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50 Descriptive Essay Topics

Make your reader see, smell, hear and feel with these inspirational descriptive essay topics ! We’ve collected 50 descriptive essay topics to sprout some flowery language. Our descriptive essay topics are designed to spark creative thinking and can be modified for students in elementary, middle and high school. They are grouped by topic for easy student and teacher reference. Feel free to print the entire list for plenty of inspiration for your next descriptive essay assignment!

Descriptive Essay Topics: Place

  • Describe your favorite place.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe the house in which you grew up.
  • Describe what the first house on the moon would look like.
  • Describe some of your favorite places in your hometown.
  • Describe a peaceful place that you’ve visited.
  • Describe a place that exists only in your imagination.
  • Describe a friend’s or family member’s house where you enjoy spending time.
  • Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
  • Describe your favorite store.
  • Describe your favorite teacher’s classroom.
  • Describe a museum that you’ve visited recently.
  • Describe a place you have dreamed about that doesn’t exist in real life.
  • Describe a place where your pet likes spending time.
  • Describe an outdoor place that you know well.

Descriptive Essay Topics: People

  • Describe your favorite person.
  • Describe each of your family members.
  • Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.
  • Describe one of your friends.
  • Describe one aspect of someone that you like (for example: laugh, style of dress, words that the person likes to use, etc.)
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Describe the average human to an alien who has never before seen a person.
  • Describe your pet.
  • Look at some old family photos and describe an older family member as he or she was when at your age.
  • Describe someone whom you miss.

Descriptive Essay Topics: Objects

  • Describe an object that is special to you.
  • Give a tour of one room in your house by describing the most important objects in that room.
  • Describe one of your favorite outfits.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a child.
  • Describe how you get around (for example: a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parents’ car, the school bus).
  • Describe your favorite piece of furniture where you like to spend time and relax.
  • Describe something that you would bury in a time capsule to tell people about what life is like today.
  • Describe an object that has been in your family for a long time.
  • Choose a piece of food to eat; then, write a description of it that includes the way it looks, smells and tastes.
  • Describe a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s.

Descriptive Essay Topics: Memories

  • Describe your oldest memory.
  • Describe your best summer vacation.
  • Describe a memorable concert you attended.
  • Describe a memorable trip you took.
  • Describe a special time that you and your family had together.
  • Describe the first time you met one of your friends.
  • Describe a time you met someone famous.
  • Describe one of your happiest memories.
  • Describe one of your saddest memories.
  • Describe a time that you felt scared.
  • Describe a time that you felt excited.
  • Describe a time that something totally unexpected happened.
  • Describe a memory of someone whom you miss.
  • Describe one of your most memorable first days of school.
  • Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.

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300 + Engaging Descriptive Essay Topics to Inspire your Creativity

A descriptive essay is a type of writing that uses words to give a vivid description of a person, place, or thing. It’s not only about what’s real, it’s about using language to make a scene that draws your readers in. However, with so many possible topics to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive list of over 300 engaging descriptive essay topics that are sure to inspire your creativity. So give it a read before you hunt someone to entertain your ‘ write my essay ‘ request.

Table of Contents

300 Unique Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

Descriptive essays give you the chance to use words to create a vivid image for your readers. With these exciting and intriguing topics, you can showcase your writing flair alongside learning about amazing subjects. Here you go with the first one:

Write about your favorite college courses.

How would you describe yourself being a student?

What are your goals for the future?

Your dream job description, what are your demands, and what your strengths are?

Why did you choose to take this degree course?

What are the three things you love about your institution the most?

Describe an important lesson that has made an impact on your life or what makes school.

The topic of my dream university.

My study advice..

My favorite professor.

My favorite book.

Why do I want to study abroad?

My study spaces and the overall positive impact on my brain.

What did I study today?

What does my university offer that other universities don’t offer?

A day in my life as a student and how it differs from those who aren’t students?

How does studying make me feel?

The best and worst things about studying in an overcrowded class.

A look into day-to-day life at a university.

Challenges faced by students while completing their degree.

What’s it like to be a university student in a city you don’t live in?

My experience with a new teaching format on campus.

A day on campus from start to finish, including the morning commute.

My struggles with maintaining my GPA and staying motivated.

The benefits of taking online courses, and what I’ve learned from them.

Thoughts on whether or not college is worth it?

What’s your study routine?

What do you like best about your academic life?

How do you find the balance between your academic and social life?

What has been the most challenging aspect of your degree and how have you overcome it so far?

Top Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

Crafting a descriptive essay can be a fun and exciting experience since it allows you to express your imagination in a special manner. Our list of top descriptive essay topics is your opportunity to find a topic that reflects your interests and passion. Here you go:

Do you prefer studying or partying? Why?

What’s the biggest challenge that you’ve faced in university so far and what did you do to overcome it?

How does someone go about choosing a university course that suits them best academically and personally?

What are the reasons you want to pursue your studies?

What are your short-term and long-term study goals?

How do you devote yourself to studies in the present time?

What is the most memorable event in your academic life so far?

How would you define “success” after completing university study?

How do you envision a perfect university life for yourself?

Which academic experiences have been the most valuable one’s for you so far, and why?

What is your favorite pastime activity outside of studying, which helps with your studies as well as relieves stress from the daily grind of studying?

In what ways can students contribute to society during or after university?

The first day of college life.

Studying in a hostel.

Studying abroad, benefits and difficulties.

Experiences with professors.

Do you think students should be given grades on their participation in class?

Should some universities offer more than a one-degree program?

Is it true that studying is more than just rote memorization and the acquisition of facts?

What are your thoughts on the idea of college as a “fun” experience, as opposed to an intense intellectual pursuit?

What are your thoughts on the idea that college should prepare people for life outside of school, rather than just focusing on academics?

Do you think it has become harder or easier to get into university in recent years? Why do you think this is the case, if so?

Diversity in the study.

Learning a foreign language.

Studying in the United States.

Study guides for high school students.

Tips for studying better.

Tips for passing tests.

Pro tips for studying better at home, online, or on the go with laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

The Writing Center at Duke University.

Descriptive Essay Topics

Trendy Descriptive Essay Topics 

Keeping up with the latest trends is more important than ever. As a college student, you have the unique opportunity to explore and describe these trends in your descriptive essays. Our list of trendy descriptive essay topics will not only challenge your writing skills but also allow you to delve into the hottest topics and ideas of the moment.

The Importance of Learning to Write Well in College Courses.

The Hazards of Writing a Research Paper Too Quickly.

My Personal Study Habits and What I Learned from Them.

How Studying Abroad Changed My Life Forever?

7 time management techniques that worked for me.

8 Common Study Mistakes You Can Avoid.

Do I Need to Write This Paper? Scope of your research topic?

What are the best ways you have found to write your research paper?

Describe how studying has helped you grow as a person.

What do you think is important about studying?

What are the benefits of working while studying?

When did you first start studying smartly and how?

Why does it take so long for some students to learn things, while others seem to pick up things quickly?

Why did you pick your major or what your major is?

Stress levels from a student’s point of view.

The importance of sleep during exams and tough study days.

The pressure to do well in all subjects.

Studying practices for exams.

Stressful moments in exams.


Possible ways of Staying on top of your workload.

Things about yourself that make you unique, like a talent or skill that not many people have or something that helped you overcome a challenge in life.

How doing an activity has impacted who you are as a person and why it is important to continue doing the activity in the future?

A time you felt proud of yourself during your educational career.

A time you felt like giving up but didn’t.

“How Do You Plan to Use Your Studies After Graduation?”

“Describe What You Study in School and How It Fits into the Bigger Picture of Your Life.”

“If All of Your Time Were Spent on School, What Would Be the One Class That Would Be Most Important to Take?”

“Do You Plan to Pursue Graduate or Professional School?” (Undergraduate only – Graduate school is for graduate students only!)

Having the 10 perfect study habits.

Why did I choose this institute? Why did I choose this major? Why is my university better than others?

“What Classes Do You Take and Why?”

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 9

Grade 9 is the perfect opportunity to get into descriptive writing. You can talk about your most cherished childhood memory, or some moment in history that sticks out. Anyways here you go with the list:

A trip to different countries

I was in a difficult situation and resolved

My best gift

My favorite season

My dream houses

My favorite things in my home

My House Rules

A memorable day of my childhood

The happiest day of my life

Discussion of environmental pollution and Waste Management Temperature Trend and Distribution of Population in The Country Under Consideration

My favorite place

Unique experiences with my class

My best subject in school

My favorite field trips

My first day of school

Something new I tried this year

An interesting topic that I’m learning about right now

A positive change in myself and my life this year

My favorite season and how it impacts me

Where do I want to travel in the future?

What are the most important rules of study?

The advantages of using computers in school

Why you should read good literature?

Rules of effective memorizing and how to correctly memorize foreign words

Which teachers can be considered the best?

How to be in a healthy way active?

Favorite place to be alone

The Scariest Thing You’ve Ever Done

An Interesting Person at School

Thoughts of a high school dropout.

Your most cherished belonging.

Being a ballplayer on the court or field.

My experiences as a student with ADD or ADHD.

Talk about your favorite and least favorite vacation experiences.

Write about how important the sense of touch is for – sight, taste, hearing, smell, balance, and movement.

Why is communication such an important skill?

What is happiness and how do you define it?

School – five things you love about it, and five you dislike.

Favorite season – three ways you enjoy it.

Invitation – three reasons you would like to accept it.

Road trip – three stops you might visit on the way.

Experience – three unique things that happened to you.

Idols – three behaviors you admire in them.

Yearbook – ten facts about each person in your school.

What would I like to change about myself?

advantages of volunteering and 5 disadvantages of volunteering – which ones are more important? etc.

How does having a TV affect children’s grades?

What was it like at home when you were a kid?

A Best friend. Describe how your best friend helped you in times of trouble to write a descriptive essay about a person.

Your room when you were a kid, describe how it looked like then?

Describe a day of your life in 5th grade.

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Descriptive Essay Topics About Beaches 

The beach is a popular topic for descriptive writing, as it offers a wealth of sensory experiences to capture and describe in detail. Whether you’re writing about the sound of crashing waves, the feel of sand between your toes, or the smell of salty sea air, there are endless possibilities for descriptive writing about the beach. Here you go with the list. 

What are the people who live near the beach like? The Positive aspects of living near the beach.

What do you hear when you are at the beach?

What is peace?

What other things on the beach can you see?

Describe the water at the beach. The waves, the wind, and how the sky looks?

People are calm and friendly at the beach

The beach is my favorite place

How to go to the beach alone?

Things to avoid on the beach.

Five things you should remember when planning for a beach holiday

Observe the beach

Description of the sea

Description of the sand and rocks

Weather conditions on a day at the beach

The smell and sounds of a day at the beach

The food enjoyed at the beach

People at the beach

Colorful towels and outfits

Entertainment at the beach

Feeling relaxed on a day at the beach

Feel the sand between your toes after long, cold winter months

The sunset over a calm sea filled with warm and blue colors

White houses on the shore and old palm trees against the sky

Stretching and singing as the first rays of the sun appear on the horizon

Splash and foam of young kids playing in shallow water and dragging their moored boat

Boardwalk amusement park rides on the beach.

Ocean wildlife and sea birds

Sophisticated water sports activities

Ocean views from high up

A quiet corner of the beach (where I can be alone?)

Exotic beaches you should visit over summer vacation essay

How To Protect Yourself from Sunburn?

Evolution of Swimwear

History of Surfing

Fitting into Your Swimsuit

Protecting the Sea Creatures

Staying Healthy on The Beach

How to Get a Tan Fast Without Using Sunscreen?

Beach on the holiday

Memories of my childhood at the beach

The beautiful beach vacation aspects

How to organize a trip to an island beach?

Advantages of seaside resort holidays

Vacationing on a tropical island beach

Experience at a lonely pier fishing

A beach vacation with friends and relatives

Stroll on the warm sands during the sunset

Top five things you love about the beach

Top five things you hate about the beach

Five personal experiences on the Beach

Ways to be a good beach tourist

Sound of waves

Colors and shapes of things on the beach

The different sands on the beaches

Beach umbrellas and their uses

Sand sculptures and their methods of creation

Types of fish you can catch while strolling along the beach

Different water sports and their uses at the beach

Nature at the beach: birds and plants that grow wild on the coast

Topics for Descriptive Essay Focusing on Places

From bustling city streets to peaceful rural landscapes, there is no shortage of places to explore and describe in your writing. Speaking of which, we’ve gathered a variety of topics for descriptive essays that focus on places, allowing you to immerse your readers in the world you’re describing. Here’s the list:

A Trip to a Historical Place

Describing my school as one of the destinations in my life

Descriptive Essay on a Park

Where was your favorite holiday destination?

How about your favorite historical city?

What about the place where you met your spouse/significant other?

Describe a place you are going to visit this year!

What’s the most beautiful place you have ever seen?

Describe a typical neighborhood in which you grew up!

Is there any place so special in your city?

The most relaxing place you’ve ever been to

Scariest Place You Have Ever Been To

Overcrowded Places You Have Been To

A bookshop that you have visited

Your home country

Hotels and restaurants where you stayed

Parks and green areas that you visited during your holidays

Places where you have celebrated international day and national day

Events and festivals in your country

Historical buildings in the cities where you live

Museums of your city, with their history

Tourist attractions

A place at school that is important to you

A place you go to every day

Your favorite room in the house

Specific places that are special to you

To describe your house

Your neighborhood parks

Your school playground

Your favorite vacation spots

A place you would like to visit with your friends one day

An exotic place you can dream about only

A small, cozy cafe in the middle of a shopping street and a good place to meet new friends

The natural environment around you: mountain or seaside, or a lake in berry season.

Our Homeland – Meaning and Identity

Great places to visit with your kids

Great places to eat, etc.

An aging building that has been saved from demolition

An office space (maybe your own)

An old house about to be torn down

The most beautiful garden you have ever seen

An airport you can’t wait to revisit

A museum you would like to spend a day in

Experience the royal attractions in London

Find out why Paris is the city of love

Take in the sights of Los Angeles

Capture the images of Rome and its treasures

Watch Niagara Falls flowing to the ground

Relax on the beaches of Hawaii

Be happy in sunny Florida

Topics for Descriptive Essay Focusing on Technology

Tech is a huge part of our everyday lives – it’s like our other half! From our phones to the apps we use, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without tech. Writing about tech can be really interesting and there’s so much to choose from! Here’s the list:

How does the media affect opinions on technology and Society?

Social consequences of using IT devices

Technology in the classroom

Technology in everyday life

Future of personal technology

Benefits of technology

Drawbacks of the technology

Security risks of technology

Limitations of technology

Describe the first time you used a technology

What was it like before your first experience?

How technology is changing the lives of senior citizens?

How technology is hindering personal development?

How technology is changing the lives of people with disabilities?

How social media is changing human connection?

How to protect yourself from cybercrime?

The growing use of robotics in the workplace?

Inappropriate use at work

The benefits of using virtual collaboration tools

Workplace privacy issues and data breaches

Technology’s Role in the Future of business communication

Technology’s Role in encouraging employee creativity

Do gadgets make us smarter?

The future of wearable technology

High tech materials


Mobile phones and tablets (include their features and their risks)

My favorite programming language

Computer hardware (its evolution)

Electronic services and entertainment (streaming, streaming radio, downloading, TV programs)

Technology makes us antisocial

The impact of mobile phones on family relationships

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Technology in Education

How Technology is Changing the Way We Interact with Others?

How Technology is Altering the Way We Do Business?

How do I integrate technology into my curriculum?

What technology is available to help meet the needs of my students?

Technology in space

The influence of technology on sports

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A good descriptive essay can bring things to life. It’s like using your words to create a visual masterpiece. To help you out, we’ve come up with a list of 300+ descriptive essay topics that’ll get your creative juices flowing. Remember to add lots of sensory details, use descriptive language and make sure to get the most out of your words. Still, if you need any help with picking up a good topic for your descriptive essay assignment, just don’t hesitate to order now as one of our experts will reach out instantly.

A descriptive essay is an essay where you describe something like a person, place, thing, or event. Here a writer needs to use sensory details to help the reader get a clear image of what he is talking about.

Go for picking up a topic you're passionate about or have some sort of personal link to. Think of specific details that you can use to make the subject stand out and ensure to keep the readers interested.

To craft a successful descriptive essay, use vivid language to help the reader imagine the topic. Include specific details and use descriptive words to create a clear picture in the mind of the reader. Focus on one specific area of the topic and arrange your essay in an orderly and understandable way.

Dialogue isn't normally part of a descriptive essay, but it can be helpful when you're trying to explain a conversation or interaction with someone. Still, it's best to only use dialogue when it's really going to contribute something to the essay.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the length of a descriptive essay. It depends on what you're writing about and how much detail you're going into. Generally speaking, though, 500-800 words or about 2-3 pages is a good ballpark for this type of essay, which should be enough to give a good sense of the topic you're describing.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Topics

Caleb S.

Top 250+ Descriptive Essay Topics & Ideas

18 min read

descriptive essay topics

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Are you a student struggling to find that perfect descriptive essay topic that not only ignites your creative flair but also captivates your readers? 

The quest for the ideal subject for your descriptive essay can be a challenging one. It might leave you feeling stuck in the initial phase of your writing journey. But fear not!

In this blog, we'll address this issue head-on, providing you with 100+ best descriptive essay topic ideas. We will also provide you with the tips to choose the right topic for your academic needs.  So without further delay let’s get started!

Arrow Down

  • 1. General Descriptive Essay Topics
  • 2. Descriptive Essay Topics for Different Academic Levels 
  • 3. Descriptive Essay Topics For High School Students
  • 4. Descriptive Essay Topics For College Students
  • 5. Descriptive Essay Topics For University Students 
  • 6. Descriptive Essay Topics About  Daily Life 
  • 7. Descriptive Essay Topics About Favorite Things And Activities 
  • 8. Descriptive Essay Topics About  Memories and Associations
  • 9. Descriptive Essay Topics About Science
  • 10. Descriptive Essay Topics About History
  • 11. Descriptive Essay Topics About TV, Literature, Art 
  • 12. Descriptive Essay Topics About  Geography and Traveling  
  • 13. Descriptive Essay Topics About Philosophy and Religion
  • 14. Descriptive Essay Topics about Professions
  • 15. Narrative Descriptive Essay Topics
  • 16. Funny Descriptive Essay Topics 
  • 17. Good Descriptive Essay Topics 2024
  • 18. Descriptive Essay Topics: Miscellaneous
  • 19. How to Select the Right Descriptive Essay Topic

General Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essay topics can fall into various categories, each offering a unique lens through which you can explore your creativity. Here are the four general categories of descriptive essay topics:

Descriptive Essay About a Place

  • Describe a serene beach at sunrise.
  • Describe a bustling street market in your city.
  • Describe a hidden waterfall in a lush forest.
  • Describe the interior of a historic cathedral.
  • Describe a cozy corner in your favorite cafe.
  • Describe a vibrant and colorful flower garden.
  • Describe the atmosphere of a crowded concert venue.
  • Describe the view from the top of a mountain.
  • Describe the charm of a quaint European village.
  • Describe the ambiance of a local library during a rainy day.

Explore our comprehensive guide for a deeper understanding of crafting a descriptive essay about a place .

Descriptive Essay About a Person

  • Describe a remarkable teacher who influenced your life.
  • Describe a close family member who inspires you.
  • Describe a childhood friend and the adventures you shared.
  • Describe a mentor or role model from your community.
  • Describe a famous historical figure you admire.
  • Describe a compassionate healthcare professional you've encountered.
  • Describe a talented musician and their impact on you.
  • Describe a remarkable athlete and their dedication.
  • Describe a wise and experienced grandparent.
  • Describe a stranger whose kindness left a lasting impression on you.

For an in-depth understanding of crafting a descriptive essay about a person , explore our comprehensive guide.

Descriptive Essay About a Memory

  • Describe a vivid childhood memory that shaped your personality.
  • Describe a memorable family holiday celebration.
  • Describe the excitement and nervousness of your first day at school.
  • Describe a cherished memory of a special family meal.
  • Describe a moment of personal triumph that you'll never forget.
  • Describe the sights, sounds, and emotions of a childhood birthday party.
  • Describe a bittersweet memory of saying goodbye to a close friend.
  • Describe a memorable road trip with friends or family.
  • Describe the feeling of achieving a long-standing personal goal.
  • Describe a moment of unexpected kindness that touched your heart.

Descriptive Essay About an Object

  • Describe your most treasured childhood possession.
  • Describe a piece of artwork that resonates with you.
  • Describe an antique family heirloom and its significance.
  • Describe your favorite piece of clothing and why you love it.
  • Describe a technological gadget that you can't live without.
  • Describe a musical instrument and its role in your life.
  • Describe a book that has had a profound impact on you.
  • Describe a piece of jewelry with sentimental value.
  • Describe a quirky or unique souvenir from your travels.
  • Describe an everyday item with personal significance, like a favorite coffee mug. 

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Descriptive Essay Topics for Different Academic Levels 

When it comes to descriptive essays, the choice of topics can vary greatly depending on your academic level. To help you find the perfect descriptive essay topic, we've curated a list that caters to students at different academic levels. Let’s check out:

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 5

  • Describe your favorite place in your house.
  • Describe a special day at the park with your friends.
  • Describe your favorite meal and why you like it.
  • Describe a memorable school field trip.
  • Describe your favorite book characters and why you like them.
  • Describe your dream treehouse or hideout.
  • Describe a fun and exciting family game night.
  • Describe a pet (real or imaginary) that you would love to have.
  • Describe a visit to the zoo or an animal sanctuary.
  • Describe a memorable moment from a recent family vacation.

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 6 

  • Describe your ideal superhero and their special powers.
  • Describe a unique and magical land you've imagined.
  • Describe your favorite fictional place from a book or movie.
  • Describe a special tradition your family has during the holidays.
  • Describe a fascinating historical event that interests you.
  • Describe a place you'd like to explore in the future.
  • Describe a creative invention you'd like to create and how it works.
  • Describe a sport or game you enjoy playing or watching.
  • Describe an interesting art exhibit or museum you visited.
  • Describe a talent or skill you'd like to develop and why.

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 7 

  • Describe a place you find truly mysterious and explain why.
  • Describe an important lesson you've learned in life and how it changed you.
  • Describe a famous historical event from multiple perspectives.
  • Describe a work of art or sculpture you find intriguing and its symbolism.
  • Describe the sights, sounds, and emotions of a bustling city street.
  • Describe your favorite spot in a local park and its significance to you.
  • Describe the interior of a unique and fascinating museum.
  • Describe a childhood memory that holds a special place in your heart.
  • Describe the process of a hobby or activity you are passionate about.
  • Describe an interesting and significant cultural celebration or festival.

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 8 

  • The moment I conquered my biggest fear.
  • An unforgettable encounter with a wild animal.
  • A day in the life of an influential person from history.
  • The sensory experience of a busy metropolitan area.
  • The most important lesson I've learned in middle school.
  • My ideal futuristic city and how it functions.
  • The experience of solving a complex puzzle or problem.
  • A piece of art that has left a lasting impression on me.
  • An exploration of a local urban legend or mystery.
  • The emotions and events surrounding my first school dance.

Descriptive Essay Topics For High School Students

Whether you're a freshman or a senior in high school, these descriptive essay topics are designed to challenge your descriptive writing abilities. Check out the topics below:

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 9

  • Share your experience of overcoming a significant personal challenge.
  • Explain the impact of a novel that influenced your perspective on life.
  • Detail a memorable day when you ventured out of your comfort zone.
  • Elaborate on the emotional journey of leaving behind your childhood home.
  • Provide an account of a scientific discovery or theory that fascinates you.
  • Unpack the sights, sounds, and culture of a foreign destination you've visited.
  • Depict the essence and symbolism of a famous work of art or sculpture.
  • Tell the story of a historical figure's life and their lasting legacy.
  • Examine the role of technology in shaping modern society.
  • Reveal the emotions and transformations experienced during your first year of high school.

Descriptive Essay Topics For Class 10

  • Explore the impact of a historical event on the present day.
  • Investigate the portrayal of gender roles in modern cinema.
  • Discuss the societal effects of a prominent technological advancement.
  • Elaborate on the importance of environmental conservation efforts.
  • Uncover the cultural significance of a local festival or tradition.
  • Examine the challenges and rewards of volunteering in your community.
  • Tell the story of a prominent figure who has shaped your worldview.
  • Depict the complex and evolving nature of friendship in adolescence.
  • Share the experience of a life-changing travel adventure.
  • Explain the role of social media in shaping youth culture and relationships.

Descriptive Essay Topics For College Students

As college students, your descriptive essays can reflect the myriad experiences and perspectives that shape your academic journey. Here are some thought-provoking descriptive writing topics to inspire your next piece.

Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 12

  • Examine the impact of a significant historical figure on today's society.
  • Explore the evolution of your personal beliefs and values over time.
  • Investigate the representation of societal issues in contemporary art.
  • Discuss the role of ethics in modern scientific research and innovation.
  • Elaborate on the challenges and rewards of pursuing a creative passion as a career.
  • Uncover the complex dynamics of familial relationships in the digital age.
  • Depict the influence of technology on the future of education.
  • Explain the impact of a current global event on international relations.
  • Share the transformative experience of a meaningful community service project.
  • Examine the intersection of culture, identity, and social justice in the 21st century.

Descriptive Essay Topics For University Students 

  • Investigate the impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • Explore the cultural significance of a local tradition or festival.
  • Examine the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  • Discuss the environmental effects of urbanization and city planning.
  • Elaborate on the role of technology in reshaping the workplace of the future.
  • Uncover the challenges and solutions in addressing global climate change.
  • Depict the influence of contemporary art movements on society and culture.
  • Explain the evolution of feminist theory and its relevance in today's world.
  • Share the experiences and impact of studying abroad on personal growth.
  • Explore the intersections of psychology, technology, and human behavior in the digital age.

Descriptive Essay Topics About  Daily Life 

  • Explore the daily routines and habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Examine the role of technology in shaping our daily interactions and relationships.
  • Discuss the sensory experiences and rituals of a morning routine.
  • Investigate the impact of cultural diversity on everyday life in a multicultural society.
  • Depict the challenges and rewards of balancing work and personal life.
  • Uncover the small, meaningful moments that make up a typical day.
  • Explain the influence of daily news consumption on individual perspectives.
  • Elaborate on the role of time management in achieving daily goals.
  • Share the experience of adapting to new daily routines during a significant life change.
  • Discuss the importance of mental health practices in managing the stresses of daily life.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Favorite Things And Activities 

  • Explore the joys of your favorite childhood toy or game.
  • Investigate the role of a beloved hobby in your life and personal development.
  • Discuss the sensory experience of savoring your favorite meal.
  • Examine the significance of a treasured book in your collection.
  • Depict the emotions and memories associated with your favorite vacation destination.
  • Uncover the impact of your preferred sport or physical activity on your well-being.
  • Elaborate on the role of music in your life and your favorite musical genre.
  • Explain the fascination and inspiration provided by your favorite work of art.
  • Share the excitement and memories linked to your preferred outdoor adventure.
  • Discuss the cultural significance of a favorite tradition or celebration in your life.

Descriptive Essay Topics About  Memories and Associations

  • Explore a childhood memory that has profoundly shaped your values.
  • Investigate the memories and emotions tied to a significant family event.
  • Discuss the impact of personal achievement on your self-esteem.
  • Examine the associations and significance of a treasured family heirloom.
  • Depict the sensory experiences and emotions linked to your first love.
  • Uncover the lessons and personal growth resulting from a challenging life experience.
  • Elaborate on the memories and significance of a place you once called home.
  • Explain the nostalgia and emotions connected to a favorite childhood game.
  • Share the cultural associations and experiences tied to a traditional holiday celebration.
  • Discuss the transformative influence of a mentor or role model in your life.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Science

  • Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants and its importance.
  • Explain the impact of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Discuss the principles of genetic inheritance and their real-world applications.
  • Elaborate on the role of renewable energy sources in combating climate change.
  • Investigate the phenomenon of black holes and their significance in astrophysics.
  • Explore the potential benefits and ethical concerns of gene editing technology.
  • Depict the inner workings of the human circulatory system and its vital functions.
  • Examine the impact of artificial intelligence on various industries and society.
  • Uncover the principles of quantum mechanics and their implications in technology.
  • Explain the process of geological plate tectonics and its role in shaping the Earth's surface.

Descriptive Essay Topics About History

  • Describe the events and consequences of a significant historical battle.
  • Discuss the cultural and architectural aspects of an ancient civilization.
  • Explain the impact of a historical treaty or agreement on global relations.
  • Elaborate on the life and achievements of a prominent historical figure.
  • Investigate the causes and effects of a major revolution in history.
  • Explore the social and political aspects of a pivotal historical movement.
  • Depict the cultural exchange and influence of the Silk Road in ancient times.
  • Analyze the historical development of a specific art or architectural style.
  • Uncover the role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during a historical period.
  • Discuss the impact of a historical migration or diaspora on different regions.

Descriptive Essay Topics About TV, Literature, Art 

  • Describe the impact of a classic novel on your perspective and values.
  • Explain the intricate plot and character development in a popular TV series.
  • Explore the cultural significance of a famous work of art or sculpture.
  • Investigate the symbolism and themes in a renowned piece of literature.
  • Discuss the role of technology in the evolution of modern art forms.
  • Depict the emotional resonance of a memorable scene from a favorite movie.
  • Analyze the influence of a specific art movement on contemporary artists.
  • Uncover the historical context and social commentary in a classic film.
  • Elaborate on the use of color, composition, and techniques in a famous painting.
  • Examine the impact of a renowned playwright's work on theater and culture.

Descriptive Essay Topics About  Geography and Traveling  

  • Describe the geographical features and natural beauty of your dream travel destination.
  • Explore the cultural diversity and traditions in a specific region you have visited.
  • Explain the significance of a historical landmark in a foreign country.
  • Discuss the impact of climate and weather on your travel experience.
  • Depict the mesmerizing sights and sounds of a bustling international market.
  • Analyze the influence of geography on the development of different cuisines.
  • Investigate the role of eco-tourism in preserving natural wonders and wildlife.
  • Elaborate on the historical and cultural context of a remote village you've explored.
  • Uncover the experience of traveling alone and the lessons it taught you.
  • Examine the effects of mass tourism on a popular vacation destination.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Philosophy and Religion

  • Describe the teachings and core beliefs of a major world religion.
  • Explore the ethical and moral dilemmas presented in a philosophical thought experiment.
  • Discuss the influence of a specific philosopher's ideas on contemporary society.
  • Elaborate on the historical and cultural context of a religious pilgrimage.
  • Investigate the symbolism and rituals of a religious ceremony or festival.
  • Uncover the philosophical arguments for and against the existence of a higher power.
  • Examine the impact of religious art and architecture on sacred spaces.
  • Analyze the principles of a philosophical movement and its influence on thought.
  • Depict the evolution of a particular religious tradition and its adaptations.
  • Discuss the role of philosophy and religion in shaping individual values and ethics.

Descriptive Essay Topics about Professions

  • Describe the day-to-day life of a firefighter and the challenges they face.
  • Explore the responsibilities and skills required for a career in nursing.
  • Discuss the impact of modern technology on the field of journalism.
  • Depict the work environment and tasks of a marine biologist.
  • Investigate the role of a social worker in supporting individuals and communities.
  • Explain the significance of ethics in the legal profession.
  • Elaborate on the art and science of being a chef in a high-end restaurant.
  • Analyze the daily routines and decision-making of a software developer.
  • Uncover the evolving role of a teacher in the digital age.
  • Examine the challenges and rewards of being an environmental scientist.

Narrative Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe a life-changing journey you embarked on.
  • Narrate the story of a significant personal achievement.
  • Share an account of a memorable family reunion or gathering.
  • Recount a day when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Describe a unique cultural festival or event you attended.
  • Share the experience of overcoming a personal fear or phobia.
  • Narrate the story of a close friendship that has stood the test of time.
  • Describe a turning point in your academic or professional life.
  • Recount an adventure in the great outdoors that challenged and inspired you.
  • Share the story of a significant encounter with a stranger that left a lasting impact on you.

Funny Descriptive Essay Topics 

  • Describe the chaos of preparing for a surprise birthday party.
  • Share the hilarious mishaps of a family camping trip.
  • Narrate the comical events of a memorable April Fools' Day prank.
  • Recount the antics of a mischievous pet in your household.
  • Describe the humorous challenges of learning a new dance style.
  • Share the comical misunderstandings during a language barrier encounter.
  • Describe the quirks and idiosyncrasies of a funny coworker or classmate.
  • Narrate the lighthearted moments of a quirky family holiday tradition.
  • Recount the humorous experiences of trying to assemble a piece of furniture.
  • Share the story of a hilariously disastrous cooking experiment.

Good Descriptive Essay Topics 2024

  • Describe the enchanting beauty of a secluded forest.
  • Describe a day in the life of a bustling city street.
  • Describe the sensory experience of a local farmer's market.
  • Describe the soothing sounds of waves on a tranquil beach.
  • Describe the intricate details of an antique family heirloom.
  • Describe the charm and character of a quaint European village.
  • Describe the cultural richness of a traditional ethnic festival.
  • Describe the architectural wonders of a historic city.
  • Describe the emotions and camaraderie of a family gathering.
  • Describe the vibrant colors and flavors of a street food market.

Easy Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the first time you rode a bicycle
  • Describe your grandfather’s favorite chair
  • Write about your wardrobe.
  • Describe the clock hanging on your kitchen’s wall
  • Describe your pet
  • Describe your favorite toy from childhood
  • Describe the scariest memory of your childhood
  • Describe the day you met your best friend after years
  • Describe your favorite restaurant
  • Write about the day when you first time saw the movie at the cinema.

Descriptive Essay Topics: Miscellaneous

  • Describe the serenity of a starry night in the countryside.
  • Describe the sensory delight of a summer thunderstorm.
  • Explore the aura of an ancient and historic library.
  • Depict the intricate details of a beloved childhood toy.
  • Explain the bustling energy of a busy urban subway station.
  • Share the captivating beauty of an underwater coral reef.
  • Describe the tantalizing aroma of a gourmet kitchen.
  • Elaborate on the charm of a cozy, old-fashioned bookshop.
  • Discuss the breathtaking sights from the top of a skyscraper.
  • Share the nostalgia and magic of a vintage movie theater.

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How to Select the Right Descriptive Essay Topic

Selecting the perfect topic for a descriptive essay is a crucial step in the writing process. To make the most of your writing prompts and capture real-life moments effectively, consider these tips.

  • Personal Connection: Choose a topic that resonates with you. Whether it's a person, place, or object, your passion will shine through your writing.
  • Vivid Memories: Think about your life experiences. Recall moments, whether heartwarming or embarrassing moments, that left a lasting impression. These can be excellent essay topics.
  • Uniqueness: Opt for something distinctive. While common topics have their place, selecting an unusual topic can make your essay stand out.
  • Spending Time: Dedicate time to brainstorming. Allow yourself to explore various options, and don't rush the decision. It's all part of the creative process.
  • Real-Life Stories: Real-life situations often make for compelling essays. They're relatable and offer ample material for vivid descriptions.
  • Objects and Places: Objects or places with sentimental value can be incredibly descriptive. The emotional connection will fuel your writing.
  • Writing a Descriptive Essay: Keep the purpose of the essay in mind. Ensure your topic aligns with the goal of painting a vivid picture for your readers.

Need examples to grasp the concept of writing a descriptive essay? Check out our descriptive essay examples blog!

Wrapping Up! With this comprehensive list of top 250+ descriptive essay topics, you now have a vibrant palette from which to paint your narratives. However, if you have time constraints, do not hesitate to ask for professional help. is your global destination for professional writing services catering to students worldwide. Whether you're seeking a top-tier descriptive essay writing service or in need of expert assistance, we've got you covered. 

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Topics

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics Recommended by Experts

By: Cathy A.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Dec 24, 2019

Descriptive Essay Topics

Memories, imaginative situations, feelings, and impressions, writing a descriptive essay is absolutely fun for many college or university students. They get a chance to play with their creativity, which makes this type of essay so much fun.

Descriptive essays do not require a lot of research. They are based on the writer’s personal description and explanation of the selected, or given, topic. This essay type is ideal for school/college students because they are not very much into research.

However, one of the most common problems students face while writing an essay is choosing and picking the essay topic. The process of finding a good essay topic could be difficult, confusing, and time-consuming.

The descriptive essay format is the same; introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. However, the topics for a descriptive essay are different and require a high level of descriptive capability.

Descriptive Essay Topics

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Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

Here is a list of some good descriptive essay topic ideas. These are just topics and ideas, and you can customize them according to your requirements.

Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

  • One week of a newly wedded couple.
  • A crazy jump with bungee.
  • Importance of college education.
  • The day when everything went wrong.
  • Education before anything.
  • How can one make the world a better place?
  • The magnificence of this universe.
  • The demand for love In everyone’s life.
  • Future of cloning on planet Earth.
  • Describe your day as a new college student.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School Students

Finding the best writing topics for a descriptive essay is an important task to accomplish. Also, keep in mind that you will easily create the thesis statement if your topic is good. Here are some of the great essay topics for different grades.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • Favorite cartoon character.
  • My favorite song.A special photograph.
  • A special place.An important time in history.
  • Building a fort.Creepy things.
  • Do I want to be famous?
  • Doing homework.
  • Going for fishing.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 8

  • Favorite hobby.
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • Do you like gaming, and which game is your favorite?
  • Do you enjoy playing a sport?
  • Do you have an unusual talent?
  • What is your favorite subject, and why?
  • How to stop hiccups?
  • Let's help the animals.
  • Looking at the globe.
  • My favorite clothes.

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School Students

For your help, we categorized the descriptive essay topics into different academic grades. Choose the best one that you find interesting.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 9

  • Where do you like to vacation and why?
  • What is the greatest lesson you have learned?
  • Who is your hero, and why?
  • If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  • Who is your favorite band?Where do you want to go to college?
  • Important reasons why kids should have chores.
  • The benefits of summer school.
  • Staying at a friend's house.
  • What I use a computer for.

Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 10

  • A game close to my heart.
  • Mobile Phone: boon or a curse?
  • What is your most treasured item?
  • Your favorite restaurant.
  • Your dream house.
  • Five qualities of a good roommate.
  • A note on your closet.
  • Your favorite childhood memory.
  • The ride on a subway train.
  • The street from home to school.

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Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essays are only difficult when you have to decide what to write about. Here are some good and easy descriptive essay topics that you can explore to create one of your own.

  • My first day at the job and how I feel about it.
  • Most suffocating day at the workplace and how I survived it.
  • How to avoid negativity in the workplace?
  • How to be more positive with troublesome employees?
  • The best way to resolve a conflict and to avoid it in the future.
  • Miracles of staying focused at the workplace.
  • Importance of maintaining a healthy routine even if you have a tough job.
  • Most embarrassing moment in my office.
  • How to deal with deadline pressure?
  • Top 10 tips to invoke creativity and move ahead in your work.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Person

  • Describe your mother.
  • Discuss my pet.
  • Meeting a famous person.
  • A particular family or family member.
  • I miss them.
  • Memorable person.
  • My dad is the most interesting person.
  • Describe a person you hate.
  • My favorite school teacher.
  • Describe your favorite celebrity.

Easy Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your favorite scene from the most recent movie that you have watched.
  • Describe the physical setting of your favorite soft drink’s TVC.
  • Describe the emotions depicted in the famous Mona Lisa painting.
  • Describe the plot of your favorite movie.
  • Describe your favorite fictional character and discuss why you like it.
  • Choose one abstract painting and describe the emotions depicted in it.
  • How your religious book impacted your inner thoughts?
  • A writer with whom you can relate the most.
  • What is your favorite type of dance; describe your emotions while dancing.
  • Describe your favorite tv-series and why you like watching it.

Best Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe an important event that impacted your personality.
  • Describe the psychological events that influenced your personality for the worse.
  • Describe the psychological events that influenced your personality for the better.
  • Describe your first or last day at your college.
  • Why do you enjoy bike riding?
  • Why do you think writing will impact your personality at a deeper level?
  • What did you feel when you held a baby for the first time?
  • Describe the loss of a family member in 800 words.
  • Describe how you would look without hair on your scalp in 900 words.
  • Why are stars compared with human personalities in poems?

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics

  • All-time favorite movie character.
  • Movie of the century.
  • House that I have always wanted.
  • Most heart-touching poem.
  • Meeting my best friend after a long time.
  • My favorite book.
  • The most amazing thing that I remember.
  • First time I fell in love.
  • My first date.
  • The first time I went shopping on my own.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memory

  • Describe the oldest memory that you can recall and why it has stuck with you.
  • Describe a time you were the happiest; who were you with?
  • Describe when something completely unexpected caught you off-guard.
  • Describe a memory that you hold close to someone who has passed away.
  • Describe your most embarrassing day or moment.
  • Describe a cold winter evening.
  • Describe the time you went to the beach on a bright sunny day.
  • Describe your first day at preschool; what do you remember about it?
  • Describe the first concert you attended.
  • Describe the time that you felt the most scared.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Object

  • Select five objects from the kitchen and describe their appearance.
  • Describe your prized possession.
  • Describe a room in your house and its most valued objects.
  • Describe your favorite outfit that you can never get rid of.
  • How will you describe a smartphone to someone from ancient times?
  • What role does the computer play in your life?
  • Objects you come across on the way to your school.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a kid.
  • Describe your safety blanket.
  • What objects would you bury in a time capsule?

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Descriptive Essay Topics About a Place

  • A trip to the mountains.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe your favorite coffee shop.
  • The place I don’t forget.
  • A garden in the gas station.
  • My favorite classroom.
  • Describe the loudest place you visit.
  • An amazing trip to a beautiful valley.
  • Describe your favorite restaurant.
  • Describe your favorite park.

These are the best ideas or topics for a descriptive essay. Make sure you choose a topic of your interest that you are passionate about.

Once you have decided on the essay topic, the next step is to write a descriptive essay. With us, you can learn how to write a descriptive essay with helpful tips and samples.

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Cathy A.

Education, Scholarship Essay

Cathy has been been working as an author on our platform for over five years now. She has a Masters degree in mass communication and is well-versed in the art of writing. Cathy is a professional who takes her work seriously and is widely appreciated by clients for her excellent writing skills.

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125 Descriptive Essay Topics

Writing a descriptive essay is an excellent way for students to detail a particular experience related to a person, place, object, situation, emotion, or abstract feeling.

However, while this exercise in creativity showcases a student’s ability to put words into sensory focus, it can be rather challenging to complete because the subject matter is so open-ended.

This is especially true when choosing the topic for a descriptive essay since finding a suitable topic will depend on a student’s ability to find the right words to describe it.

If you are a student that has received a descriptive writing essay assignment from your professor, fear not! This incredible list of 125 descriptive essay topics will ensure that you have a great starting point from which to craft your essay.

Before choosing a topic, check out the secrets to writing a descriptive essay that will help get you the grade you deserve on your writing assignment.

Critical Elements of a Descriptive Essay

Unlike essay styles that are fact-based, it is essential to remember that a descriptive essay is based on abstract observation. Its purpose is to describe a topic, person, place, object, situation, emotion, or abstract feeling.

To do this, descriptive essays require sensory words that create vivid imagery in the reader’s mind to make them feel like they are in the moment being described. Sensory words include, but are not limited to:

  • Taste – sweet, salty, bitter, sour, metallic, spicy, and tart.
  • Touch – smooth, bumpy, coarse, prickly, wet, sticky, dry
  • Sight – colorless, colorful, blurry/blinding/too bright to see clearly
  • Season – fall, winter, summer, spring, crisp, humid, wet, freezing,
  • Sound – hectic, chaotic, quiet, thunderous, loud, jarring
  • Smell – musty, earthy, damp/wet, dusty, smoky, stinky, fragrant
  • Appearance – sharp, glossy, faded, gleaming, sleek, shiny/glossy
  • Feelings – happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited, afraid/scared

Other sensory words may describe the color of a person’s hair, the mood or energy in a room, and even the temperature. When choosing a topic for your descriptive essay, be sure to pay close attention to sensory words that could serve as the backbone of your paragraphs.

Additionally, because of the nature of the writing, it is 100% okay to embellish or even exaggerate certain sensory words to make them seem even more engaging and tangible for the reader.

How to Structure a Descriptive Essay

Even though this essay will rely on sensory words to create a vivid image of what is being described, it is essential to remember that a descriptive essay still needs to have an intro, body, and conclusion.


The first sentence of an introduction paragraph for a descriptive essay should contextualize the scene. Take the time to describe the place where the event takes place, including setting details like time of day, weather, season, and the current mood of the scene.

Body of the Essay

Once a student has established where they are, it is essential to detail what else is happening in the following paragraphs. This means describing elements of the scene in detailed description using humor, sensory language, and vivid imagery.

Consider incorporating details about what people are doing, the noises they are making, the smells permeating the air, visible colors, and surrounding textures.

A descriptive essay conclusion should serve as a recap in which you describe one final element of the scene or an observation about what was seen, heard, smelled, or touched.

Additionally, this is when you could include a reflection of how the scene made you feel in order to leave your reader with an intangible lasting impression.

What Should Never Go into a Descriptive Essay

To make sure that you are writing a descriptive essay and not another form of writing, students should be careful not to mention or use the following:

  • Dialogue. Remember that the descriptive essay is meant to retell one single image, moment, or experience.
  • Chain of events. The scene should exist in its own bubble of storytelling, free from erroneous events before or after the scene takes place.
  • Characters. While secondary details may go along with the scene, such as people who add to the mood, this is still not an appropriate essay to mention, create, or develop the backstory for a literary character.

With the do’s and don’ts of descriptive essay writing above, students can choose any of these topics to help spark inspiration during their next descriptive essay writing assignment.

Descriptive Essay Topics About People

  • My favorite teacher
  • My first crush
  • My best friend
  • The girl I have a massive crush on right now
  • My newborn baby sibling
  • A member of my family
  • My partner in crime
  • The cutest baby I have ever seen
  • The most annoying person I know
  • Someone who has inspired me the most
  • My first job
  • The student that I want to be like
  • A significant mentor in my life
  • My closest friend’s child
  • The most intelligent person I know

Descriptive Essay Topics About Places

  • My hometown
  • The most beautiful place in nature that I have ever seen
  • A favorite spot on the school campus
  • My favorite coffee shop
  • My favorite country
  • A place I want to visit before I die
  • My favorite movie theater
  • The best beach in the area
  • My favorite retail store
  • The worst place on campus
  • A place where I have experienced fear
  • Where I was happiest
  • The place where I am the most relaxed
  • A place I can’t seem to get enough of
  • My dream house
  • My favorite art gallery
  • The museum that always seems to disappoint me
  • A location I know well
  • Where I would choose to live if money were no object

Descriptive Essay Topics About Objects & Things

  • My favorite book
  • A piece of jewelry that holds a special meaning for me
  • The best meal I have ever eaten
  • My favorite decoration in my room
  • The best painting I have ever seen
  • A piece of clothing that makes me feel beautiful
  • An item that brings back a fond memory for me
  • My favorite sports team’s jersey
  • My favorite outfit to wear while hanging out with friends
  • A book that changed my life
  • My favorite book series
  • The next book I want to read
  • An item that is very special to me
  • My most treasured possession
  • A movie that holds a very dear place in my heart
  • Something I would never throw away despite its flaws
  • A personal memento from someone who has passed away
  • A ridiculous thing I own
  • An item that makes my life easier
  • A piece of technology that has changed my life for the better
  • My favorite poem or short read
  • The best song I have ever heard
  • What I collect obsessively

Descriptive Essay Topics About Animals

  • The most intelligent animal I have ever known
  • A pet that has been with me through thick and thin
  • An animal that fascinates me most
  • The most dangerous animal I’ve encountered
  • An extinct creature I would love to see resurrected
  • A dangerous animal I have a healthy respect for
  • The cutest animal in the world
  • What creature would be my best friend if it could talk?
  • My favorite wildcat
  • An experience I had with an animal that genuinely touched me
  • The strangest pet I’ve ever owned
  • My favorite zoo animal when I was a child
  • What I love most about being a pet owner
  • My favorite farmyard animal
  • The most exotic animal I have ever seen
  • One animal that should be extinct
  • A farm animal that is my spirit creature

Descriptive Essay Topics About Food

  • My favorite meal to cook for myself on a day off
  • The best meal I ever ate out at a restaurant
  • What makes the perfect sandwich to me
  • My go-to comfort food when I’m having a bad day
  • My local specialty
  • My favorite dish at a restaurant I frequent
  • The best meal I have ever had in my life is
  • My most embarrassing/funniest food-related story
  • What I always order when dining out with friends
  • A new flavor combination of food that intrigues me
  • A dish I love to cook when I’m in a happy mood
  • The best dish at a restaurant I don’t want to admit I frequent
  • A food I wish didn’t exist because it makes me fat
  • The best meal my mom ever made for me

Descriptive Essay Topics About Nature

  • A creature I met in the wild
  • A tree outside my house
  • Something I would save if a forest were on fire
  • A stream that runs near my home
  • The most beautiful sunset I have ever seen
  • My favorite type of plant or flower
  • An outdoor activity I enjoy
  • My favorite forest animal
  • A flower I want to grow in my garden
  • Something about nature that makes me feel small
  • The most dangerous/fascinating type of weather phenomenon I have ever seen
  • The best view I have ever seen
  • Where I go to relax outside
  • What natural phenomenon fascinates me the most
  • The most beautiful place in nature that I’ve ever visited
  • A moment with nature that left a lasting impression on me.
  • My favorite park or garden

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memories & Personal Experiences

  • The weirdest dream I ever had
  • One of my worst nightmares
  • My biggest fear in life is
  • A memory from my childhood that brings a smile to my face
  • The worst thing that has ever happened to me unexpectedly
  • The best thing that has ever happened to me unexpectedly
  • One of my most treasured memories is
  • My first memory of meeting someone who changed my life
  • An event that inspired me to start this blog
  • A random act of kindness I received unexpectedly
  • Something amazing about myself that I never thought possible
  • A time I wished I didn’t have to grow up/be an adult
  • The best vacation I’ve ever taken
  • What makes a perfect day for me
  • One of my favorite things to do when it’s raining outside is
  • The moment that made me realize I was officially an adult
  • The most exciting dream I’ve ever had
  • My biggest regret is

With these 125 descriptive essay topics and the handy writing guide above, students can craft a vivid and engaging descriptive essay!

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12 Creative Descriptive Essay Prompts

by Suzanne Davis | Dec 12, 2019 | Writing Essays and Papers , Writing Prompts | 13 comments

“Description is what makes the reader a sensory participant in the story.”  –Stephen King

Stephen King wrote about description in stories. But the same advice is correct for descriptive essays.  Get your readers engaged by making them sense and connect with everything you’ve written in your essay.  How can you do that?  Begin with descriptive essay prompts that inspire you to write more.

Then add important details and characteristics or features about the person, place, object, or experience in your essay.  The more detail and elements you add to a descriptive essay, the better it will be.

So, check out these descriptive writing topics and find the one that will work best for you.

How to Select a Descriptive Essay Prompt

Before you select a descriptive essay topic, see if you can show and not tell your readers about the characteristics, actions, and emotions in that essay.

Maybe you’ve heard writers say, “ Show Don’t Tell .”   This motto is an approach some writers use to make their writing more descriptive.  The word “show” means to portray or illustrate feelings and actions.  And “tell” is when a writer says what the emotions and actions are.

For example, “ The black poodle snarled and growled.” (showing) vs. “The black poodle was angry and fierce.” (telling)

In the example above, the first sentence shows that the black poodle was angry because it snarled and growled.  The second sentence says or tells us that the dog was angry and fierce.

Use the “ Show Don’t Tell”  approach in your descriptive essay by asking these questions about the 5 senses:

  • What did you see?
  • What did you hear?
  • What did you touch?
  • What did you smell?
  • What did you taste?

You probably won’t have answers to all these questions.   (Or at least if you write about a mountain, I hope you can’t describe how tastes.) But write “Show Don’t Tell ” content wherever you can in your essay.

The 12 descriptive essay prompts here, give you the freedom to develop your content in different ways, and with a lot of sensory details. They are divided into 4 categories: person, place, object, and experience.  Each type has 3 descriptive essay writing ideas.   For each writing prompt, brainstorm how you can develop that essay.

Descriptive WritingTopics About a Person

# 1 describe the strangest person you ever met.

Strange people are easy to remember, and if you remember a different, odd, or unique person, you’ll have a lot of information you can write on.  Before you choose this topic, brainstorm a few ideas about this person.

Questions to develop this essay topic : What seemed strange about this person?  What characteristics did he/she possess? How did you feel about this person?

# 2 Describe a person you envied .

Envy or jealousy is a powerful emotion.  When you focus on a person you were jealous of, there are reasons and characteristics for why you felt that way.

Questions to develop this essay topic: What traits or characteristics did this person have?  How did that person look? How did this person act?  What made you envy him/her?

# 3 Describe an inspiring friend or family member.

We remember people who inspire us.  And people love to read about inspiring individuals.  If you describe an inspiring person, think about the impact that a person made on you.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What did this person do that was inspiring?   How did that person act toward others?

Descriptive Writing Topics About a Place

# 4 describe a spooky or haunted place ..

If you describe a scary place, include a lot of sensory details.  Spooky and haunted places are memorable.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What did this place look like?  Where was it located?  What did you see, hear, smell, or feel at this place?  Did you find someone or something that scared you?  Why is this place, spooky?

# 5 Describe a place you loved as a child.

People love to know things about another person’s childhood. A great way to show who you are is to describe a place that was important to you.  If you select this writing topic, make sure you remember this place well.

Questions to develop this essay topic : How did this place look? What did you do at this place?  Was anyone else at this there?  How did you feel about the area?

# 6 Describe a beautiful location in nature.

You could describe a mountain, body of water, campground, desert, etc.  Or any other place that is outdoors and part of nature.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What did this place look like?  How did you feel when you were there? Did you hear, smell, taste, or touch anything at the location? Was there anyone else with you?  What did you do at this place?

Descriptive WritingTopics About an Object

12 Terrific Descriptive Essay Prompts

# 7 Describe a lucky object.

It can be any lucky object, a good luck charm, an heirloom object, etc.  Select something you believe brings you good luck.

Q uestions to develop this essay topic:   What are the characteristics of this object? How is it used?  What makes this a lucky object?

# 8 Describe a piece of art.

It can be a photograph, painting, sculpture, etc.  There are a lot of sensory details you can include in a descriptive essay about a piece of art.

Questions to develop this essay topic:  What does this work of art look?  Can you touch it?  If so, how does it feel?   What are the emotions you have when you see this sculpture, painting, photograph, etc.?

# 9 Describe an object used in your favorite sport or hobby.

If you have a favorite sport or hobby, describe an object that is relevant to that sport.  For example, if you play tennis, describe a tennis racket.  Or, if you collect coins, describe a unique coin from your collection.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What are the characteristics or features of this object?  How is it used?  What is significant about this object?  What are some sensory details you can add?

Descriptive Essay Topics About an Experience

# 10 describe the first time you drove a car or rode a bicycle..

First-time experiences are emotional and significant to people.  If you haven’t driven a car or ridden a bicycle, write about another first-time experience.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What did you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste during this experience?  What did you do?  Were others involved?  If so, what did they do? How did you feel during this experience?  How do you feel about it now?

# 11 Describe a hike or special walk you took .

Do you recall a hike you took or a walk on a trail, path, or street? If so, describe that memory.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What was the place you were at like? What did you hear, see, smell, taste, or touch during this experience?  What did you do?  What did anyone else do?

# 12   Describe a happy memory.

Write about a happy experience you can remember clearly.    This topic involves remembering what occurred and how you felt during that experience.

Questions to develop this essay topic:   What made this experience happy? What happened?  Who else was there?  Can you describe them?

Writing a Descriptive Essay

The key to writing a descriptive essay is to show or portray to a reader the significant elements of a person, place, object, or experience.  So, select an essay topic that you connect with, and develop it with sensory details.  If you do this, you’ll achieve what Stephen King does in his writing and “make the reader a sensory participant.”  When you do that, your readers will want to keep reading until the end.

Make them wish your essay continued so that they could read even more!

So which descriptive essay prompt inspires you?  And if you want more creative writing prompts, check out my blog post, “13 Thought-Provoking Personal Narrative Prompts”

Suzanne,I enjoy reading your articles. Loved your sense of humour ‘(Or at least if you write about a mountain, I hope you can’t describe how tastes.)’. I tried to share this article in my Pinterest account, but somehow something went wrong and it did not allow me to do it.

I’m glad you enjoyed the article. I do try to be funny whenever I can. I’m having a problem right now with my article pinning. I’m working on it.

Loved the “show, not tell” explanation. It really made sense. I’m a visual learner, so I really liked the visual for the 12 descriptive essay prompts in both written form and as a image. You gave me a lot of good ideas for starting a descriptive essay!

Terri, I’m glad you liked my infographic for the post. I love designing visual images for articles. Let me know if you use one of the descriptive essay prompts. I’d love to know how it worked for you.

Excellent. I like the sensory detail questions. It brings the writing to a new level.

Raven, thank you. Sensory details are great for developing writing. They really help writers of all ages.

Nice article, Suzanne. I love using prompts with my students. I might be nervous of the prompt “Describe the strangest person you ever met.” For many of my students I would have the starring role in that one! 🙂 Using the basic five senses to help students expand upon their writing is also very good. So many students write one sentence and then get stuck. Prompting questions can really help them broaden their thoughts.

Ron, thank you. I might be nervous about the “strangest person you ever met” prompt too. But, I’m hoping there are other strange people students could write about too!

Love these! In this generation of “just getting the point across”, it is so difficult to get some students to be descriptive in their writing.It would be hard for any student to not be descriptive using these prompts. When working on writing with students, I always use the five senses to show them how their writing will be more interesting to any reader when it is descriptive. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you,Randy. Descriptive writing is a challenge, but finding a good descriptive writing prompt and using the 5 senses makes a huge difference.

Also, that is a great quote by Stephen King!

Hi Suzanne! Excellent post! I love the creative prompts. They’re helpful, whether one is writing fiction or non-fiction.

You have a great site. Will stop by again. I know I’ll learn lots here.

P.S. Thanks for stopping by my site. I appreciate your feedback.

Hi Nadine, Thanks so much. I am glad you stopped by and checked out my post on descriptive writing prompts. I love prompts because they can make you think about writing in different ways. And sometimes I just need help getting started. I enjoyed your post on writing spaces. I’ll be visiting your site again.

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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Are you going to write a descriptive essay and are looking for appropriate ideas? Look no further! Here are 220+ top-notch descriptive essay topics recommended by essay writers . For sure, you will find one that interests you and sparks your creativity. We have topics about various places: from rural farmlands to bustling cities. We have topics about people: from friends and family to strangers. We have descriptive writing topics about both concrete objects and abstract ideas. Whatever your writing project is, we have the perfect descriptive essay ideas to help you create a masterpiece. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring our long list of descriptive topic ideas and find your inspiration!

What Are Descriptive Essay Topics?

Descriptive essay topics focus on describing an object, person, place, experience, emotion, or situation. They can also be used to give a recount of something that happened or that someone has seen or heard. When writing this type of essay, you should aim to provide a vivid and detailed description of the subject so that the reader can fully understand, imagine, or visualize it. When it comes to writing a descriptive essay , there are many descriptive essay topics to select from. Depending on topics for descriptive writing you choose, you may be required to rely on your memory, your observation skills, or your historical knowledge to complete the essay. You can also focus on an object or event that has significantly impacted your life. Other topics for a descriptive essay can include describing a favorite hobby or activity, a memorable trip, or a special moment.

Things we can describe in a descriptive essay

Characteristics of Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Good topics for a descriptive essay are interesting to write about. The primary objective of descriptive essays is to relate the unique qualities of objects, persons, or events vividly and comprehensively to readers. Good descriptive essay topics can evoke strong emotions and feelings in people. Here are some characteristics of good descriptive essay prompts:

  • Creative Consider creativity and originality when selecting your essay topic.
  • Clear The topic should be clear and concise.
  • Interesting Select a topic that you will not only enjoy writing about, but that will also be compelling to your readers.
  • Researchable The topic should be easy to research.

How to Choose a Descriptive Essay Topic?

Choosing a good descriptive essay topic can be difficult. The writing style used for descriptive essays is very expressive. Thus, it may be rather challenging to complete your paper if you do not select topics for descriptive essays that suit your preference, knowledge, or experience. Here are a few steps to help you select an interesting title that will make your essay stand out. Follow the tips in provided order.

  • Think of a title that interests you. Consider a subject that you are passionate about. You should never select a topic blindly.
  • Brainstorm ideas. When thinking about your topic, don’t hesitate to write down words or phrases that come to mind.
  • Research potential topics. You can look for the right content online or visit a library and skim specialized books.
  • Narrow down your topic for descriptive essays. As a result, choose the best idea that you feel will make an interesting and engaging essay.

Top List of Descriptive Essay Topics

This section provides you with some of the top descriptive writing topics. Writers enjoy working on depictive papers because they give them unrestricted freedom of selecting their means of expression. Besides, these top topics can come from totally different categories. Below is a descriptive essay topics list to help you with your brainstorming:

  • The Pearl Harbor attack.
  • My scariest dream.
  • The political journey of Barack Obama.
  • Remembering my graduation ceremony.
  • My first childhood memory.
  • The most difficult decision you have ever made.
  • Life with a pet monkey.
  • Your childhood hero.
  • A perfect journey.
  • The best book I have read recently.
  • My all-time favorite movie.
  • Great migration of wildebeests across the Mara River .
  • My Coachella music festival experience.
  • Effect of cyberbullying on today’s society.
  • The Mona Lisa: components of the legendary piece of art.

Best Descriptive Essay Topics

The art of describing an event, a place, or a character through vivid writing allows you to take readers to another world. Choosing the right topic is the key to success and it makes a lot of difference in preparing an essay or a speech. Discover the best topics for a descriptive essay listed below to help unleash your creative writing skills.

  • The most beautiful place you have ever visited.
  • The appalling state of Guantanamo Bay.
  • Ancient pyramids and settlements in the Bolivian Amazon.
  • An embarrassing moment in your life.
  • Walking the Great Wall of China: the ultimate experience.
  • My strange “addiction” to jogging.
  • Canadian night festivals.
  • Voyages of Christopher Columbus.
  • The best gift ever received from my parents.
  • Weekend living at the cabin.
  • The ultimate daring thing you will always remember.
  • How I discovered my personal hobby.
  • My most challenging moment in school.
  • Women’s suffrage movement.
  • My biggest superstition and its impact on my lifestyle.

The best topic for a descriptive essay can often come from your experience. Thus, it should be easy to write about, since you already have necessary information and do not need to do any serious research. Using the above list, if you fail to find a topic that connects with previous incidents in your life, just choose a similar subject matter but such that is somehow related your to your own experience or is easy to explore.

Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics

There are descriptive ideas that are relatively more interesting compared to others. Essays about such ideas can help readers better understand an interesting experience or event, imagine and see a vivid picture, or observe and analyze a person from a more intriguing perspective. Here are 15 interesting ideas for a descriptive essay to consider:

  • The feeling of being in love.
  • A holiday on a secluded island.
  • Traits of people you really admire.
  • A woman’s life in the Middle East.
  • Your biggest life-changing moment.
  • My first sleepover.
  • Best FIFA World Cup final ever.
  • Recounting the joyous moment of your day.
  • My biggest fear or terror.
  • Earth’s appearance from out of space.
  • My imaginary best friend from childhood.
  • The TV series you enjoyed the most.
  • Apollo 11: the 1969 NASA moon landing.
  • Surviving the cold Arctic conditions.
  • My backpack adventure in Australian rainforest.

Good Topics for Descriptive Essays

If you are wondering what are some good topics for a descriptive essay, you’ll probably find a suitable answer in this segment. The section outlines topic examples you can use for your essay. A good descriptive essay topic should capture your reader’s attention. You can write about multiple ideas, including a person you admire, a special place or object, a favorite childhood memory, or a beautiful landscape. Good descriptive essay titles should be creative, engaging, and thought-provoking. Below are some examples:

  • My first time on a cruise ship.
  • This year’s Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
  • Your first experience with a foreign culture.
  • Your most treasured childhood toy.
  • How New York looks from Empire State’s 86th floor observatory.
  • My sweet 16 birthday party.
  • Picturing a clear night sky in the countryside.
  • The first time seeing the northern lights in Iceland.
  • My best friend’s wedding reception.
  • One day in the army.
  • A walk through the Central Park.
  • Challenges of living with food allergy.
  • The prom night experience.
  • Main features of Twitter.
  • Most beautiful beaches around the world.

Easy Descriptive Essay Topics

Easy ideas for descriptive essays require you to use just your five senses, your imagination, or memory to create a vivid image of the subject in the reader's mind. It also should take you a relatively shorter period to work on such uncomplicated descriptive ideas. You can choose descriptive paper topics from some of the examples provided below:

  • Special days spent with your grandparents.
  • Best places to explore in my hometown.
  • A perfect summer day.
  • The house of my dream.
  • The most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen.
  • Your ideal picnic spots.
  • Your favorite moment in “ Avengers: Endgame ”.
  • Describing my family members.
  • Walking tour through Times Square in New York City.
  • How does freshly-baked bread smell?
  • My sense of humor.
  • Perfect gifts for your partner.
  • My first public speech: a recount of how I felt inside.
  • World’s greatest conspiracy theory.
  • My favorite school teacher.

Funny Descriptive Essay Topics

Allowing the imagination to run wild can lead to interesting ideas, particularly when looking for funny descriptive essay topics. Here we have compiled fifteen funny descriptive essay topic ideas for you to write about. The topics will help you produce a unique and humorous essay. From describing some weird costume to documenting habits of a quirky pet, these topics for descriptive writing are sure to inspire your creativity and provide you with a fun writing experience.

  • An outlandish Halloween outfit to fit my body.
  • People’s attempts to break odd world records.
  • Charlie Chaplin: the funniest silent play character.
  • How I fell for an April Fool’s Day prank.
  • Most hilarious Super Bowl commercials ever.
  • Funny moments during Donald Trump’s presidency.
  • Funny experience in an eating competition.
  • Diving into the mysterious world of wild street cats.
  • The “No Sweets for Adults” law in Chesapeake City, Virginia.
  • Funny life of Peter Griffin in the “Family Guy” TV show.
  • Amusing ghost stories as presented in Hollywood movies.
  • Funniest punishment ever experienced for losing a bet.
  • An encounter with a celebrity lookalike.
  • My queer self-made alternatives to online entertainments.
  • Explaining the behavior of an eccentric pet.

If you are searching for other paper ideas such as division and classification essay topics or informative essay topics , you will find them on our platform.

Descriptive Essay Ideas for Students

Students often struggle with finding the right ideas for their descriptive essays. While some topics may seem easier than others, there are plenty of creative and unique directions that can be explored. This section compiles descriptive writing ideas for various learning levels. From descriptive research topics in education to discussing the effects of climate change on nature, these ideas enable students to grow their knowledge and develop their researching skills.

Descriptive Writing Topics for Middle School

Descriptive writing topics for middle school can range from describing a favorite vacation spot to giving a detailed characterization of a person or place. Working on descriptive essays can help students to hone their writing skills, enabling them to better observe and detail their surroundings. Below are fifteen descriptive paper ideas for middle school students to explore:

  • My dream smartphone.
  • My favorite activities in the gymnasium.
  • Fishing and camping with my father.
  • Most important and cherished tradition in my family.
  • Recounting the visit to Jurassic Park.
  • Your most enjoyable activities outside school.
  • An unforgettable moment of wisdom with my teacher.
  • My best outfit.
  • My first time in a live sports event.
  • Game night experiences with my family.
  • A rollercoaster ride with friends.
  • Most beautiful success story in my life.
  • A summer vacation memory.
  • Why my best friend is my security blanket.
  • My lucky charm.

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

Ideas for descriptive writing at high school level are relatively more demanding in terms of the effort needed to develop them comprehensively. You may be required to provide more descriptive details compared to the lower learning levels or even conduct additional research. In certain instances, suitable topics may only be derived from the high school curriculum. Here are some of the examples of descriptive essay topics for high school students:

  • Importance of summer school.
  • How I trained my dog.
  • How the solar system works.
  • Kobe Bryant: the mamba mentality.
  • A unique family heirloom.
  • Effect of domestic violence on students’ performance.
  • Qualities of a good roommate.
  • Abraham Lincoln: the greatest American president.
  • My journey as an artist: the development of skills.
  • America’s Independence Day: the Fourth of July celebration party.
  • Thomas Edison’s light bulb invention.
  • Greatest moment of personal growth.
  • The Pleiades star cluster.
  • Dream career: my aspiration to be an engineer.
  • Assassination of J.F. Kennedy .

Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students

Descriptive essay topics for university students are even more in-depth compared to the two previous academic levels. Learners tend to focus on topics within their area of specialization. College students are expected to think big and be more creative. Students in high learning institution can be additionally asked to provide educated opinion on the subject matter. Learn some of the descriptive essay topics for college students to get your creative juices flowing:

  • My online virtual learning experience in college.
  • Yuri Gagarin’s journey to space.
  • The role of your mentor in shaping your life.
  • How did you get your first tattoo?
  • Causes of college dropout: my personal experience.
  • The Holocaust: its history and consequences.
  • Greta Thunberg’s inspirational story.
  • Experiencing the pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Preparing for a date: things to do.
  • Inside an anthill: a view from a tiny camera inside the colony.
  • How do you prepare for exams.
  • Muhammad Ali: his life and achievements.
  • Components of Martin Luther’s greatest speech.
  • Most beautiful locations in Europe.
  • Fastest travel route from Alaska to Ushuaia.

Topics for Descriptive Writing by Categories

A descriptive writing topic can come from many different categories. To help you select an essay idea based on your preference, we have compiled multiple topics and arranged them into various groups. We have focused on six primary categories in this section: objects, family and people, events, traveling, experience, and hobbies. You are free to either pick descriptive writing ideas from the lists provided, or use them as foundation for developing your own ones.

Descriptive Essay Topics About an Object

Do you want to write impressive descriptive topics about an object? In this section, you can explore the list of proper descriptive essay ideas revolved around specific entities. When analyzing objects, your sharp observation skills and basic knowledge about these items are important. Here are examples of topic ideas for descriptive essays:

  • My most valued object.
  • Toys I own as an adult.
  • The rarest metal on Earth.
  • World’s most powerful supercomputer.
  • Components of my living room.
  • Things you will find in my wallet.
  • World’s oldest tree: its physical appearance and history.
  • Items in my bank safety deposit box.
  • A detailed description of the most comfortable bed in USA.
  • Burj Khalifa : world’s tallest building.
  • Historical significance of Eiffel Tower.
  • Features of iPhone 13.
  • Inside a Tesla Cybertruck.
  • The largest flower in the world.
  • Japanese katana: appearance, types, materials.

Family and People Descriptive Essay Topics

You can base your depictive essay on matters pertaining to family and people. Relationships with friends and relatives constitute an integral part of every person’s life, so you will definitely have enough matter and stories to address. In this section, we have outlined sample descriptive essays topics that draw their talking points from the subject of family bonds and friendship. You can deliver a narrative involving memories of time spend together, or expressively discuss some outstanding features of your loved ones. Below are some of the descriptive paragraph topics for papers to get you started:

  • My favorite family member.
  • The best part of my Christmas holiday with my family.
  • Effect of divorce on childhood development.
  • Pillars of a strong family.
  • Financial benefit of a marriage institution.
  • Challenges of being a last-born in a family.
  • Things I miss the most about my childhood friend.
  • The relationship between my step-family and me.
  • The day I met my best friend.
  • Our secret family recipe.
  • The best Valentine’s Day experience with my partner.
  • Growing up in a multi-cultural family.
  • Biblical definition of marriage.
  • Components of our family portrait.
  • Impact of extended family on my personal growth.

Look through our definition essay topics to find more ideas on family. 

Descriptive Essay Topics About Events

Over the course of our lives, we witness multiple events ranging from personal parties to ceremonies of national magnitude. Generally, rather than giving personal opinions or using rhetoric approach, you should prioritize providing objective information and key facts when working on topics for descriptive essay writing about events. Below is a list of essay topics for descriptive papers to help you in brainstorming.

  • Saint Patrick’s Day celebration in America.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Chronological events leading to start of World War I.
  • End of Cold War.
  • September 11 terrorist attacks.
  • My first job interview: how I performed.
  • The birth of my first born and how it affected me.
  • Relevance of the Ramadan celebration in the Islam religion.
  • Effect of “Tomorrowland Music Festival” on today’s morality.
  • 2026 FIFA World Cup: the next tournament in Canada, Mexico, and USA.
  • The incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the 2022 Grammy Award.
  • How I proposed to my partner.
  • The best sports event I ever attended.
  • The Winner of the 2022 Formula 1 Series.
  • How I survived an extreme weather condition: a close call.

Once you have selected your preferred essay topics for descriptive papers, you should strive to expound particulars related to the occurrence in a chronological manner. This ensures that the reader is able to seamlessly follow the directions of your thoughts.

Traveling Descriptive Essay Topics

Writing a descriptive paragraph idea about traveling can be a great way to capture the moments and memories of your journey. These topics for descriptive writing can help you create a vivid and interesting essay about your travels.

  • Tourist destinations that left me with a lasting impression.
  • Exploring unfamiliar culture of Amazon tribes.
  • The most stunning natural landscape you’ve seen.
  • Best cheap meal you have ever had while traveling.
  • Most memorable people you met on your trip.
  • The most thrilling journey to the Maldives.
  • Unique souvenirs you brought back from Africa.
  • Exploring local customs and traditions of Native American communities.
  • The Swiss Alps train: The Glacier Express.
  • Magical views of Niagara waterfalls in Canada.
  • A journey to the Himalayas : the city of immortal beings.
  • Challenges you faced while traveling through a non-English speaking country.
  • Exploring the local cuisine of Istanbul.
  • The most interesting thing you learned on your recent trip
  • How I met my travel companion.

Descriptive Essay Topics About an Experience

Writing topics for a descriptive essay about an experience can be a great way to explore and share recollections of your life. Although not everyone is ready or comfortable to share their past, there are people who enjoy talking about the affairs that touched them to their friends, families, and even strangers. Find 15 topics for descriptive papers about an experience to get you started listed below:

  • An experience that changed your outlook on life.
  • A summer night that was particularly memorable.
  • Witnessing Argentina’s 2022 World Cup victory.
  • An experience that made you feel scared and develop a phobia for height.
  • Places that fill you with joy and nostalgia.
  • A moment of relief.
  • My experience learning abroad.
  • The biggest public humiliation that I will never forget.
  • A dream that stayed with you.
  • A time when you felt overwhelmed.
  • A special experience with a family member.
  • Self-realization in my time of adversity.
  • The story of my first heartbreak.
  • How I coped with being hospitalized for weeks.
  • Recounting my visit to a home for the elderly.

Ideas for a Descriptive Essay About Hobbies

Writing descriptive essay topics about hobbies can be a great way to express yourself and explore your passions. Whether it's a hobby you've been doing for years or something new that you've recently taken up, there are countless topics to pick from when it comes to creating a descriptive essay. Below are ideas for descriptive essays to get you started:

  • My inspiration for taking up a new hobby.
  • Athletics as hobbies: their conversion to professions.
  • How my parents helped me pick my hobby.
  • Impact of hobbies on my relationship with family and friends.
  • Effect of sedentary hobby on your health.
  • Recounting the event that made me fall out of love with my traveling hobby.
  • How physical hobbies improved my physiological health.
  • My favorite childhood hobby.
  • Financial implication of having a hobby.
  • My best friend’s unusual hobby.
  • Extreme and dangerous hobbies taken up by my friends.
  • How sharing hobbies with my neighbor developed our friendship.
  • Pressures resulting from doing ballet dancing as a hobby.
  • My hobby’s contribution to my career development.
  • Biggest lessons learned from my childhood hobbies.

If you need more essay ideas, don’t forget that we have an extensive blog that offers different titles, including narrative essay topics and ideas for expository essays .

Bottom Line on Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive writing essay topics can range from narrating a personal experience to describing a place, person, or thing. It is important to include enough details in your essay so the reader can form a vivid picture. When choosing topics to write a descriptive essay on, you should consider the age and other specifics of the target audience and know your primary intentions in delivering information. It is also vital to be creative and use unique language to make the essay stand out. With the right topic and approach, a descriptive essay can be an engaging and enjoyable writing experience. Do not forget to adhere to grammar rules and employ appropriate lexis when working on topics for descriptive essays!


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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List Of Interesting Grade 9 Descriptive Essay Topics

Are you worried because you want to compose a winning paper for your school? Do you need someone to help you in choosing the right topic for your paper? Are you wondering how to choose a unique and interesting topic for your descriptive essay? Do you have plenty of ideas in your mind but do not know how to organize them in form of a topic? Do you think it is difficult to choose a good title because you do not have enough time? Are you having a tough time because all the topics you think about need some editing? Do you think it is better to write the paper first and then edit the title of your paper?

It is normal for you to be thinking about all these questions because you want to choose a winning topic for your paper. You might be worried because you cannot think of any new ideas or the instructions by your teacher are difficult to follow. You can solve this problem by brainstorming for fresh ideas. It will help you gather interesting topics and you can choose the one that suits you best. Consider the following examples to help you make your decision easy. Remember that you do not have to use them as is but only use them as a guide for writing your own topic

List of descriptive essay topics for students in 9th grade

  • A day spent in school after the winter vacations
  • The relationship between productivity and musical tones
  • Things to learn from the life of little insects that have no education but ethics
  • The waste from factories pollutes the water sources to a dangerous level
  • The important steps government should take in order to maintain justice and order in the society
  • How does the solar system work and how many solar systems exist in the universe
  • The importance of self-esteem and confidence for the development of a kid in his early years
  • Nature and nurture both play a significant role in shaping the personality of a young child
  • Children with single parents face problems with self-esteem, confidence, social anxiety, domestic violence and inappropriate behavior as adults
  • Life can be really beautiful if we stop complaining and start being grateful for what we have rather than what we lost or could have had
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Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Examples

Barbara P

Amazing Descriptive Essay Examples for Your Help

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Mar 1, 2024

Descriptive Essay Examples

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Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics - 2024

Writing a Descriptive Essay Outline - Tips & Examples

Descriptive Essay: Definition, Tips & Examples

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Descriptive essays are very commonly assigned essays. This type of essay enhances students' writing skills and allows them to think critically. 

A descriptive essay is often referred to as the parent essay type. Other essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, and expository essays fall into descriptive essays. Also, this essay helps the student enhance their ability to imagine the whole scene in mind by appealing senses.

It is assigned to high school students and all other students at different academic levels. Students make use of the human senses like touch, smell, etc., to make the descriptive essay more engaging for the readers. 

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Examples make it easy for readers to understand things in a better way. Also, in a descriptive essay, different types of descriptions can be discussed. 

Here are some amazing examples of a descriptive essay to make the concept easier for you. 

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2 
  • Body Paragraph 3
  • Conclusion 

Following is an example of a descriptive essay written using the famous 5 paragraph method. 

5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person.  A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. 

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality.

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

If you have visited a good holiday spot or any other place and want to let your friends know about it. A descriptive essay can help you explain every detail and moment you had at that place. 

Here is one of the good descriptive essay examples about a place. Use it as a sample and learn how you can write such an essay. 

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Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive essays are frequently assigned to school students. This type of essay helps the students enhance their writing skills and helps them see things in a more analytical way.

If you are a 6 grader and looking for a good descriptive essay example, you are in the right place.  

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 7

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples for grade 7. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 8

If you are looking for some amazing descriptive essay examples for grade 8, you have already found one. Look at the given example and see what a well-written descriptive essay looks like. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Essay writing is an inevitable part of a student's academic life . No matter your grade, you will get to write some sort of essay at least once. 

Here is an example of a descriptive essay writing for grade10. If you are also a student of this grade, this example might help you to complete your assignment.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 12

If you are a senior student and looking for some essay examples, you are exactly where you should be. 

Use the below-mentioned example and learn how to write a good essay according to the instructions given to you. 

Descriptive Essay Example College

Descriptive essays are a great way to teach students how they can become better writers. Writing a descriptive essay encourages them to see the world more analytically.

Below is an example that will help you and make your writing process easy.

College Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for University

Descriptive essays are assigned to students at all academic levels. University students are also assigned descriptive essay writing assignments. As they are students of higher educational levels, they are often given a bit of difficult and more descriptive topics. 

See the example below and know what a descriptive essay at the university level looks like. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Every time a descriptive essay isn't written in detail. It depends on the topic of how long the essay will be.  

For instance, look at one of the short descriptive essay examples given below. See how the writer has conveyed the concept in a composed way. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

When writing an objective description essay, you focus on describing the object without conveying your emotions, feelings, or personal reactions. The writer uses sight, sound, or touch for readers' minds to bring life into pictures that were painted by words.

Here is an example that you can use for your help. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay can be a great way to share your experiences with others. It is a story that teaches a lesson you have learned. The following is an example of a perfect narrative descriptive essay to help you get started.

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How to Start a Descriptive Essay? - Example

If you don't know how to start your descriptive essay, check this example and create a perfect one. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Example

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

It is a common concept that a descriptive essay revolves around one subject. Be it a place, person, event, or any other object you can think of. 

Following is one of the subjective descriptive, easy examples. Use it as a guide to writing an effective descriptive essay yourself. 

Writing a descriptive essay is a time-consuming yet tricky task. It needs some very strong writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Also, this is a type of essay that a student can not avoid and bypass. 

But if you think wisely, work smart, and stay calm, you can get over it easily. Learn how to write a descriptive essay from a short guide given below. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

A writer writes a descriptive essay from their knowledge and imaginative mind. In this essay, the writer describes what he has seen or experienced, or ever heard from someone. For a descriptive essay, it is important to stay focused on one point. Also, the writer should use figurative language so that the reader can imagine the situation in mind. 

The following are some very basic yet important steps that can help you write an amazing descriptive essay easily. 

  • Choose a Topic

For a descriptive essay, you must choose a vast topic to allow you to express yourself freely. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not overdone. An overdone will not grab the attention of your intended audience. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for a variety of intriguing topic suggestions.

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the essence of any academic writing. When you select the descriptive essay topic, then you create a strong thesis statement for your essay.  

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that explains the whole idea of your essay to the reader. It is stated in the introductory paragraph of the essay. The word choice for creating the thesis statement must be very expressive, composed, and meaningful. Also, use vivid language for the thesis statement.  

  • Collect the Necessary Information

Once you have created the thesis statement and are done writing your essay introduction . Now, it's time to move toward the body paragraphs. 

Collect all necessary information related to your topic. You would be adding this information to your essay to support your thesis statement. Make sure that you collect information from authentic sources. 

To enhance your essay, make use of some adjectives and adverbs. To make your descriptive essay more vivid, try to incorporate sensory details like touch, taste, sight, and smell.

  • Create a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is yet another necessary element of your college essay. By reading the descriptive essay outline , the reader feels a sense of logic and a guide for the essay. 

In the outline, you need to write an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs and end up with a formal conclusion.

Proofreading is a simple procedure in which the writer revises the written essay. This is done in order to rectify the document for any kind of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thus, proofreading makes high-quality content and gives a professional touch to it. 

You might be uncertain about writing a good enough descriptive essay and impress your teacher. However, it is very common, so you do not need to stress out. 

Hit us up at and get an essay written by our professional descriptive essay writers. Our essay writing service for students aims to help clients in every way possible and ease their stress. Get in touch with our customer support team, and they will take care of all your queries related to your writing. 

You can always enhance your writing skills by leveraging the power of our AI essay writing tools .

Place your order now and let all your stress go away in a blink! 

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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grade 9 descriptive essay topics

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Descriptive Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

Descriptive Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

Here we have covered previous Year Descriptive Essay Writing Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2016
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2015
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2014
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2013
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2012
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2011
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2010
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2009
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  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2006
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2005
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2004
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2003
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2002
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2001
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 2000
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1999
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1998
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1996
  • Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1991
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – A Day When Everything Went Wrong In School
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – A Visit To A Bus Station
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – The Scene At The Railway Station
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – An Entertainment Programme Organised On Teacher’s Day
  • D escriptive Essay Topic – You Have Just Returned From A Cyclone-Affected Area
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – A Visit To A Historical Place
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – A Visit To A Hill Station
  • Descriptive Essay Topic – The Most Exciting Day In My Life


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    Whether you're a freshman or a senior in high school, these descriptive essay topics are designed to challenge your descriptive writing abilities. Check out the topics below: Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 9. Share your experience of overcoming a significant personal challenge. Explain the impact of a novel that influenced your perspective ...

  8. 100+ Best Descriptive Essay Topics for Your Essay

    Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School Students. Finding the best writing topics for a descriptive essay is an important task to accomplish. Also, keep in mind that you will easily create the thesis statement if your topic is good. Here are some of the great essay topics for different grades. Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 7

  9. 125 Descriptive Essay Topics

    Before choosing a topic, check out the secrets to writing a descriptive essay that will help get you the grade you deserve on your writing assignment. Critical Elements of a Descriptive Essay. Unlike essay styles that are fact-based, it is essential to remember that a descriptive essay is based on abstract observation.

  10. Choosing the Perfect Descriptive Essay Topic

    100 Topics For a Descriptive Essay. A dream. A nightmare. A childhood memory. A favorite place. A train ride. A pet. A garden. Your best friend.

  11. Descriptive Writing (Grade 9)

    Descriptive Writing (Grade 9) August 2, 2019 by meghac 3 Comments. Use the following information to describe Hannah, a thirteen years old girl being reported as missing by her parents: Face: oval, fresh-faced, spotless, almond-shaped black eyes, expressive. Hair: long, black, wavy. Build: small, bony, broad-shouldered.

  12. 12 Creative Descriptive Essay Prompts

    The 12 descriptive essay prompts here, give you the freedom to develop your content in different ways, and with a lot of sensory details. They are divided into 4 categories: person, place, object, and experience. Each type has 3 descriptive essay writing ideas. For each writing prompt, brainstorm how you can develop that essay.

  13. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt "Describe a place you love to spend time in," is shown below. Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works. On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green ...

  14. 220 Descriptive Essay Topics & Ideas for Every Student

    Here are 220+ top-notch descriptive essay topics recommended by essay writers. For sure, you will find one that interests you and sparks your creativity. We have topics about various places: from rural farmlands to bustling cities. We have topics about people: from friends and family to strangers.

  15. List Of Interesting Grade 9 Descriptive Essay Topics

    List of descriptive essay topics for students in 9th grade. A day spent in school after the winter vacations. The relationship between productivity and musical tones. Things to learn from the life of little insects that have no education but ethics. The waste from factories pollutes the water sources to a dangerous level.

  16. 32 Great Writing Prompts for 9th Grade »

    32 Writing Prompts for 9th Grade: First Year of High School Journaling Ideas (that can double as Essay Topics) + a Bonus List of 9 Quick, Easy Writing Ideas. Enjoy! The first year of high school is one of the most significant times in a teenager's life. As students face new responsibilities and enjoy all new freedoms and privileges, they ...

  17. 260+ Trending Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

    Descriptive Essay Topics for Different Grades. The selection of a good descriptive essay topic is a difficult task for school students. Have a look at the following list of topics. Descriptive Essay Topics For Grade 4. A magical day in a candy wonderland; The curious adventures of friendly robots; Exploring the whimsical world of talking animals

  18. Class 9 Essay Topics

    Get inspired with great narratives and Class 9 Essay Topics. Avail the Grade Specific Essay Writing Topics curated belonging to different categories. Bring up the Creative Mind and Imagination in you by referring to the 9th Standard Essay Topics. Enhance your Vocabulary with the Grade 9 Essay Writing Topics & Ideas and express your thoughts […]

  19. PDF Descriptive Writing (Grade 9)

    Descriptive Writing (Grade 9) 1. Use the following information to describe Hannah, a thirteen year old girl being reported missing by her parents: • Face: oval, fresh-faced, spotless, almond-shaped black eyes, expressive • Hair: long, black, wavy • Build: small, bony, broad-shouldered • Clothing: polo-shirt, jeans, boots

  20. 100 Narrative Essay Topics

    The list of 100 narrative essay topics that we've compiled is a versatile and expansive set designed to inspire students at various educational levels. The topics range from lighter, more relatable experiences like your "first job interview" or "a memorable birthday party," to deeper, more introspective themes such as "an experience ...

  21. Descriptive Essay

    Descriptive Essay. August 19, 2020 by sastry. Descriptive Essay: Descriptive composition deals in telling about the features of some person, place or thing. A good description relies upon careful observation with additional points of comparisons and associations. Good descriptions tend to be a mixture of the overall view with details added.

  22. 15 Good Descriptive Essay Examples for All Students

    Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph. 5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows; Introduction. Body Paragraph 1. Body Paragraph 2. Body Paragraph 3. Conclusion.

  23. Descriptive Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

    Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1991. Descriptive Essay Topic - A Day When Everything Went Wrong In School. Descriptive Essay Topic - A Visit To A Bus Station. Descriptive Essay Topic - The Scene At The Railway Station. Descriptive Essay Topic - An Entertainment Programme Organised On Teacher's Day. D escriptive Essay Topic - You Have ...