, suspend the execution and later resume it again. This enables non-blocking asynchronous code that seems synchronous. Hence, instead of creating multiple threads that the developer must handle later, coroutines avoid having too many threads. Plus, they are clearer and more concise than Java's solution.

5. Data Classes

On the one hand, in Java, developers need to establish the fields (or variables) to store the data, the constructor, and the getter and setter functions for the fields/variables, as well as other functions, such as the hashCode() , equals() , and toString() .

Truth be told, these classes are mainly intended to store data and have zero (or very little, at most) functionality.

On the other hand, Kotlin provides a more straightforward way to create classes to hold data by simply including the "data'' keyword in the class definition. Then the compiler will auto-generate the constructor and the getter and setter functions for several fields/variables.

6. Smart Casts

In order to cast an object in Java, the developer must check the variables' type in consonance to the operation.

In Kotlin, the casting checks are handled by the smart casts feature . Kotlin's intelligent compiler automatically manages redundant casts (with stable values) via the "is-checks" keyword.

7. Checked Exceptions

Checked exceptions are not available on Kotlin. Thus, Kotlin doesn't require to catch or declare exceptions. Is this a good thing? Well, it depends.

Java developers have checked exceptions support. Hence, they must catch and declare exceptions. On the one hand, this can be frustrating and time-consuming. But, on the other hand, it ensures robust code and that errors are being handled. So, checked exceptions support has its pros and cons. Ultimately, it depends on what each developer prioritizes the most.

8. Functional Programming: Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Kotlin is a mix of object-oriented and functional programming.

Functional programming is a declarative style of programming that handles computations based on mathematical functions. High-order functions and lambda expressions are (some) functional programming concepts.

The first one indicates that functions should be considered first-class. Thus, Kotlin can make the most out of various function types to represent functions. In other words, it is possible to operate functions in a variety of ways.

Furthermore, it is also possible to use lambda expressions or anonymous functions with Kotlin. These are considered a "functional literal". Hence, it represents a function that is not declared and immediately passes as an expression.

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Contrarily, Java is more limited to the concept of object-oriented programming. However, it has been taking some steps toward functional programming too. Since Java 8, in 2014, Java has introduced lambda expressions , which is a function that can be created without necessarily belonging to a class. In fact, lambda expressions in Java are able to be passed as objects and can be executed on demand.

Further, with the introduction of lambda expressions, Java also started supporting high-order functions. Java associates a function with a method, and Java 8 enabled lambda's return from methods.

9. Primitive types

In Java, variables of a primitive type are not objects ; they are predefined Java's data types. Java has eight different primitive data types: int, byte, short, double, float, boolean, char, and long. Consequently, these variables cannot be an object represented from a struct or a class.

Even though primitive types are not classes, you can use classes that can wrap a value of the primitive type. To do so using Java, the developer must indicate it explicitly.

In contrast, in Kotlin, as soon as you initiate a variable of a primitive type, it will be automatically considered an object .

10. Public Fields

Public fields (also known as non-private fields) are available in Java. They can be pretty convenient in case the callers of an object require to modify according to the representation of that same object since it enables the developer to change the representation of an object without needing to adjust the callers. This way, the fields can be public; thus, the public API remains unchanged, and the program can sustain a level of maintainability.

In contrast, Kotlin does not have public fields.

11. Wildcard Types

Typically, a question mark (?) in code is considered a wildcard, which suggests an unknown type (of variable, field, or parameter).

Unlike Java, Kotlin does not provide wildcards . Instead, it has a declaration-site variance and type projections, which serve as an alternative.

12. Implicit conversions

On the one hand, Kotlin does not provide support for implicit widening conversions. Therefore, smaller types cannot be converted to bigger types. To overcome this, Kotlin developers must execute an explicit conversion to achieve the desired type conversion.

On the other hand, Java supports implicit conversions , meaning the developers do not need to perform explicit conversions.

Kotlin vs Java: comparison table

Kotlin vs java: which is better.

Kotlin vs Java, which is better? Both have their strengths. Kotlin is more modern, with concise syntax and null safety, and is officially supported by Google for Android development. Java, however, has a larger ecosystem, mature tools and libraries. "Better" depends on your project needs.

But first and foremost, despite their differences, both Java and Kotlin compile to bytecode . Therefore, you can easily call Kotlin code to Java or the other way around, which allows both languages to be used in the same development project .

As we have explained, Kotlin does offer numerous advantages regarding Android development, but is Kotlin better than Java ? Well, it does have some benefits over its competitor:

  • Requires less code
  • Deployment is lightweight and faster to compile
  • Supports coroutines
  • It is compatible with Java's libraries and frameworks
  • No more NullPointerException

Nonetheless, let's not forget that Java also has its own benefits:

  • Robust coding
  • Multiplatform that supports almost any server, operating system, or device
  • Android itself is built on Java
  • It has been around for longer; thus, it has a bigger community and documentation, as well as an extensive ecosystem with plenty of libraries and tools

Now that we have highlighted each language's benefits, it is even harder to choose between Kotlin and Java, right? Well, let's try to take a pragmatic look.

Kotlin has been emerging as the new Android language . Its success comes from the fact that it introduces vital features that are making developers' life a lot easier, such as extension functions, lambda expressions and high-order functions, coroutines, and no NullPointerExceptions .

These are just some of the features that make it safe to affirm that, yes, Kotlin is better than Java for Android development and is likely to dominate in the future.

Is Kotlin Replacing Java? Everything seems to be moving toward Kotlin, and the new development tools that are rising know it! However, Java still has a lot of value and should not be neglected.

For general-purpose programming, Java still got it. Even for Android development, it remains an excellent language, and it is entirely understandable why some developers choose it.

Truth be told, it also depends on what languages the development team is using and which programming language feels more comfortable. These are all valid concerns. Plus, Java has been one of the most popular languages for years, so the chances of being entirely replaced soon are low.

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For Android development, Kotlin seems to be the best option at the moment. Many companies and developers are adopting it, and the language will most likely continue to grow.

However, Java remains an excellent general-purpose language. It has been Android's favorite for a long time, so it will not be that quickly replaced.

In conclusion, the debate over which language is better is not straightforward and will probably result in exciting discussions. Moreover, there are more aspects to consider than only the languages' differences, such as the language the companies are using and how comfortable developers feel with Kotlin or Java.

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Kotlin vs. Java: Which programming language should you learn?

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In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, programming stands as a cornerstone of innovation and progress. With the advancement in technology, our ability to understand and write code enables us to create solutions to complex problems. Moreover, it’s generally agreed that the global economy is driven by digitalization, so proficiency in programming opens doors to diverse career opportunities. It’s not uncommon to see people with noncomputing backgrounds learning programming because they want to develop something by themselves according to the idea they have in their minds.

In this blog, we’ll understand the basic concepts of Java and Kotlin and learn which language to use in any scenario. We’ll also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each language.

Java language

Java is a high-level, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. The major intention behind its invention was to have a language whose compiled code could be run on any platform without the compilation that’s usually required. It was released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Programs written in Java are compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying architecture. It’s one of the most popular programming languages according to the  TIOBE index TIOBE.2023. "TIOBE Index- TIOBE The Software Quality Company. . 2023 . . Its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, facilitated by the JVM, enables Java code to be executed seamlessly across various platforms without the need for recompilation.

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Charles Campbell

Posted on Aug 7, 2023

Kotlin vs Java: A Comprehensive Comparison

Kotlin and Java are two popular programming languages that are widely used in the industry. While Java has been a long-standing powerhouse, Kotlin emerged as a modern alternative that sought to address some of Java's limitations. In this article, I'll compare Kotlin and Java across various dimensions to help you understand their similarities, differences, and strengths.

Syntax and Readability

One of the most noticeable differences between Kotlin and Java is in the syntax. Kotlin offers a more concise and expressive syntax compared to Java. It eliminates boilerplate code, reduces verbosity, and enhances readability. Kotlin's modern syntax includes features like type inference, nullable types, lambda expressions, and extension functions, making code more compact and elegant. Java, on the other hand, has a more verbose syntax and requires explicit type declarations in most cases.

Null Safety

Null pointer exceptions (NPEs) have plagued Java developers for years. Kotlin addresses this issue by introducing a type system that differentiates between nullable and non-nullable types. With Kotlin's null safety features, developers are forced to handle nullable types explicitly, significantly reducing the risk of NPEs. In Java, null references are pervasive, and developers need to handle them manually, leading to potential bugs and crashes.


Java and Kotlin are fully interoperable, allowing developers to mix both languages in the same project seamlessly. Kotlin code can call Java code and vice versa without any issues. This means that developers can leverage existing Java libraries, frameworks, and tools while gradually introducing Kotlin into their codebase. The compatibility between the two languages makes it easier for teams to adopt Kotlin gradually and migrate existing Java projects to Kotlin.


Both Kotlin and Java are statically-typed languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Therefore, their performance is comparable, as they leverage the same underlying runtime environment. The execution speed and efficiency of the code primarily depend on how well it is written and optimized, rather than the choice of language. Thus, there is no significant performance advantage in choosing one language over the other.

Tooling and Ecosystem

Java has a mature and extensive ecosystem with a vast collection of libraries, frameworks, and tools. It has been around for decades and powers numerous enterprise-level applications. Kotlin, being a relatively newer language, has a smaller ecosystem but is rapidly growing. Many popular Java libraries and frameworks are Kotlin-friendly, and the Kotlin community actively contributes to building libraries specific to the language. The tooling support for both languages is excellent, with robust IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA providing support for Kotlin and Java development.

Learning Curve

For developers familiar with Java, learning Kotlin is generally straightforward. Kotlin builds upon Java's concepts and adds new features, making it easier to transition from Java to Kotlin. The cleaner syntax, enhanced null safety, and functional programming constructs may require some learning, but the overall transition is relatively smooth. However, developers new to Java or programming in general might find Java's syntax and concepts more daunting initially.

Kotlin's functional features simplify common tasks, promoting concise and expressive code.

In conclusion, Kotlin and Java are powerful programming languages with their own strengths and characteristics. Kotlin offers a more concise syntax, improved null safety, and better expressiveness, making it an attractive choice for modern software development. Java, on the other hand, boasts a mature ecosystem, extensive tooling, and widespread adoption in enterprise environments. The choice between Kotlin and Java ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the project, the existing codebase, and the preferences and skill set of the development team. Both languages have their merits, and understanding their differences empowers developers to make informed decisions based on the context at hand.

Top comments (3)


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  • Location Cape Town, South Africa
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A harder thing to learn is how to leverage idiomatic Kotlin for things. For example:

Handling of null:

Instead of:

Or when and how to use things, such as:

These things are where Kotlin in my eyes out shines Java.

khmarbaise profile image

  • Location Germany
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  • Joined Jun 24, 2017

It's interesting that all of such comparisons using Java from 2011 (JDK7)...

Create a sum at times of Java 7(2011) and before:

So the Kotlin as well as the Java version are wrong because the return type is only int which is not sufficient for a sum of integers and even a long might not be sufficient, but that's a different story:

Ok let's switch to the present(2014+; JDK8+): Variant 1:

or another variant:

The other one to define a main method:

And by the way JDK 21 ( ) will release in September; already has a preview ( ) where such thing looks like this:

My assumption is that this will become in JDK 22 default.. but we will see..

So the next one, as mentioned before JDK7 and before (2011!).

Ok back to the present (JDK8 and 2014+):

and another level of improvement with JDK16 (

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As others pointed out, this article forgot Java has a Stream API since Java 8. For a more meaningful comparison, I wrote this post: Java and Kotlin: a practical comparison It's incomplete. I have many ideas for upcoming posts.

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Kotlin Help

Comparison to java, some java issues addressed in kotlin.

Kotlin fixes a series of issues that Java suffers from:

Null references are controlled by the type system .

No raw types

Arrays in Kotlin are invariant

Kotlin has proper function types , as opposed to Java's SAM-conversions

Use-site variance without wildcards

Kotlin does not have checked exceptions

Separate interfaces for read-only and mutable collections

What Java has that Kotlin does not

Checked exceptions

Primitive types that are not classes. The byte-code uses primitives where possible, but they are not explicitly available.

Static members are replaced with companion objects , top-level functions , extension functions , or @JvmStatic .

Wildcard-types are replaced with declaration-site variance and type projections .

Ternary-operator a ? b : c is replaced with if expression .

Pattern Matching

package-private visibility modifier

What Kotlin has that Java does not

Lambda expressions + Inline functions = performant custom control structures

Extension functions


Smart casts ( Java 16 : Pattern Matching for instanceof )

String templates ( Java 21 : String Templates (Preview) )

Primary constructors

First-class delegation

Type inference for variable and property types ( Java 10 : Local-Variable Type Inference )

Declaration-site variance & Type projections

Range expressions

Operator overloading

Companion objects

Data classes

Top-level functions

Default arguments

Named parameters

Infix functions

Expect and actual declarations

Explicit API mode and better control of API surface

What's next?

Learn how to:

Perform typical tasks with strings in Java and Kotlin .

Perform typical tasks with collections in Java and Kotlin .

Handle nullability in Java and Kotlin .

Kotlin vs Java for Mobile and Web Development

An image showing kotlin vs java in web and mobile development

When starting a new project, choosing a programming language is one of the most critical things to consider. Your choice plays a vital role in your application’s efficiency, scalability, maintenance, and overall performance.

Two languages that stand out in web and mobile development are Kotlin  and Java . They’re widely used, versatile, robust, object-oriented languages that can serve as a solid foundation for your development needs.

This article highlights the similarities and differences between Kotlin and Java, their benefits and limitations, and some use cases to help you decide which language to choose for your projects.

What Is Java?

Java  is a high-level, object-oriented programming language (OOP). In other words, everything in Java is organized by classes and objects. It’s also platform-independent, meaning you can write your code once and run it on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Its ability to handle large-scale workloads has made Java a reliable choice for web and application development. Many organizations, including Google, Uber, and Airbnb , use Java in their tech stacks.

Java boasts a prominent and engaging developer community that provides open-source projects and learning resources. By working with Java, you can access a broad selection of libraries, frameworks, and other tools the community maintains.

What Is Kotlin?

Kotlin  is an open-source, modern, statically typed programming language initially designed to be compatible with a JVM. However, Kotlin has expanded its capabilities to support other environments, such as web browsers. It also embraces both functional and OOP concepts.

Kotlin addresses Java’s limitations, making it a more concise, expressive, and safe language. Kotlin is also interoperable with Java so you can use it with existing Java code and libraries.

In 2017, Google announced Kotlin as the official language  for Android development, leading to the widespread adoption of Kotlin among Android developers.

A critical feature Kotlin provides is Kotlin/JS, which allows you to compile Kotlin code into JavaScript . This feature enables you to combine the unique features of Kotlin with popular JavaScript libraries  for web development.

Kotlin and Java Compared

Now that you have a high-level overview of the two languages, this section looks at how Kotlin and Java differ from each other and their similarities.

Syntax and Language

Java is verbose. Since it doesn’t support type inference, you must indicate the data and return types of variables and methods. Additionally, Java code often resides in classes, leading to more boilerplate code.

The snippet below shows the lines of code needed to create a simple “Hello, world” program in Java:

Kotlin, on the other hand, is more concise. It eliminates much of the boilerplate present in Java by introducing features such as type inference, smart casts, data classes, and null safety.

The following snippet is the equivalent of the “Hello, world” program in Kotlin and demonstrates its concision compared to Java:

In Kotlin, variables are non-nullable by default unless you explicitly mark them as nullable using the ?  operator. By contrast, if you can assign null  to any variable in Java, it makes it prone to null pointer exceptions.

Kotlin and Java handle concurrency differently. While Java provides Thread  and Executor  for concurrent tasks, Kotlin uses coroutines and suspending functions, allowing you to perform asynchronous tasks sequentially.

It’s also worth noting that, unlike Java, semicolons are optional in Kotlin. Kotlin also provides other distinctive features, such as sealed classes, singletons, inline functions, and functional programming.

Performance and Efficiency

Kotlin generally compiles into the same JVM bytecode as Java, so the difference in performance between both languages in production applications is usually negligible. However, Kotlin slightly outperforms Java in some areas due to its more concise syntax and modern features, such as inline functions.

Interoperability and Compatibility

As Java has a mature ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, it supports different databases, including Oracle, MySQL , and PostgreSQL . It also provides several frameworks for web development, like Spring , Jakarta Server Pages, formerly JavaServer Pages (JSP) , and Jakarta Faces, formerly Jakarta Server Faces and JavaServer Faces (JSF) .

Kotlin, on the other hand, is entirely interoperable with Java allowing you to call Java code from Kotlin  and vice-versa . Consequently, you can integrate the abundant collection of Java libraries in your Kotlin projects.

Similarly, with Kotlin/JS, you can leverage various JavaScript frameworks and libraries , such as React.js  and Vue.js  for web development.

Use Cases for Kotlin and Java

You can use Kotlin and Java for a wide range of web and app development projects, as outlined in the following sections.

Java Use Cases

Java is a great option for the following use cases:

  • Legacy codebases — Developers often use Java to maintain legacy codebases, particularly enterprise and legacy Android applications.
  • Projects dependent on Java frameworks  — Java has extensive libraries and frameworks that cut across different domains. You can integrate existing Java libraries to simplify development tasks.
  • Web development  — Java offers several frameworks well-suited for web development, including JSF, JSP, and Spring.
  • Teams with extensive Java experience  — Experienced teams can leverage their knowledge of Java to deliver high-quality applications quickly.

Kotlin Use Cases

The following use cases can benefit from using Kotlin:

  • New Android projects  — Since Kotlin is the official recommended language for Android development, newer Android libraries like Jetpack Compose  are only available there. So, consider using Kotlin for your new Android projects.
  • Web development : With Kotlin/JS, you can use Kotlin for your frontend  web development projects and frameworks like Ktor  and Spring for your backend development needs.
  • Concise and readable code — Kotlin is best suited for projects prioritizing clean, concise, and readable code due to its expressive syntax.
  • Use of modern language features  — When developer productivity is a priority, Kotlin’s coding features, such as sound null safety, type inference, and data classes, make it your best choice.

Kotlin and Java in the Android and Web Ecosystem

Google’s first-class support of Kotlin for Android development has driven its widespread adoption. However, most of the Android SDK  supports libraries and legacy applications that are still in Java so that you can use both languages in the same codebase for Android development.

More developers and organizations are embracing Kotlin with Ktor and Kotlin/JS for web development. Nonetheless, Java still has the upper hand in this area thanks to its extensive, stable, and mature ecosystem of libraries and frameworks tailored for web development.

How To Pick the Right Language: Kotlin or Java

Although Kotlin and Java share several similarities, they address different problems and have different strengths.

Choosing the most appropriate language is dependent on various factors, including:

  • Project requirements — Evaluating your project’s needs helps you determine which language aligns the best with your project’s goals. For example, consider the target platform of your application. Java may be better suited for enterprise server applications, whereas Kotlin might be the better choice for applications aimed at the Android OS.
  • Team skill set — Your team’s expertise is essential to consider. If your team is already experienced with Java, using Java might be a more prudent option as they can leverage this knowledge instead of learning a new language and syntax.
  • Language features — Assessing each language’s features helps you understand which language aligns better with your development needs. For instance, Kotlin supports null safety, which minimizes the risk of runtime errors, unlike Java, which is prone to null-related exceptions.
  • Language establishment and stability — Considering the level of establishment and stability of each language is vital, as these factors can significantly impact the success and longevity of your project. Java, with its decades-long history and proven reliability, is a solid choice for projects that demand a dependable platform. Kotlin, while innovative and agile, may introduce more frequent changes, making Java the preferred option for projects requiring long-term stability and reliable performance.

Both Kotlin and Java are good choices for web and application development. Java has excellent community support and many community-maintained libraries. However, Java is verbose and doesn’t support modern language features like null safety. Comparatively, Kotlin is much more concise, interoperable with Java, and has a steadily growing community.

Also, while Java has primitive types, which you must explicitly define for variables and methods, Kotlin treats them as objects and can infer data types. Kotlin also provides different syntactic sugar, such as data classes, extension functions, smart casts, and operator overloading, making code expressive and maintainable.

Ultimately, choosing which language to use depends on your project requirements, your team’s experience, and the language with the features that align best with your project’s goals. You can experiment with both languages to determine which one suits your needs.

With Kinsta’s Application Hosting , you can deploy your Java and Kotlin projects in minutes. Benefit from a fast and secure infrastructure, deploying your projects on infrastructure built on Google Cloud Platform’s Premium Tier network and C2 machines. Choose between 21 data centers and an HTTP/3-enabled CDN with 260+ PoPs.

Stay secure with isolated container technology , two strong firewalls, and advanced Cloudflare-powered DDoS protection. And you can integrate apps or automate workflows with the Kinsta API .

java vs kotlin presentation

I'm the Editorial Team Lead at Kinsta. I'm a open source enthusiast and I love coding. With more than 7 years of technical writing and editing for the tech industry, I love collaborating with people to create clear and concise pieces of content and improve workflows.

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Kotlin VS Java – Which Programming Language Should You Learn in 2020?

Pramono Winata

It has been several years since Kotlin came out, and it has been doing well. Since it was created specifically to replace Java, Kotlin has naturally been compared with Java in many respects.

To help you decide which of the two languages you should pick up, I will compare some of the main features of each language so you can choose the one you want to learn.


These are the 8 points I'll discuss in this article:

Lambda Expressions

Null handling.

  • Model Classes

Global Variables

Concurrency, extension functions, syntax comparison.

To start it all let's do some basic syntax comparison. Many of you who are reading this might already have some knowledge about Java and/or Kotlin, but I will give out a basic example below so we can compare them directly:

The feel of the code isn't that different aside from some small syntax changes in the methods and classes.

But the real difference here is that Kotlin supports type inference where the variable type does not need to be declared. Also we don't need semicolons ( ; ) anymore.

We can also note that Kotlin does not strictly enforce OOP like Java where everything must be contained inside a class. Take a look at fun Age and fun main in the example where it is not contained inside any class.

Kotlin also typically has fewer lines of codes, whereas Java adheres more to a traditional approach of making everything verbose.

One advantage of Kotlin over Java is Kotlin's flexibility – it can choose to do everything in the traditional OOP approach or it can go a different way.

If we are talking about Java and Kotlin, of course we have to talk about the famous lambda expression. Kotlin has native Lambda support (and always has), while lambda was first introduced in Java 8.

Let's see how they both look.

In Java, the parentheses are more lenient: if only one parameter exists, there is no need for parenthesis. But in Kotlin brackets are always required. Overall, however, there are not many differences aside from syntax.

In my opinion, lambda functions won't be used much aside from using them as callback methods. Even though lambda functions have so many more uses, readability issues make it less desirable. They'll make your code shorter, but figuring out the code later will be much more difficult.

It's just a matter of preference, but I think it's helpful that Kotlin enforces the mandatory brackets to help with readability.

In an object oriented language, null type values have always been an issue. This issue comes in the form of a Null Pointer Exception (NPE) when you're trying to use the contents of a null value.

As NPEs have always been an issue, both Java and Kotlin have their own way of handling null objects, as I will show below.

For as long as I can remember, Java has been using traditional null checking which is prone to human error. Then Java 8 came out with optional classes which allow for more robust null checking, especially from the API/Server side.

Kotlin, on the other hand, provides null safety variables where the variable must be nullable if the value can be null.

I haven't really used optional class yet, but the mechanism and purpose seems pretty similar to Kotlin's null safety. Both help you identify which variable can be null and help you make sure the correct check is implemented.

Sometimes in code there might be just too many variables lying around and too many to check. But adding checking everywhere makes our code base ugly, and nobody likes that, right?  

In my opinion, though, using Java's optional feels a bit messy because of the amount of code that needs to be added for the checks. Meanwhile in Kotlin, you can just add a small amount of code to do null checking for you.

Model Class

Some people might also refer to this as the Entity class. Below you can see how both classes are used as model classes in each language.

In Java, properties are declared as private, following the practice of encapsulation. When accessing these properties, Java uses Getters and Setters, along with the isEqual or toString methods when needed.

On the Kotlin side, data classes are introduced for the special purpose of model classes. Data classes allow properties to be directly accessed. They also provide several in-built utility methods such as equals(), toString() and copy().

For me, data classes are one of the best things Kotlin offers. They aim to reduce the amount of the boilerplate code you need for regular model classes, and they do a really good job of that.


Sometimes your code might need a variable needs to be accessed everywhere in your code base. This is what global variables are used for. Kotlin and Java each have their own ways of handling this.

Some of you might already be familiar with the static keyword here since it's also used in some other language like C++. It's initialized at the start of a program's execution, and is used by Java to provide global variables since it is not contained as an Object. This means it can be accessed anywhere without initializing the class as an object.

Kotlin is using quite a different approach here: it removes the static keyword and replaces it with a companion object which is pretty similar to a singleton. It let's you implement fancy features such as extensions and interfacing.

The lack of the static keyword in Kotlin was actually quite surprising for me. You could argue that using the static keyword might not be a good practice because of its nature and because it's difficult to test. And sure, the Kotlin companion object can easily replace it.

Even then, using static for global variable should be simple enough. If we are careful with it and don't make it a habit of making every single thing global, we should be good.

The companion object might also give us some flexibility with interfacing and such, but how often will we ever be interfacing singleton classes?

I think static keywords help us keep things short and clean for global variables.

Nowadays, concurrency is a hot topic. Sometimes the ability of a programming language to run several jobs concurrently might help you decide if that will be your language of choice.

Let's take a look at how both languages approach this.

Java mostly uses threads to support concurrency. In Java, making a thread requires you to make a class that extends to the in-built Java thread class. The rest of its usage should be pretty straightforward.

While threads are also available in Kotlin, you should instead use its coroutines . Coroutines are basically light-weight threads that excel in short non-blocking tasks.

Concurrency has always been a hard concept to grasp (and also, to test). Threading has been used for a long time and some people might already been comfortable with that.

Coroutines have become more popular lately with languages like Kotlin and Go (Go similarly has goroutines). The concept differs slightly from traditional threads – coroutines are sequential while threads can work in parallel .

Trying out coroutines, though, should be pretty easy since Kotlin does a very good job explaining them in their docs .  And one bonus for Kotlin over Java is the amount of boilerplate code that can be removed in Kotlin.

You might be wondering why I'm bringing these up since Java itself doesn't even have this feature.

But I can't help but mention it, because extension functions are a very useful feature that was introduced in Kotlin.

They allow a class to have new functionality without extending it into the class or using any of the fancy Design Patterns.  It even lets you to add functionality to Kotlin variable classes.

You can practically say goodbye to those lib method that need you to pass everything inside your parameters.

Last but not least, let's talk about something non-technical. First, let's take a look at this survey showing top commonly used programming languages in 2020.


We can see that Java is one of the most commonly used languages. And while Kotlin is still rising a lot in popularity, the Java community still remains several times larger than Kotlin and it will probably not change anytime soon.

So what does that matter then? Actually it does matter, a lot. With the amount of people in the Java community, it's much easier to find references and get help when you need it, both on the Internet and in the real world.

Many companies are also still using Java as their base and it might not change anytime soon even with Kotlin's interoperability with Java. And usually, doing a migration just doesn't serve any business purpose unless the company has really really important reasons for it.

Wrapping up

For those just scrolling for the summary, here's what we discussed:

  • Syntax: the patterns don't differ that much aside from slight syntax differences, but Kotlin is more flexible in several aspects.
  • Lambda Expressions: the syntax is almost the same, but Kotlin uses curly brackets to help readability.
  • Null Handling: Java uses a class to help with null handling while Kotlin uses in-built null safety variables.
  • Model Classes: Java uses classes with private variables and setter / getter while Kotlin supports it with data classes.
  • Global Variables: Java uses the static keyword while Kotlin uses something akin to sub-classes.
  • Concurrency: Java uses multi-threading whereas Kotlin uses coroutines (which are generally lighter).
  • Extension Functions: a new feature introduced by Kotlin to easily give functionality into classes without extending it.
  • Community: Java still reigns supreme in the community aspect which makes it easier to learn and get help.


There are many more features we could compare between Java and Kotlin. But what I've discussed here are, in my opinion, some of the most important.

I think Kotlin is well worth picking up at the moment. From the development side it helps you remove long boilerplate code and keep everything clean and short. If you are already a Java programmer, learning Kotlin shouldn't be too hard and it's okay to take your time at it.

Thanks for reading! I hope that this article will help you decide which programming language you should pick, Java or Kotlin. And for anything that I'm missing, feel free to leave feedback for me as it will be very much appreciated.

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Java vs Kotlin: A Comparative Analysis for Android Development

In the realm of Android app development, the longstanding king, Java, has found a worthy adversary in the form of Kotlin. Introduced by JetBrains in 2011, Kotlin has been gaining significant popularity, leading to an increase in demand to hire Kotlin developers. This language gained official recognition from Google in 2017, allowing Android developers to write their applications in a language other than Java, marking a pivotal moment in Android development history. 

The arrival of Kotlin sparked a debate: which language should you choose for Android development, Kotlin or Java? The rising trend to hire Kotlin developers indicates its growing importance in the Android development landscape. However, is it the right choice for you or your project? Let’s delve into the key differences between the two languages, discuss their benefits and drawbacks, and provide some examples to help guide your decision-making process.

Java vs Kotlin: A Comparative Analysis for Android Development

History and Popularity 

Java has been a widely used language for over two decades. It gained prominence in the Android community as Google selected it as the official language for Android app development. Over the years, developers worldwide have used Java to build numerous feature-rich, reliable Android applications.

Kotlin, though relatively newer, is not a language to overlook. Its growth rate since gaining Google’s endorsement in 2017 has been nothing short of impressive. Kotlin’s enhanced efficiency and developer-friendly features have made it a go-to choice for many Android developers. 

Syntax and Learning Curve 

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language with a syntax similar to C and C++. While this syntax is straightforward for developers with a background in these languages, beginners may find it challenging to grasp. Consider the following example of a simple “Hello, World!” program:

Java requires a class definition, even for such a simple program. This verbosity might be a hurdle for beginners.

Kotlin, on the other hand, was designed to be an improvement on Java, maintaining interoperability with Java and the JVM. Kotlin’s syntax is simpler and more concise than Java’s. It removes much of the verbosity and redundancy that developers often critique in Java. Here’s how you write the same “Hello, World!” program in Kotlin:

Kotlin eliminates the need for a class definition for such a simple program, making it easier for beginners to understand. 

Null Safety 

One of the most common issues in Java is the dreaded NullPointerException. Java allows objects to be assigned null values, which, when accessed, can cause a system crash.

Kotlin tries to eliminate null pointer exceptions by distinguishing nullable and non-nullable types at compile-time. 

If you want to call a method or access a property on a nullable variable, you need to use the safe call operator `?.`

Java does not natively support adding new functions to existing classes (also known as extensions). However, developers can simulate this by creating a new class that inherits from the existing one.

In contrast, Kotlin allows for extension functions, which let you add new functions to existing classes without inheriting them.

This feature makes Kotlin’s code more expressive and easy to read.

Functional Programming

Both Kotlin and Java support functional programming, but the degree varies.

Java gained support for functional programming features like lambda expressions and streams with Java 8. This addition made it possible to write more expressive and compact code, especially when working with collections.

On the other hand, Kotlin offers superior support for functional programming with a variety of powerful built-in functions like `map`, `reduce`, `filter`, and more.

In Kotlin, functions are first-class citizens, which allows for higher-order functions, i.e., functions that can accept other functions as parameters and return functions.

Community and Resources

Java, with its long-standing history, has an extensive community and an enormous amount of learning resources, libraries, and frameworks.

Kotlin’s community, while smaller, is rapidly growing. Kotlin has the advantage of full interoperability with Java, which means developers can use all existing Java libraries and frameworks while enjoying Kotlin’s modern features.

Choosing between Kotlin and Java ultimately depends on your specific needs and familiarity with the languages. If you are a beginner or value simplicity and conciseness, Kotlin might be your best bet. Kotlin’s syntax is more straightforward, and it provides several features that simplify Android app development, like null safety and extension functions.

On the other hand, if you have a strong Java background or are working on a large existing Java codebase, it might make more sense to stick with Java. But remember, the software industry is shifting, and the trend to hire Kotlin developers is on the rise, hinting at Kotlin’s growing popularity.

The good news is that choosing one does not rule out the other. Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, meaning you can gradually introduce Kotlin into a Java codebase, or vice versa. This gradual introduction can be a perfect way to upskill your team or a convincing reason to hire Kotlin developers to diversify your team’s capabilities. This interoperability allows teams to reap the benefits of both languages, creating a flexible and productive development environment.

While Java has served us well for years, Kotlin, with its modern features and Google’s backing, seems set to become the new favorite for Android app development. Whether you’re looking to hire Kotlin developers or still prefer Java, it’s a good idea to become familiar with Kotlin. Its modern features could offer valuable additions to your Android app development toolkit, even if you continue to use Java for now.

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From Static to Dynamic: Harnessing Real-Time Data Sync with Kotlin & Firestore

From Static to Dynamic: Harnessing Real-Time Data Sync with Kotlin & Firestore

Unlocking Efficiency: Kotlin Scripting with Groovy Awesomeness

Unlocking Efficiency: Kotlin Scripting with Groovy Awesomeness

Kotlin + Voice Recognition: Your Path to Creating Future-Ready Apps

Kotlin + Voice Recognition: Your Path to Creating Future-Ready Apps


Java vs. Kotlin

Java vs. Kotlin

We’ll go over the fundamental differences between Java and Kotlin in this tutorial on the difference between Kotlin and Java. But first, let’s understand what Kotlin is before analyzing the differences between Kotlin and Java. as well as what Java is.

Let’s have a look at Kotlin first:

What exactly is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a Java Virtual Machine-compatible open-source programming language (JVM). You can use the language on a variety of systems.

It’s a language that blends Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) with functional programming in a platform that’s unlimited, self-contained, and unique.

Kotlin is a new programming language developed by IDE Jet Brains programmers with certain current features. It is an open-source language initially surfaced in 2011 and was officially released in 2016. Kotlin is a statically typed programming language similar to Java and C++ that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Kotlin has a low learning curve and is entirely compatible with existing Java stacks. It’s simple to go from Java to Kotlin because we only need to install a plugin. Still, you can also turn it into JavaScript, Android, and Native for use on iOS. During the Google I/O keynote, it was revealed that Kotlin would be made an official supported language for Android app development.

Kotlin’s History

The following are significant milestones in Kotlin’s history:

  • Kotlin v1.0 was released in 2016.
  • In 2017, Google announced first-class support for Kotlin in Android.
  • Coroutines for asynchronous programming were introduced in Kotlin v1.3. The latter was released in 2018.
  • Kotlin was announced as Google’s recommended programming language for Android app developers in 2019.

Kotlin’s Characteristics

Here are some of Kotlin’s key characteristics.

  • Trimmed Coding is available.
  • Kotlin makes use of the JVM, which combines the benefits of OOPs and functional programming.
  • Allows for quick compilation.
  • Without modifying the code, Kotlin can support a variety of extension functions.
  • You can use an IDE or the command-line interface to write Kotlin code.
  • Smart feature casting can help you save money on your app while also improving its speed and efficiency.

The following are the additional features of the Kotlin programming language that nobody is ever going to tell your:

  • It necessitates less code. Because Kotlin is less verbose than Java, any block of code written is substantially smaller. As a result, “less code equals fewer errors,” as well as less time spent on project scheduling and cost savings.
  • It Is Safe NullPointerException is not a problem in Kotlin since all null situations in the code are flagged at compilation time. Users must tell the language that an object can be null and double-check the nullity before using it. Data loss and problems are less likely to use Kotlin.
  • It’s Simple to Understand One among many of the most appealing features of Kotlin is that a Java developer may understand the majority of the code without having written a single line of Kotlin code.
  • It’s a Pleasure to Use Although this is a highly subjective opinion, Kotlin is fun to use while discussing Kotlin vs. Java. On the other hand, Java bores users with its limits and boilerplate, and users regularly face errors as a result of its design flaws.
  • Ingenious Casts The Kotlin compiler is clever when it comes to casts. In many circumstances, explicit cast operators are not required in Kotlin. Still, when comparing Kotlin to Java Android, Kotlin has “is-checks” for immutable values and automatically inserts cast when needed.
  • Inference of Type When comparing the performance of Kotlin vs. Java, one advantage of Kotlin is that you don’t have to specify the type of each variable manually (in a clear and detailed manner). However, if you wish to declare a data type explicitly, you can do so.
  • Functional Programming In terms of Kotlin vs. Java, the most fundamental distinction is that Kotlin is a functional programming language. Higher-order functions, lambda expressions, operator overloading, lazy evaluation, operator overloading, and much more are among the many valuable methods in Kotlin.

Kotlin’s Benefits

The following are lists of the advantages and disadvantages of Kotlin that we felt as outstanding and worth your attention:

  • It is possible to extract one common codebase that targets all of them simultaneously using the Kotlin Multiplatform framework.
  • Null safety support is incorporated into Kotlin, a lifesaver, especially on Android, littered with archaic Java-style APIs.
  • There is minimal room for errors because it is more concise and expressive than Java.
  • Provides specific standards in coding that are both user-friendly and intelligible.
  • Large apps are divided into more minor levels.
  • Many function types and specific language constructs, such as lambda expressions, are used.
  • It aids developers in the creation of extension functions.
  • It also creates data classes in a straightforward and practically automated manner.
  • It’s incredibly easy to both write and read because Kotlin as a language is statically typed language.
  • Java data can be interchanged in various ways in the Kotlin language as well as having various diverse uses.
  • The process of writing novel code in Kotlin will take less time.
  • Kotlin code is much easier to deploy and maintain at scale.

Kotlin’s disadvantages

The following are some of the disadvantages of utilizing Kotlin:

  • Because it is a small developer community, it lacks instructional materials and expert assistance.
  • Checked exceptions, which can lead to mistakes, aren’t available in Java.
  • Because Kotlin is a highly declarative language, it can occasionally assist you in generating large quantities of boilerplate in equivalent JVM bytecode.

What exactly is Java?

Java is a stylistic programming language with various outstanding features like object-oriented, network-centric, and multi-platform. You will find Java among the frequently used languages in the current market. Sun Microsystem was first released in 1995 and used as a computing platform. Oracle Corporation later purchased it.

We must utilize Java applets inserted as a plugin, which is not recommended to run a Java program in the browser. As a result, Java is primarily employed in creating standalone apps or back-end systems. James Gosling made Java, and OpenJDK was the most popular implementation. Because Android is developed in Java, most developers prefer Android application development.

JAVA’s Background

In the history of the Java programming language, there are various significant dates that we wish to draw your attention to in this section.

Oak was a colossal flop. It was initially designed to handle portable devices and set-top boxes. Instead, OAK was the original name for the Java programming language.

Sun renamed the language “Java” in 1995 and tweaked it to capitalize on the developing www (World Wide Web) development industry. Oracle Corporation later purchased Sun Microsystems in 2009, gaining control of three core Sun software assets: Java, MySQL, and Solaris.

Java’s Features

The following are some of Java’s most important features.

  • Create a single piece of code that you can run on practically any computing platform.
  • It is intended for the development of object-oriented applications.
  • It’s a multi-threaded language with memory management built-in.
  • Because it is network-centric, it facilitates distributed computing.

Java’s Advantages

Java has various successes and drawbacks, as is any other programming language. We highlight some of them below. First, we examine the successes.

  • Exceptions that have been checked to improve error detection and resolution
  • There is extensive documentation available.
  • There is a vast pool of experienced developers available.
  • A large number of third-party libraries are available.
  • It enables you to create standard programs and code that you can easily reuse.
  • It’s a multi-threaded environment that lets you run multiple programs at the same time.
  • Outstanding performance
  • Libraries that are simple to navigate

Java’s disadvantages

The following are some of Java’s drawbacks:

  • Because of many constraints, it’s not very ideal for Android API design.
  • Java is endowed with lots of memory and processing power. It necessitates a significant amount of manual labor, which increases the number of potential errors.
  • The JIT compiler makes the software run slowly.
  • Low-level programming constructs such as pointers are not supported.
  • You have no control over trash collection since Java lacks deleting() and free() capabilities.

Key differences between Kotlin and Java

  • While Java is limited to object-oriented programming, Kotlin integrates object-oriented and functional programming characteristics.
  • Kotlin allows users to develop their extension functions, but Java does not.
  • Implicit conversions are not available in Kotlin; however, they are available in Java.
  • In Kotlin, null variables or objects do not exist; yet, null variables and objects are part of the Java language.
  • Kotlin does not support members that are static though these are supported in Java.
  • Variables of a primitive type in Kotlin are objects, whereas variables of a primitive type in Java are objects. Primitive type variables aren’t objects.
  • Lambda Expression is supported in Kotlin but not supported in Java. (In Java 8, lambda expressions are added.)
  • Variable datatype requirements are not required in Kotlin. Varying datatype specifications are necessary for Java.
  • Variable datatype specifications are not required in Kotlin, but they are needed in Java.
  • Semicolons are not required in Kotlin programs, but they are necessary for Java programs.
  • Because Kotlin has language scripting capabilities, you can use it directly in your Gradle build scripts, whereas Java does not.

Head-Head differentiates between Kotlin and Java

The following are the differences between Kotlin and Java.

Which is the better option: Kotlin or Java?

When you consider the flaws in Java, particularly the problem with NullPointerExceptions, Kotlin appears to be the superior language. Although the Android OS is based on Java, it is still an essential language for Android app development. On the other hand, it would be of great benefit to continuously engage developers in Kotlin to ensure that your current and future android applications are future-proof.

Java is a computer language that focuses on objects. Java programs and applications operate in a JVM (Java virtual machine), which allows us to run the same program on many platforms, systems, and devices. On the other hand, Kotlin is a brand-new programming language with several cutting-edge capabilities. In addition to being a statically typed programming language, Kotlin is also a dynamically typed language. In addition, Kotlin is a fantastic choice for server-side application development since it allows users to write concise and expressive code.

After reading this Java vs. Kotlin post, we hope you understand these two languages better. Even if Java offers a few advantages over Kotlin, we can proceed with Kotlin for Android application development without worrying about the compilation time.

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Java vs Kotlin

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Table of Contents


Java: the steady veteran, kotlin: the rising star, java vs kotlin: a side-by-side comparison, null safety, extension functions, boilerplate code, tips and tricks.

  • Java has been around for more than 25 years and is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Its robustness, simplicity, and platform-independent nature have made it the go-to language for a plethora of applications, including Android development.
  • Java follows the object-oriented programming paradigm, offering facilities such as inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction.
  • Java's syntax is verbose, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it offers clarity and predictability. On the other hand, it requires more lines of code to accomplish the same task, compared to more modern languages.
  • Kotlin is a statically-typed, modern programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is fully interoperable with Java, meaning you can use Java libraries and frameworks in Kotlin and vice versa.
  • One of Kotlin's primary advantages is its concise and expressive syntax, which reduces boilerplate code and makes the code more readable.
  • Kotlin also introduces several advanced features not available in Java, such as null safety, extension functions, and coroutines for asynchronous programming.
  • In Java, the infamous NullPointerException is a common source of bugs. Kotlin, however, has built-in null safety. This means that variable types explicitly state whether they can hold null values or not, effectively eliminating the NullPointerException.
  • Java does not support extension functions, which allow developers to extend a class with new functionality without inheriting from the class. Kotlin supports this feature, providing a flexible way to add functions to classes.
  • Kotlin introduces coroutines, which are light-weight threads used for asynchronous programming. Java handles asynchronous programming using callbacks or futures, which can lead to complex and hard-to-read code.
  • Java requires a substantial amount of boilerplate code for common tasks such as data classes. Kotlin reduces this significantly with its concise syntax and features like data classes, which automatically generate boilerplate code like getters, setters, and equals() methods.
  • While transitioning from Java to Kotlin, ensure to make use of Kotlin's interoperability with Java. You can start by converting small parts of your Java codebase to Kotlin and gradually move to a fully Kotlin codebase.
  • Take advantage of Kotlin's advanced features like null safety and extension functions. These features not only make your code more concise and readable but also help prevent common programming errors.
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Kotlin vs Java – Which One Should I Choose For Android Development

In 2024, Java is still holding its position in this ongoing digital transition among this hefty list of trendy programming languages . When you’re at a beginner’s stage after having good knowledge of C , it is still advisable to learn Java or C++ which is used in major-scale industries. Primarily, its robust nature and flexibility allow developers to add advanced features to applications but as we’re moving forward, the demand is rapidly changing which is now being easily escalated since Jetbrain (a Czech development company) introduced Kotlin for the very first time in 2016 and due to its noticeable advanced features, right after a year, Google declared it as an “Official language of Android Development” which raised the biggest question in everyone’s mind “ Which one to choose for Android Development now? ” while working for android development. 

Kotlin vs Java

We will discuss an in-depth comparison between Kotlin vs Java and will surely help you decide the best pick for android app development.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is an open-source, statically typed, (where variable types are known at compile time) built by Jetbrains (team of Czech Dev Company) for their in-house purpose in 2010 but later in 2016, it went public for general and created a gap with full compatibility and interoperability with Java. Besides this, it also offers similar syntax and concepts from C#, Java, Scala , etc., and is officially supported by Google.

It can also be denoted as Kotlin = Java + Bucket of Add-Ons

Latest Version: The currently released version is 1.9.22 (December 2023)

Become an Android App Pro! “ Mastering Android Development with Kotlin From Beginner to Pro ” is your ticket to creating top-notch Android apps. Learn from scratch or enhance your skills with Kotlin, the language of choice for modern Android development. Design sleek interfaces, manage databases, and integrate web services like a pro. Enroll now and unleash your app-making potential!

What is Java?

When we talk about reliability, Java is one that has been dominating the development industry for more than 2 decades now. From large to small, every company has adopted this language and has become a go-to language worldwide. The primary reason to choose Java is its portability, performance, and cross-platform interaction. Besides this, it has vast extended community support that has helped it to evolve over these years.

Master Android Development! Join our “ Android App Development Course for Beginners-Self Paced ” with Java and dive into app creation at your own pace. Learn fundamentals, build your first apps, and start your journey in mobile technology! Enroll now!

Kotlin vs Java

Below, we will delve into a detailed comparison between Kotlin and Java , highlighting their major differences to provide a clearer understanding of their distinctions and strengths. By exploring the differences, you will gain valuable insights into the unique features and capabilities of each language, aiding you in making an informed decision when choosing between Kotlin and Java for your android projects . This comprehensive analysis aims to serve as a definitive guide for developers looking to enhance their understanding of these two prominent programming languages and make strategic decisions in their development endeavors.

1. Expressions

It offers various expressions that include variables, operators, method calls, etc., and is supported by a string template . Besides this, Kotlin offers 2 variants of the string templates that allow variation in outputs. Below is the list of those string templates that are used in Kotlin:

Raw String: contains newlines and is determined by a “”” Below is the example for the same –

Escaped String: it can be described simply as a string where there is an escape of any character and there are 8 supported characters that Kotlin supports:

  • \t (for tab insertion)
  • \n (for newline insertion)
  • \\ (for backslash)
  • \$ (dollar sign)
  • \b (backspace)
  • \’ (for single quote character)
  • \” (double character)
  • \r (for carriage insertion) 

Also, check out the example for the \n character

Unlike Kotlin, Java does not provide any expression support and strings are enclosed within ” ” but do not allow any expressions.

Both Java and Kotlin have differences while using syntaxes, this can be denoted by a semicolon that is present in java whereas Kotlin does not require to have any semicolons in a statement. Also, check the example below for the best reference.

Since Kotlin was introduced to reduce the gaps that java couldn’t offer, code verbose is something that created a big fuzz among developers. For any program, the less code it will be used, the better it will be to handle such complexity. To take this into consideration, Kotlin offers less code that offers fewer bugs, and also saves time and cost.

4. Data Classes

  • Java: The developers will be required to declare the constructor, getter, and setter methods to form any data classes.
  • Kotlin: Kotlin does not require any such method and classes with keywords will create a class to hold the data. You can also see the example below for reference.

5. Memory management

  • Java: Java developers get the privilege to apply static keywords over various blocks, variables, and nested classes in order to make them static for memory management. 
  • Kotlin: On the other hand, Kotlin does not require to have any static variables in its name field and for that developers are required to use objects to create a suitable object inside the class and that class will act as a static member by allowing direct access. 

6. Typecast

It’s a process of converting one data type into another. This method requires explicit treatment in Kotlin whereas java performs the same action automatically (to a certain extent). For best reference, we’ve shown the example below: 

For Java: Int is automatically converted to a Long data type as long is larger than int.

For Kotlin: In Kotlin the conversion is not automatic, we need to explicitly do the type conversion.

7. Smart Cast

  • Java: In Java programming, developers are required to check the type and post that cast an object in such scenarios where it’s already clear that casting can be done of the object.
  • Kotlin: Unlike Java, Kotlin enables developers to use a smart cast that can handle such repetitive casts so that building cast inside a statement will not be required anymore (if you’ve checked with the ‘is’ operator). 

8. Scripting

  • Kotlin: For those who don’t know, language scripting allows developers to execute various functions automatically, and Kotlin enables such functionality for its developers, unlike java programmers.
  • Java: Java does not offer any such capabilities for language scripting.

9. Null Checks

  • Java: Developers are required to assign a null value for any variable and if they try to use an object reference (having a null value) it suddenly becomes NullPointerException. This issue has created some serious disturbance among Java developers.
  • Kotlin: Whereas for Kotlin, all types are non-nullable by default in which whenever any developer will assign/return null in code, it will fail during compilation. That’s why to assign a null value to any variable, it is expected to mark that variable as NULLABLE (which can be executed by adding?) Have a look at the example below:

This indicates that there is no such NPE in Kotlin and will fail when it is thrown during compile-time.

10. Jetpack Compose

Kotlin is purely a jetpack compose language that uses features such as coroutine, and it has been designed to work with the established view-based UI approach that can be implemented easily in any project. Besides this, Google also announced Kotlin as a primary language to build android applications stated that the Jetpack compose saves time and has better performance than the traditional view systems.

and, Java does not offer any such extensions and developers can’t access any of them.

Future of Android Development Using Java Vs Kotlin

Today, many businesses are shifting their workforce towards Kotlin and naming it their primary language for android programming. Perhaps we can say that the future of Kotlin is slightly high as compared to Java . In general, the possibilities of adopting modern features and capabilities for building android applications might sound fuzzy, but once you inherit those (features and functionalities) that Kotlin provides (which proportionally helps developers), building android applications can be more fun.

But from a salary point of view , Java is still leading ahead of Kotlin and it is still considered the preferred language to start the coding life of any beginner. Perhaps it’s all about how you’re dealing with the concepts, especially in the beginner’s stage, so start digging out as much as you can and learn with the pace of technology, only when your base is clear.

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In conclusion, the decision between Java and Kotlin depends on your comfort level and career goals. While Kotlin offers modern features and capabilities for Android development , Java remains a solid choice with strong community support . It’s crucial to stay updated with the latest technologies and adapt to the evolving landscape of technology.

What is the primary difference between Kotlin and Java?

Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language known for its concise syntax and advanced features like null safety and coroutines. Java, on the other hand, is a more traditional language with a longer history and a larger ecosystem. While Kotlin requires less verbose code compared to Java, Java has strong community support and a wider adoption.

Which language is better for Android development, Kotlin or Java?

Kotlin has become increasingly popular for Android development due to its modern features, seamless integration with Java, and compatibility with Android Studio. However, Java remains a viable option, especially for developers familiar with Java or for projects heavily reliant on Java libraries and frameworks.

How does Kotlin’s null safety feature differ from Java’s approach?

Kotlin’s null safety feature helps prevent null pointer exceptions by distinguishing between nullable and non-nullable types. Variables in Kotlin must be explicitly marked as nullable (using the ? operator) if they can accept null values, improving code reliability. In contrast, Java treats all types as nullable by default, which can lead to null pointer exceptions if proper null checks are not implemented.

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Table of Contents

Overview of kotlin, pros of kotlin, cons of kotlin, future prospects of kotlin, overview of java, pros of java, cons of java, future prospects of java, main differences between kotlin and javathe main differences between kotlin and java are as follows:, final thoughts on choosing between kotlin and java, kotlin vs java: ultimate showdown in modern app development.

Kotlin vs Java: Ultimate Showdown in Modern App Development

Navigating the programming sphere involves careful consideration of Kotlin vs Java and Java vs Kotlin. Kotlin, a modern and concise language by JetBrains, offers seamless interoperability. On the other hand, Java, a longstanding programming pillar, boasts platform independence and a strong ecosystem. Exploring the details of Kotlin vs Java and Java vs Kotlin is crucial for developers and decision-makers alike. From Android development to enterprise systems, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both Kotlin and Java is essential. This concise overview aims to shed light on the dynamic interplay between Kotlin vs Java, guiding informed choices in software development.

Kotlin is a modern programming language developed by JetBrains. It was designed to be fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use existing Java libraries and frameworks seamlessly. Kotlin runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can be used for a wide range of applications, including Android development, web development, and server-side development.

  • Conciseness and Readability: Kotlin code is concise and expressive, reducing boilerplate code. Its syntax is clean and intuitive, making it easier to read and maintain.
  • Interoperability with Java: Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, enabling developers to use existing Java libraries and frameworks without any hassle. This makes it a smooth transition for Java developers.
  • Null Safety: Kotlin has built-in null safety features, which help prevent null pointer exceptions. The type system distinguishes between nullable and non-nullable types, reducing the chances of runtime errors.
  • Extension Functions: Kotlin allows the addition of new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. This feature, known as extension functions, enhances code readability and promotes a more modular design.
  • Coroutines: Kotlin supports coroutines, which are a powerful tool for asynchronous programming. Coroutines simplify the handling of concurrent tasks, making it easier to write efficient and readable asynchronous code.
  • Smart Casts: Kotlin's smart casts automatically cast types within a block of code if a certain condition is met, eliminating the need for explicit casting and reducing boilerplate code.

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Basics to Advanced - Learn It All!

  • Learning Curve: Although Kotlin is designed to be interoperable with Java, there is still a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with its syntax and features.
  • Compilation Time: Kotlin's compilation time can be longer compared to Java, especially in larger projects. However, this has improved with recent updates to the language and compiler.
  • Limited Adoption in Enterprise: While Kotlin has gained popularity, it may not be as widely adopted in some enterprise environments as Java. This could impact the availability of Kotlin-specific expertise and resources.

Kotlin's future looks promising, especially with its strong support for Android development. Many companies are adopting Kotlin for new projects, and its community continues to grow. As more developers become proficient in Kotlin, its adoption in enterprise environments is likely to increase.

Java is a widely used, object-oriented programming language that has been a cornerstone of software development for decades. Developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle), Java is known for its platform independence, strong community support, and extensive ecosystem.

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  • Platform Independence: Java's "Write Once, Run Anywhere" philosophy allows code to be executed on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This platform independence is a significant advantage for cross-platform development.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Java has a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools. This extensive collection supports developers in building a wide range of applications, from web and mobile to enterprise-level systems.
  • Strong Community Support: Java has a large and active community, providing ample resources, documentation, and support. This community-driven approach ensures that Java remains robust and up-to-date.
  • Performance: Java's performance has improved over the years, and with Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, Java applications can achieve high levels of performance.
  • Multithreading: Java has built-in support for multithreading, allowing developers to create concurrent applications efficiently.
  • Verbosity: Java code can be verbose, requiring more lines of code compared to languages like Kotlin. This can make the development process slower and increase the likelihood of errors.
  • Null Safety: Java lacks built-in null safety features, making it more susceptible to null pointer exceptions. Developers need to be cautious when handling null values.
  • Slower Adoption of Language Features: Java's release cycle has historically been slower in adopting new language features compared to some newer languages. This can limit the availability of modern language capabilities.

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Post Graduate Program: Full Stack Web Development

Java remains a prominent language in the software development landscape. With the introduction of Project Valhalla and Project Loom, Java is evolving to address modern programming challenges, such as improved performance and enhanced concurrency. The continued support from the Java community and regular updates from Oracle contribute to Java's longevity.

  • Syntax: Kotlin has a more concise and expressive syntax compared to Java. It reduces boilerplate code and provides a more readable and modern language structure.
  • Null Safety: Kotlin includes built-in null safety features, whereas Java does not. This makes Kotlin less prone to null pointer exceptions.
  • Extension Functions: Kotlin supports extension functions, allowing developers to add new functions to existing classes. Java lacks this feature.
  • Coroutines: Kotlin introduces coroutines for asynchronous programming, providing a more elegant solution than Java's traditional approach with threads and callbacks.
  • Interoperability: While both languages are interoperable, Kotlin was designed to work seamlessly with Java, making it easier for developers to migrate from Java to Kotlin or use them together in the same project.

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Get All Your Questions Answered Here!

The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on various factors, including the project requirements, team expertise, and existing codebase. Here are some considerations:

  • For New Projects: If starting a new project, especially in the Android development ecosystem, Kotlin is a compelling choice due to its modern features, conciseness, and null safety.
  • For Existing Java Projects: If you have a substantial codebase in Java and the project doesn't require a complete rewrite, sticking with Java may be more practical. However, gradually introducing Kotlin modules is also a feasible approach.
  • Team Expertise: Consider the familiarity and expertise of your development team. If the team is well-versed in Java and not experienced with Kotlin, the learning curve may influence the decision.
  • Interoperability Needs: If the project requires close integration with existing Java libraries or frameworks , Kotlin's seamless interoperability makes it an attractive choice.

Ultimately, both Kotlin and Java are robust languages with their strengths. The decision should be based on the specific needs and context of the project, as well as the preferences and expertise of the development team.

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Hope this article was able to give you a detailed overview of the key differences between Kotlin and Java. If you are looking to enhance your software development skills further, we would highly recommend you to check Simplilearn’s Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Web Development . This course, in collaboration with Caltech CTME, can help you hone the right skills and make you job-ready. 

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to post them below. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.

1. What is the main advantage of Kotlin over Java?

One of the main advantages of Kotlin is its conciseness and expressiveness, reducing boilerplate code and enhancing code readability. Additionally, Kotlin incorporates modern language features, such as null safety and coroutines, addressing common issues faced by Java developers.

2. Is Kotlin only used for Android?

While Kotlin gained popularity through its strong support for Android development, it is a versatile language used for various applications, including web development, server-side development, and more. It is not limited to Android.

3. Can Java and Kotlin code coexist in the same project?

Yes, Java and Kotlin code can coexist seamlessly in the same project. Kotlin was designed to be fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to introduce Kotlin modules into existing Java projects gradually.

4. Is Kotlin better than Java?

The superiority of Kotlin over Java depends on the context and project requirements. Kotlin offers modern features, concise syntax, and improved null safety. However, the choice between the two should consider factors like team expertise and existing codebase.

5. Is Kotlin worth learning in 2024?

Yes, Kotlin remains a valuable language to learn in 2024. Its continued growth in popularity, especially in Android development, and its modern language features make it a relevant skill for developers.

6. Is Kotlin replacing Java in Android development?

While Kotlin has become the preferred language for Android development, it hasn't completely replaced Java. Android officially supports both languages, and developers often choose based on project requirements and personal preferences.

7. How do the costs of learning and adopting Kotlin compare to Java?

Learning Kotlin can be beneficial for Java developers as it builds on their existing knowledge. The costs of adoption may include a learning curve, but Kotlin's interoperability with Java minimizes the impact, making it a feasible transition.

8. What are some common misconceptions about Java and Kotlin?

One common misconception is that Kotlin is only for Android development, which is not true. Another misconception is that adopting Kotlin is an all-or-nothing decision; in reality, it can coexist with Java in the same project. Understanding these nuances helps dispel myths about both languages.

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java vs kotlin presentation

Kotlin vs Java

“Kotlin, the New Programming Language That Will Make You Stop Using Java”. At the Zebra APPFORUM 2017 Europe conference in Prague, our Android Developer Pieter Otten has inspired others to start using Kotlin. Bummed you missed it? No worries! Pieter will explain to you why he has become a big fan of this new language.

The rise of

Kotlin is a  programming language  developed by  Jetbrains , a company famous for IntelliJ, WebStorm, PhpStorm and their ReSharper plugin for Visual Studio.  They were looking for a new programming language that would be better than Java, but still interoperable for migration. Influenced by the languages Java, C#, Scala and Groovy, Jetbrains put a team on developing a new programming language. Kotlin is basically build by the people who experienced the pain of Java.

So what is Kotlin?

Kotlin was unveiled in 2011 and had its 1.0 stable release in February 2016 and 1.1 in March recently. The  open-source  programming language compiles to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), Android and JavaScript. This way, Java and Kotlin can be used at the same time (interoperability) on JVM’s and Android devices. It can also run on the front-end using JavaScript. Google officially announced at their I/O conference in May that they now support Kotlin for Android development. Since then the interest, usage and fanbase grew even more.

java vs kotlin presentation

Compared to Java

To compare Java and Kotlin, one of the examples of the presentation is this Java POJO class and its usage, as seen in the image above. This shows the strength and conciseness of Kotlin, as a simple Person class (with a name, getter/setter and standard POJO methods) is replaced by the keyword “data”. You can also quickly notice the following differences looking at the usage of this Person class:

  • Methods in Kotlin are named ‘fun’ (this also makes programming more fun right of the bat).
  • If a method doesn’t return anything the return type (in Java: “void”) doesn’t have to be specified.
  • Kotlin has type interference, so stating that “name” is of the type “String” isn’t needed. Just use “val”.
  • This also makes this variable immutable. If you want to change the “name” variable you should use “var”. This way Kotlin makes you think up front, when writing code, about your variables/fields etc.
  • To create a new instance the “new” keyword isn’t needed.
  • Kotlin and Java are interoperable. Kotlin is using the Java class Person without any issues.
  • The getters and setters from Java code will automatically become properties, meaning “getName()” isn’t available in Kotlin, but the property “name” on Person is

Mediaan adopting Kotlin and its findings

After attending other presentations about Kotlin at Droidcon 2015 & 2016 in London and the GDG DevFest 2016 in Amsterdam, our mobile team decided it was time to look into the new language. After we started using it in October 2016, we quickly fell in love. The first new Android project ended up being 100% written in Kotlin. We haven’t used Java for Android development ever since.

When we look back at our Java experience and how we use Kotlin today, we can conclude the following:

  • The code is more concise, it’s just simply less code to write and maintain.
  • The code is safer, since it makes you think about (im)mutability, nullability etc. while writing code.
  • The above also makes development faster. It’s just easier to do complex things.
  • The IDE support is great (we’re using Android Studio).
  • The community is big and growing. Existing libraries are supporting or migrating to Kotlin, the internet is packed with blogs, videos, presentations and, of course, StackOverflow questions/answers.
  • Kotlin is production ready. We’re doing it and also big companies like Square, Pinterest, Trello and Google.

And now Google has announced it supports Kotlin for Android development, there’s almost no reason to not look into the new language and start using it.

So, how do you start using Kotlin or migrate it?

First of all, there are a lot of online references for the language and learning it:

  • Documentation  (tutorials, references, books, etc.)
  • Online coding
  • Talks, blogs and presentations on YouTube, Medium and SlideShare

Next to this, the Android Studio plugin also has a quick-conversion shortcut that will convert your current open Java file to Kotlin. This works good. It might need to fix some small things in the code, but it will give you an instant Kotlin version of your Java code for you to look at, compare, and learn. Even more awesome, if you are working in a Kotlin file and you paste a Java code-snippet, it will automatically be converted to Kotlin code when pasted.

For using Kotlin in an existing project, or converting the project, we recommend the following approach:

  • Make use of the interoperability (use Kotlin and Java side-by-side).
  • Make use of the plugin support for converting files and snippets.
  • Write everything new in Kotlin.
  • Convert everything you edit from Java to Kotlin.

The future of

Next to JVM, Android and JavaScript support, Kotlin is working hard on supporting more platforms.  Support for machine code  is the next big thing. Running the code ode on a RaspBerry Pi for example is already possible (in beta). Jetbrains is working hard on adding support for iOS, MacOS and Windows. This will mean that in the future Kotlin might even be the basis of a new cross-platform app solution. More of the future might be announced at  KotlinConf , their own conference end of this year in San Francisco.


  1. Kotlin VS Java

    Syntax. One of the most significant differences between Kotlin and Java is the syntax. Kotlin has a more concise syntax than Java, which means that it requires less code to perform the same operations. For example, let's compare the syntax for creating a class in both languages: //java public class MyClass { private int myField; public MyClass ...

  2. Java vs. Kotlin

    4.1. Brevity. Java follows the traditional approach of verbosity in writing the code. However, Kotlin, being a modern programming language, applies the principle of conciseness. Kotlin, known for brevity, allows us to significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code, resulting in fewer lines of code than we'd need in the Java equivalent.

  3. Kotlin vs. Java for Android development

    Java has more coding processes than Kotlin, therefore, a developer can spend less time thinking of a solution. However, Kotlin has more laconic constructions, which allow a developer to type less code. Over 200k developers use LogRocket to create better digital experiences. Learn more →. Finding a solution to a task in Kotlin requires more ...

  4. Kotlin vs Java: the 12 differences you should know

    To avoid complications on the main thread, Java enables the creation of multiple background threads when handling lengthy operations. The downside is that managing multiple threads is a complex task that may lead to more errors in the code. Similarly, Kotlin also provides the capability to create multiple threads.

  5. Kotlin vs. Java: Which programming language should you learn?

    Java, a high-level, general-purpose programming language, emphasizes platform independence, robustness, and a rich standard library. Kotlin, on the other hand, offers modern features like smart casts, compact code, and null safety, catering to developers looking for a more concise and expressive syntax, particularly in Android development. Both languages present their own advantages and ...

  6. Kotlin vs Java: A Comprehensive Comparison

    Kotlin offers a more concise and expressive syntax compared to Java. It eliminates boilerplate code, reduces verbosity, and enhances readability. Kotlin's modern syntax includes features like type inference, nullable types, lambda expressions, and extension functions, making code more compact and elegant. Java, on the other hand, has a more ...

  7. Comparison to Java

    Some Java issues addressed in Kotlin. Kotlin fixes a series of issues that Java suffers from: Null references are controlled by the type system.. No raw types. Arrays in Kotlin are invariant. Kotlin has proper function types, as opposed to Java's SAM-conversions. Use-site variance without wildcards. Kotlin does not have checked exceptions. Separate interfaces for read-only and mutable collections

  8. Kotlin vs Java for Mobile and Web Development

    Kotlin is an open-source, modern, statically typed programming language initially designed to be compatible with a JVM. However, Kotlin has expanded its capabilities to support other environments, such as web browsers. It also embraces both functional and OOP concepts. Kotlin addresses Java's limitations, making it a more concise, expressive ...

  9. Kotlin VS Java

    Null Handling: Java uses a class to help with null handling while Kotlin uses in-built null safety variables. Model Classes: Java uses classes with private variables and setter / getter while Kotlin supports it with data classes. Global Variables: Java uses the static keyword while Kotlin uses something akin to sub-classes.

  10. Kotlin vs Java: A Beginner's Comparison

    Conclusion. Kotlin and Java are both powerful programming languages suitable for various applications. Kotlin offers a more concise syntax, null safety, and other modern language features, making it an attractive option for new projects or developers learning their first language. Java has a more extensive ecosystem and is an industry standard ...

  11. Java vs Kotlin: A Comparative Analysis for Android Development

    Java requires a class definition, even for such a simple program. This verbosity might be a hurdle for beginners. Kotlin. Kotlin, on the other hand, was designed to be an improvement on Java, maintaining interoperability with Java and the JVM. Kotlin's syntax is simpler and more concise than Java's.

  12. Java vs. Kotlin: The Key Differences Explained

    Disadvantages of Kotlin. Kotlin does have its disadvantages, such as: It has fewer tools - Because it's a less mature language than Java, Kotlin doesn't enjoy nearly the number of tools and integrations. It's slower to compile - Although Kotlin compiles faster than Scala, it's still slower than Java.

  13. Java vs. Kotlin: which one to choose

    Functional Programming. In terms of Kotlin vs. Java, the most fundamental distinction is that Kotlin is a functional programming language. Higher-order functions, lambda expressions, operator overloading, lazy evaluation, operator overloading, and much more are among the many valuable methods in Kotlin.

  14. Kotlin vs Java: 15 Differences You Should Know (2024)

    Kotlin's native functional support enables the generation of concise and expressive code for various operations. 9. Coroutines vs Threads. Java uses traditional threads for concurrent programming, which can be error-prone and lead to issues like thread starvation and deadlocks.

  15. Java vs Kotlin: A Comprehensive Comparison for Android Development

    Java and Kotlin both have their strengths and are powerful tools in the hands of Android developers. While Java's robustness and familiarity make it a reliable choice, Kotlin's modern features and concise syntax make it an attractive alternative. Ultimately, the choice between Java and Kotlin will depend on your specific needs, comfort level ...

  16. Kotlin vs Java

    It can also be denoted as Kotlin = Java + Bucket of Add-Ons. Latest Version: The currently released version is 1.9.22 (December 2023) Become an Android App Pro! "Mastering Android Development with Kotlin From Beginner to Pro" is your ticket to creating top-notch Android apps. Learn from scratch or enhance your skills with Kotlin, the language of choice for modern Android development.

  17. Kotlin vs Java: Performance Drill down & Which to choose

    The result in this scenario is that Java build times have an average of 15.5 seconds, while Kotlin averages 18.5 seconds: an increase of 17%. Kotlin is not off to a great start, but this isn't ...

  18. Kotlin vs Java: Ultimate Showdown in Modern App Development

    Syntax: Kotlin has a more concise and expressive syntax compared to Java. It reduces boilerplate code and provides a more readable and modern language structure. Null Safety: Kotlin includes built-in null safety features, whereas Java does not. This makes Kotlin less prone to null pointer exceptions.

  19. Kotlin vs Java: Which is Better for Android Development? 2024

    For instance, the null safety features in Kotlin decrease the quantity of runtime exceptions, which aids in faster performance. Another aspect is the immutability of data structures in Kotlin, which is another reason for better performance. Below is a comparison of Java vs Kotlin performance to help you understand things better:

  20. Kotlin vs Java: Which one is a better choice for Android App

    2. Performance. Java is a mature language with excellent performance. Kotlin, on the other hand, performs better than Java for Android development due to its uses of immutability and properties as ...

  21. Is Kotlin Faster Than Java?

    Kotlin introduces the concept of data classes and promotes heavy use of immutable val fields, as opposed to traditional Java fields, which are editable via setter methods.If we need to change a field in a data class, we have to use the copy method and substitute the changing field with the desired value:. fun changeField(input: DataClass, newValue: String): DataClass = input.copy(fieldA ...

  22. Kotlin vs Java: Which is Better in 2024? Detailed Comparison

    Java has the feature of string templates but it does not have support expression like Kotlin. Kotlin provides two types of string literals, which are escaped string and raw string. Code Comparison. In Java, the line of code is just doubled than Kotlin. Kotlin reduces the line of code to half. Operator Overloading.

  23. Kotlin vs Java: Differences and Similarities

    Kotlin vs. Java: Differences. In this section, we have discussed the differences between Java and Kotlin. Null Safety. A NullPointerException occurs when you attempt to use a reference pointing to a null location in memory while referencing an object. These issues are almost impossible to prevent, and your app can crash when they occur.

  24. Kotlin vs Java

    To compare Java and Kotlin, one of the examples of the presentation is this Java POJO class and its usage, as seen in the image above. This shows the strength and conciseness of Kotlin, as a simple Person class (with a name, getter/setter and standard POJO methods) is replaced by the keyword "data".