30 Best Journaling Prompts for Improving Mental Health

Journaling Prompts

The journaling process involves the structured or free-form expression of thoughts, feelings, and experiences through written words. Using journal prompts enhances self-reflection and cognitive restructuring, leading to improved self-understanding and better emotional regulation (Smyth & Helm, 2003; Ullrich & Lutgendorf, 2002).

This simple yet profound activity can serve as a complementary tool to traditional therapeutic interventions, offering a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the therapeutic process.

Below, we will suggest several journaling prompts for your clients and when and where to apply them.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Gratitude Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients connect to more positive emotions and enjoy the benefits of gratitude.

This Article Contains

Journaling with prompts: 5 benefits, 8 daily self-reflection prompts for adults, 8 self-discovery prompts and questions, 5 mindfulness prompts for gratitude and self-love, 10 prompts and ideas for improving mental health, 4 most effective apps for journaling, 4 helpful books for your journey, resources from positivepsychology.com, a take-away message, frequently asked questions.

The integration of journal prompts offers a scaffolded approach to self-expression, potentially amplifying the therapeutic dividends of the practice.

These structured prompts can act as beacons, leading individuals through the tumultuous seas of their inner worlds, particularly when emotional turbulence threatens to overwhelm.

The act of systematically channeling emotions through guided writing prompts provides a means of catharsis, allowing for the release of pent-up feelings and facilitating a deeper understanding of oneself.

To learn more about the advantages of journaling, check out this article on the Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health .

Prompts for self-reflection

People with a strong sense of self-awareness are better equipped to handle life’s challenges, make informed choices, and nurture personal relationships. By setting aside dedicated time each day to engage with their inner world introspectively, individuals can identify patterns, understand triggers, and navigate personal challenges with greater clarity.

Engaging in this practice allows adults to build a bridge between past experiences and present emotions, fostering growth and adaptive coping strategies.

Below are daily self-reflection journaling prompts to nurture these benefits and to end the day:

  • Values check-in What values did I uphold today, and in which moments did I stray from them? How can I better align my actions with my core beliefs tomorrow?
  • Learning corner What did I learn today — about myself, others, or the world around me?
  • Interaction insight Which interaction today left the most significant impact on me? Was it positive or negative, and why?
  • Dreams and desires What is one thing I deeply desire, and what steps can I take tomorrow toward achieving it?
  • Barriers and solutions What obstacles did I face today, and how did I overcome them? If I didn’t, what can I do differently next time?

3 Journaling prompts to start the day

  • Visualizing success How does my ideal day look today? From interactions to tasks, how would everything play out in the best possible way?
  • Energy check On a scale from 1 to 10, how energized do I feel this morning? If it’s less than ideal, what can I do to boost my energy and mood?
  • Daily inspiration What affirmation, quote, or song lyric inspires me today, and how can it guide my actions and mindset?

creative writing prompts for healing

Download 3 Free Gratitude Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you or your clients with tools to build daily gratitude habits, express more appreciation toward others, and experience more positive emotions in everyday life.

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In the intricacies of adult life, the profound journey of self-discovery and finding purpose often takes a backseat. Yet, delving deep into our sense of self and understanding our desires, fears, values, and beliefs is paramount for creating meaning.

McAdams (2001) discussed the importance of conscious identity creation, suggesting that adults continually craft and revise the story of their lives, integrating past experiences with future purpose in life .

Individuals who reported a clear sense of meaning exhibited greater psychological wellbeing and were better equipped to handle life’s stressors (Steger et al., 2006). Using journaling techniques, we can intentionally thread together our own story that encourages coherence, purpose, and meaning to life.

Below are some self-discovery and meaning-making journaling prompts to begin the journey:

  • Inner child reflection Think back to when you were a child. What activities or hobbies made you lose track of time? How can you incorporate those passions into your adult life?
  • Future self-visualization Imagine yourself five years from now. What are you doing? Where are you living? How do you feel? What steps can you take now to align with this vision?
  • Fear face-off What are three fears holding you back? What’s one small action you can take to challenge each fear?
  • Gifts and talents What are three things you’re exceptionally good at? How can you use these strengths more in your daily life?

For more on journaling techniques, we recommend checking out this video.

4 Prompts for finding purpose

  • Legacy creation If you were to leave a legacy behind, what would it be? How would you want to be remembered by your loved ones and the broader community?
  • Passion pursuit What topic or cause ignites a fire in you? How can you dive deeper into this passion, and how might it align with a larger purpose?
  • Life book If your life was a book, what would its central theme be? How do the chapters so far lead to a purpose-driven climax?
  • Guiding principles What principles or philosophies resonate deeply with you? How can they guide you toward a purpose-filled life?

Mindfulness prompts

According to Kabat-Zinn (2005), cultivating mindfulness can lead to a deeper connection with the self and the world, fostering a sense of peace and balance.

The practice of gratitude can promote life satisfaction and overall wellbeing (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Furthermore, self-love enhances self-acceptance and lower levels of psychological distress (Neff & Vonk, 2009).

Together, the trifecta of mindfulness, gratitude, and self-love provides individuals with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace, build meaningful relationships, and cultivate a deep sense of fulfillment.

The following mindfulness journaling prompts can help create a positive feedback loop that enhances overall wellbeing and life satisfaction:

  • Treasure hunt in memories Close your eyes and travel back in time to a memory you’ve forgotten, a moment when you felt a simple joy. What can you thank your past self for in that moment?
  • Body appreciation tour Start from the tips of your toes and move upward, pausing to express gratitude for each part of your body. Instead of focusing only on function, appreciate the stories and experiences each part holds.
  • Gratitude in disguise Reflect on a recent challenge or setback. Instead of focusing on the negative, find one aspect to be thankful for. Did it bring a hidden blessing? Teach you resilience? Help you discover an inner strength?
  • Mirror talk Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes, and list five things out loud you love about your personality. It’s a direct and powerful reaffirmation of self-worth.
  • Nature’s gifts Spend a moment outdoors, feeling the air, listening to the sounds, and observing the life around you. Express gratitude for the intricate web of life and your unique place within it. How does nature reflect the love and abundance you hold within?

Mental health is intricately linked to every aspect of our lives, from physical health to professional productivity, and from personal relationships to overall life satisfaction.

Moreover, robust mental health serves as a protective factor, bolstering resilience during adversities, enhancing cognitive function, and promoting optimal emotional responses.

A study by Lyubomirsky et al. (2005) further elucidates that individuals with high levels of psychological wellbeing have better cardiovascular health, stronger immune function, and even increased longevity.

Given its profound implications, it becomes vital to place mental health at the forefront of our daily priorities, ensuring a life that’s not just lived, but truly cherished and enriched.

Download this tracking worksheet to help improve mental health.

5 Prompts for clients with depression and anxiety

By journaling about feelings that might be challenging to express verbally, clients can gain insight into their emotional states, recognize patterns in their thinking, and develop coping mechanisms.

Journaling can lead to significant improvements in mood disorders, reduced health visits, and enhanced cognitive functioning (Smyth & Pennebaker, 2008).

In the context of depression, where feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness might prevail, documenting achievements can be particularly empowering. Additionally, the structured and repetitive nature of journaling can serve as a grounding exercise , helping those with anxiety to anchor themselves in the present moment.

The following journaling prompts can be helpful for individuals grappling with depression and anxiety and those who want guidance to process emotions:

  • Anxiety dialogue If your anxiety could speak, what would it say? How would you respond to it?
  • Facing fears What’s one fear you encountered today? How did you cope, or what can you do differently next time?
  • Success stories List small achievements or tasks you accomplished today.
  • Emotional weather report If your current emotions were a type of weather, what would they be? Cloudy, stormy, sunny breaks?
  • Comfort list Identify five things that always bring you comfort or peace. How can you incorporate one into your day tomorrow?

4 Journaling prompts for processing emotions

  • Emotion mapping Describe your current emotion as if it were a place. What does it look, sound, and feel like?
  • Letter to my emotion Write a letter to the emotion you’re feeling, whether it’s anger, sadness, joy, or confusion.
  • The “why” deep dive Pick an emotion you felt today and ask yourself “why?” five times, diving deeper into the root cause.
  • Future self-soothing What advice would a calm and centered future version of yourself give to your current emotional state?

Several mental health apps available today provide users with tools and resources to manage their symptoms and improve their overall mental health.

These apps often include features such as mood tracking, mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, cognitive reframing activities, and community support.

The following apps can also be helpful for journaling:

Day One Journal

This user-friendly app allows for versatile journaling experiences. With the ability to include photos, voice recordings, and even location tags, it’s perfect for capturing memories or moods in a multi-sensory format.

Find the app in the Google Play store.

Find the app in the Apple App Store .

2. Reflectly


Using artificial intelligence, Reflectly tailors questions to guide your reflection process and helps you uncover deep insights about your emotions and thoughts over time.

3. Five Minute Journal

Five Minute Journal

Based on the principles of positive psychology, this app focuses on gratitude, setting daily intentions, and reflection, all in a quick, easy-to-use format.


With its beautiful interface and cloud syncing capability, Journey supports multimedia entries and offers a safe, private space for your mental health reflections.

In addition to these excellent journaling apps, consider visiting our article listing the 11 Best Gratitude Apps to Increase Your Wellbeing .

The following are recommended books for your clinical library, some specifically on journaling and others on the self-discovery journey.

1. The Journal Writer’s Companion: Achieve Your Goals, Express Your Creativity, Realize Your Potential – Alyss Thomas

The Journal Writer's Companion

This book is designed as a clear and practical guide for using journaling to succeed in various areas of life.

It serves as a comprehensive reference to different journaling techniques, including gratitude journals , bullet journals, legacy journals, and art journals. The book aims to be the only guide needed for achieving personal and professional success through journaling. ​

With over 275 insightful prompts and exercises, this guide offers techniques to dive deep into self-reflection, helping readers tap into their creativity, understand themselves better, and live more mindfully.

Find the book on Amazon .

2. Soul Therapy: A 365 Day Journal for Self Exploration, Healing and Reflection – Jacqueline Kademian

Soul Therapy

This daily, guided journal is aimed at facilitating self-exploration, healing, and reflection.

The journal features 365 days of thought-provoking journaling prompts, inspiring quotes, and open-ended questions. It also includes daily practices and motivational “soul food” with space for writing.

This journal is designed as a comprehensive tool for personal growth, encouraging users to delve deeper into self-understanding and personal development through guided journaling activities.

3. The New Diary: How to Use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded Creativity – Tristine Rainer

The New Diary

This comprehensive guide presents a modern approach to journal writing. It moves beyond traditional diary keeping, focusing instead on using a journal as a tool to tap into your inner resources.

This book is aimed at both experienced journal keepers and novices, offering various methods for using a diary to achieve personal goals, clarify visions for the future, and focus energy. It serves as a medium for unlocking intuition and imagination, and as a workbook for exploring dreams, past experiences, and current life situations.

The book is intended for anyone seeking practical ways to address personal issues and for those seeking self-reliance, inner liberation, and creative inspiration.

4. Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth – Kathleen Adams

Journal to the Self

This roadmap to journaling offers a step-by-step method for personal growth, creative expression, and career enhancement.

Journal to the Self is a reader-friendly guide to journal keeping, seen as a rewarding path to greater self-awareness. It is described as a classic work in the field and is known for its practical and approachable style.

Adams, a nationally recognized therapist, provides various journaling techniques and insights, making it a valuable resource for those looking to explore the benefits of journal writing for personal development​.

We also have a shortlist of the 5 Best Books of Gratitude , which includes Oliver Sacks’s Gratitude , for even more reading material.

creative writing prompts for healing

17 Exercises To Nurture Gratitude & Appreciation

Empower others with more hope, satisfaction, and fulfilling relationships with these 17 Gratitude & Appreciation Exercises [PDF] that harness the powerful benefits of gratitude.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

On our site, we have a multitude of tools and articles to help on a client’s mental health journey.

Our Gratitude Journal: 66 Templates & Ideas for Daily Journaling provides methods and a format to begin exploring how to cultivate thankfulness and appreciation for life. This article contains various modalities to get started on a gratitude practice and maps out what benefits you can expect.

If you are more data driven and want to track affect and emotion, refer to our 7 Best Mood Trackers to Chart and Journal Your Mood . This article provides some of the best resources to begin monitoring and charting changes in mood and possible reasons for those shifts.

Likewise, refer to our 13 Self Reflection Worksheets & Templates to Use in Therapy if you would like your client to focus specifically on self-awareness skills. This article provides prompts, worksheets, tools, and other unique interventions to help clients reflect on their self-discovery journey.

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others harness the benefits of gratitude, check out this collection of 17 validated gratitude tools for practitioners. Use them to help others shift to a more positive mindset and experience the joys of life more deeply.

Journaling can offer a window into the inner workings of a client’s mind outside of the therapy room. By dissecting experiences and reflecting on them, individuals can gain clarity and develop more constructive strategies to tackle challenges (Pizarro, 2004).

This act of writing transcends mere documentation; it serves as a mirror, reflecting our deepest thoughts, fears, aspirations, and emotions. Through this reflection, individuals can discern patterns, confront traumas, celebrate triumphs, and most crucially, understand themselves on a profound level.

Journaling prompts encourage us to question, to challenge, and to dream. By consistently engaging with our inner narratives, we not only build self-awareness and emotional resilience but also cultivate a sense of purpose and direction.

The pen, in this context, becomes a powerful tool, not just for recording life but for shaping it.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Gratitude Exercises for free .

Starting a daily journaling practice can be achieved by following these steps:

  • Set aside time daily to dedicate to journaling.
  • Create a comfortable space.
  • Begin with a journaling prompt.
  • Be consistent.

Journaling exercises are structured activities or techniques used to explore particular themes, emotions, or experiences in depth.

While journaling is a personal activity, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, some general guidelines can enhance the experience:

  • Be honest with yourself. Your journal is a safe space; be genuine in your entries.
  • Don’t worry about perfection. It’s about expression, not crafting perfect prose.
  • Write regularly. Even if it’s brief, regular writing helps in maintaining continuity.
  • Reflect on past entries. Revisiting old entries can offer insights into personal growth and change.

Journaling activates the brain’s left hemisphere, which is analytical and rational, allowing the right hemisphere, associated with creativity and intuition, to explore freely and express.

Journaling also provides a therapeutic outlet, helping in the processing and management of emotions.

  • Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 84 (2), 377–389.
  • Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness meditation in everyday life . Hyperion.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., King, L., & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin , 131 (6), 803–855.
  • McAdams, D. P. (2001). The psychology of life stories. Review of General Psychology , 5 (2), 100–122.
  • Morin, A. (2011). Self-awareness part 1: Definition, measures, effects, functions, and antecedents. Social and Personality Psychology Compass , 5 (10), 807–823.
  • Neff, K. D., & Vonk, R. (2009). Self-compassion versus global self-esteem: Two different ways of relating to oneself. Journal of Personality , 77 (1), 23–50.
  • Pizarro, J. (2004). The efficacy of art and writing therapy: Increasing positive mental health outcomes and participant retention after exposure to traumatic experience. Art Therapy , 21 (1), 5–12.
  • Smyth, J. M., & Helm, R. (2003). Focused expressive writing as self-help for stress and trauma. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 59 (2), 227–235.
  • Smyth, J. M., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2008). Exploring the boundary conditions of expressive writing: In search of the right recipe. British Journal of Health Psychology , 13 (1), 1–7.
  • Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology , 53 (1), 80–93.
  • Ullrich, P. M., & Lutgendorf, S. K. (2002). Journaling about stressful events: Effects of cognitive processing and emotional expression. Annals of Behavioral Medicine , 24 (3), 244–250.

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Lucinda Allen

Beautifully written article! I love these prompts, they can be so powerful!

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3 Gratitude Exercises Pack

Creative Primer

A Guide to Journaling for Healing + 50 Healing Prompts

Brooks Manley

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help individuals heal emotional wounds, process difficult experiences, and gain clarity and insight into their thoughts and feelings. By putting pen to paper, journaling can provide a safe and private space for self-reflection, self-expression, and personal growth. This guide to journaling for healing provides 50 prompts to help individuals begin their journaling journey, with the goal of finding inner peace and emotional well-being. Whether you are new to journaling or a seasoned writer, these journal prompts offer a starting point for exploring your innermost thoughts and feelings, and embarking on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

What is journaling for healing?

Journaling for healing is a therapeutic practice that involves keeping a written record of your emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a journal or diary. It is a tool that can be used for self-reflection, self-awareness, and emotional processing. Writing about traumatic or difficult experiences has been shown to help individuals cope with their emotions and improve their mental health.

The process of journaling involves putting your thoughts and emotions down on paper in a stream-of-consciousness style, without worrying about grammar or spelling. You can write about anything that comes to mind, including emotions, memories, dreams, and goals. The act of writing helps to clarify your thoughts and feelings, providing a space to process them and work through any negative emotions.

Overall, journaling for healing is an effective way to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting self-discovery, personal growth, and healing. It is a low-cost, low-risk tool that can be used alone or in conjunction with therapy or other mental health treatments.

Benefits of journaling for healing

Journaling has become a popular tool for healing in recent years. It offers a safe and private space for individuals to express their thoughts and emotions. Writing in a journal is an effective way to process feelings and experiences, allowing individuals to gain a better understanding of themselves and their emotions. It can also serve as a form of self-care and stress relief, helping to reduce anxiety and depression.

Journaling for healing can also help individuals track their progress and set goals for personal growth. By recording their thoughts and experiences, individuals can look back and recognize patterns, identifying areas where they have made progress and areas where they still need to work on.

Furthermore, journaling allows individuals to identify negative patterns of thinking and behavior, and replace them with more positive ones. By regularly writing down their thoughts and emotions, individuals can recognize stress triggers and learn how to manage them better.

Overall, journaling is a powerful tool for healing. It helps to reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and promote personal growth, making it an effective tool for anyone looking to improve their mental wellbeing.

How to Get Started with journaling for healing

Journaling is a powerful tool for healing emotional wounds and gaining emotional insight. Here are some tips for getting started:

1. Set an intention: Before you start journaling, set an intention for what you hope to accomplish. This might include gaining clarity, processing emotions, or identifying patterns in your behavior.

2. Choose a time and place: Choose a time and place where you won’t be interrupted. This could be in the morning with a cup of tea, or at night before bed.

3. Write freely: Write without worrying about spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Write what comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make sense at first.

4. Be honest: Write honestly about your thoughts and feelings. Don’t censor yourself, even if you’re writing about something difficult or painful.

5. Use prompts: If you’re struggling to get started, use prompts to guide your writing. Examples include “What do I need in this moment?” or “What am I grateful for today?”

Remember, journaling is a personal process, so go at your own pace and do what feels right for you.

Some Practical Tips for journaling for healing

Journaling can be a powerful tool to help you process and heal from emotional pain, trauma, and difficult experiences. Here are some practical tips and instructions to help you get started:

1. Choose a journal that feels special to you. It could be a beautiful notebook or a simple spiral-bound one.

2. Set a regular time and place for journaling. This will help you establish a routine and make journaling a habit.

3. Write freely and without judgment. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Just write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

4. Use prompts to help get you started. For example, you could write about a challenging experience you’ve had recently or something you’re struggling with.

5. Don’t be afraid to explore difficult emotions. Write about your fears, anxieties, and worries. This can help you process and release these emotions.

6. Review your entries regularly. This can help you see patterns or insights that you may have missed before.

Remember that journaling is a personal process, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Trust yourself and let your words lead you towards healing.

25 Helpful journaling for healing Prompts

Introduction: Journaling is a powerful tool for mental and emotional healing. Here are 25 journaling prompts to help you process and heal your thoughts and emotions.

Journaling Prompts: 1. What are some patterns in your thoughts and behaviors that you’d like to change? 2. What relationships or interactions have been particularly challenging for you, and how have you been impacted? 3. Write about a particularly difficult experience or trauma and how it has affected you. 4. List three things you’re grateful for today. 5. Write a letter to your future self, what would you like to remind yourself of? 6. What brings you joy and how can you incorporate more of that into your life? 7. What are your fears and how have they limited you? 8. Write about a person who has made a significant impact on your life and why. 9. Write about your earliest memory and how it has shaped you. 10. What are your top five values and why are they important to you? 11. Reflect on a time when you felt proud of yourself and what led to that accomplishment. 12. What are some things you’d like to forgive yourself for? 13. How do you show love and kindness to yourself? 14. What are some healthy coping mechanisms you can use when you feel overwhelmed? 15. What are some activities you find calming or meditative? 16. Write about a time when you felt truly content and at peace. 17. What are your biggest regrets in life and how have they impacted you? 18. Write about your dream job or career and what steps you can take to make it a reality. 19. Reflect on the relationships in your life and which ones are nourishing and which ones are draining. 20. Write about a time when you felt stuck and how you were able to move past it. 21. What are some limiting beliefs you hold about yourself? How can you challenge and change them? 22. Write about a time when you felt deeply grateful and why. 23. What is something that you’re currently struggling with and how can you work through it? 24. What are some ways you can practice self-care and prioritize your well-being? 25. Reflect on the progress you’ve made in your healing journey and take note of your growth and accomplishments.

Get Started on Your Journaling Journey

In conclusion, journaling can be a powerful tool for healing and personal growth. Whether you’re struggling with mental health issues or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, the act of putting pen to paper can help you process your emotions, gain clarity, and cultivate gratitude. By following these tips and prompts, you can start a journaling practice that brings you peace, insight, and healing. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to journal – just let your thoughts and feelings flow freely and enjoy the transformative power of this simple yet profound practice.

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

creative writing prompts for healing

Creative Primer  is a resource on all things journaling, creativity, and productivity. We’ll help you produce better ideas, get more done, and live a more effective life.

My name is Brooks. I do a ton of journaling, like to think I’m a creative (jury’s out), and spend a lot of time thinking about productivity. I hope these resources and product recommendations serve you well. Reach out if you ever want to chat or let me know about a journal I need to check out!

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Brooks Manley

A Guide to Gratitude and Mindfulness Journaling + 25 Prompts

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50 Journal Prompts for Clarity, Well Being & Healing

Published: Jan 3, 2020 · Updated: Nov 11, 2022 by Jessica Dimas · 2 Comments · Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I’ll earn a commission, at no additional cost to you.

Deep, thought-provoking journal prompts are hard to come by. And journaling itself is one of the most underrated forms of self-therapy. It clears the mind, helps you to focus in on what is desired, and release what is no longer serving you.

I journal nearly every day and at the very least, every week. In this article, I'm going to share quality journal prompts that will take your journaling and its effectiveness to the next level.

Table of Contents

How to journal

Journaling is extremely easy. You buy a journal, a pen or pencil, and you begin writing. You don't need to be a writer and you don't need to know what you're going to write. Nor do you need to keep some sort of strict schedule with it.

This is where journal prompts do come in handy, not only for the new journal writer but also for the seasoned one. It can be extremely helpful when you're overwhelmed to be "asked" your thoughts on a subject matter in order to help untangle everything in your mind.

I actually incorporate journal prompts onto my morning worksheets that come in all of the self-care and mindset bundles . It's a very powerful daily practice and why I'm excited to share this post.

What are journal prompts?

Journal prompts are simply questions or prompts that get you thinking about a particular subject or focus.

Depending on your end goal for journaling, journal prompts can help you achieve it. Sometimes I journal for clarity, other times I journal to process an emotion I'm struggling with.

Journaling is even considered a form of divination because of the way answers can so easily come to your mind. It can almost feel as if you're receiving divine guidance (which I fully believe in).

Below is a list I compiled of journal prompts that will get you thinking. Some will only elicit a short answer and others might have you filling up an entire page. Don't worry about your spelling or if you can even re-read it. Just write.

I'm also not suggesting that you do every journal prompt for the specified category. Pick one or a few–whichever ones call to you–and start writing.

Daily morning journal prompts

  • Today, I want to feel...
  • If today could unfold perfectly, it would look like this...
  • I'm appreciating...
  • 3 ways I could nourish myself today....
  • 3 ways I could take action today...
  • 3 ways I could love myself today...
  • 3 ways I could stay present today...
  • My top 3 goals of the day...
  • My word of the day is...(abundance, love, forgiveness, grace, tenderness, trust, faith)
  • What am I most needing right now?

Nightly journal prompts

  • How today went...
  • How I'm feeling about things that happened today...
  • 3 things to let go of...
  • What do I want to do differently tomorrow?
  • Today, I was so grateful for these things...
  • What am I most needing tonight?
  • Beautiful moments from the day...

Prompts for clarity

  • Recently, I've been feeling very...
  • I've been feeling like this because...
  • Ways I want to begin feeling...
  • If I could have things my way, they would look like this...
  • What is no longer serving me?
  • What am I truly needing these days?
  • What would my perfect schedule look like?

Prompts for healing & well being

  • I often feel...(angry, irritated, mad, sad, cheated, belittled, shamed, etc)
  • If I had to name one emotion that seems to live deep in my core, it would be...
  • How long have I felt this emotion?
  • Where could it have come from?
  • When I think of this emotion and time of my life, what is my biggest fear? What do I believe I am?
  • What could I begin to do to soften and love this scared part of me?
  • What activities bring me a deep sense of inner calm?
  • What situations, circumstances or people seem to trigger this negative emotion within me?
  • What makes me feel safe?
  • How do I want to begin feeling?
  • What can I begin to let go of?
  • What boundaries need to be placed so I can return to well being?
  • What does well being feel like?
  • What does well being look like?

Anxiety journal prompts

  • I am currently feeling...
  • The worst thing that could happen would be...
  • The best thing that could happen would be...
  • Even if the worst thing happened, I know all would still truly be okay because...
  • Things I can control...
  • Things I can't control...
  • What improves if I worry?
  • What improves if I let go and go with the flow?
  • Things I can do in this moment to help myself...
  • Talking to these people make me feel worse...
  • Talking to these people make me feel more calm...
  • Beliefs that trigger my anxiety...
  • New beliefs I can choose that serve me...

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading and that there was something there for you to take away.

For holistic self-care tips every Sunday afternoon, you can sign up for the  Dwell in Magic weekly newsletter .

If you’d like more real life examples of daily self-care, you can  connect with me on Instagram .

And if you’d like more direct support and community with like-minded people, come join the Dwell in Magic Facebook group .

Lots of love,

Shop: Moon Ritual Bundle | Chakra Healing Bundle | Law of Attraction Bundle | Manifesting Bootcamp Bundle | Entrepreneur Bundle | Self-Care for Moms Bundle

Jessica Dimas is the creator of Manifesting Magic with the Moon , a holistic self-care ritual bundle. Connect with her on Facebook and Instagram for more inspiration and updates.

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More Journaling Prompts

About jessica dimas.

Jessica is the founder of the site Dwell in Magic , where she shares how to practically apply everyday self-care for a more magical, joy-filled life. Her writing has been featured on Today, HuffPost, Scary Mommy, Redbook Magazine, Motherly, and many more. She is passionate about metaphysical studies, transformation and personal growth.

Reader Interactions

Laura Holley

February 24, 2020 at 8:14 pm

Thank you....I know how beneficial journaling can be yet I'm horrible at it. The prompts are so helpful....like a starting point but then the words just flow.

Jessica Dimas

February 25, 2020 at 10:05 am

That's the beautiful thing about prompts...they make journaling so much easier because we all have reflections and answers within us, we just sometimes need the nudge in the direction we're wanting to go 🙂

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50 Powerful Journaling Prompts for Healing and Self Soothing

Writing can be a powerful tool when you’re in need of self-healing. Today I’m sharing my favorite journaling prompts for healing to nurture your mind, body, and spirit’s ability to self-repair. You deserve to thrive in all ways! These writing prompts will help you to grant yourself permission to heal and move forward.

What Are Journaling Prompts for Healing?

Journaling prompts are suggestions to help spark ideas on what to write in your personal journal. Healing journal prompts focus on exploring thoughts, feelings, and goals that support your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

Some of the prompts I share below will be a mix of the following:

  • Questions for you to answer
  • Incomplete statements for you to complete
  • Suggested activities

Feel free to read through this list of healing writing prompts and work with one or two that feel right to you in this moment. Next time you visit this post, you may be drawn to a totally different prompt, and that’s just perfect.

More Healing Journaling Prompts:

Heart Chakra Journal Prompts for Love and Emotional Healing

Sacral Chakra Journal Prompts for Powerful Healing

Break Up Journal Prompts to Mend Your Heart

Shadow Work Prompts for Self-Love and Manifesting

50 journaling prompts for healing to find relief from pain and trauma

How Writing Prompts Can Help You Heal

Journaling prompts can help you to heal by gently guiding you toward topics that will allow you to process and release emotions that no longer serve you.

Every part of you is sacred, and that includes negative emotions and thoughts. After all, your shadow emotions point out what’s important to you, and allow you to appreciate the light in your life.

But you were never meant to dwell in negativity for the long term. Journaling about your feelings, experiences, and dreams for the future can help you to find the lessons in your challenges so you can heal and move forward.

The main goal of these healing journal prompts is to gently guide you up the emotional scale , so you can feel emotional relief. When this happens, even your physical body will begin to respond and self-heal.

Journal Prompts for Self-Healing

  • Write about a time when you healed from a painful situation.What did you find the most comforting and effective in those moments?
  • Make a list of names of the people (an animals) who make you feel the most loved, safe, and peaceful.
  • List 3 activities that make you feel your best when you do them.  
  • What are 3 things you love about your physical appearance?
  • Consider your self-talk. Is it loving and kind or harsh and judgmental? Explore. 
  • Ask your body what it wants you to know at this moment.
  • If you’re in pain, ask the pain what it’s here to teach you. 
  • What areas of your life need more balance? 
  • Are you food and drink choices based in self-love? What opportunities do you have to make upgrades?
  • List 3 things you’re grateful your body can do. 
  • What are some ways you can make your physical body more comfortable as you move through the day? 
  • Imagine yourself healed, whole, and thriving. Describe what it looks and feels like.
  • Write yourself a letter to yourself with the words of comfort you need to hear.
  • Ask your body what it needs in this moment, without overthinking. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?
  • If you could go back in time and comfort a past version of yourself, where would you go and what would you say?

journaling prompt for healing: If you could go back in time and comfort a past version of yourself, where would you go and what would you say?

  • How have you grown and changed as a result of this experience?
  • How can you honor yourself as you move through the self-healing process?
  • What resources/books/subject matter experts help you feel encouraged and hopeful?
  • Consider your fears around the worst-case scenario. How likely are they to ever happen?
  • Write about something good that happened today.
  • Choose a positive healing affirmation and use it as a writing prompt.
  • Write about any improvement you feel today, no matter how small.
  • Describe a time when someone was kind to you and how it made you feel.
  • What would you do with your day if you woke up healed tomorrow?
  • Do the stories you tell affirm your pain or your wellness?

journaling prompt for healing: Do the stories you tell affirm your pain or your wellness?

Journal Prompts for Healing Trauma

  • Choose a gratitude affirmation and write about what it means to you.
  • Do you need to forgive yourself for anything? 
  • How has this trauma made you stronger?
  • In what ways are you proud of yourself in regard to this situation?
  • Pick a Brene Brown shame quote and write about what comes to mind.
  • How can you remind yourself that you are worthy of peace and healing?
  • When you’re feeling overwhelmed, how can you self-soothe?
  • Name 3 things you can do to bring more self-love into your life.
  • Are you carrying anger? Write about how it’s affecting your ability to experience peace.

journal prompt for healing trauma: Are you carrying anger? Write about how it’s affecting your ability to experience peace.

  • Do you feel unsafe in your world? Write about what triggers you to feel on edge.
  • Consider how you might use this experience to uplift others someday.
  • What coping mechanisms do you use when you’re feeling upset? 
  • Do you feel any guilt or resistance toward healing? Explore without judgment.
  • Write about someone you admire who’s overcome trauma.
  • List 3 ways you can show up as your own self-nurturer.
  • Try a cord cutting ritual if you feel the need to cut ties with a person or situation. Write about your experience.
  • Write about your healthiest relationship.
  • Are there any patterns, relationships, or habits you’re ready to release?
  • When do you feel your best?
  • What activities make you feel strong?
  • Where does your trauma live in your physical body? How can you bring it healing and comfort?
  • List 3 positive traits you developed as a result of your challenges.
  • Are there any words of comfort your inner child needs to hear? Write them a love letter.
  • Are there things you needed from a parent figure you didn’t receive as a child? How can you give those things to yourself?
  • What are your dreams for the future? What emotions surface as you consider them?

journal prompt for healing trauma: What are your dreams for the future? What emotions surface as you consider them?

More Self-Healing Tools

Practice mindfulness..

Staying in the present moment is a powerful way to relieve your hurting on all levels. As you bathe, prepare your meals, drive to work, etc, set intentions to keep your mind focused on what your body is doing. 

Engage your 5 senses to get fully immersed in the moment. What do you feel, hear, smell, taste, and see? It’s very difficult to be mindful and focus on suffering at the same time!

Mindfulness is an easy and helpful way to reduce stress and anxiety. These affirmations will get you started: 65 Mindfulness Affirmations to Be Present, Calm + Grounded

Meditate Daily .

There’s a famous saying that goes,

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Haruki Murakami

Suffering takes place 100% in your mind, and it makes pain so much worse.

In a way, this is wonderful news because you can learn to master your mind, allowing you to self-heal much faster, and making your pai much more manageable in the meantime. 

Every day, whether it’s first thing in the morning or just before falling to sleep, try focusing all your attention on white noise or on your breath (whichever’s easier).

When you notice your mind wandering (and it will – that’s totally ok), just come back to your focal point. 

Repeat this daily for a couple of weeks, just for 5 minutes or so. Then notice if your thoughts become easier to direct as you go about your day. 

Use Healing Oils.

I’ve been a certified Aromatherapist for many years, and essential oils are some of othe most powerful tools in my holistic healing toolbox. 

There is a powerful connection between your emotions and sense of smell. Essential oils can help you unlock the part of your brain that holds onto trauma.

This is a beautiful blend that ushers in deep emotional healing. It’s like a soothing balm for ragged nerves.

At Peace essential oil blend by RMO

They also have oils you can use topically for physical pain for all sorts of issues. Their site is pretty good at matching you up with the right oils if you type an ailment into their search box.

Explore Holistic Healing Methods.

There are many ways to naturally bring yourself healing, I’ve tried just about all of them! I have my favorites and I’ve documented everything I’ve tried in the post to below. 

Self-healing can actually be a very soothing, even enjoyable process. Treat yourself to some of these holistic options and notice how they make you feel. Your mind and body will respond readily to your loving acts of self-care: 9 Natural Remedies for Healing Pain

If you try any of these, use the experience as a journaling prompt!

Practice Gratitude .

Appreciation makes you a magnet for a happy, healthy life. If you can retrain your brain to notice the good things in your day, that painful things become smaller and eventually fade away altogether.

You try these positive affirmations to get started with your gratitude practice: 115 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations to Feel Happy and Thankful

I hope these journaling prompts for healing bring you comfort and peace on your healing journey. Please share this post if you found it helpful, so others who need healing can find it, too. 💙

Sending you love!

To view a slideshow of the images in this post, visit the healing journal prompts web story .

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Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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31 Powerful Journaling Prompts for Healing & Recovery

For this article, I have collected and written 31 of the best most powerful journaling prompts for healing and recovery to use for your journey to wellness.

If you’ve been hanging here on Sassy Sister Stuff with me for a while, you know I’ve been promoting and using journals for my own personal growth and wellness for a couple of years now. If you’re new here, I invite you to visit my other articles about journal prompts to get a strong foundation for how they can help support your personal growth, wellness, and overall happiness in life.

So grab your journal and something to write with so you can get started with your healing and recovery journey:)

top view of woman sitting in bed writing in her journal with a mug and some books sitting next to her

Related Article : 30 Self Reflection Journal Prompts for Personal Growth

Journaling Prompts for Healing and Recovery

There are many kinds of healing and recovery — emotional healing, physical healing — healing from abuse, healing from childhood trauma, healing from chronic illness and debilitating diseases, recovery from substance abuse addiction or alcohol addiction, and so many more.

Journaling through your healing and recovery process can help with your journey — especially if you are someone who has difficulty with verbally communicating about difficult topics. As an alternative to conversation, journaling offers you private time and space to reflect on your situation and let go of the painful memories.

As modern, strong women, we sometimes resist the process of surrendering and talking about our pain — instead, we suppress and suffer from it. But journaling is a form of compromise. You can reflect, analyze, process, and release the pain privately through pen and paper.

Journaling is an valuable way to help you heal and recover.

“Holding on to pain can lead to bitterness, resentment, anxiety, fatigue, chronic illness, debilitating diseases and feelings of discontent and disconnection.” ~ Tracie Braylock

These journaling prompts for healing and recovery will give you ideas to write about that will help you process your pain — whether physical or emotional. You should strive to write in your journal every day to get the most benefit from your reflections.

Related Article : A Year of 28 Day Challenges for Personal Growth

top view of a woman starting to use journaling prompts for healing at a desk with a plant overlooking a large window

Use these 31 journaling prompts for healing and recovery to guide you in your process. Think, reflect, and write from a place of total honesty — visualize your complete healing and know that it will happen.

1. Create a list of 5 things you have learned about yourself during the healing and recovery process? 

2. Write a goodbye letter to something in your life that you want to eliminate during your healing and recovery process.

3. What does the word “freedom” mean to you right now at this point in your healing and recovery process?

4. Create a list of all the things in your life that you want to say NO to right now.

5. Create a list of all the things in your life that you want to say YES to right now.

6. Write the words that you most want to hear someone say to you right now.

7. After healing and recovery, what are 5 things you want to learn to do or start doing again?

8. Write down 5 questions that you want answers to even if you know you may not ever get answers.

9. What about this healing and recovery process scares you the most? How are you going to overcome the fear?

10. What does showing up for yourself look like to you during your healing and recovery process?

11. Make a list of 5 things in your life that are better right now than they were five years ago. Describe yourself then and now.

12. Write a “ letter to my younger self ” describing what you are going to go through at this time of your life.

13. Write a “letter to my future self” about how you are managing your healing and recovery process.

14. Make a list of 10 things that make you SMILE and have a brighter life right now.

15. Make a list of 10 things you have done this week that make you feel good.

16. Write an essay about the strengths you have developed during your healing and recovery journey.

17. How has the healing and recovery process improved your life?

18. What are you going to do to make your wellbeing a priority from now on?

19. What does healing and recovery mean to you right now?

20. What are your warning signs, or triggers, that let you know it’s time to rest, recharge, and relax?

21. What do you do to rest, recharge, and relax at this time in your journey? What will you do in the future?

22. What small lifestyle changes will have the most positive impact on your future wellbeing?

23. Finish this sentence: “I really need to stop…. ”

24. How can you practice more mindfulness in your every day life?

25. What does achieving happiness mean to you? What does it look like in your life?

26. What are your priorities in life during your healing and recovery? What will be your priorities in the future?

27. What actions can you take to simplify your life now and in the future?

28. What would you tell someone who is experiencing the same problem as you are?

29. How can you feel more fulfilled in life? What can you do to make that happen?

30. What’s the biggest challenge you managed to overcome during your healing and recovery journey?

31. How do you navigate your way through change, uncertainty and a loss of control? How can you handle it better in the future?

Related Article : 160 Awesome Gratitude Journal Prompts for a New Outlook on Life

top view of a woman sitting at a small table writing in a journal relaxing with her coffee

What is an Addiction Recovery Journal ?

An Addiction Recovery Journal is another great option for someone who is recovering from an addiction. It’s like a memoir of your thoughts, reflections, emotions, interactions, behaviors, triggers, priorities, and other important components of your recovery.

It may or may not include journaling prompts for healing and recovery because because it can be more like a diary about each day.

Although I am not an addiction or mental health specialist, I want to include some helpful information here simply because I am familiar with the practices and want to help as many people as possible. This information is not intended to be a professional consultation between you and me — please see an appropriate specialist if you are in need of professional help.

These are some things that you should include in your Addiction Recovery Journal .

  • Daily emotions that you experience
  • Goals and plans for your recovery
  • Identified triggers that cause you a problem
  • Strategies for avoiding your triggers
  • Thoughts of gratefulness
  • A list of your priorities in life
  • Inspirational quotes and words of wisdom that help you stay positive
  • A list of victories during your recovery journey

You should choose a private place to write that is free from distractions since this is an important part of your recovery. Set aside 20-30 minutes to write in your journal every day. Throughout each day, jot down notes about your thoughts and feelings so you can elaborate later in your journal. And plan time regularly to review your journal entries and reflect on your words.

Whichever kind of journal you are using for healing and recovery, I wish you the very best!

Related Article : 90 Mindfulness Journal Prompts to Improve Your Life

partial view of woman sitting on a comfy blanket using journaling prompts for healing as she writes in her journal

Final Thoughts About Journaling for Healing & Recovery

Journaling prompts for healing and recovery should be used in a safe environment that enables you to face your pain or trauma privately. When that occurs, research shows that you can achieve tremendous healing.

Studies also show that journaling can even reduce pain, improve depression, and even lower inflammation in the body. Let the process help you!

You can also use meditation, mindfulness, calming coloring pages , yoga, and a heart of gratitude to support your healing — and don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat properly. All of these strategies will help you grow through the process of healing. Check out 10 Simple Ways to Find Your ZEN in the Chaos of Life , too!

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One last thought…

Journaling is like a balm — it helps you soothe the pain — whether you have physical or emotional wounds, I hope you let your journal be your balm as you work through your pain and prepare for a bright future.

I hope these journaling prompts for healing and recovery help you heal, grow, and thrive .

Love to ALL! ~ Susan

Which Are Your Favorite Journaling Prompts for Healing? Share in the Comments:)

If you found value in my words, please consider sharing it on your socials by clicking the buttons below. Thank you for your continued support! It means so much to me!

creative writing prompts for healing

Susan Ballinger is an award-winning educator, author, speaker, PTSD survivor, and advocate for ALL who has always been passionate about supporting and inspiring others in their personal growth. In her retirement years, she became the primary caregiver of her aging parents and developed an extensive knowledge-base about the elderly. You can learn more about Susan's professional work and compassionate nature by exploring her ABOUT page and connecting through her social media platforms.

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Five Spiritual Journal Prompts for Mindfulness and Spiritual Healing

Notebook, heather flowers, candles

Hey, everyone! Lately, because things have been stressful, I’ve being doing a lot of journaling. It’s sort of a cross between a spiritual exercise and therapy for me, and coming up with my own journal ideas helps me not obsess too much on the news. I thought I’d share some of my mindfulness journal prompts with you.

I love journaling because all it takes is pen, a journal or notebook, and a little bit of quiet time. I hope one of these five creative journal prompts inspires you!

title + journal and pen in backgrouns

1. What a Wonderful World

I did this one because we can’t go much of anywhere right now. Write about one of the most beautiful buildings you’ve ever visited…and write about one of the most beautiful places in nature you’ve ever visited. (I would love to hear what your choices are, by the way!)

tall redwood trees in morning mist

2. Encouragement From My Favorite Famous People

This is a little silly, but I found it really healing.

Imagine that you’re sitting down with three famous people, dead or alive. (They can absolutely be fictional characters!) They’re people you would choose for mentors if you could. They came to visit you because they think you’re an incredible person and they want to support you, making you feel better, and help you succeed.

Each one has words of encouragement for you. Write down their names and what each one says to you below.

3. Elemental Self

In past times, many people believed there were four elements.

  • Air represented communication, intellect, and inspiration.
  • Fire represented passion, energy, courage, and freedom.
  • Water represented intuition, healing, cleansing, and love.
  • Earth represented stability, abundance, and staying grounded.

Write about the element that you think is most symbolic of your nature, and why…and/or write about the element do you need most in your life right now, and why.

4. Flying High Meditation

Clouds and view of mountains from above.

I actually thought of this one after doing a Zoom meeting at work. Just for fun, I changed my background so it looked like I was on a private jet.

Imagine yourself being high above your troubles and worries. You might be in a jet way above the earth (or even in a spaceship), or on the top floor of a tall building.

If you have a fear of heights, here’s an alternate vision: imagine yourself being far away from them. You might be on a yacht or a private island in the middle of the ocean, for instance.

Write about this, describing it as fully as you can.

5. Gratitude for the Present…Gratitude for the Future

This one is about both mindfulness and faith. Write a prayer of gratitude or a meditation for all the things you’re grateful for now…and then write one for the good things that haven’t happened yet, but you know are coming your way.

Coffee cup and open journal, window in background

Do you like to use journaling as a way to stay centered? Are there particular journal ideas you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about it in the comments! And if you’re not already subscribed to the blog, you can do that below to get more writing ideas and inspiration in the future.

I’m sharing more of my journaling prompts with my new self-discovery and manifestation journal, The Book of Dreams Come True . It’s a great way to feel more positive and start making wishes…and making them come true. Check it out here !

THE BOOK OF DREAMS COME TRUE: A JOURNAL OF SELF-DISCOVERY, GOALS, AND MANIFESTATION | #best gratitude journal #manifestation journal #best gratitude journal #daily gratitude prompts #gratitude journal #barnes and noble Egratitude journal prompts #gratitude list #gratitude writing prompts #thanking the universe

Thanks for reading, and I’m sending good wishes your way!

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a journal, pen, and coffee

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14 thoughts on “ five spiritual journal prompts for mindfulness and spiritual healing ”.

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This is right on time for me, thanks!

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Oh, I’m so glad! I hope you’re doing well. <3

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These are great ideas. I may give them a shot at some point in the next few weeks. A while back I started writing three things every day that I’m thankful for, and one thing I did well. It can be hard at times, but I find it really helpful.

Erin, I should REALLY try the “one thing I did well.” That is brilliant! Writing down things I’m grateful for has made such a difference for me,

Hi Bryn, these are great ideas. The one that strikes me most is the advice from famous people.

I’m reminded of the movie Sandlot, a baseball movie about kids who lost a Babe Ruth-signed baseball and had to get it back from the yard of what they thought was a scary old man and his scary dog.

One of the characters, Benny, has a dream where Babe Ruth’s ghost shows up in his bedroom and tells him to take a risk in retrieving the ball, as “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid, and you’ll never go wrong.”

This (and the other great ideas) is a different take on journaling that hadn’t occurred to me and as I experiment with various journaling formats in my various logs and journals I’ll be sure to keep it in mind and give it a try.

Thanks a bunch!

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That was my comment. I wasn’t logged in.

The funny thing is? I *thought* it was you! 🙂

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Thanks Bryn for this post. I am a big fan of journaling (have several going at one time). Just the other day, I created a post on FB to remind everyone that this is a good time to start. Besides the regular items you may write in your journal, I encouraged everyone to write down their feelings and what they are experiencing through this crisis-what is actually happening in their towns, etc. As a member of Ancestry and working on my family tree, it is very important to me when I find ancestors paperwork, anything written by them. This will be a true account for future generations of what your family and the world is going through. As has happened in the past with history lessons, we don’t always learn what really happened. This will be our accounts, not just what the history books tell our future generations.

Hi, Cheryl! This is such an interesting suggestion. Mr. Donovan is very into genealogy and I’m going to show him your comment…I bet he’ll agree. People are going to be fascinated in later times by what’s going on now. I know that sometimes I have trouble myself remembering a few years later how things used to be. I really appreciate the idea!

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These prompts are soooo nice, I loved the post and I definitely think it’ll help me in my work.

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Thank you, the gratitude really resonates with me ?

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The zoom plane ride seems ideal nowadays.

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These are great prompts–and timely! I think everyone can use a little positivity right now.

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These are some excellent suggestions!

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100 Helpful Journal Prompts For Emotional Healing

by Melissa Giroux | Journaling , Self Care

journal on a desk

Thinking of using journaling as a way to heal your inner self from past trauma? You need these 100 journal prompts for healing .

First of all, well done you . You’ve taken the first step towards healing by even considering using your journal as a way to let go.

There are so many benefits of journaling for healing, the main one being the ability to ease your suffering, and create room for positive emotions in your life, whilst ridding yourself of negative ones, such as shame, guilt, anger, hurt, and fear.

It would be fantastic if we could just click our fingers and either forget our past trauma, or be immediately healed from the pain it’s caused, but it doesn’t quite work that way.

So roll your sleeves up, because becoming your true self after experiencing inner pain takes a little work, but the results are worth every moment of discomfort.

How To Use Journal Prompts For Healing

Some of these journal prompts can feel heavy at times, due to their nature. After all, you will have to root around inside yourself and pull out situations you’d rather forget, and emotions you’d rather ignore.

But that’s all part of the healing process, after all, healing isn’t linear . 

It’s necessary to analyze these situations and feelings in order to move forward with your life, as your happiest and most authentic self.

As these journal prompts for healing can be tough to work through, we recommend picking one or two every time you open your journal and spend some time working through your thoughts and writing down all of the thoughts that start circling in your mind. 

By writing everything down, you can release the energy that is pent up inside of you, to make room for new, positive energy in your life.

If you haven’t already, bookmark this page so that you can revisit it anytime you need an emotional outburst.

📖 Need a journal? Click here to browse journals on Amazon .

Journal Prompts For Healing

Enough talking about it, let’s dive into these 100 self-healing journal prompts and help you to release the emotional weight you’re carrying.

  • What is the worst emotion you’ve experienced today?
  • What are you ready to let go of?
  • What situation from the past has been causing you inner turmoil, and why?
  • What do you wish other people understood about you?
  • When was the last time you felt down? Do you often feel negative emotions?
  • Do you think your relationships impact you positively or negatively?
  • Do you set healthy boundaries with the people around you?
  • Do you feel in alignment with your true self?
  • How does holding onto negative emotions impact your everyday life?
  • Do you have a childhood memory that has impacted your adult life?
  • Describe yourself in 5 positive words.
  • What advice would you give a friend in the same position as you?
  • What are 3 small things you can do today to bring you peace?
  • What are you grateful for? Write down everything you feel gratitude towards, be it a person, an object, or simply the sun shining.
  •  How do you feel about yourself today?
  • What has been taking up a lot of space in your mind lately?
  • When was the last time you went out of your comfort zone, and what was the result?
  • Do you need to forgive someone for a past hurt, in order to heal yourself?
  • What would you love to do, that the fear of failure stops you from doing?
  • Write about the last time you felt uncomfortable in a situation. Who made you feel this way, and why did it bother you so much?
  • If you had the chance to redo one situation in your past, which would you choose and why?
  • List 5 steps you can take to make this week more positive than last week.
  • What is your definition of failure?
  • When do you feel the most like yourself?
  • If you could offer your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? 
  • What kind of person do you not want to be?
  • Do you have any toxic relationships that you know you need to let go of?
  • When was the last time you cried? What were you upset about?
  • What makes you feel the most fulfilled in life?
  • What are 3 emotions you’d like to experience more of in your life?
  • What does happiness look like to you?
  • Is there anyone that can help you move forward in your life?
  • What is a personality trait you have that others have criticized?
  • What triggers envy for you? Why do you feel jealous? 
  • Write about someone you looked up to that let you down. 
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • Are you holding onto any secrets? Would letting them go release you from negative emotions?
  • Do you have the same core values as your parents?
  • Are you an overthinker? Write down the first 10 thoughts that pop into your head.
  • Do you think you’ve failed yourself? If so, how?
  • What do you think your younger self would be proud of you for?
  • What have you done today to help you move closer to your goals?
  • Who appears to have life figured out? In what way do they seem to have it together?
  • Name the things that make you feel the most relaxed.
  • Is there a past version of yourself that you’re embarrassed of? Why do you think that is?
  • What is the biggest risk you ever took, and did it pay off? 
  • Is there anything you long for?
  • Do you believe there is a happy and fulfilled life in your future?
  • Do you have a gut feeling about what you should do with your life?
  • Do you feel content with where you are right now?
  • Do you self-sabotage? If so, how?
  • What values are the most important to you?
  • Who do you have an influence on?
  • What is one personality trait you admire in others?
  • Who or what inspires you?
  • When are you the most critical of yourself? 
  • What do you do for self-care?
  • What is holding you back from your desires?
  • What are key moments in your past that caused you lasting trauma?
  • What do you wish you had discovered earlier in life?
  • What are some habits you need to break?
  • Is there a time you ruined a great situation for yourself? How did you feel afterward?
  • Do you have any unfinished projects? If so, why haven’t you finished them?
  • What objects in your home do you feel attached to? Why do you feel sentimental about them?
  • What do you daydream about?
  • What did you want to become when you were young? How has that changed? 
  • When was the last time you felt disrespected? Explain the situation.
  • How do you quieten your inner critic?
  • What is your first instinct when faced with conflict? Do you think you choose the healthiest way of dealing with the issue?
  • Do you find it hard to trust others? Where do you think this stems from?
  • What were you like as a child?
  • What are your coping mechanisms?
  • What are the first signs that your mental health is on a downward spiral?
  • In what ways are you like your parents?
  • In what ways do you feel better than others around you?
  • Do you feel as though you are holding on to stress?
  • In what ways do you feel like others exceed you?
  • Do you feel like a burden to your loved ones?
  • How would you respond to a friend who betrayed you?
  • What emotions do you try and bury, rather than experience? 
  •  How do you act when you’re angry?
  • Which quote do you love when you’re feeling down?
  • How can you be more compassionate towards yourself?
  • Do you feel supported by your loved ones?
  • Do you enjoy alone time, or do you prefer to be surrounded by others?
  • What is the greatest obstacle in your life right now?
  • What is your biggest regret? Knowing you cannot change the outcome, how can you let go of regret?
  • Who feels like home to you? Describe what they do to make you feel safe and loved.
  • What lessons have you learned in the past year?
  • What are 5 things you do really well?
  • In which areas of your life do you feel overwhelmed? 
  • Write down 3 affirmations that you can refer to in times of emotional stress, to bring you back to feeling peaceful. 
  • What is going right in your life?
  • If you met the higher version of yourself, how would they act? How can you embody that person more in your daily life?
  • When was the last time you did something for the first time?
  •  Are you good at making decisions? Is there anything that could help you become better?
  • Think of the last time you had a really great day. What made it so fantastic? How can you incorporate more of that into your life? 
  • How could today have been better?
  •  Do you believe that all of your struggles are a step forward?
  • How would you be a different person today if you hadn’t experienced any of the troubles or trauma from your past?

Final Thoughts On Journal Prompts For Healing

These journal prompts for emotional healing will have you digging deep into your thoughts, memories, and feelings you might be burying.

It might feel uncomfortable to follow these journal prompts for healing, but taking the opportunity to let out everything you’ve been holding in, will help you to experience a huge emotional release that will be the first step in your healing journey.

If you are further along on your road to emotional healing, check out the following lists:

  • Self-discovery journaling prompts
  • Journal prompts for toxic relationships
  • Journal prompts for spirituality

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15 Journal Prompts for Healing

15 journal prompts for inner healing.

Journal Prompts for Inner and Emotional Healing by Journals of Discovery

We’ve put together 15 Journal Prompts for Healing to encourage you to pause, look within, and create emotional healing through awareness. Whether you’re searching for inner healing from a past relationship, a limiting belief or a challenging situation, journaling can help. Writing is a wonderful tool to help release your thoughts, feelings and energy while focusing on the present moment. By asking yourself questions you can also work backwards to find patterns and where a thought or feeling began.

I hope these journal prompts help guide you on your inner healing journey and encourage more peace, joy and harmony in your life.

Whether you use one journal prompt a day, or answer all of the journal prompts in one sitting, it's completely up to you. I'm simply grateful you'll be practicing journaling to help bring mindfulness, peace and emotional healing into your day. Also, be sure to check out our guided wellness and self care journals . Happy Journaling!


Journal prompts are guided questions to encourage exploring new topics and reflection of oneself. Guided questions sometimes vary by specific topics such as healing, self-love or self-discovery, gratitude, stress and much more. So, whether you're pursuing personal growth or development in a specific area, or would simply enjoy writing suggestions, then journal prompts are for you!


Guided journal prompts are beneficial to those who want to write in a journal for healing but aren't sure what to write about. And, they're also a great way for those who keep a daily journal to switch things up and add something new to their time of reflection. Here are a few benefits of using journal prompts for inner or emotional healing:

• Helps you become aware of thoughts and feelings

• Allows you to recognize and release negative thoughts and feelings

• Increases positivity and mood

• Encourages inner peace and a feeling of well-being


  • Provides self-discovery, self-awareness and reflection
  • Encourages creativity, positivity and mindfulness
  • Provides clarity of thoughts and feelings
  • Builds resilience and confidence
  • Reduces stress and anxiety by keeping you in the present moment and releasing emotions or thoughts
  • Can improve your sleep and overall mental wellness


Whether you are entering a new chapter, or trying to overcome a difficult situation pull these journal prompts out for reflection. Answer a question and bring yourself into the present moment by acknowledging your current thoughts or emotions. Ensure you talk yourself through the feelings to further understand where they are coming from and what you need to heal from. When you know where they are coming from you have a better understanding of why and how to address them.

I hope you enjoy the 15 Days of Journal Prompts for Healing!

15 Journal Prompts for Emotional & Inner Healing by Journals of Discovery

Be sure to Download our Printable 15 Days of Journal Prompts for Healing , write from the list below or check out any of our guided self-care journals.

1. Describe an experience or challenge you are ready to release today.

2. What thoughts, feelings or energy have you been holding on to because of this experience or challenge?

3. How does holding onto the thoughts, feelings or energy negatively impact your daily life?

3. What thoughts, feelings or energy would you like to feel instead?

4. Write out three affirmations that encourage positive feelings. Repeat them every morning or as often as you can.

5. Is there a lesson in this experience or challenge you’ve learned?

6. Is there someone you need to forgive? If yes, write them a letter explaining how you feel and that you are ready to release the thoughts or feelings.

7. Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? If yes, write yourself a detailed and intimate letter.

8. I choose to be a warrior, and ____________________ will no longer define my story, or who I am.

9. I am not the experiences I’ve had ______________________ , I’m what I choose to be: _______________________.

10. What are three actionable steps you can take today to bring greater peace and joy into your day and life?

11. Describe yourself in five positive words.

12. I’m ready to move forward with my life because I deserve ______________________.

13. If my best friend were going through the same challenges I would tell

them ___________________________.

14. I can’t change the past, or control __________________, but I choose to ______________________________.  

15. Write your future self a letter. Describe yourself and your life as you’d like it to be. How you’re feeling, how you are, how you’ve moved forward, etc.

Happy Journaling!

Interested in our other free journal prompts for download?

30 Journal Prompts for Stress & Anxiety

30 Journal Prompts for Beginners

30 Journal Prompts for Gratitude

30 Journal Prompts for Self Love

30 Journal Prompts for Kids

30 Journal Prompts for Parents

25 Journal Prompts for Insecurity

And, because you’re a journal lover like us, don’t forget to check out our guided keepsake and self-care journals!

The Making of a Grandparent

The Making of a Strong Woman

The Making of a Teacher

The Making of a Grateful Heart (for kids)

The Making of an Entrepreneur

The Making of an Entrepreneur Boss Babe Edition

The Making of a Mother 

Don’t forget to Pin these for later!

* These journal prompts are not meant to replace therapy and professional help. If you are experiencing depression, or extreme thoughts please consult your family physician.

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creative writing prompts for healing

30 Healing Journal Prompts to Unlock Self-Growth and Transformation

Take control of your self-discovery journey with these 30 healing journal prompts. Explore your innermost thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to unlock self-growth and transformation. Find peace, clarity, and self-love through self-reflection and writing.

Life can send us all kinds of curveballs, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to deal with them. If you’re struggling with depression or just need a little motivation on the journey toward emotional healing, writing in a journal can be an effective way to start sorting things out.

Keeping track of your emotions and feelings through creative prompts can help you identify underlying issues, let out some stress, and build resilience within yourself. Here are some awesome journal prompts that may help lighten up your moods!

How to Write an Emotional Healing Journal

Keeping a journal is an opportunity to release today, and document your emotions without fear of judgment or criticism. When you begin writing healing journal prompts, it may feel daunting at first, but even just taking a few minutes daily can have immense benefits on your healing journey.

creative writing prompts for healing

Consider using healing journal prompts to help guide your thoughts and feelings so you can connect more deeply with yourself. During this process, allow yourself permission to dive into the inner truth while also releasing any repressed emotions that come up in the writing. With practice, this wonderful tool can provide profound insight and support throughout your self-reflection journey.

How Self-Discovery Journaling Can Improve Your Life

Writing down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a journal can help to make sense of all the mental noise that might be going on in your head. It's like free mental therapy on paper! Self-discovery journaling can also help to uncover hidden feelings; by trying both creative and structured writing methods such as stream-of-consciousness and journaling prompts, you may just surprise yourself with the progress in your personal growth.

creative writing prompts for healing

If you're at a loss for how to better your mental health and show yourself some self-care and self-love, why not try out self-discovery journaling? Not only do several psychological studies back up the inner healing benefits of journaling, relief from anxiety, and increased mental clarity.

Does Journaling Help With Trauma?

Journaling prompts can be a powerful tool for healing traumatic events and providing better insight into the experience. It is an accessible, safe way to explore suppressed emotions that may have been driving reactions from traumatic experiences. Trauma often affects us in the present. Healing journal prompts can help us to become aware of our emotions and behaviors so that we can work through them and gain an understanding of how our traumatic experiences are affecting us in the present moment. 

creative writing prompts for healing

As it gives us permission to explore our feelings without judgment, journaling may also help us connect with our inner child who experienced traumatic circumstances as a young person, which can give us more peace and comfort during difficult times. Ultimately, journaling is a valuable resource for anyone suffering from trauma as it provides an effective way to process traumatic events.

How to heal your younger self?

Going on a personal journey to confront and heal your past year or life doesn't have to be a daunting task. In fact, it can be quite invigorating! It starts with recognizing that you carry the negative emotions of your younger self and that it's time to address them. Learning how to communicate and nurture your inner child can be done through mindfulness exercises and self-care activities such as practicing healing journal prompt, reading, or singing.

creative writing prompts for healing

You'll find that engaging in creative or peaceful hobbies will create an atmosphere conducive to inner healing. Most importantly, don't forget to show yourself patience and compassion as you take this important step toward self-awareness!

What are journal prompts for healing the past?

Prompts for healing allow us to confront and release any negative thoughts or painful experience that is hindering us from moving forward. Prompts provide an opportunity to revisit hurtful moments of our past that can be highly cathartic.

The intent leads us to look at the situation with fresh perspectives, allowing us to break free from feelings that have stifled our growth allowing some much-needed closure and acceptance. Through these prompts we can find a way to bring greater peace with our past, learning powerful lessons along the way.

What are some good healing journal prompts?

What biggest fear do you have and how can you begin to address it?

Write a letter to yourself, expressing your feelings and needs.

Describe what inner peace feels like for you.

Journal about the biggest challenge in your life right now and how could you start working on it today.

Make a list of your biggest accomplishments and how they have made you who you are today.

What do you need to forgive yourself for?

List the things that make you feel loved in your life.

What would it look like for you to create healthy boundaries with those around you? 

List the biggest changes you have made in your life and how they have impacted you.

What do you need to heal from? 

How can you be more patient with yourself and others? 

Make a list of positive affirmations that empower you for success. 

Write about a person who has made a positive impact on your life.

Describe how you would define self-care for yourself. 

What do you need to release in order to start healing? 

List the biggest lessons that have shaped who you are today. 

How can you be more kind and compassionate towards yourself? 

Make a list of your biggest dreams and how you can start working to achieve them. 

Describe what it looks like for you to take ownership of your life. 

What does resilience look like for you? 

How have past relationships affected your current life outlook? 

What can you do to start challenging yourself and moving past your comfort zone? 

Describe how you want to be remembered by others.

What positive aspects of yourself do you want to nurture and foster? 

How have difficult experiences shaped the person you are today? 

List all the things that make you feel grateful and appreciative. 

What can you do to start trusting yourself more? 

Describe how self-love has healed you in the past. 

How can you be more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions? 

Make a list of things that bring you joy and happiness.

You might be also interested in shadow work prompts the article is an awesome source for healing and rediscovering yourself under a different light.

How do I heal myself in a journal?

Recovering from trauma, emotion or your own life event can be a difficult journey. If you're looking for a tool to help you confront and process your healing journey in a meaningful way, consider incorporating healing journal prompts into your self-care routine and forgive your bad days.

creative writing prompts for healing

For instance, studies show that chronic illness is something that can really take a toll on one's mental and emotional health. Why not make better use of your experience by writing yourself a letter explaining it and your current emotional state?

From there, you can move onto healing journal prompts: set out to write 3-5 things you’re grateful for in the morning; evaluate yourself as a person at night; try to find out how you can come out of your comfort zone; answer questions to gain insight on how to improve situations.

How do I start a healing journey?

A healing journey can be an opportunity for unconditional growth by embracing daily life challenges with love. Healing journal prompts are a great way to start that journey - just pick one and give yourself permission, to be honest! They will connect you to your biggest fears and encourage you to voice them, thereby allowing you to begin the process for a better future.

creative writing prompts for healing

Before long, your healing journey will become as much of an integral part of your daily life as brushing your teeth or drinking your morning coffee. So why not give yourself this gift and celebrate the unconditional love that awaits? In the long run, they can really pay off when it comes to helping you gain a clearer perspective and hit "reset" on whatever difficulty life is throwing your way.

Writing an emotional healing journal, at first, might seem overwhelming, but even a few minutes a day can make a big difference. We can start to work through them and get a better understanding of how they are affecting us right now by becoming more conscious of our feelings and behaviors. Check out the simple prompts for healing mentioned in this blog post if you're prepared to begin your own emotional healing journal.

creative writing prompts for healing

Michelle Chira

Shadow work journal.

creative writing prompts for healing

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Self-Care, Mental Wellness, & Self-Improvement

in Journaling , Self-Care · January 18, 2024

50 Meaningful Journal Prompts for Healing

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Journaling is an effective tool for healing and finding inner peace. These journal prompts for healing can help guide you on this journey.

journal prompts for healing trauma

Healing is a gradual and complex process. No matter what you are working to heal from, along the healing journey, you will face many different complications, barriers, and big emotions.

These gentle guiding journal prompts can help you process and move through this.

This post is filled with over 100 journal prompts for healing trauma and processing pain. As you move through these prompts, give yourself some grace and compassion.

These prompts are not here to “fix you”… (you aren’t something broken that needs fixing anyway!). Instead, these healing journal prompts are open-ended and intended to inspire some new thoughts and insights surrounding your mental, physical, and emotional health and healing.

How Journaling Helps Healing

Journaling is a great tool for facilitating the healing process. Not only is journaling a beautiful form of stress relief , but it is also a science-backed way to work through thoughts and emotions.

Journaling has many benefits for all areas of your life .

From relieving stress/anxiety and lessening symptoms of depression to improving sleep and lowering blood pressure, journaling can be a valuable asset in healing your mind, body, and soul.


A Note for Anyone Healing

If you are healing from something, that tells me that you have been hurt. You have experienced a deep pain that has left a mark on you. I want you to know that you are seen here. You are loved. You are valid.

Your pain and trauma do not define you or take away from your worthiness as a human being. In fact, I believe that some of the most beautiful souls are formed from the depths of hurt and heartbreak.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this personal journey toward healing for you. It is my hope that these writing prompts can help comfort, clarify, and heal the pieces of you that are causing you pain.

Now, let’s dive into these guided, open-ended journal prompts for health, healing, happiness, and mental clarity, shall we?

50 Journal Prompts for Deep Inner Healing

  • How do you feel in your body today? Describe the physical sensations you are holding.
  • How do you feel in your mind? Describe the thoughts you are holding.
  • How do you feel in your soul? Describe your emotional environment today.
  • What lived experiences still hold pain for you?
  • Write a letter to your younger self, telling them anything you’d want them to know.
  • Write a letter to your older self, asking them anything you’d want to know.
  • Where in your life do you feel you need the most comfort or clarity?
  • At what age do you last remember being fully carefree? What has shifted from then?
  • Which emotions do you feel you experience the most often in your life? List the top 3-5.
  • Write down positive quotes and/or mantras that help offer you hope and perspective on hard days.

inner healing journal prompts

  • Make a list of some of the beautiful joys in your life, big or small.
  • Make a list of some things that are difficult/painful/stressful in your life.
  • How do you feel your pain impacts your daily life?
  • How does your pain impact your connections/relationships?
  • What things have been helpful or comforting along your healing journey?
  • Who has made a positive impact on your healing journey?
  • How have you supported yourself in your healing journey?
  • Do you agree with the phrase “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”? Why or why not?
  • How have your hardships changed who you are fundamentally?
  • How have your lived experiences changed how you interact with conflict?
  • What parts of yourself are you proud of?
  • What parts of yourself do you wish you could shift/alter?
  • Are you holding yourself back from experiencing anything out of fear?
  • What feelings are you most avoidant of feeling?
  • What are you most afraid of happening?
  • When you look ahead to the future, what hopes/dreams do you have?
  • Reflect on a time you felt passionate and inspired. What were you doing?
  • What makes you feel in control of your own life?
  • When do you feel the most YOU?
  • What techniques are effective when needing to calm/ground yourself from a heightened emotional state?
  • When have you experienced a significant loss in your life? How has that changed you?
  • When have you felt invalidated, unseen, or misunderstood? How can you work through this in future relationships?
  • Do you struggle to be vulnerable in relationships? Why or why not?
  • Write down 5 aspects of yourself/your life that have adapted as a result of your pain/trauma? (Habits, traits, routines, behaviors, relationships, etc.)
  • If you could give a one-word title to this season of healing, what would it be? Why?

emotional healing writing prompts

  • What are some frustrations/resentments you’re holding on to? What would be necessary to start letting go of them?
  • Are there daily stressors/factors that are adding to the struggle of your day-to-day? If so, what are they? Is there a way to lessen them?
  • Use 5-10 positive words to describe characteristics of yourself.
  • What are some ways you can care for yourself? Make a list of ideas for a self-care kit or self-care jar .
  • If a loved one were going through what you are going through right now, what advice or words of wisdom would you offer them?
  • Who do you know you can lean on for comfort/support?
  • Do you believe that there is an “end” to a healing journey or that it is a lifelong process?
  • Write a letter to someone who has hurt you. Get anything you need to off your chest.
  • What kind of person do you want to be? What is standing in the way of you getting there?
  • What are some of the positive things you’ve learned/gained from this season of life?
  • Write a faux journal entry as if you are living 5 years in the future. Write about what life looks like at that time.
  • What challenges/discomforts have you put off facing that you are ready to face now?
  • Write out some positive, uplifting affirmations to support your healing journey.
  • What is something you know needs to change in your life that you have been avoiding facing? How can you face it with strength and confidence now?
  • Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? Write yourself a heartfelt letter of forgiveness and full self-acceptance.

healing writing prompt

I hope these journal prompts for healing trauma, pain, and emotional distress can help guide you on your journey toward happiness and peace.

As you continue on your healing journey, check out the posts below for more support:

  • 75 Self-Love Journal Prompts
  • Who Am I? 100 Self-Discovery Writing Prompts
  • 150 Self-Care Journal Prompts
  • 100 Simple Self-Care Ideas (+ Printable PDF)

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Mindful Zen

65 Mindful Journal Prompts For Emotional Healing

Trauma. Betrayal . Loss.

Mistakes and regrets.

Your past is likely jam-packed with painful events and situations that affect who you are today. 

You might have negative behaviors and thought patterns, low self-confidence, low self-esteem, and feelings of low self-worth because of them. 

Perhaps you haven’t adequately grieved some of the things you’ve experienced.

You want to overcome it to live a happy, fulfilling life.

You might be surprised to learn how journaling for healing can help. 

(Sidebar: You might like our bestselling book. The Mindfulness Journal is your daily guidebook for applying mindfulness to your work, your relationships, or even the most mundane tasks of your day. )

Is Journaling Good for Inner Healing? 

How to begin a journal for healing , 65 mindful journaling prompts for healing .

Whether dealing with a breakup, a significant life transition, addiction, or abuse, healing is hard. That’s not a secret. Your hurt is real, and your emotions are valid.

Journaling is an effective coping mechanism to help you overcome various overwhelming emotions. 

It’s a healthy way to acknowledge, confront, and work through whatever you face.

It allows you to express your thoughts and feelings, interrupt negative thought patterns, and release your pain, sadness, anger, frustration, and other emotions.

Journaling is also a great way to get to know and understand yourself. 

Keeping a journal for healing has many benefits. It can help you:

  • Increase self-awareness and insight
  • Manage depression and anxiety
  • Identify your triggers
  • Recognize your fears and concerns
  • Practice positive self-talk and encouragement
  • Boost your mood
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve your self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Solve problems
  • Increase resiliency
  • Regulate your emotions

A regular journaling practice is a therapeutic way to empower yourself and take charge of your emotional health.

It is no silver bullet to fix all your problems in one sitting or overnight. You will experience difficult emotions, so let yourself feel, reflect, and explore. 

There aren’t any set rules for journaling.

You should do whatever feels right and works for you. Here are a few tips to start a healing journal.

  • Choose your method. Will you use an old-fashioned pen and paper or type it on your computer? You can find a designated journal online, use a composition or notebook, or create a simple Word or Google Doc.
  • Set the mood. You might prefer a quiet space where you light candles , play soothing music, and enjoy a cup of coffee. Or maybe blaring Limp Biskit’s Break Stuff while sipping a glass of wine is more your style. You do you.
  • Do it regularly. Every day is ideal, but don’t fall prey to all-or-nothing thinking. Do it as often as you can for however long you can. 
  • Write freely and honestly. Allow the words to flow without overthinking or judging. Vent, swear, write whatever nasty things you want to say. Don’t worry about misspellings, proper grammar, or sentence structure. 
  • Decide how you will use it. Will you use words, pictures, or both? Will you use healing journal prompts or free flow about whatever is on your mind or heart?
  • Explore positive and negative emotions. There are often lessons to be learned from both the good times and the bad. Write about your pain or grief, but be sure to include feelings of joy as well.
  • Be patient. Few things worth having in life come easily. Expect to feel down some days. But continue to show up for yourself and keep at it. 

As challenging as it is to work through and release your pain rather than suppress or suffer from it, journaling provides a safe space to clear your mind and mend your wounds.

Journal prompts for emotional healing are especially helpful when you don’t know what to write or feel stuck.

The following can help you deepen your healing.

1. What kind of person do you want to be?

2. What kind of person don’t you want to be?

3. What do you need help with?

4. If you could rewrite an experience from your past, what would it be?

journal prompts for emotional healing

6. What do you need to forgive yourself or others for?

7. What advice would you give to a friend going through your situation?

8. What can you remember to tell yourself on the bad days?

9. In what ways have you healed already?

10. What aspects of your life are most affected by your pain?

11. Make a list of things and people that bring you joy.

12. Make a list of things and people that cause you strife.

13. What can you do today or this week to progress along your healing journey?

14. What feelings or experiences are you avoiding because you’re afraid they’re too difficult to face?

15. What’s your biggest fear about the future?

journal prompts for emotional healing

17. Create five healing affirmations for yourself to repeat during trying moments.

18. What can you do to create more peace and joy in your life?

19. Who or what can you eliminate from your life that brings you down?

20. How can you use your pain to help others?

21. Describe yourself in 100 words or less.

22. Write a letter to your grief explaining how it’s helped and hurt you.

23. List at least three ways you can show yourself grace and compassion during difficult moments.

24. Who do you know and can count on that has gone through something similar?

25. What are some helpful and unhelpful ways you can process your pain?

journal prompts for emotional healing

27. Write a letter to someone who has hurt you. (Don’t send it!)

28. How can you make today better than yesterday?

29. What regret do you have about the way you’ve lived your life?

30. What can you do to look forward?

More Related Articles

47 Centering Mindfulness Affirmations To Reinforce Your Intentions

51 Therapeutic Journaling Prompts For Mental Health

51 Self-Love Mantras To Center Yourself In Acceptance And Joy

31. What do you want to accomplish, and what steps can you take to get there?

32. What stressful situation are you having trouble letting go of?

33. What are your biggest fears, and why?

34. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?

35. List your strengths and weaknesses.

36. Relive a memorable event and describe what was happening in and around you.

37. What effect do your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors have on one another?

journal prompts for emotional healing

39. How have you been feeling lately, and why?

40. Make a list of things you can and can’t control.

41. What makes you feel safe?

42. How does worrying affect your life?

43. What do you wish others knew about you?

44. What do you love about your life?

45. When do you feel most energized?

46. Make a list of things that inspire you– books, blogs , podcasts , quotes, people, art, etc.

47. What can you learn about to help you live a more fulfilling life?

48. Write a letter to yourself stating all the words you need to hear.

49. What would you like to say no to?

50. What would you like to say yes to?

51. In what ways can you care for yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically?

journal prompts for emotional healing

53. How can you use your past experiences to empower you moving forward?

54. Identify negative thought patterns and ways you can improve them when they occur.

55. Name your role models and how you can incorporate their positive qualities in your life.

56. Write about a painful experience in the third person.

57. What are your core values, and where did they come from?

58. How would it feel to forgive yourself right now for your past mistakes?

59. How would it feel to forgive others right now for their past mistakes?

60. What is missing from your life, and how is it affecting you? 

61. What do you feel guilty about and why?

62. What can you do to soothe yourself when difficult emotions arise?

63. How can you be more intentional about healing from your past?

64. What makes you feel disconnected from yourself and others?

65. What makes you feel connected to yourself and others?

You’ve been brought down by your past long enough. Rather than let it hold you back any longer, start journaling today to heal and step into the amazing person you are meant to be. 

Help yourself heal from emotional damage by journaling. Use these journaling prompts for healing in your daily practice.

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45 journaling prompts for healing.

Some of the best journaling prompts for healing aren’t as complicated or deep as you may think. When it comes to processing our hurt and pain and pursuing healing, sometimes all we need are open-ended questions or statements to help us get started. 

We’ve put together thirty-five prompts that are geared towards helping you wherever you’re at in your healing journey, whether it's related to healing from traumatic events or your physical health. Some are more pointed towards specific types of pain or hurt and others are left open for you to fill in your own experiences. Take them and use them however you like!

Healing is Hard and Journaling Can Help 

Healing is a personal journey for each of us. The very fact that we are having to heal from something, means we’ve been injured. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually - we can experience pain in all of these aspects of who we are as humans. And therefore we can be on very different paths to healing depending on our situations. 

Wherever you’re at and whatever you’ve experienced, your feelings are valid. Your hurt is real. And you deserve to be loved and cared for by those around you. 

One of the best tools we have to help us in our healing is journaling — let's call it journal therapy. Writing helps us process our experiences by putting our thoughts on paper. Plus, as we commit to journaling through our healing, with the help of journaling prompts for healing, we get the chance to look back and see our progression over time. 

In fact, one of the most rewarding parts of journaling through our pain is that healing shows up on the pages of our notebooks. Healing is literally documented as we make daily deposits to show up, begin writing down our thoughts and experiences, and trusting the process. 

35 Journaling Prompts for Healing Day by Day

  • How do you feel about yourself today, at this moment?
  • Write a letter of encouragement to your body. 
  • Write a letter of encouragement to your mind. 
  • What feelings and emotions do you experience most often?
  • What do you wish you would remember on your bad days? 
  • What are some of the most important milestones on your healing journey so far? 
  • What parts of your life have been affected most by your pain?
  • What do you wish you would go back and tell yourself to prepare you for what you’ve been through?
  • What encouragement would you give yourself as if you were talking to someone else? 
  • Where do you want to be on your healing journey in 1 month? 1 year? 
  • Make a list of things about yourself that bring you joy.
  • Make a list of small or unexpected things that have been helpful along your journey of healing? Then give thanks to them.
  • How can you make progress towards healing and self-discovery this week? 
  • What could you do to make a positive difference in your own life?
  • Describe an experience that ultimately made you stronger. 
  • When do you feel most alive and free? 
  • Are there any feelings you’re holding back from experiencing because you’re afraid they’re too raw, hard, or difficult? 
  • What are the most important lessons you’ve learned from your healing so far?
  • What are some new things you’ve learned about yourself from your healing so far? 
  • If you could go back and relive any moment in your life, what would it be?
  • What do you fear most about the future? 
  • What excites you most about the future? 
  • What will be the mark of the “end” of your healing journey? 
  • What has your pain taught you?
  • Write down 10 affirmations for yourself related to where you are in your healing.
  • What could you be doing to bring more peace into your life? 
  • If I eliminated (fill in the blank) from my life, I would be further down the road to healing.
  • If I added (fill in the blank) to my life, I would be further down the road to healing. 
  • What is something you would love to do, but you’re not sure you can? 
  • What does unconditional love and support mean to you?
  • Who are some people that taught you about unconditional love when you were at your lowest point? 
  • Write down five aspects of your identity (personality, routines, relationships, hobbies) that have changed because of your pain and journey to heal.
  • Today I am hoping for…
  • Today I am working towards…
  • What is one gift this season of healing has given you?
  • Write a letter to someone you need to forgive
  • What are three actionable steps you can take today to bring more peace into your life?
  • Use five positive words to describe yourself.
  • What would you tell your best friend if they were going through the same challenges you are right now?
  • What are some anger and frustrations you're holding onto?
  • What's something you need to let go of?
  • What external circumstances are bringing the most stress and anxiety to your life?
  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What's your biggest fear about the future?
  • Who do you know you can count on for support?

If you’re looking for journaling prompts specific to grief, check out:

  •   25 Journaling Prompts for Anyone Dealing With Grief .
  • 8 Ways to Trust the Process for Deeper Personal Growth

For more resources on self-discovery, healing, and personal growth, we have lots of resources on the Silk+Sonder blog .

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115+ Writing Exercises for Emotional Exploration

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on August 17, 2023

Categories Self Improvement

Picture this: you’re sitting quietly, pen in hand, preparing to explore your mind. With our guide on ‘Writing Prompts for Mental Health’, you’ll discover the healing power of journaling.

We’ve researched and analyzed various methods just for you. So, don’t worry if you’re stuck; we’ve got plenty of strategies to help overcome that block.

Get ready to incorporate writing into your self-care routine – it’s easier than you think!

Key Takeaways

  • 115 Writing Prompts for Mental Well-being: Delve into introspection and nurture your mental well-being with tailored prompts. Harness the power of writing as a therapeutic tool for self-awareness and healing.
  • Writing prompts serve as a powerful tool for promoting mental health and emotional well-being.
  • Journaling with writing prompts allows for deep exploration of emotions and thoughts, leading to stress reduction and improved mood.
  • Incorporating artistic expression into journaling enhances therapeutic value and aids in emotional resilience.
  • Writing prompts promote self-awareness and self-reflection, providing a mirror to the inner world and aiding in self-exploration.

115 Writing Prompts for Mental Well-Being

In a world that often prioritizes hustle over hush, many find solace in penning down their thoughts. Writing can serve as a mirror, reflecting our deepest emotions, fears, hopes, and aspirations. The act itself is therapeutic, providing clarity, closure, and even catharsis. “Inner Reflections” offers a collection of thought-provoking prompts, specifically crafted to guide you through the intricate tapestry of mental well-being. Whether you’re seeking to better understand yourself, nurture your mental health, or simply engage in meaningful introspection, these prompts are your stepping stones to inner peace and resilience. Dive in, and let the words flow.

  • When was a time you felt truly at peace? Describe the moment in detail.
  • What are your personal signs that you may be struggling with your mental health?
  • Describe a healthy coping mechanism that helps you through tough times.
  • What does your ideal safe space look and feel like? Describe it.
  • What does self-care mean to you? List 5 ways you like to practice it.
  • What affirmations help ground or motivate you when you’re struggling?
  • How do you show compassion for yourself in difficult times?
  • What brings you hope when things feel bleak?
  • List 10 small joys that boost your mood.
  • What quote resonates with you when you feel anxious or sad?
  • When have you felt your strongest and most confident? Describe the memory.
  • What simple pleasure brings you joy and comfort?
  • What energizes and uplifts you?
  • What calms and grounds you?
  • When have you overcome a mental health challenge that seemed daunting?
  • What healthy habits support your mental wellbeing?
  • What creative outlets help process or express difficult emotions for you?
  • Who is part of your mental health support system? What do they do that’s helpful?
  • What small steps could you take to be kinder to yourself every day?
  • How do you reframe negative thinking into a more balanced perspective?
  • List things that help distract you from anxious thoughts.
  • What brings meaning and purpose to your life?
  • When have you advocated for your mental health needs?
  • What psychological or emotional breakthroughs have shaped your growth?
  • How has therapy or counseling been helpful for you?
  • What misconceptions about mental illness have you encountered? How can we challenge stigma?
  • How can we normalize conversations about mental health in everyday life?
  • When has someone’s kindness or understanding uplifted you in a difficult time?
  • What qualities do you appreciate most about yourself?
  • How can you set healthy boundaries while still being kind?
  • What self-limiting belief could you try rewriting with something more compassionate?
  • When has nature been restorative or healing for you? Describe a memory.
  • What brings you feelings of acceptance and belonging?
  • How can you cultivate more self-acceptance and patience for flaws or setbacks?
  • What helps you feel gently held during sad or lonely times?
  • What healthy sleep habits help your mental health?
  • When have you found the courage to be vulnerable about your mental health struggles?
  • How could you extend more understanding and compassion to others facing mental health challenges?
  • What LGBTQ+ ally resources could you share to support mental wellbeing in that community?
  • How has stigma around mental illness affected you or loved ones? How can we change this?
  • What self-care practices help you cope with stress or anxiety?
  • When have you felt dismissed, misunderstood or judged for mental health struggles?
  • How could mental health professionals be more inclusive, validating and empowering?
  • What qualities help a therapist support you effectively?
  • How can you balance self-compassion with motivation for growth?
  • What brings you feelings of inner calm, safety and peace? Describe in detail.
  • How can journaling or expressive writing support mental wellbeing?
  • What mental health misconceptions existed in your family or culture? How have your views evolved?
  • How can we work together to challenge mental health stigma in schools and workplaces?
  • What self-care practices help you through depression or boost your mood?
  • How has mental illness impacted your family or loved ones? How has it shaped your perspective?
  • When have you felt empowered to take control of your mental health?
  • How can we show compassion for behaviors driven by mental health struggles?
  • What mental health advocacy and education makes you feel hopeful?
  • What key conversations about mental health do young people need today? How can we support them?
  • Share a time you felt genuinely appreciated and accepted for who you are.
  • How can family and friends thoughtfully support someone battling mental illness?
  • What brings you feelings of inner confidence and self-acceptance?
  • How has therapy helped equip you with mental health coping tools?
  • How can we work together to make mental health resources more accessible?
  • What self-care actions could you take today to be kinder to yourself?
  • How can you create a haven of peace within yourself to draw strength from?
  • When have you overcome mental health obstacles that once seemed insurmountable?
  • What healthy emotional outlets help you process sadness or anger?
  • How has mental illness shaped your worldview or life path?
  • How can we make mental health a normal part of everyday conversation?
  • What inspiring advocates are reducing mental health stigma? How are they making a difference?
  • List small ways your friends or family have shown mental health support or understanding. Appreciate these gestures.
  • Name 3 positive traits, strengths or qualities you have.
  • When has nature, creativity or self-expression been healing for you emotionally?
  • What mental health misconceptions persist in your community? How can you kindly challenge them?
  • How is mental health addressed in your workplace? What changes could reduce stigma?
  • List small pleasures or activities that boost your mood.
  • How have psychologists helped you gain insight into behaviors or thought patterns?
  • What self-compassion mantras help you through dark times?
  • How has depression or anxiety impacted your life and perspective?
  • What keeps you feeling meaningfully connected with others?
  • How have psychiatrists, medications or treatments improved your mental health?
  • What stigmatizing language about mental illness have you used or heard? How you reword this more positively?
  • How can you kindly address a loved one showing signs of mental health struggles?
  • What helps you feel safe and soothed when you feel panicked or anxious?
  • How can you be gentle with yourself when you make a mistake or fall short?
  • How has depression or anxiety impacted your friendships and relationships?
  • How can you cultivate more self-acceptance for life’s ups and downs?
  • What mental health advocacy efforts make you feel encouraged and hopeful?
  • What key conversations about mental health do men need today? How can we support them?
  • How has grief, trauma or loss impacted your mental health? What helped with healing?
  • How can we make mental health resources more accessible in underserved communities?
  • What self-care or support has been most helpful through your mental health journey?
  • How have you overcome mental health shame, stigma or discrimination? What did you learn?
  • What brings you a sense of meaning, purpose or spiritual wellbeing?
  • How can society better understand complex mental health conditions like bipolar disorder?
  • What self-love mantras help you cultivate kindness and compassion for yourself?
  • How has mental illness affected your personal growth and resilience?
  • How can peers, coworkers and community members provide better mental health support?
  • What mental health misconceptions did you have in the past? How has your thinking evolved?
  • What key mental health conversations need to happen to support people of color?
  • How has art, music or creativity helped your healing process during mental health struggles?
  • What self-care practices bring you solace, restoration and strength?
  • How has therapy or counseling been helpful in your mental health journey?
  • What mental health advocacy efforts make you feel inspired and uplifted?
  • How can we make mental health care affordable and accessible for all?
  • Share ways your loved ones have supported you through mental health challenges.
  • What self-care actions help boost your mood when you feel down?
  • How can journalists report on mental illness more compassionately?
  • What triggers your anxiety? What healthy coping mechanisms help?
  • How have psychiatric medications or treatments benefited your mental health?
  • How can society better understand conditions like OCD, PTSD and personality disorders with compassion?
  • What gives you hope when facing mental health obstacles or setbacks?
  • How has mental illness shaped your purpose or career path?
  • What myths about suicide need to be dispelled with compassion and facts?
  • How can teachers better support students’ mental health needs?

Understanding the Power of Writing for Mental Health

It’s crucial to understand that writing can serve as a powerful tool for mental health improvement. You might be wondering, how does it work? The magic lies within therapeutic storytelling and writing therapy.

Research indicates these methods give you the power to articulate complex emotions and experiences, fostering a greater understanding of your inner world.

Through therapeutic storytelling, you craft narratives about your life events. This not only provides an emotional outlet but also helps in redefining perspectives on past traumas.

Writing therapy, on the other hand, offers a non-judgmental space where you confront feelings instead of burying them deep inside.

The Role of Journaling in Emotional Well-being

As you delve deeper into the realm of mental health, it’s important to consider the potent benefits journaling can bring to your emotional well-being.

Research highlights how this simple yet profound practice serves as a powerful tool for emotional release; providing an outlet for pent-up feelings and offering a safe space to self-reflect.

Exploring these techniques not only promotes self-awareness but also allows you to analyze your thoughts and emotions in a meaningful way, thus empowering you towards achieving greater mental clarity.

Journaling Benefits

Journaling’s been proven to have numerous benefits for mental health, including stress reduction and improved mood. Mindful journaling, particularly, allows you to dive deep into your emotions and thoughts. It’s an act of self-care that encourages you to slow down, examine your feelings objectively, and make sense of them.

Artistic expression in journaling further enhances its therapeutic value. Drawing or doodling alongside writing might unlock layers of emotions that words alone can’t express. You’re not just documenting your thoughts but also actively processing them, which aids emotional resilience.

In essence, the practice isn’t about perfect grammar or impressive vocabulary—it’s about understanding yourself better. So embrace this liberating journey of self-discovery and healing—you’ll be surprised by how much it enriches your mental wellness.

Emotional Release Techniques

You’ll find that incorporating emotional release techniques in your journaling routine can significantly help in dealing with stress and negative emotions. Research shows these methods bring out hidden feelings, leading to a sense of relief and clarity.

Here are three effective techniques:

  • Art Therapy : This isn’t just about creating beautiful art, it’s about expressing what you’re feeling inside. Draw or paint your emotions; no artistic skills required.
  • Mindful Meditation : This technique helps you focus on the present moment, letting go of past regrets and future worries.
  • Writing Prompts : They guide your thoughts towards certain areas, helping you pour out bottled-up feelings.

Promoting Self-awareness

In this next phase, let’s explore how journaling can promote self-awareness in your life. With mindful messaging as our guide, you’ll find that writing out your thoughts and feelings provides a mirror to your inner world. It’s not just about venting; it’s an analytical process where you dissect your emotions, identify patterns, and gain insights.

Consider integrating art therapy into your journaling routine. Drawings or paintings can express what words sometimes can’t and provide a different perspective. Research shows that the combination of writing and visual expression enhances self-exploration and understanding.

How to Use Writing Prompts for Self-Reflection

Using writing prompts can greatly assist you in your journey of self-reflection. When you’re struggling with how to express your thoughts, feelings, or experiences, these prompts serve as a guide. They pave the way for self-expression techniques that allow you to delve deeper into your psyche.

The ‘Mindful Narrative’ approach involves weaving together an understanding of your past and present, analyzing patterns and drawing meaningful conclusions. It’s not just about jotting down what happened today or yesterday—it’s about connecting those events in a mindful way.

The Connection Between Creative Writing and Stress Relief

Now that you’ve understood how to use writing prompts for self-reflection, let’s delve into the connection between creative writing and stress relief.

Research shows that Writing therapy and Therapeutic storytelling can significantly reduce your stress levels. Unleashing your creativity through words not only distracts you from the cause of your stress but also provides a safe space to express hidden emotions.

  • Writing therapy allows you to release pent-up feelings and clear the mental clutter.
  • Therapeutic storytelling helps in understanding complex emotions by weaving them into narratives.
  • Creative writing exercises like poetry or journaling encourage mindful observation, thus promoting relaxation.

Analyzing these aspects, it’s evident that harnessing your inner storyteller is more therapeutic than one might initially perceive.

Exploring Different Types of Mental Health Writing Prompts

Let’s explore different types of therapeutic cues for self-expression, specifically designed to boost one’s emotional well-being. Customizing prompts is crucial to this quest. Why? Because everyone’s emotional landscape is unique and deserves personalized attention.

Therapeutic storytelling can also be an effective tool in this respect – it gives voice to your deepest feelings and experiences.

Think about it: you’re not just writing; you’re navigating your emotional labyrinth, making sense of what’s within. So, whether you’re reflecting on past experiences or projecting future aspirations, the key is personalization. Your writing prompts should resonate with your current state of mind and cater to your healing needs.

Remember that these tools are here to help guide you towards better mental health, so don’t hesitate to modify them as needed. You’ve got the power!

Writing Prompts for Anxiety Management

You’re about to delve into therapeutic cues specifically designed for managing your anxiety better. Research shows that techniques such as anxiety visualization and therapeutic storytelling can be incredibly effective at easing your anxious mind.

Anxiety visualization involves creating a mental image of what’s causing your stress, then mentally transforming it into something less intimidating. For instance, you could imagine your anxiety as a large wave, then visualize it shrinking down to a small ripple.

Therapeutic storytelling can work similarly. It can encourage you to craft narratives about overcoming challenges or fears, aiding in reframing the way you see your anxieties. By focusing on triumph rather than stress in these stories, you gently guide your mind towards more optimistic perspectives.

Depression and the Therapeutic Impact of Writing

Shifting gears, we’ll explore how penning down your thoughts and feelings can serve as a powerful tool in combating depression. Research reveals that writing, particularly Depression Narratives, has been effective in managing depressive symptoms.

When you engage in Art Therapy Writing, it’s like conversing with yourself – identifying the triggers behind your emotions and mapping out possible solutions. This process enhances self-awareness which fosters healing.

Moreover, it isn’t just about venting; it’s also about restructuring those bleak narratives into more positive ones. By actively decoding your experiences through writing, you’re not just releasing pent-up emotions but also reshaping your perspective towards them.

Promoting Positive Thinking Through Writing Activities

You’re likely no stranger to the relentless grip of negative thinking. But have you ever considered the power of identifying these patterns and using transformative writing exercises to combat them?

Research has consistently shown that we can rewrite our narratives, replacing harmful thought cycles with positive affirmations.

Let’s dive deep into this fascinating subject and explore strategies for harnessing your own pen to promote positive thinking and mental wellbeing.

Identifying Negative Thought Patterns”

It’s crucial to recognize when you’re falling into negative thought patterns, as they can greatly impact your mental health. These are often triggered by cognitive distortions, which tend to cloud the mind with irrational thoughts and beliefs.

Keep these three steps in mind:

  • Identify : Be mindful of your internal dialogue. If it’s predominantly negative or self-deprecating, that’s a sign.
  • Analyze : Reflect on why these thoughts are recurring. What triggers them? How accurate are they?
  • Reframe : Challenge these thoughts and replace them with more rational ones.

Practicing mindfulness writing exercises can also help in this process, providing an outlet for self-expression while enhancing awareness about your thought patterns.

Transformative Writing Exercises

Transformative writing exercises can be an effective tool in challenging and reframing negative thought patterns. When you’re stuck in a loop of pessimistic thinking, narrative therapy methods like expressive writing can serve as a lifeline. Studies indicate that this form of self-expression allows you to dissect your emotions, providing clarity and relief.

In the process, you’re not just venting; you’re actively engaging with your thoughts. You analyze them from different perspectives, which opens up new ways of understanding yourself. It’s like being both the narrator and listener of your own story – creating an empathetic dialogue within yourself.

Tips to Maximize the Benefits of Mental Health Writing Prompts

Consider starting your mental health journaling with a positive affirmation to set the tone. Your prompt selection is crucial in therapeutic writing, as it directs your thoughts and emotions towards healing. Opt for prompts that offer introspection, allowing you to delve deeper into your feelings. This process isn’t just cathartic; studies show its potential in improving overall mental health.

Analyzing your emotional responses to these prompts helps identify triggers or stressors negatively affecting you. This self-analysis can be an insightful tool for growth and coping strategies. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all in journaling—it’s about finding what works for you personally.

Therapeutic writing is a journey of self-discovery and healing—your chosen prompts should facilitate this process effectively.

Case Studies: Healing Through Writing

You’ll find numerous case studies demonstrating the healing power of putting pen to paper. As a proven technique, Narrative Therapy harnesses this transformative potential in treating various mental health issues.

One pivotal study demonstrated how Expressive Writing can significantly reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants were asked to write about their traumas for 15-20 minutes over four consecutive days, and the results were remarkable. Researchers found that those who engaged in this therapeutic activity exhibited fewer PTSD symptoms compared to those who didn’t.

These findings aren’t isolated; similar patterns are seen with depression, anxiety, and grief. So take heart! Your expressive writing journey isn’t just cathartic—it’s backed up by science too. It’s more than therapy; it’s a pathway towards healing.

Overcoming Writer’s Block in Mental Health Journaling

You’re not alone if you’ve ever hit a wall when journaling for mental health; it’s a common challenge many face.

We’ll delve into these issues, identifying the specific hurdles that might be hindering your progress.

From there, we’ll explore various research-backed strategies to unblock your thoughts and get back to obtaining the therapeutic benefits of journaling.

Identifying Journaling Challenges

Identifying your journaling challenges can be tough, but it’s an important step in improving your mental health.

Journaling obstacles may stem from various sources including the mental health stigma that often surrounds discussions of emotional wellbeing.

  • Lack of Time: You may feel like you’re too busy to commit to a regular journaling routine.
  • Fear of Confrontation: Writing about your feelings might be intimidating due to fear of confronting uncomfortable emotions.
  • Mental Health Stigma: Society’s negative attitudes towards mental health issues can make it difficult for you to openly express your feelings even in a private journal.
  • Absence of Prompt Ideas: Without clear direction, starting a journal entry becomes challenging.

Recognizing these hurdles is crucial as it paves the way towards overcoming them and enhancing your emotional wellness journey through journaling.

Strategies for Unblocking

It’s essential to develop strategies for unblocking and overcoming your journaling challenges. Engaging in creative catharsis can be a profound method. You might feel stuck when you face the blank page, but remember, it’s not about perfect prose; it’s about expressing yourself freely.

Another strategy is therapeutic storytelling. Research shows that crafting stories from our experiences can help organize complex emotions and foster understanding. It doesn’t have to be an epic tale— even small anecdotes have power.

Ultimately, don’t pressure yourself to write every day or fill pages upon pages— consistency matters more than volume. Be patient with yourself, take deep breaths, and recognize that each word you write contributes to your mental health journey.

Incorporating Writing Into Your Mental Health Routine

Incorporating writing into your mental health routine can help you process emotions more effectively. Research shows that techniques like Writing Therapy and Mindful Scribbling offer significant emotional benefits. Think of it as decluttering your mind, allowing for deeper analysis of thoughts and feelings.

Writing Therapy is a structured method where you express yourself through words to gain insights into your mental state. On the other hand, Mindful Scribbling lets you freely jot down thoughts as they come, fostering mindfulness and present moment awareness.

Additional Resources for Mental Health Writing Prompts

You’ll find plenty of additional resources that can guide you in expressing your thoughts and feelings through the written word. These resources aid in prompt curation and offer a comprehensive mental health vocabulary, which are essential tools for this journey.

  • Visualize an overflowing library, filled with books, journals, and articles on mental health.
  • Imagine workshops geared towards teaching effective ways to articulate feelings.
  • Picture online forums offering support from individuals who also use writing as a therapeutic tool.
  • Envision mobile apps providing guided prompts tailored to your emotional state.

You’ve explored the power of writing for mental health and seen its impact firsthand through case studies. Now, it’s your turn to conquer that writer’s block and delve into self-reflection. Let creativity wash away stress and remember, it’s not just a pen and paper; it’s a tool in your mental wellness routine.

Josephine Hardman, PhD

Free Akashic Records Mini Course

creative writing prompts for healing

12 Spiritual Journaling Prompts for Healing and Self-Reflection

The act of putting pen to paper is powerful. Well, typing can be powerful too, but there’s really an intangible kind of magic when we sit down to write on a piece of paper. Or in a beautiful, inspiring, brand new journal. It’s a sacred act.

Writing can unlock transformative insights from deep within your subconscious mind. It can also help you access the wisdom of your Spirit Guides and your own intuition. Incorporating writing or journaling into your daily spiritual practice is essential for:

  • working through obstacles and challenges,
  • uncovering and redefining limiting beliefs and thoughts,
  • getting in touch with your deepest emotions and desires,
  • designing and manifesting the life you truly want.

Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive, but it highlights the benefits of journaling as a tool for healing and self-discovery.

And, yet — some days it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what you should be writing about. This post offers you 12 powerful and revealing journaling prompts to get started. Or to get things moving again on those days when you’re just drawing a blank.

As always, my purpose here is also to inspire you to create your own prompts based on where you are in your life and what you’re trying to heal or achieve. I trust that as you work through these 12 prompts, follow-up questions and further avenues for self-inquiry will emerge. Just go where your heart leads you.

When you sit down to journal, remember these 3 golden rules:

  • Carve out sacred time and space for this. Make sure you won’t be interrupted. Turn this into a spiritual, deeply nourishing experience. Light some candles or incense. Play inspiring, ethereal music. Spray the room with your favorite essential oils.
  • Above all, do not censor yourself. As you write, very revealing insights might start to come up. Some might be scary, in the sense that they will require you to change your life, habits, thoughts, or relationships in certain ways. Be brave. You’re strong enough to make the necessary changes. Welcome this awareness and greater clarity about your life.
  • If you get stuck or nothing comes out: try automatic writing (just jotting down absolutely anything that comes up without thinking about it). Draw a Tarot or Oracle card to jump-start your writing. Or close your eyes, breathe, and ask your Guides to reveal any important information you need to know. Relax into it. There’s no pressure and no rush. Your writing and insights don’t have to be “perfect.”

The Prompts

  • What is my soul calling out for right now? What do I really need in this moment of my life?
  • If I pretend no one else exists (because it’s ok to be selfish sometimes), how do I visualize/see my dream life? What am I not doing right now because I’m afraid of how others will react?
  • Another pretend scenario: if I only had 4 years left to live, what would I eliminate from my life? What would I add?
  • What was most beautiful about my day today? Where can I celebrate myself?
  • What didn’t go so well today? How can I improve the situation (or my perception of it) so I can wake up excited and eager for the day tomorrow?
  • What has been the highlight of my week? How can I incorporate more of that kind of experience, situation, or energy into my life?
  • What can I be grateful/thankful for right now? (Make a loooong list — as long as possible. Look at it often and add it to every day.)
  • What’s my #1 desire right now? How can I move closer to manifesting it? Are there any internal or external actions I need to take?
  • I feel unsettled, uneasy, stressed, hopeless, angry, sad, ashamed, or guilty. What has triggered this emotion in me? How can I shift my thinking or perception to move beyond this emotion?
  • When in my life have I felt a sense of success, achievement, and fulfillment? (Make a list of the smallest of achievements — like getting up and taking a shower or brushing your teeth today — to the biggest, like getting a degree, building a business, or raising your children. Then, make it a habit to look at your “List of Achievements” often. This builds up the energy of success and confidence within you.)
  • Where can I let go of control (or other soul-draining tendencies like perfectionism) and detach from outcome in my life?
  • Is there anything I need to release that I’ve been trying to hold on to? Why am I so scared of letting this go? What does this potential loss remind me of? And how will I benefit if I stop the struggle and just surrender this to the universe?

I’ve compiled these 12 prompts into a printable PDF exclusively for Purefield tribe members. Join us — it’s totally free — and get the PDF here. Keep doing your inner work, and happy journaling! May your insights lead you to healing and wholeness.

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30+ Journal Prompts For Trauma Healing: Write To Heal From Trauma

Swarnakshi Sharma

Healing from trauma is quite challenging because trauma isn’t linear. The recovery journey is full of ups and downs. There would be days where emotions may become too overwhelming and some days, it could be anxiety ruling your mind. Healing from trauma is complex but with the right tools, it can become less than a battle.

One such tool is journaling. Using journaling as a healing tool can help you identify your emotions, process unpleasant memories, and help you come to terms with your trauma. Using journal prompts for trauma healing and psychotherapy together can be a good option to understand the trauma triggers and reframe your beliefs that stem from the traumatic experience.

But does journaling help with trauma? Are there benefits of journaling for people healing from trauma or PTSD?

Let’s find out!

Does Journaling Help With Trauma?

Journaling is a method that can help you cope with any kind of trauma. In recent times, expressive healing or creative writing has been found to heal psychological and physical health issues. One of the best parts of journaling is that you can do this activity anywhere, anytime.

Other benefits of journaling can include better cognitive health, lower stress levels, and better immunity. Even in people with PTSD, journaling has been found to reduce symptoms such as anger, rage, and anxiety and other physical symptoms such as body tension and concentration.

Understanding your trauma can not only help you reduce traumatic stress but can also help speed up your post-traumatic growth . When you use journaling as a healing tool, you learn to reduce the symptoms of trauma and also how to cope with them in the long run. With journal prompts, you can also foster post-traumatic growth and bring a positive change in your life post-trauma.

Let’s look at some journal prompts for trauma healing that you can use to start your healing journey!

Journal Prompts For Trauma Healing

1. journal prompts for trauma processing.

  • Write about a negative belief you have that you know is false. Write about why it isn’t true.
  • Write about your safe space including what it means to you and how you created it.
  • List at least 5 positive things the trauma has had on your life.
  • Write about what forgiveness means to you.
  • Write a letter to yourself (it could be your older self, the current you, or your younger self)
  • Write about a trauma response that you’re currently processing and how it affects your life.

2. Journal Prompts For Trauma Recovery

  • Write a summary of your day.
  • Write about the challenges you faced today and how you overcame them.
  • Write about at least one thing you learned today and would not want to forget.
  • Write about the symptoms you experienced today and how did you manage them.
  • List the self-care practices you engaged in today.

3. Journal Prompts For Trauma Triggers

  • What happened that triggered your trauma? ( Tip: this could be used as a self-reflection prompt too)
  • Write about the emotions you’re feeling (or felt when the trauma was triggered)
  • List the negative emotions the trigger caused you to feel.
  • How does this trigger relate to or identify with your trauma?
  • Write about the steps you’re taking or took to cope with the trigger.
  • Have you ever tried therapy? Write about what you most need out of your session.
  • Write about what you know you’re in control of at this moment.
  • Write about when you feel at peace the most.

4. Journal Prompts For Inner Healing

  • Write about the emotions from the past you’re still holding on to.
  • Write about the ways your trauma has impacted your behavior and thinking process.
  • Write about the ways you’ve grown from your trauma.
  • Write about if and when you’ve downplayed your traumatic experiences. Why?
  • Do you hold negative feelings toward the person or event that caused the trauma? Why?
  • Write about the ways you’ve made progress and healed from your trauma.
  • Write about how you cope with uncomfortable memories, emotions, and thoughts.

5. Journal Prompts For Past Trauma

  • Do you believe that your trauma is holding you back from moving forward in life? Write about how it makes you feel.
  • Write about how you can show yourself the same understanding, compassion, and kindness as you would your loved one.
  • Write about the ways you still have healing to do.
  • List 5 things, people, or places that make you feel safer.
  • Write about the ways you’ve persevered despite the trauma you’ve experienced.
  • Write about your fears as a child, teenager, and adult and how you coped with them.
  • Write about your childhood. How was it when you were growing up? Was your childhood home stable or abusive?
  • Write about the relationship between your parents and yourself. How has their influence impacted your life?
  • Write about one thing you wish your loved one understood about you.
  • Write about the event that triggers your flight or fight response the most.
  • Write about the kind of support you needed when you were growing up but felt you did not receive.

Tips To Begin Journaling For Trauma Healing

Before you begin journaling, find a notebook and a favorite pen. You can keep more than one notebook too. One you can use for journaling for trauma healing and one for gratitude expression and other random thoughts and feelings. The idea is to start a journal with an intention. Your notebook is yours but you can choose to share your journaling with people you trust.

Here are some tips to begin journaling for trauma healing:

  • Sit in a quiet place and find a time when you’re surrounded by fewer distractions. You can choose to write in your journal during your bus commute, during your lunch break at work, or in the evening before bed.
  • Always try to take a few minutes before you begin journaling. Let yourself think about how your trauma has affected your life.
  • Once you’re done writing for the day, pay close attention to how you’re feeling. Notice any change in your emotions and thoughts after your journaling.
  • Try not to worry too much about grammar and spelling. Keep your focus on transferring your thoughts and feelings into the journal.
  • Try to be as descriptive as you can. When you’re writing about your feelings, also write about the thoughts these feelings bring forth. How do your actions connect with these feelings? This can help increase your body-mind awareness and bring attention to your emotions and thoughts.
  • Try to keep a track of your feelings so that you can come back and look at how your emotions, feelings, and thoughts have changed since you began journaling.
  • Try to be kind to your thoughts. Let your words flow without any judgment. However, avoid rushing through your journaling. Think about the prompts you’re using carefully before writing about your experiences.

Trauma healing isn’t just about processing your uncomfortable feelings but also about post-traumatic growth. Many people find journaling a useful (and healthy) tool to cope with trauma and so can you. If you’ve experienced a traumatic event in your life then using journaling as a healing tool can help you come to terms with it and learn how the trauma has impacted your life.

Combining journaling with psychotherapy can also help speed up your trauma healing.  If you’ve experienced trauma in your life, then it is recommended that you speak to a professional counselor or therapist for support and guidance.

Connecting with a therapist can help you learn to process the emotions trauma brings and cope with unpleasant emotions and feelings.

I hope this journal prompts for trauma healing and recovery can help you process your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. For more, you can write to us at [email protected] or DM us on social media.

You can also share your favorite journal prompts for trauma and tips on journaling in the comments section below.

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About The Author

Swarnakshi Sharma

Swarnakshi is a content writer at Calm sage, who believes in a healthier lifestyle for mind and body. A fighter and survivor of depression, she strives to reach and help spread awareness on ending the stigma surrounding mental health issues. A spiritual person at heart, she believes in destiny and the power of Self. She is an avid reader and writer and likes to spend her free time baking and learning about world cultures.

Joann crittendon

You have allowed me to really think of the traumatic events but you also taught me to look at what I have accomplished l am so very great full for all of the help that you list out to help start my process of writing thank you so very much

Pat Boyce

Swarnakshi Sharma thank you from the bottom of my heart Childhood trauma leading to my current Complex PTSD has plagued me for fifty years and have only just recently identified my current disorder. I love the prompts and see the benefits of expressing my thoughts and emotions in the written word. I have always struggled to express my thoughts around trauma verbally which at times has been a source of frustration and only impacted me further. I look forward to getting pen to paper to discover the best route back to me. Pat

CS Team

Hey Pat, Better day will Come, if you take the first step. You have Taken yours. We are very Proud of you. Be kind and Never Loose Hope. Thanks Team CalmSage

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Writing Can Help Us Heal from Trauma

  • Deborah Siegel-Acevedo

creative writing prompts for healing

Three prompts to get started.

Why does a writing intervention work? While it may seem counterintuitive that writing about negative experiences has a positive effect, some have posited that narrating the story of a past negative event or an ongoing anxiety “frees up” cognitive resources. Research suggests that trauma damages brain tissue, but that when people translate their emotional experience into words, they may be changing the way it is organized in the brain. This matters, both personally and professionally. In a moment still permeated with epic stress and loss, we need to call in all possible supports. So, what does this look like in practice, and how can you put this powerful tool into effect? The author offers three practices, with prompts, to get you started.

Even as we inoculate our bodies and seemingly move out of the pandemic, psychologically we are still moving through it. We owe it to ourselves — and our coworkers — to make space for processing this individual and collective trauma. A recent op-ed in the New York Times Sunday Review affirms what I, as a writer and professor of writing, have witnessed repeatedly, up close: expressive writing can heal us.

creative writing prompts for healing

  • Deborah Siegel-Acevedo is an author , TEDx speaker, and founder of Bold Voice Collaborative , an organization fostering growth, resilience, and community through storytelling for individuals and organizations. An adjunct faculty member at DePaul University’s College of Communication, her writing has appeared in venues including The Washington Post, The Guardian, and CNN.com.

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Start or end your story with a character who gets trapped inside a museum overnight..

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Write about an art thief who is struggling to commit the perfect heist.

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Write about someone who accidentally destroys a museum’s most valuable artifact.

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Write about a gallery whose paintings come alive at night.

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Write about a backstabbing (literal or metaphorical) gone wrong.

Start your story with an unexpected betrayal., set your story at a tense event where everyone is unsure whose side they’re on., write about someone who is stuck between two opposing sides and can’t decide which one to choose., write about someone who is convinced they’re going to be betrayed., subscribe to our prompts newsletter.

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Set your story in a lighthouse surrounded by powerful gale-force winds.

Craft a story where a character finds themselves swept away by the wind, either physically or metaphorically., set your story on a sailboat, large or small, and entirely at the mercy of the winds., a crumpled piece of paper holding an unexpected message is carried by the wind. where did it come from, and where is it going, begin your story with the sensation of a breeze brushing against a character's skin., write a story about an artist whose work has magical properties., write a story where your character is travelling a road that has no end., write a story where the laws of time and space begin to dissolve., start your story with it raining… anything but rain (e.g. flowers, cutlery, seashells, running shoes)., write a story where a regular household item becomes sentient., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

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Prompts | Animated Hand | 2024-03

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Creative Writing Prompts

When the idea to start a weekly newsletter with writing inspiration first came to us, we decided that we wanted to do more than provide people with topics to write about. We wanted to try and help authors form a regular writing habit and also give them a place to proudly display their work. So we started the weekly Creative Writing Prompts newsletter. Since then, Prompts has grown to a community of more than 450,000 authors, complete with its own literary magazine, Prompted .  

Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted on our Reedsy Prompts page.

Interested in participating in our short story contest? Sign up here for more information! Or you can check out our full Terms of Use and our FAQ page .

Why we love creative writing prompts

If you've ever sat in front of a computer or notebook and felt the urge to start creating worlds, characters, and storylines — all the while finding yourself unable to do so — then you've met the author's age-old foe: writer's block. There's nothing more frustrating than finding the time but not the words to be creative. Enter our directory! If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket.

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include...

Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre.

Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone.

Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love.

Fantasy — The beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Dystopian – Explore the shadowy side of human nature and contemporary technology in dark speculative fiction.

Mystery — From whodunnits to cozy mysteries, it's time to bring out your inner detective.

Thriller and Suspense — There's nothing like a page-turner that elicits a gasp of surprise at the end.

High School — Encourage teens to let their imaginations run free.

Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? Send them to us here.

After you find the perfect story idea

Finding inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. Next, you need to refine your craft skills — and then display them to the world. We've worked hard to create resources that help you do just that! Check them out:

  • How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.
  • Best Literary Magazines of 2023 — a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Writing Contests in 2023 — the finest contests of 2021 for fiction and non-fiction authors of short stories, poetry, essays, and more.

Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine

While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine . To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life.

  • NNWT. Or, as book coach Kevin Johns calls it , “Non-Negotiable Writing Time.” This time should be scheduled into your routine, whether that’s once a day or once a week. Treat it as a serious commitment, and don’t schedule anything else during your NNWT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Set word count goals. And make them realistic! Don’t start out with lofty goals you’re unlikely to achieve. Give some thought to how many words you think you can write a week, and start there. If you find you’re hitting your weekly or daily goals easily, keep upping the stakes as your craft time becomes more ingrained in your routine.
  • Talk to friends and family about the project you’re working on. Doing so means that those close to you are likely to check in about the status of your piece — which in turn keeps you more accountable.

Arm yourself against writer’s block. Writer’s block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. So it’s best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. You can find 20 solid tips here — including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation.


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