TSI Practice Test

TSI Essay Guide

One challenging component of the TSI test is the essay question. You will be asked to write a persuasive essay on a controversial issue or an issue of current interest. The TSI essay will be evaluated on your organization, focus, development and support, sentence structure, and mechanical conventions. Fortunately, your essay is only required to be 300-600 words in length. A simple 5 paragraph essay will be more than sufficient. Scores on the essay section range from 1 to 8, with 8 being the highest.

An essay that is too short to be evaluated, written on a topic other than the one presented, or written in a language other than English, will be given a score of zero. The biggest differences between the low-scoring and high-scoring essays is LENGTH and CLARITY. Aim to achieve multiple paragraphs with good organization, and this essay should be fairly easy!

TSI Essay Tips and Strategies

  • Understand that the TSI Essay will NOT require any outside knowledge. You are not expected to have any specific technical know-how or understanding of specific books or authors. The essay will be based off a provided prompt meant to spark your creativity. Everything you need to answer the question will be part of the prompt!
  • Select one side only. Unlike real life where most of our opinions are a mix of gray, the TSI essay requires you to take a strong stand on one side and one side ONLY of the issue. You won’t be able to adequately argue a middle-of-the-road approach, and you risk appearing indecisive and muddling your essay.
  • Remember that you will not be scored on your opinion. Don’t worry if you feel you are choosing a less commonly held position on the topic. The reader will NOT give you a lower score based on personal bias.
  • Don’t change your position mid-essay. Even if you feel you’re running out of steam and you’re regretting your position on the topic, stay strong and finish the essay anyway. Don’t waffle, and don’t try to take a “middle of the road” approach. You don’t have time to go back and re-write the whole thing.
  • No example is “too” specific. As long as you can argue logically that it supports your thesis, no example is “too” specific. Most essays are way too general. Aim to make the reader think, “wow, what extreme detail!” as they read. If you are using an example from personal experience, using some names, dates, places, and other concrete details can go a long way. Replace abstracts with absolutes.
  • Incorporate the opposing side. A great way to strengthen your own argument is to acknowledge that there is in fact complexity to the issue. However, if you bring up and describe the opposing side, make sure to criticize it effectively and reiterate that your side is the only one that is valid. This is a great tool to use in your conclusion, although many students include it in an additional body paragraph.
  • Keep the introduction and conclusion brief . Don’t take forever to get to the topic. The function of an introductory paragraph is to introduce the reader to the topic in the prompt, and then to clearly and forcefully state your position on it. More than 3-4 sentences is too long. In the conclusion, 1-2 sentences is great to reiterate your position and leave the essay with a closing idea. Save your writing-time for your body paragraphs!
  • Use Transition Words . Scroll down to the bottom of this article to see a good list of common transition words. Be sure to use these words as you move between paragraphs! Always make sure the reader will understand why you are moving from one paragraph to the next paragraph!

TSI Essay Template

This is a sample outline for the TSI Essay. Notice we are aiming for 5 paragraphs total. You may opt for a shorter 4 paragraph version if 5 paragraphs are too many for you to write, but aim for 5 paragraphs if you can. If you have trouble completing 5 paragraphs, see if you can streamline your body paragraphs. They can often be bloated with unnecessary wordiness. Keep the introduction and the conclusion short and sweet.

Paragraph 1 — Introduction (3–4 sentences)

You will want to begin your essay with one of the following: a generalization about the topic, a quotation, a short anecdote to set-up the correctness of your position, a historical framework, or a piece of news illustrating the contemporariness of the issue. Admit the complexity of the issue.

You have two goals in the beginning part of the essay: to introduce the topic, and to express your opinion on it. Be sure to place your thesis as the final sentence in your introduction.

Paragraph 2 — First Example (4–6 sentences)

Start with your most-powerful or relevant example. Be specific. Your example can be from history, science, politics, business, entertainment, pop culture, current events, personal experience, etc. Anything can be an example, but choose ONE only for each paragraph. It needs to be something you are knowledgeable about and also something that you believe strongly supports your thesis. You have three tasks in your body paragraphs:

  • Introduce your example.
  • Describe it.
  • Explain how it fully supports your thesis.

You should spend the majority of your body paragraph accomplishing the third step: explaining how it fully supports your thesis . Aim to convince the reader through very concrete details how your position on the issue is correct.

Paragraph 3 — Second Example (4–6 sentences)

Use a transition phrase to introduce the second example. Describe it, and explain again how it fully supports your thesis. You may refer to your first example if you need to, but prioritize a focus on your new example. Don’t mention your third example until you get to the third paragraph.

Paragraph 4 — Third Example (4–6 sentences)

Use a transition phrase again in the first topic sentence. Describe the example. Explain how it supports. Make sure you are elucidating for the reader how each example relates to the topic.

Paragraph 5 — Conclusion (2–4 sentences)

In your conclusion, introduce the opposing side. Explain their position in general terms. Refute their position. Then reinforce the correctness of your own thesis. This takes care of having to come up with a conclusion—you’ll already know what to do! Here’s how it might look:

Although ________ is demonstrably correct, some have argued that _______, believing that ________. However, this viewpoint on the present issue is negated by ________. Rather, __________. Therefore, in the long run,

TSI Essay Practice

Be sure to write at least 2–3 sample essays before your exam so you are comfortable with the format. Have a teacher, friend, or trusted relative read through your essay and give you feedback. You may want to start with our TSI Practice Test Essay .

We have also provided some more TSI essay prompts in the list below. You can use these TSI essay topics to write additional practice essays. Try to utilize the template that we have provided in order to structure your response.

TSI Essay Topics

1) Do works of art have the power to change people’s lives? Some people say a book or a movie has the power to do just that. Are they exaggerating, or can art have such a large impact of individuals?

2) Is an education a requirement for a successful career? Explain the topic and either agree or disagree with the statement, offering support for your position.

3) Scientists and politicians argue over whether global warming and climate control present a real threat to human welfare. Take a position on this issue and explain whether or not you believe this to be a serious problem for humanity.

Transition Words List

Agreement Words

  • in the first place
  • not only … but also
  • as a matter of fact
  • in like manner
  • in addition
  • coupled with
  • in the same fashion / way
  • first, second, third
  • in the light of

Opposition Words

  • in contrast
  • different from
  • of course …, but
  • on the other hand
  • on the contrary
  • at the same time
  • in spite of
  • (and) still

Causation Words

  • in the event that
  • for the purpose of
  • with this intention
  • with this in mind
  • in the hope that
  • in order to

Example Words

  • in other words
  • to put it differently
  • for one thing
  • as an illustration
  • in this case
  • for this reason
  • to put it another way
  • that is to say
  • with attention to

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Writing the TSI Essay: Strategies for Success

tsi practice essay topics

Writing a persuasive essay isn’t difficult, but writing an effective one does require thought and strategy. And when there’s some pressure to write that essay, like when students are writing a persuasive essay for the TSI, it can be even harder to think on the fly.

Many Texas high school students will take the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) test to evaluate their essential reading, writing, and math skills to ensure they’re prepared to succeed in freshman-level dual credit or college courses.

While writing a successful TSI essay or five-paragraph persuasive essay for English classes is much different than writing a successful personal statement or supplemental essay (the writing topics I normally cover), I thought this topic was worth discussing.

In this post, we’ll explore what the TSI persuasive essay is , how your essay is evaluated , and the strategies you can implement to achieve your desired score. I’ll also give you some links to sample TSI essays, responses, and other resources . 

About the TSI Essay

For the essay portion of the TSI, you’ll receive a random essay prompt, which consists of:

  • A short passage to read that’s based on an important issue
  • Instructions for picking a point of view to support and then writing a persuasive essay on that point of view

You’ll need to write a roughly 500- to 600-word persuasive essay with four to five paragraphs (an opening, a closing, and three body paragraphs). The TSI is an untimed test, so you have as much time as you need. Don’t rush. Take your time and be thoughtful about your answer, even if you’d rather be anywhere than taking the test.

The TSI doesn't expect you to have any particular knowledge to answer the prompt (e.g., the prompt won’t assume you’ve read a certain book or have detailed knowledge of an event). Instead, the topic will require you to pick a side of a debatable topic/current event and then defend that side. Keep in mind that the chosen issue doesn’t have a right or wrong answer, so you won’t be judged on the position you take. 

How You’ll Be Evaluated on the TSI Essay

Reviewers will evaluate your essay on these six factors, according to Mometrix Test Preparation :

  • Purpose and focus. Is the information you're presenting unified, coherent, and cohesive? Do you address the issue and your position clearly? Do you keep with that position?
  • Organization and structure. Are your ideas and paragraphs connected in an orderly, logical fashion? Does your organization result in a clear path from one point to another? 
  • Development and support. Have you developed your Ideas? Do your statements support your thesis and build upon one another, leading to a clearly developed statement or call to action? Do you give examples, explanations, and definitions? Does this supporting text help convince the reader?
  • Sentence variety and style. Are your sentences and paragraphs exhibiting control of vocabulary, voice, and structure? Do you use strong action verbs and a varied word choice? Are you using active voice and writing using the same person (I)?
  • Mechanical conventions. Do the ideas you express show an understanding of standard English conventions (proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more – all the things you were tested on in the Writing Test section of the TSI).
  • Critical thinking. Does your point of view demonstrate an understanding of the relationship that exists between ideas? Are you expressing thoughts that are well-reasoned and supported? Do you clearly identify and support your point of view? Are your arguments logical enough to convince the reader of your position?

Scoring the TSI Essay: What You're Aiming for

You’ll receive a score of 1-8 on each of the six sections (although you’ll see only one overall 1-8 score), and a “college ready” score is 5 or higher. Essays that are too short to be evaluated against these criteria, that miss addressing the prompt completely, or that aren’t written in English will automatically receive a 0. 

Keep in mind that a computer scores these essays, so you’re just trying to show the computer you can form a logical, well-developed argument – and use solid grammar and spelling and a decent writing style.

TSI Essay Examples

Check out these TSI essay samples from the College Board , which evaluate essays scored 1-8 and explain why these sample TSI essays received the score they did and how they could’ve been improved. 

Again, you won’t be scored on your actual opinion, so don’t be concerned you’ll “lose points” if you support the less popular perspective.

Steps to Writing Your TSI Essay

Writing an effective, high-scoring essay means taking your time going through each step and really planning out your essay. While the planning portion doesn’t need to take a lot of time, but it will help you in the end by making your essay flow better and being well-thought-out.

Four important steps go into writing a great TSI essay.

1. Understand the Assignment

  • Read the passage and the prompt. Read it again!
  • Make sure you understand the TSI essay prompt, the issue it’s presenting, and the sides to the issue you can write about. Remember: This essay doesn’t expect you to have any technical or specific knowledge to write an effective response. Instead, you’ll use your own experiences, examples, and knowledge to defend your position.
  • Consider how you’ll address the issue the passage mentions. You’ll need to pick one side of the issue to write about in your essay – even if you feel your stance on the position falls somewhere in the middle. Your score doesn't depend on which side of the issue you take; rather, it’s about how well you can support it.

2.  Make a Plan

Two of the biggest factors in a high-scoring TSI essay grade are length and clarity. As a result, you’ll want to use the scratch paper you have available to decide the position you want to take and sketch out a rough outline.

On the scratch paper:

  • Decide which position of the TSI essay prompt will be easiest to write about. Making this decision could involve making a two-column table and then writing down the evidence you can think of to support each position. Usually, it will become clear which one will be easier for you to write about (hint: the column with more writing/examples in it). Once you decide your position …
  • List out supporting examples. Come up with four or five examples to support your position. Bring in your personal experience and knowledge to support your response to the TSI essay prompt. The more specific, the better. Names, dates, places, conversations – these specifics will help you defend your position and earn a higher score. And they can come from anywhere – history, the news, pop culture, social media, movies/TV shows, politics, sports, entertainment, family history, quotations, personal stories, etc.. 
  • Identify the three (minimum of two) strongest examples. Those will become your body paragraphs. Finally, you'll …
  • Draft your thesis statement. Based on your position and examples, what is the topic of your essay, what side of the argument will you be defending, and why have you chosen that side?

3. Start Writing

With the outlining work done, you’ve done the hard part. Congratulations. But you’re just getting started. Now it’s time to put it all together into a cohesive essay. Here’s how you’ll start writing each paragraph of your TSI essay.


Spend no more than 3-4 sentences in your opening. Even 1-2 sentences are sufficient to state your position on the assigned topic. This will be quick and to the point, letting you spend more of your time defending your position.

In your introduction:

  • Introduce the reader to the topic. This may include some sort of “hook” or attention-getting sentence that highlights the issue. This could be a quote, a personal anecdote, a historical reference, or a current piece of news.
  • Admission of complexity. Acknowledge that there are many sides to the issue.
  • State your thesis. Clearly and definitively state your position on the matter. This should be the last sentence of the paragraph and can include mentions of the two or three pieces of supporting evidence you’ll be presenting in the body paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs

Aim for writing three body paragraphs, but write a minimum of two. Each paragraph should have at least 4-6 sentences. Here are some other tips for writing your body paragraphs:

  • Order your body paragraphs from the strongest to the weakest. Use your strongest example as your first body paragraph.
  • Use transition words and phrases , like the ones below from Merriam-Webster, to signal to the reader that you're moving on to a new idea but this new paragraph is connected to the previous one. 
  • Start with a topic sentence. Using a transition word or phrase, introduces your example and establish the point you’re going to make in this paragraph only.
  • Next, fully describe that example. Be specific. Use the detailed examples you came up with in “Make a Plan” above. Use one example per paragraph. Be descriptive and thorough. 
  • End by explaining how this example supports your thesis. This is where you’ll spend the majority of the paragraph. Use specifics and details to convince your reader how this example demonstrates the position you hold on the topic is the right one.

List of transition words you can when writing your TSI essay.

Much like the introduction, the conclusion will be a short (3-4 sentences, max) paragraph that sums up your position, addresses the opposing viewpoint, and leaves the reader with a closing thought.

As a result, the format might look a little like this:

  • Acknowledge there’s another point of view by saying that while your position is obviously the correct one, other people believe [insert a brief summary of the opposing viewpoint].
  • Briefly state why that opposing position/perspective is incorrect.
  • Restate why your opinion is the right one, which may include a summary of the points you’ve made in your body paragraphs.

Note: While you are mentioning the opposing viewpoint in the closing, this is not the same as taking both sides, which I cautioned against earlier. This is mentioning the other perspective but then briefly and effectively criticizing it and showing why yours is better.

Here’s a sample conclusion from TSIPracticeTest.com that shows how you can fill in the blanks:

Although ________ is demonstrably correct, some have argued that _______, believing that ________. However, this viewpoint on the present issue is negated by ________. Rather, __________. Therefore, in the long run it is clear that _____________.

4. Proofread Your Essay

Once you think you’re done writing, you’re not. Now it’s time for editing and proofreading .

Read your essay slowly, from start to finish. Make sure your ideas make sense and support your thesis. Check that you transition from one paragraph to another. You should ensure your examples are detailed, descriptive, and support your argument. Sound good? Good. But you’re not done … yet.

Because part of your score is based on spelling, grammar, and punctuation, read the essay at least once after you think it’s done. Read it back slowly to yourself, and look for any mistakes you can correct. 

Remember: You have no time limit for writing the TSI essay, and taking your time now is better than having to take the test again because of errors you could’ve corrected.

Want More Help on the TSI Essay?

Hopefully these tips and tricks are enough to help you hit your targets when writing the TSI essay. But if you’re looking to read sample essays (and evaluations), practice with sample prompts, or learn more tips and tricks. You can find additional resources online, but some I found to be helpful are:

Sample TSI Essays and TSI Writing Resources

  • Tips and Strategies for the TSI Essay
  • College Board: WritePlacer Guide With Sample Essays
  • Practice Test Essay
  • TSI Essay Practice! – Michael Tooey (video, 01:20:36)

Support for the Full TSI

  • TSI flash cards . These color-coded flash cards include study tips and cover mathematics, language arts, and reading. They also include practice questions.
  • TSI Study Guide 2023-2024 (Jonathan Cox). This study guide includes 2 practice tests (one online, one in book), answers/explanations, access to online flash cards, and other study materials.
  • TSI Study Guide 2023-2024 (Joshua Rueda). This study guide includes 3 practice tests, answers, and explanations; test-taking strategies; and a breakdown of each section.

Writing a college admission essay instead? The guidelines are much different. Learn how to get started with y our personal statement.

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TSI Essay Practice Test

Writing is a critical skill for college success, and it’s one of the skills tested by the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2) college readiness exam for Texans planning to enter college for the first time. The exam tests Mathematics and English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Content Readiness Classifications. The Essay Test is part of the ELAR section.

Some entering their freshman year of college receive notice that they’re required to take the TSIA2, and some don’t. If you’ve shown college-level readiness through certain criteria, you won’t have to sit for the exam. The criteria include achieving high scores on the SAT, ACT, and English STAAR exams, as well as having completed a high school college preparatory course or college-level English courses, enrolling in a Level-One certificate program, and having served in the military. If you have questions about your exemption eligibility, talk to your high school counselor, dual credit advisor, or college advisor.

Do all students have to take the exam?

No. The TSI exam is only given to students who show a high risk of not succeeding in college-level coursework. Taking the exam also depends on a few other factors, such as low scores on the SAT, ACT, or STAAR tests. Students with SAT scores of 480 on the reading and writing sections and a 530 on the math section will result in that student not having to take the TSI exam. If you score 19 on the reading and math sections of the ACT, you will not have to take the TSI exam.

If you are currently serving or have served in the United States Military, you are also exempt from taking the TSI exam, and if you are currently enrolled in a certificate program, you do not have to take the exam.

Keep in mind that before you can take the TSI exam, you will have to complete a pretest, also called “pre-assessment activity.” This is mandatory and failure to complete the “pre-assessment activity” will hold you back from taking the TSI exam. This part of the TSI process is only about 30 minutes.

What is the point of “pre-assessment activity?”

This part of the TSI process is important because it gives you an overview of what the TSI exam is all about. It lets you know why the TSI exam is so important and why you should strive to do well. You will be given tips for success on the exam, what your scores mean, and practice quizzes.

What can I expect if I’m ready to register?

Your point people for the TSIA2 exam are your high school counselor, dual credit advisor, or college’s incoming freshman advisor. Start at your high school to get the appropriate information for registration. The test may be offered at your school, in your school district, or at a college testing site. You’ll have a form to fill out, and you may need to pay; some school districts cover the fee, some do not.

If registration is step one, then step two is a required TSIA2 Pre-Assessment Activity, which provides:

  • TSIA2 information and relevance
  • Resources available to help you adjust to college
  • Developmental education options
  • Practice questions

When you complete the Pre-Assessment Activity, you’ll receive feedback on your responses to the questions. Use the feedback to identify your academic strengths and weaknesses. Next, follow the test preparation suggestions below. When you are prepared, your point of contact can help with scheduling information. You can finish the exam all in one sitting, or you may save the test and continue another day for up to a maximum 14-day timeline. The exception is with the Essay Test, which must be completed in one sitting

Where is the TSI exam administered?

Mostly all colleges, universities, and testing centers administer the TSI exam. The school you plan on attending may also administer the exam, so be sure to contact them to find out if they offer it.

How is the essay portion of the exam formatted?

The Essay Test is part of the ELAR component of the TSIA2. You’ll be presented with a prompt that has been randomly selected for your test. Your essay, based on the prompt, must be a 300-600-word response that shows qualities deemed as highly valued for college coursework. The qualities, six in total, for scoring are:

  • Purpose and Focus : Coherent, unified presentation of information to address the issue presented in the prompt
  • Organization and Structure : How you order and connect your ideas in the essay
  • Development and Support : How you develop and support your ideas in the essay
  • Sentence Variety and Style : Using voice, vocabulary, and structure to create sentences and paragraphs
  • Mechanical Conventions : Expressing ideas using Standard English conventions
  • Critical Thinking : Communicating your point of view and demonstrating reasoned relationships among ideas

What will the day of the exam be like?

Make sure to arrive at least fifteen minutes early. If you are late for the exam, you may not be allowed inside the testing room. You must have a current, government-issued photo identification on you. Personal items, including cell phones, other electronic devices, bags, etc. are not allowed inside the testing room with you.

What score do I need to show college readiness?

The score benchmark to show college readiness on the exam works in conjunction with your ELAR College Readiness Classification (CRC) score on the multiple-choice questions. There are two options to hit the mark:

  • Score 945-990 on the CRC and achieve a score of 5-8 on the Essay Test
  • Score 910-944 on the CRC, a 5-6 on the Diagnostic Test, and a 5-8 on the Essay Test

If you score according to the benchmark, you’ll be allowed to enroll in the college-level courses in your major. If you miss the mark, you can retake the exam according to the guidelines of the administering school district or college. At some point, if you can’t reach the passing standard, you’ll be informed of options including developmental courses to get you to the college level.

Will I receive my results the same day?

Yes. When you complete your TSIA2 test, you’ll receive an electronic score. You might wonder how the essays are scored so quickly, considering the time it would take a person to analyze 300-600 words according to the six qualities.

The electronic scoring system that is used was developed by giving the computer an expert review of essays and scoring information. The automated system looks for similarities in your essay to the 500+ graded samples. Your reviewed essay will be placed in the same category as those most like yours, based on the qualities defined, and will given the appropriate score.

The score you receive will be a number, 1-8, provided along with a Holistic Score Description. TSI provides the following descriptions, from highest score to lowest:

8: The essay demonstrates clear and consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing.

7: The essay demonstrates consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing.

6: The essay demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing.

5: The essay demonstrates adequate mastery of on-demand essay writing.

4: The essay demonstrates developing mastery of on-demand essay writing.

3: The essay demonstrates little mastery of on-demand essay writing.

2: The essay demonstrates very little mastery of on-demand essay writing.

1: The essay demonstrates no mastery of on-demand essay writing.

Your essay must meet the 300-word minimum to receive a score. It must also be written on the topic in the prompt and written in English. Keep in mind that, although the other sections of the TSIA2 can be completed over a 2-week period if needed, once you begin the essay, you must finish and submit it in that same session. If you fail to do any of these tasks, you’ll receive a zero on the essay, which you want to avoid.

What does receiving a low score on the TSI exam mean?

If you get a low score on the exam, you may retake it as many times as you need to. A low score will not keep you from attending the school of your choice; it just means that you will need to take remedial coursework before moving on to college-level coursework. This may mean an extra semester or two in college.

How can Mometrix Test Preparation help me prepare for the TSI writing exam?

The goal of Mometrix is to give test-takers exactly what they need in order to pass whatever exam they are taking with a grade they can be proud of. Our study guide , online course , and flashcards are packed with detailed yet easy to understand information. We also provide practice questions that help you get comfortable with the layout of the actual TSI Writing exam. Mometrix allows you to study only the material that is most likely to show up on the TSI exam so that you’re not wasting your time on unnecessary content. If you want to pass the TSI Writing test on your first attempt, then you want to go with Mometrix.

Ad for a Mometrix online course

Online TSI Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online TSI Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The TSI Course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 1,250+ TSI Practice Questions
  • More than 500 Digital Flashcards
  • Over 220 Instructional Videos
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The TSI Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their TSI exam. Click below to check it out!

TSIA2 Test Preparation

Writing essays and expressing ideas using proper English conventions comes naturally to some people; for others, it’s a challenge. For many, writing to a random prompt adds an extra obstacle to hurdle. The key to scoring well on the Essay Test may be your preparation before you take this part of the TSIA2.

Preparation for an essay involves practice. A quality study guide, practice tests , and an online course can be beneficial. Also, you can search online for sample essay prompts to practice responding on the spot to a random request. Practice on the multiple-choice writing-focused questions may help as well. Practice improves your chances of meeting the college readiness benchmarks, helping you to enter your first semester with college-level classes.

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Tips and strategies.

  • You will not need any outside knowledge . You will not need any technical information or understanding of specific sources.  Everything you need to answer the question will be part of the prompt.
  • Select one side only .  Take a strong side on the issue you are presenting otherwise your argument will be weak.
  • You will not be scored on your opinion .  Write from the view of whatever side is easiest for you to argue.  You will not receive a lower score based on personal bias.
  • Don't change your position!  Keep on the same side of your argument from beginning to end.  Remember, you are allowed to request scratch paper which is a great place to write a quick outline to help you stay on topic.
  • Debunk opposing arguments.   If you know the opposite side of the argument, you can argue against those points.  Just make sure you are effectively criticizing the opposite argument, otherwise your argument will appear weak.
  • Your introduction and conclusion should be brief.  Keep you introduction to three or four sentences and your conclusion to one or two sentences.  The majority of your time should be spent on writing the body of your paragraphs!
  • Use transition words!  This helps with the flow of your pape and makes it easier for your reader to understanding that you are moving onto another paragraph.

Essay Guidelines

The TSI essay will be evaluated on your organization, focus, development and support, sentence structure, and mechanical conventions. A simple 5 paragraph essay will help you structure your paper in an clear and concise manner.

Paragraph 1 (3-4 sentences)

  • Introduce the topic.
  • Express your opinion on the topic.
  • Your thesis statement should be the final sentence.

Paragraph 2 (4-6 sentences)

  • Provide your best point first.
  • Be specific in your example.  You can pull from history, science, politics, business, entertainment, current events, personal experience, etc.
  • Explain how your point supports your thesis. 

Paragraph 3 (4-6 sentences)

  • Use a transition phrase in the first sentence.
  • Provide a new point.  You shouldn't repeat a previously stated point.

Paragraph 4 (4-6 sentences)

Paragraph 5 (2-4 sentences).

  • Reinforce how your thesis is correct.
  • << Previous: Writing
  • Last Updated: Feb 19, 2024 3:50 PM
  • URL: https://tstc.libguides.com/tsia

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English language arts and reading, tsi pretest, tsi practice tests.

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"I loved being able to use this as a refresher. It showed me where my weak points were, and where I should focus more."

"I really loved the Mometrix course. It was organized, detailed, and thorough. I took my TSI and I passed on the first try. This course prepared me for the test and I am very grateful for it."

TSI (TSIA2) Prep Course by Mometrix

  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
  • Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning
  • Literary Text Analysis
  • Informational Text Analysis
  • Author's Craft
  • Main Ideas, Supporting Details, and Outlining a Topic & Introduction
  • Body, Paragraph, & Paragraph Length
  • Sequence Words and Phrases, Transitions, & Conclusion

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TSI Practice Test

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Congrats on taking our TSI Sample Quiz. Take more of our TSI practice tests. Everything is 100% free!

1 . Question

This pie chart describes the market share of 5 brands of cleaner, based on a survey of 300 shoppers in New York.

Which 2 brands have similar market shares?

tsi practice essay topics

2 . Question

45 of the shoppers purchased D. How large is the sector angle for D?

  • a. 45 degrees
  • b. 60 degrees
  • c. 70 degrees
  • d. 54 degrees

3 . Question

The angle for B is 198 degrees. How many shoppers purchased B?

4 . Question

There is a 12% sales tax. The pre-tax cost of a mobile phone is $280. What is the tax payable on this mobile phone?

5 . Question

Given the formula a = s 2  + 3b – c , find the value of a when s = 7, b = 13 and c = -24.

6 . Question

The circle below is divided into eight equal sectors. If a sector is chosen at random what is the probability that the sector contains B or C?

tsi practice essay topics

7 . Question

A wage sheet of a small business shows one employee’s details. The employee is paid $40 an hour for overtime hours where they work more than their usual 26 hours.

What number should replace x?

8 . Question

Which of these is true?

  • a. √(-3) is negative
  • b. √(-3) is positive
  • c. √(-3) is undefined
  • d. √(-3) is an integer

9 . Question

Chong thinks of a number, adds 10 then multiplies the number so obtained by 3 and gets 42.

If the number is n then write an equation for this.

  • a. 3(n + 10) = 42
  • b. 3n + 10 = 42
  • c. 42n + 10 = 3
  • d. 10n + 3 = 42

10 . Question

The graph below is part of the graph of the function T = (t + 1)(t – 3) for the temperature in a refrigerator for time t hours after midday.

tsi practice essay topics

For which set of t values is the temperature below 0?

  • a. 1< t < 3
  • b. -1< t < 3
  • c. t >= 3
  • d. -1< t < -3

This is just a sample quiz. If you want more TSI practice exams, click here .

All TSI Practice Tests

We have listed all of our free TSI practice tests below. Pick which section you want to start with and begin your studies.

  • TSI Math Practice Test 1
  • TSI Math Practice Test 2
  • TSI Math Practice Test 3
  • TSI Math Practice Test 4
  • TSI ELAR Practice Test 1
  • TSI ELAR Practice Test 2
  • TSI ELAR Practice Test 3
  • TSI ELAR Practice Test 4
  • TSI Essay Practice Test 1
  • TSI Essay Practice Test 2
  • TSI Essay Practice Test 3
  • TSI Essay Practice Test 4

TSI Test Prep

Our team reviewed various TSI study guides and found that MathHelp.com offered the best materials to study for the TSI.

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Official TSI Resources

When preparing for your TSIA2 exam, you may find these official resources helpful:

TSI Exam Overview

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) assessment is a program that measures a student’s readiness for college-level courses in math, reading, and writing. Colleges also use the TSI results to help place students in the right courses and determine if any interventions are necessary.

The table below breaks down the TSIA2 exam and how it is structured.

You will first be given the College Readiness Classification (CRC) version of the exam.

If you do not pass the CRC benchmarks, you will then taking the diagnostic version of the sections you did not pass.

The essay is given along with the ELAR section.

TSIA2 Exam Overview

TSI English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) Section

The TSI English language arts reading (ELAR) section measures your ability to read and write.

The questions are broken up into 2 main categories:

  • Reading-Focused
  • Writing-Focused

You will take the CRC version of the exam first. If you do not pass, you will then take the diagnostic version. The exam is multiple-choice and untimed.

TSI Mathematics Section

The TSI math section measures your ability in mathematics.

The questions are broken up into 4 main categories:

  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
  • Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning

TSI Essay Section

The TSI essay section measures your ability to write. You will be given a prompt and asked to respond with a 300 to 600 word essay.

Your essay will be scored based on the following 6 characteristics:

  • Purpose and Focus
  • Organization and Structure
  • Development and Support
  • Sentence Variety and Style
  • Mechanical Conventions
  • Critical Thinking

The essay will appear on the CRC version of the ELAR test. You will not be allowed to use outside resources to help with the essay.

TSI Scores and Exemptions

All incoming college students in Texas are required to take the TSI exam. You will need the following minimum passing scores:

TSIA2 (After 1/11/21):

  • Math: CRC score of 950+ or CRC score below 950 and a diagnostic level of 6.
  • ELAR: CRC score of 945+ and an essay score of 5+ or CRC score below 945 and a diagnostic level of 5 and an essay score of 5+.

TSI (Before 1/11/21):

  • Math: Score from 350 to 390.
  • Reading: Score from 351 to 390.
  • Writing: Score of 340+ and an essay score of 4+.

There are some exemptions to the TSI test based on how you scored on other standardized exams. To learn more about scores and exemptions, read our complete guide to TSI scores .

TSIA2 Practice Test Benefits

There are many benefits of preparing for your TSI exam with practice tests. Studying for your TSI test using sample questions is one of the most effective study practices you can use. The advantages of using sample TSI tests include:

  • Improving Your Problem Solving Abilities: To do well on the TSI exam, especially the math section, you need to be able to solve problems. As you practice with our sample questions, and review the provided explanations, you will increase your ability to solve problems.
  • Mastering the Test Format:  Standardized exams, like the TSI, have their own particular test formats. The best way to become familiar with the test format is to take practice exams. By understanding the TSI test format you will have no surprises on test day!
  • Concentrating Your Study: Many students waste a lot of valuable study time by reviewing material that they are good at. As you answer more TSI practice questions, you will get a feel for what you struggle with. The most effective way to study is to concentrate on the areas that you need help on.


What is the tsi exam.

TSI stands for Texas Success Initiative. The TSI is an assessment exam that aims to gauge a student’s readiness for college-level courses in math, reading, and writing.

The test is also used as a way to place students in the appropriate classes in college.

What is on the TSI exam?

The TSIA2 exam consists of the following:

  • English Language Arts and Reading

The exam is multiple-choice and untimed. The essay is given at the end of the ELAR section.

How much does the TSIA2 exam cost?

The TSIA2 exam costs $29. If you only need to take the ELAR section it is $20. If you only need to take the math section it is $10.

Are calculators allowed on the TSIA2 exam?

You will not be allowed to bring a calculator when taking the exam. However, a calculator will appear on questions that allow the use of one on your screen.

Is the TSIA2 exam given on a computer?

Yes, the TSI exam is given on a computer. The exam is computer adaptive, which means that questions will get harder or easier based on how you answered the previous question.

What is the best way to study for the TSI?

One of the best ways to get ready for a standardized test is by taking practice tests.

Our free TSI practice tests will challenge you on all aspects of the TSI.

Our practice questions also include answer explanations to help you better understand the material and do better on the TSI.

tsi practice essay topics

  • Authored By: Dave Evangelisti
  • Last Updated January 5, 2024

Collin College

  • Prospective Students
  • Current Students
  • Transfer Students
  • Dual Credit
  • Continuing Education
  • Business Partners
  • Veterans & Military

TSI Study Resources

The following resources may help you prepare to take or re-take the TSI assessments.

TSI Study Handout

This printable handout contains testing tips and useful websites that may help you prepare for taking the TSI. Simply click on the QR codes on the page, and it will take you to an ELAR test, Math test, or combination of both. You can also scan the QR codes with a smartphone:

Accuplacer Practice tests and sample questions and essays are available at the College Board’s Accuplacer Website , you can download practice questions and sample essays, and sign up for the free web-based study app.

TSI Preparation Classes This Continuing Education TSI course is designed for students who have taken the TSI and not placed at the college ready level. The course prepares students with a review of topics that students need to know to successfully pass the Texas Success Initiative Assessment exam. Courses are taught by Collin College Math Faculty and are delivered online. Course schedule and registration information can be found here .

Learning Express TSI Resources EBSCO Learning Express offers TSI preparation practice exams for the ELAR, Essay and Math assessments. Follow these instructions for how to locate the resources and create an account.

Anthony Peterson Center for Academic Assistance (APCAA)

The APCCA on our campuses will be glad to help you review materials to prepare to take the TSI assessment for the first time, or to retake the assessment if you did not receive the score you wanted. For more information, go to the APCAA Website .

Learning Locator Code If you did not get the score you would like, and you would like to retake the TSI, you can review materials by using the Learning Locator Code (LLC) on your score report to enter the Math or ELAR code into this Website .

College Readiness Classes for the TSI Assessments This course is designed for students who did not receive a course placement after taking the TSI assessment. Classes are offered at the McKinney and Plano campuses in the evening. Must be a high school graduate to attend. Please visit www.collinael.com , call 972-349-4550 or email [email protected] to sign up for this free class.

Other Resources Here are a few other free websites that may provide you with additional practice activities related to the TSI. (Note: Collin College is not affiliated with these organizations and makes no claim as to the quality of the information they present.)

  • https://www.mathhelp.com/tsia2-math-test-prep/
  • https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/subjects/core-skills/
  • https://edready.org/signup (sign up for an account or enter as a guest)
  • https://uniontestprep.com/tsia2/practice-test
  • https://www.hippocampus.org/
  • https://www.khanacademy.org/
  • https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra
  • https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra2  (mastery of this course could help with placement into college-level math)

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TSI Test - ELAR (Reading/Writing) Guide

  • Testing Center

Helpful Links

  • Grammar Guide A guide to grammar rules.
  • Writing Essays A guide to writing essays.
  • Essay General Tips
  • Multiple Choice General Tips
  • TSI Editing Checklist
  • Tips for Content
  • Sample Essay Prompt and Responses
  • Sample Multiple Choice Questions
  • Multiple Choice Answer Key

The Writing section of the TSI is designed to evaluate a student's ability to express their thoughts and ideas in writing. It consists of two components: an essay and multiple-choice questions on editing and revising written texts . It is graded by software.

The essay component of the Writing section requires students to write an essay of 300-600 words on a given topic. The essay prompt is designed to assess the student's ability to organize and develop ideas, support arguments with evidence, and use standard written English conventions.

The multiple-choice questions component of the Writing section includes 15 items (out of 30 multiple choice) that test students' skills in revising and editing written texts. The items may include questions on sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 

The Writing section of the TSI is important for students who plan to attend college because it helps to determine whether they are prepared for college-level writing assignments. By assessing their writing skills, the TSI can identify areas where students may need additional support and resources to succeed in college-level courses.

These are some general tips to help with the essay section.

Understand the scoring rubric: Familiarize yourself with the scoring rubric used to evaluate the essay. This will help you understand what the evaluators are looking for and how you can earn a high score.

Plan and organize your essay: Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and create an outline for your essay. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your essay is well-organized and easy to follow.

Use specific examples and evidence: To support your arguments, use specific examples and evidence from your own experiences or from the reading materials provided.

Focus on clarity and coherence: Make sure your essay is easy to read and understand. Use transitions and topic sentences to connect ideas and create a clear flow of information.

Follow standard written English conventions: Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout your essay. Avoid slang and informal language.

Practice writing under time pressure: Set a timer and practice writing essays in a timed environment. This will help you get used to writing under time pressure and improve your time management skills.

Review and revise your work: Before submitting your essay, review and revise your work for errors, clarity, and coherence. Make sure your essay is well-structured and easy to follow.

Write at least 400 (but preferably at least 500) words.  Though the test officially only requires a 300 word minimum, students don't tend to receive the best scores by only meeting the minimum. Remember, the grading is done by a machine. Do not go over 600 words.

Read the entire sentence or passage carefully: Make sure to read the entire sentence or passage before answering the question. Sometimes, the context of the surrounding sentences can help you identify the correct answer.

Identify the error type: Identify the type of error in the sentence or passage, such as grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure. Knowing the error type can help you identify the correct answer choice.

Eliminate answer choices: Eliminate any answer choices that you know are incorrect. This can increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.

Watch for tricky answer choices: Sometimes, answer choices can be written in a tricky way to try and trip you up. Make sure to read each answer choice carefully and watch for subtle differences between them.

Pay attention to sentence structure: Sentence structure can play a big role in determining the correct answer. Look for errors such as run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and subject-verb agreement.

Review basic grammar rules: Make sure you are familiar with basic grammar rules such as verb tenses, pronoun usage, and punctuation. Reviewing these rules can help you identify errors and choose the correct answer.

Use context clues: If you are unsure of the meaning of a word or phrase, look at the surrounding context to see if you can determine its meaning. This can help you identify the correct answer choice.

Be aware of common errors: Certain types of errors, such as misplaced modifiers or faulty parallelism, are common in written texts. Being aware of these common errors can help you identify them more easily.

Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with identifying and correcting errors in written texts. Use practice tests and study materials to hone your skills and prepare for the multiple-choice writing-focused section of the TSI.

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) essay evaluates your writing skills for college-level courses. To excel in the TSI essay, effective editing is crucial. This checklist outlines key areas to focus on when editing your essay to meet the TSI requirements and maximize your chances of success. Remember to make the essay 400+ words.

I. Organization and Structure

  • Is there a clear introduction that grabs the reader's attention and presents a thesis statement?
  • Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement?
  • Are the paragraphs logically organized, with smooth transitions between ideas?
  • Is there a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis?

II. Development and Support

  • Are the main ideas and supporting details clearly expressed and effectively developed?
  • Is there sufficient evidence and examples to support your claims?
  • Have you addressed counterarguments or opposing viewpoints, if applicable?
  • Is the information presented in a logical and coherent manner?

III. Sentence Variety and Style

  • Have you used a variety of sentence structures to enhance readability?
  • Are there any repetitive or unclear sentences that need revision?
  • Have you used appropriate vocabulary and avoided slang or informal language?
  • Have you maintained a consistent tone and style throughout the essay?

IV. Mechanical Conventions

  • Have you checked for spelling errors, typos, and word choice mistakes?
  • Are capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph indentation used correctly?
  • Have you used transitions effectively to connect ideas and improve the flow of your writing?
  • Are sentences grammatically correct, with proper subject-verb agreement and punctuation?

V. Purpose and Focus

  • Is the purpose of the essay clearly defined and effectively communicated?
  • Does the essay stay focused on the main topic or argument throughout?
  • Have you avoided tangents or irrelevant information that may distract from the main point?
  • Is there a clear central idea or theme that guides the content and structure of the essay?
  • Have you considered the target audience and adjusted your writing style and tone accordingly?
  • Have you reviewed each paragraph to ensure it contributes to the overall purpose and focus of the essay?

VI. Critical Thinking

  • Have you presented a well-reasoned and logical argument or analysis?
  • Have you clearly stated your claims or assertions and provided sufficient evidence to support them?
  • Have you used sound and reliable support for your claims? Have you avoided relying solely on personal opinions or unsupported assertions?
  • Have you considered counterarguments or alternative perspectives and addressed them appropriately?
  • Have you avoided logical fallacies or errors in reasoning, such as hasty generalizations or ad hominem attacks?
  • Have you evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of your own arguments and made necessary revisions?

Essay Section

tsi practice essay topics

Multiple Choice Section

tsi practice essay topics

Sample Prompt

tsi practice essay topics

Take a look at sample essay responses from CollegeBoard .

1. Choose the option that corrects the underlined portion of the sentence.

The students are planning there upcoming field trip to the museum.

A) they are

C) they're

D) No change

2. Choose the option that best combines the following two sentences.

Sentence 1: The book was captivating.

Sentence 2: It kept me hooked until the end.

A) The book was captivating kept me hooked until the end.

B) The book, it was captivating, kept me hooked until the end.

C) The book was captivating and kept me hooked until the end.

D) The book was captivating, it kept me hooked until the end.

3. Choose the option that corrects the punctuation error in the sentence.

We went to the store, and bought some groceries, snacks, and beverages.

A) We went to the store and bought some groceries, snacks and beverages.

B) We went to the store, and bought some groceries snacks and beverages.

C) We went to the store, and bought some groceries, snacks and beverages.

1. Choose the option that corrects the underlined portion of the sentence. Correct Answer: B

This answer choice is incorrect. "They are" is a contraction that does not fit grammatically in the sentence and does not provide the necessary correction.

This answer choice is correct. "Their" is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership. In this context, it correctly indicates that the upcoming field trip belongs to the students.

This answer choice is incorrect. "They're" is a contraction of "they are" and does not fit grammatically in the sentence.

This answer choice is incorrect. The original underlined portion contains an error, as "there" is an adverb indicating a location and does not make sense in the context of the sentence.

2. Choose the option that best combines the following two sentences. Correct Answer: C

This answer is incorrect. It lacks proper punctuation or conjunction to connect the two independent clauses. It results in a sentence fragment and lacks clarity and grammatical correctness.

This answer is incorrect. It introduces unnecessary repetition with the use of the pronoun "it." It also includes unnecessary punctuation, which disrupts the flow of the sentence.

This answer is correct. It effectively combines the two independent clauses using the coordinating conjunction "and," maintaining clarity and coherence.

D) The book was captivating, it kept me hooked until the end.

This answer is incorrect. It introduces a comma splice error by using a comma to join two independent clauses. It lacks a coordinating conjunction or proper punctuation.

3. Choose the option that corrects the punctuation error in the sentence. Correct Answer: A

This answer is correct. It removes the unnecessary comma after "store" and correctly uses commas to separate the items in the list ("groceries, snacks, and beverages").

This answer is incorrect. It omits the necessary commas after "groceries" and before "snacks."

This answer is incorrect. It retains the unnecessary comma after "store" and lacks commas to separate the items in the list.

This answer is incorrect. The original sentence contains a punctuation error and requires correction.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 5, 2024 12:31 PM
  • URL: https://odessa.libguides.com/tsielar

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  1. TSI Essay Guide

    The TSI essay will be evaluated on your organization, focus, development and support, sentence structure, and mechanical conventions. Fortunately, your essay is only required to be 300-600 words in length. A simple 5 paragraph essay will be more than sufficient. Scores on the essay section range from 1 to 8, with 8 being the highest.

  2. TSI Essay Practice Test

    1 Prompt. 300-600 Word Essay Style Response. Your essay will be graded on the following 6 characteristics: Purpose and Focus: Ability to present information in a clear and unified way. Organization and Structure: Ability to order your essay and connect thoughts. Development and Support: Ability to develop ideas and support them.

  3. PDF WritePlacer® Guide with Sample Essays

    Students taking WritePlacer are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of 300 to 600 words. A prompt consists of a short passage. Following the passage is an assignment that requires the student to focus on the issue addressed in the passage. WritePlacer prompts are carefully designed to allow the student to respond quickly and in ...

  4. TSI Assessment Sample Essays

    Description of Score of 2. response in this category demonstrates very little mastery of on-demand essay writing; the response is flawed by many or most of the following weaknesses: Presents a vague or limited point of view on the issue. Demonstrates little awareness of audience. Presents an unclear main idea.

  5. Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) Additional Resources

    Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 Mathematics Sample Questions. Sample questions from the TSIA2 Mathematics test. PDF. 664.8 KB. Download sample TSIA2 essay prompts and view scored essays. TSIA2 essay guides show you the types of prompts you might see on the TSIA2 tests, as well as examples of responses to those prompts, the scores they ...

  6. Writing the TSI Essay: Strategies for Success

    For the essay portion of the TSI, you'll receive a random essay prompt, which consists of: You'll need to write a roughly 500- to 600-word persuasive essay with four to five paragraphs (an opening, a closing, and three body paragraphs). The TSI is an untimed test, so you have as much time as you need. Don't rush.

  7. Texas Success Initiative Sample Questions

    The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Writing test contains questions that measure proficiency in four content areas. The four content areas are as follows: Essay Revision — Topics covered in this category include: Coherence, organization and word choice. Rhetorical effectiveness and use of evidence

  8. TSI Writing Practice Test (Example Questions)

    Review Lessons Covering Every Topic; 1,250+ TSI Practice Questions; More than 500 Digital Flashcards; Over 220 Instructional Videos; Money-back Guarantee; Free Mobile Access; ... Also, you can search online for sample essay prompts to practice responding on the spot to a random request. Practice on the multiple-choice writing-focused questions ...

  9. TSI Essay: The Texas College and Career Readiness Writing standards ask

    TSI Essay: The Texas College and Career Readiness Writing standards ask students to write essays that "demonstrate clear focus, the logical development of ideas in well-organized ... Sample Essay: An obstacle or disadvantage may appear to be a setback, though either has the ability to be turned into something good. For instance, Rosa Parks ...

  10. PDF TSI Assessment WritePlacer Study Packet

    TSI Assessment WritePlacer Study Packet. 1. WritePlacer Dimensions Checklist. Purpose and Focus - clear purpose and a consistent focus. Communicated the issue and declared a position on the issue Maintained focus on that main idea throughout the essay Used topic-linking transitions in each paragraph.

  11. Free TSI Practice Test (2024) 100 TSI Test Questions

    If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers a comprehensive online TSI Prep Course. This course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you may need while studying. The TSI Course includes: 120 Lessons Covering Every Topic. Over 1,250 TSI Practice Questions. 220+ Video Tutorials.

  12. Essay

    The TSI essay will be evaluated on your organization, focus, development and support, sentence structure, and mechanical conventions. A simple 5 paragraph essay will help you structure your paper in an clear and concise manner. Paragraph 1 (3-4 sentences) Introduce the topic. Express your opinion on the topic.

  13. How to Pass the TSI Essay With Ease: A Guide

    In order to pass this exam with a 5 or 6, you will need at least two, strong examples that back up your side of the debate. Fortunately, the examples can come from a variety of sources like ...

  14. Online TSI (TSIA2) Prep Course

    10 Full-Length Practice Tests. With 1250+ practice questions and lesson reviews, you can test yourself again and again to build confidence. Flashcards. Our course includes a flashcard mode consisting of 528 content cards. 49.99 (billed monthly) $110 value! Ace your TSI test with our online TSI prep course.

  15. Free TSI Practice Test

    All TSI Practice Tests. We have listed all of our free TSI practice tests below. Pick which section you want to start with and begin your studies. TSI Math. TSI Math Practice Test 1. TSI Math Practice Test 2. TSI Math Practice Test 3. TSI Math Practice Test 4. TSI ELAR.

  16. TSIA2 Essay Guide

    The essay portion of the TSIA2 will require you to read a short passage on an important and debatable topic. There will then be instructions that include picking a side or point of view and writing a persuasive essay defending your position. You will be required write approximately 300 to 600 words, scored on the following key areas ...

  17. TSI Study Resources

    The course prepares students with a review of topics that students need to know to successfully pass the Texas Success Initiative Assessment exam. Courses are taught by Collin College Math Faculty and are delivered online. ... EBSCO Learning Express offers TSI preparation practice exams for the ELAR, Essay and Math assessments. Follow these ...

  18. TSI Sample Essay Questions Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like WritePlacer Sample Topic Prepare a multiple-paragraph writing sample of about 300-600 words on the topic below. You should use the time available to plan, write, review and edit what you have written. Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Some schools require each student to participate in an organized school ...

  19. LibGuides: TSI Test

    The Writing section of the TSI is designed to evaluate a student's ability to express their thoughts and ideas in writing. It consists of two components: an essay and multiple-choice questions on editing and revising written texts.It is graded by software. The essay component of the Writing section requires students to write an essay of 300-600 words on a given topic.

  20. PDF Writeplacer Sample Essays

    the issue in question. Scores on WritePlacer range from 1 to 8. Essays shorter than the recommended minimum of 300 words may not fully meet the requirements of the writing task. An essay that is too short to be evaluated, written on a topic other than the one presented, or written in a language other than English will be given a zero.

  21. TSI Resources

    TSIA2 ESSAY. The TSIA2 Essay Test is used along with the multiple-choice ELAR component to see if you're college ready with respect to reading and writing. The Essay Test requires you to provide a 300- to 600-word essay in response to one randomly selected prompt. Your essay is scored based on six qualities that are highly valued in college ...