Universität Rostock

  • Starthilfe: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
  • Schnelleinstieg
  • Reader & Vorlagen
  • Starter-Set

In diesem Bereich stehen Vorlagen für Praktikumsberichte, Seminar-, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten zur Verfügung. Der Praktikumsbericht enthält Hinweise zur inhaltlichen Bearbeitung. Die anderen Dokumente unterscheiden sich nur in den Vorgaben für Deckblätter und Ehrenerklärungen.

Wichtig: Die Kontrolle der Richtigkeit aller Angaben liegt stets beim Anwender.

Letztes Vorlagen-Update: 2023-03-31

uni rostock master thesis template

  • PowerPoint - Universität
  • PowerPoint - MED
  • PowerPoint - PHF
  • PowerPoint - WSF

Die folgenden Dokumente enthalten keine Verweise auf die Universität Rostock und können überall verwendet werden.

uni rostock master thesis template

  • Bewertung - Thesis
  • Bewertung - Studien-Arbeit
  • Handout - Thesen-Papier
  • Handout - Thesen-Papier - Bsp.
  • Interview-Memo
  • Wissenschaftliche Arbeit

Die folgenden Dokumente enthalten Verweise auf die Universität Rostock und können dort verwendet werden.

  • Wissenschaftliche Arbeit - MED aktualisiert Februar 2023
  • Dissertation - Exposé - MED
  • Dissertation - Thesis - MED
  • Praktikum - Bericht
  • Praktikum - Bericht - PHF
  • Thesis - Bachelor - PHF
  • Thesis - Bachelor - WSF aktualisiert Oktober 2019
  • Thesis - Master - PHF
  • Thesis - Master - WSF aktualisiert Oktober 2019
  • Wissenschaftliche Arbeit - PHF

Offer for Master- and Bachelor thesis

Software Lab

Requirements for Recommendations Letter

Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation

  • Offer for Students
  • Instructions for submitting and preparing theses


"Declaration of an oath"

“I certify by handwritten signature that I have completed the work independently and without using any tools other than those specified. All passages that are taken literally or analogously from publications have been identified by information on their origin. This also applies to drawings, sketches, images and sources from the Internet.

I further declare that I have not submitted and will not submit this work in any other examination procedure as an examination paper.

The submitted written version is identical to the electronically submitted version.

I know that if the wrong insurance is submitted, the exam will be considered failed."

  • Schnelleinstieg

Ordnungen Übersicht

  • Universitätsbibliothek
  • Mitarbeitersuche

Universität Rostock

Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik

  • Studienorganisation
  • Abschlussarbeiten und Studienarbeit

Hinweise zum Einreichen und Anfertigen von Abschlussarbeiten

Bei Abgabe der Bachelor-/ Masterarbeit ist folgendes zu beachten:

  • Einreichen von 2 gebundenen Exemplaren und 1 elektronischen Version (als .pdf, kann per Mail gesendet werden) im Studienbüro und Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik (keine Ringbindung), nicht beim Lehrstuhl
  • letzte Seite: Eidesstattliche Versicherung gemäß Formvorschriften (Beispiel in "Wichtige Hinweise", inhaltlich muss diese so übereinstimmen)
  • Anfertigung des Deckblattes gemäß Formvorschriften (falls Sie vom betreuenden Lehrstuhl keine Vorlage für die Arbeit erhalten, finden Sie folgend ein Beispiel)
  • Abgabe kann persönlich oder per Post erfolgen, bei der Abgabe per Post zählt das Datum des Poststempels als Abgabedatum

Wichtige Hinweise


Hinweise zur Verfahrensweise zur Studienarbeit

  • Die Anmeldung zur Studienarbeit kann jederzeit erfolgen. Regelprüfungstermin bleibt das 3. Master-Semester.
  • Anmeldung per Antrag auf Zulassung zur Studienarbeit (als Download hier ) beim Lehrstuhl.
  • Lehrstuhl trägt das Thema, den Betreuer und den Starttermin der Studienarbeit auf dem Antrag ein.
  • Der Lehrstuhl sendet das Formblatt an das Studienbüro und Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik.
  • Ab Starttermin laufen 20 Wochen Bearbeitungszeit. Der Abgabetermin wird im Online-Portal vermerkt.
  • Es kann einmalig eine Verlängerung um maximal 4 Wochen vom Studierenden beantragt werden. Der Antrag ist an den Lehrstuhl zu richten. (als Download hier )
  • Der Lehrstuhl entscheidet über die Verlängerung und meldet diese durch Übersendung des Antragsformulars an das Studienbüro und Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik.
  • Einreichen 1 gebundener Arbeit im Studienbüro und Prüfungsamt . Der Eingang wird vermerkt. Die Arbeit wird anschließend an den Lehrstuhl übersandt.
  • Der Lehrstuhl meldet die Note an das Studienbüro und Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik.

Immatrikulation in einen Masterstudiengang an der Universität Rostock

Wenn Sie die Absicht haben, nach dem Bachelorstudium das Masterstudium an der MSF weiterzuführen, dann melden Sie sich zunächst bitte fristgemäß zum SS 2024 im Bachelorstudiengang zurück. Eine genaue Anleitung für die Immatrikulation in einen Masterstudiengang finden Sie hier .   

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Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik

  • Informatik WIN
  • Studies and Teaching
  • Open Topics for BSc./MSc. Theses

Studying Business Information Systems Engineering

Studying Business Information Systems Engineering

Topics for bsc./msc. theses.

In the course of your studies, you will have to write a master's thesis and/or bachelor's thesis, depending on the course of study. During this time, you will acquire new specialist knowledge and learn the tools of independent development and research work under the guidance and supervision of a supervisor of your choice. Your first step towards successful work is to find an interesting topic for you. To do this, contact a research assistant who could supervise you. In your search for the right supervisor, please orient yourself on the subject area you are looking for and the research focus of the individual team members. Develop as precise an idea as possible of the topic you are interested in. Below you will find the current range of topics offered by the Chair of Information Systems. The list can be extended - in individual discussions with the academic staff.

The list below is not complete! Please also see the german descriptions if possible. Of course you can also always write the research staff of the institute for vacant research topics.

Bachelor Theses

Master theses.


IMPORTANT: Before submitting your thesis, please have it stamped at the Studienbüro.

To complete your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, you have to write a thesis. We recommend the following procedure:

Approx. 6 weeks before your intended start date, ask various professors for available topics or contact the appropriate chair with your desired topic.

Meet with your chosen supervisors about 3 to 4 weeks before the start date and discuss what both sides have in mind for the work. Afterwards, your supervisors should write a task description and prepare the registration of the thesis at the study office. You will then need to sign this.

Tips for getting started from a fellow student can be found at https://github.com/hutchison/bachelorarbeit-faq (German).

You can find the detailed requirements for the assignment in the programme-specific examination and study regulations and in the framework examination regulations, which you can download at https://pruefung.uni-rostock.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&publishContainer=abstgvDetail&posstgid=799 .

Create a plan that shows the tasks for each of the 20 weeks (literature research, concept, implementation, etc.).

Save and organise your sources during the research, not afterwards.

Pay attention to conscientious scientific work ( https://www.time.rwth-aachen.de/cms/TIME/Die-Research-Area/Marketing-MAR-/MAR-Meldungen/~eslz/TIME-Richtlinien-fuer-wissenschaftliches/lidx/1/ ) and citation ( https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1236069/1236069.pdf) .

Meet regularly with your supervisors (ideally every 1-2 weeks). They will monitor your progress (milestones) and make sure you don’t go astray. ;)

Allow enough time for proofreading and printing.

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Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Leichtbau

Bachelor thesis, master thesis and student research project.

At the Chair of Lightweight Design, students have the opportunity to work on current research topics as independently as possible. We offer a very good supervision as well as a workplace in the Comp-Lab of the chair.

Bachelor thesis:

  • Time: 16 weeks
  • Colloquium: 20 minutes presentation with 30 minutes discussion
  • 12 LP Bachelor Thesis, 3 LP Colloquium

Student Research Project:

  • Time: 20 weeks
  • Colloqium: 20-30 minutes

Master Thesis:

  • Colloqium: 20 minutes presentation with 20 minutes discussion

Current topics for the Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis and Student Research Project

Topics are assigned on a regular basis. Current topics can be found under advertised work and in our notices.

Universität Rostock

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

  • Schnelleinstieg
  • Termine und Formulare

Hinweise zur Bearbeitung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

An der wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlichen fakultät.

Zur Bearbeitung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät finden Sie hier...

  • Wichtige Hinweise   (Stand: 16.01.2024)
  • Bachelorarbeit Deckblatt und letzte Seite
  • Masterarbeit Deckblatt und letzte Seite

Einen Online-Kurs zu "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" finden Sie auf der =>... auf der ILIAS-Lernplattform

uni rostock master thesis template

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At a glance:

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  • Using the digital library

Universität Rostock


  • Tips for scientific work
  • Finding scientific theses

Finding doctoral theses and postdoctoral dissertations

Finding doctoral theses and postdoctoral dissertations

All doctoral theses (such as PhD dissertations) and habilitation theses (postdoctoral dissertations) published at the University of Rostock have been and are usually archived in the library. Dissertations written before 1959 can be searched for by author name in the Electronic Card Catalogues . The catalogue of "Rostocker Universitätsschriften" should be selected for the search.

From 1960 onwards, dissertations are included in the Regional Catalogue and are integrated into the results in a thematic search.

The catalogue offers the possibility of limiting a search in the Rostock University Library holdings to University publications. To do so, select "[HSS] Thesis note" in the upper middle drop-down menu.

Example:  HSS habilitation* rostock

All electronic dissertations published at the University of Rostock from 2016 onwards can also be searched on the document server RosDok .

If you have any further questions about searching for theses, please contact the information desk .

For Students

Courses Topics for Thesis Stud.IP Course Catalog (LSF) Exam Portal

Contact Staff Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Directions Job Offers

Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Windenergietechnik

  • Student Theses

Completed Theses and Student Projects

uni rostock master thesis template

On this page, you’ll find a list of past seminar papers that have been submitted to the Department of Wind Energy Technology. Only bachelor theses, seminar papers and master’s dissertations have been processed to date.

You’ll find a list of open research questions for new seminar papers under the Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects menu.

Master Theses

  • Gold,Florian (2022): Umstellung von Fahrzeugflotten bei KMU auf nachhaltige Mobilität unter Berücksichtigung größtmöglicher Eigenversorgung
  • Vent, Heinrich (2022): Querschnittswerte von polygonalen dünnwandigen Querschnitten mit 3D-Grafik der Wölbfunktion - Realisierung in Python
  • Wilmes, Bruno (2022): Einbindung von Wasserstofferzeugung und -nutzung in ein Energiesystem und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Betriebsstrategien durch den Einsatz eines Energiemanagementsystems
  • Wiesner, Philipp (2022): Analysis of fabrication costs of project-specific Floating Offshore Wind concepts, considering material selection, local content and industrialization potential
  • Eichler, Elmar (2022): Aufbau eines dezentralen elektrischen Energiesystems und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Betriebsstrategien durch den Einsatz eines Energiemanagementsystems
  • Bauer, Julius (2021): Mechatronischer Entwurf eines Multisensor-Systems zur Detektion von Flugobjekten im Umfeld von Windenergieanlagen unter Verwendung einer Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Kamera
  • Kolbe, Felix (2021): Untersuchung zur Wirkung eines Turmdämpfers für eine Windenergieanlagen
  • Westphal, Timo (2021): Entwicklung von Integrationskonzepten für Energiespeicher in Türmen von Windenergieanlagen
  • Topp, Ronja Maria (2020): Universal gravity anchor solutions for floating substructures
  • Alam , Md Nura (2020): Combined power control of a grid connected wind turbine
  • Bahagat, Sonukumar (2020): Parametric study for the Tension Leg Buoy concepts and ist dynamic behavior under various environmental conditions (wind and waves)
  • Ehsan, Akbarzadeh (2020): Hydrodynamische Untersuchung des Absenkvorgangs von Schwergewichtsankern für schwimmende Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
  • Shahid, Adeel (2019): Virtual Inertia control of grid connected wind turbine
  • Chu, Linh Dang Phuong (2019): 3D Visual an Efficiency Optimization of a Wind Field for very high turbines (220-33m hub height)
  • Topp, Ronja Maria (2019): Universal gravity anchor solutions for floating substructures
  • Sisupalan, Anand (2019): Developmet of Improved Profiles for Straight Blade Darrieus Wind Turbines using CFD
  • Kaki, Anilkumar (2019): Studying Flow Curvature Effects in Darrieus VAWT using CFD Simulations
  • Barvaliya, Kaushikkumar (2019): CFD Analysis of Airfoils with Rotating Cylinder for Wind Turbines
  • Paramasivam, Gautam (2019): Studying Aerodynamic Characteristics of an airfoil in stall and post stall region
  • Janani, Kumar (2019): Load Alleviation of wind turbine blades using trailing edge flaps
  • Hinrichs, Christian (2019): Identifikation und Vergleich zukünftiger Geschäftsmodelle eines Windparks in Verbindung mit power-to-power und power-to-gas
  • Virupakshi, Siddik Reddy (2019): CFD simulation of offshore Rotor with 180 m Diameter Based on Multiple Reference Frame model and the Sliding Mesh Technique
  • Haridasan, Sujith Chengolil (2019): Simulation model of Testbed for scaled Wind Turbine Rotors
  • Ghattar, Nandish Mayurbhai (2019): CFD Simulation of 10 megawatt, 180-meter Wind Turbine Rotor with Double Winglets (MRF) Method
  • Vinakula, Vinay (2019): Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamics and Aeromechanics in a High-Pressure Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
  • Vanjakula, Vinay Kumar (2019): Numrical Investigation of the Aerodynamics an Aerodynamics in High-Pressure Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
  • Ramani, Mitesh (2019): Load calculation and structural analysis of a SparBuoy with a 10 MW wind turbine (EEW - OpenFAST)
  • Chintala, Nani Ganesh (2019): Simulation and Optimation of a Savonius Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using CFD Simulation
  • Sai , Avanash Meesala (2019): Design an Optimization of a Hybrid Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with CFD Simulation
  • Zarncke, Till (2019): Business case for the Energyhub out of the Space@Sea project
  • Philip, Tim Alexander (2019): Modular Multilevel Converter Control an Grid Connection
  • Sankha, Subhra Pal (2019): Validation of orthotropic plate model for steam boiler membrane walls
  • Pienkny, Friedrich (2019): Entwicklung einer vereinfachten Methode zur Abschätzung von Designlasten in der Konzeptphase von Windenergieanlagen
  • Ojieabu, Nathan (2019): Potentials for PV-Wind-Hybrid Renewable Energy System in Nigeria
  • Kamineni, Akhil (2019): Implementation of Torsional eigenmodes into the structural model of a Rotor Blade in the Simulation Software SIWEC
  • Nandish, Ranjith (2019): Numerical Simulation of Buoyant Flows in a Diary Cattle House using the Porous Medium Approach in ABL
  • Kokkarachedu, Sreedhar (2019): Design of Cooling System for Electric Motor
  • Avworo, Onoriode Leslie (2019): The Prospects of Including Renewable Energy and Smart Grid in the Negarian Power System
  • Schürmann, Benjamin (2019): Anti-Kollisionssystem für wildlebende Flugtiere im Zusammenhang mit Windenergieanlagen
  • Qureshi, Muhammad Zeeshan (2019): Development of Virtual Inertia for a direct driven wind turbine
  • Chandregowda, Pavan Kanagal (2019): CFD Simulation of 10 Megawatt, 180-Meter Windturbine Rotor with and without Winglets
  • Arshad, Waleed (2019): Implementation of Torsional eigenmodes into the structural model of a Windtubine tower in the simulation software SiWEC
  • Tanveer, Muhammad Usman (2019): Investigation of ancillary services provided by wind turbines with induction generator
  • Guo, Liqing (2019): Development and Control of Inverter for 1.5MW PMSG
  • Barpute, Akshay (2019): Modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation on 6 MW Dutch Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Converers
  • Barpute, Akshay (2019): CFD analysis of a rotor of a generic 6MW wind turbine
  • Teja, Kota Srinivasa (2019): CFD analysis of a rotor of a generic 10MW wind turbine
  • Teja, Kota Srinivasa (2019): Modelling and CFD analysis of a DTU 10 MW Referece Wind Turbine
  • Mandani, Kaushik (2018): Crane Concept for a 125 KW Wind Turbine
  • Harkhani, Chiragbhai (2018): Design optimization of a wind turbine based on load calculations for different sites (CART)
  • Schröter, Matthias (2018): Basis-Design und Konstruktionsplanung einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur für eine Windenergieanlage mittlerer Größe für den südasiatischen Raum
  • Rentschler, Manuel Uli Tsambiko (2018): Dynamic Analysis of Inter-Array Cable Systems for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
  • Jayavardhan Rayudu, Santapuri (2018): Aerolastic simulation and opimization of a vovel passive yaw concept for downwind oriented wind turbines
  • Hüsken, Clara (2018): Parametrische Untersuchung und Modellierung eines Wellenenergiekonverters
  • Jahn, Felix (2018): Evaluation der Rückbaukosten einer Windkraftanlage der Multi-Megawatt Klasse im 5 Jahres Turnus
  • Sudhanva , Kusuma Chandrashekhara (2018): Calculation of natural vibrations of wind turbine rotor blades using Timoshenko beam elements in the frame of MATLAB
  • Schmeißer, Patrick (2018): Flansch-Detailkonstruktion für ein Stahl-Betonrohr zur Anwendung bei einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur für Windenergieanlagen
  • Zwisele, Timo Alexander (2018): Bau und Vermessung eines skalierten WEA Blattes zur Anwendung bei einer skalierten WEA in einem Wind-Wellen-Kanal
  • Azizi, Pedram (2018): Simulation of a VAWT using CFD an influence of special purpose airfoils
  • Gerke, Thomas (2018): Untersuchungen zur Implementierung einer Jacket-Struktur für Offshore-WEA in das Simulationsprogramm SiWEC
  • Parlak, Can (2018): Lastenrechnung für eine WEA mittlerer Größe für den südasiatischen Raum
  • Berberich, Jascha Florian (2018): Optimierung einer mittelgroßen Windenergieanlage im Hinblick auf Stromgestehungskosten
  • Sripathi, Rakesh Reddy (2018): Analysis for offshore rotor with 180m diameter
  • Nyathikala, Sai Akhil (2018): Analysis for 60m stall rotor and comarison with BEM Theory
  • Tummalapalli, Srivalli (2018): Analysis for a model rotor at low Reynolds number
  • Vu, Thu Thuy (2017): Untersuchung zur Drehzahlbegrenzung bei Windenergieanlagen durch umrichtergeregelte Generatoren
  • Writschan, Georg (2017): Anwendbarkeitsstudie zu Leichtbaumaterialien für eine schwimmende Unterstruktur einer Windenergieanlage
  • Wittke, (2017): Konstruktion und Prototypenbau einer Kleinwindenergieanlage mit vertikaler Achse
  • Kopatzki, Tom (2017): Konzeptuntersuchung einer getriebelosen WEA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lagersituation
  • Nan, Li (2016): Berechnung der 3D-Eigenschwingungen des Rotorblatts einer WEA durch FE-Balkenmodelle mit Hilfe von MATLAB
  • Heimbuch, (2016): Erarbeitung eines validierten Struktursimulationsmodells für die Pitchdrehverbindung an WEA
  • Faustmann, Stephan (2016): Optimierung des schwimmenden Offshore-Fundaments durch Einsatz von Stahl-Beton/Beton-Leichtbaukomponenten
  • Warncke, Julia (2015): Untersuchung neuartiger Verfahren für die individuelle Blattwinkelverstellung bei Windenergieanlagen
  • Kolbatz, Jakob (2013): Einsatz von Schließringbolzen in Verbindungen von Turmschüssen einer Windkraftanlage undter Betrachtung konstruktiver, analytischer und wirtschaftlicher Aspekte

Student Research Projects

  • Heinrich, Tom (2022): Untersuchung des Windprofils in höheren Lagen über dem Boden mittels LiDAR Measurement
  • Kahouli, Nourhen (2022): Schallpegelmessung an Windenergieanlagen (WEA) in Abhängigkeit von Windgeschwindigkeit und Nabenhöhe
  • Vent, Heinrich (2022): Graphische 2D-Darstellung der Rotorblattquerschnitte einer WEA als Erweiterung eines C#-Programmcodes
  • Wilmes, Bruno (2021): Entwurf und Implementierung eines Reglers zum gleichmäßigen Vorspannen von Ankerseilen für eine schwimmende Windenergieanlagen
  • Birr, Vinzenz (2021): Entwurf und Implementierung eines Reglers zum kontrollierten Absenken eines Schwergewichtsankers für schwimmende Windenergieanlagen
  • Stroetmann, Nicco (2021): Entwicklung von parametrischen Simulationsmodellen für die statische Stabilitätsanalyse schwimmender Windenergieanlagen und Vergleich unterschiedlicher Designs
  • Wiesner, Philipp (2021): Entwurf einer Tension-Leg-Plattform für eine 15 MW Windenergieanlage und Simulation des Gesamtsystems in OpenFAST
  • Eichler, Elmar (2021): Kontaktlose Distanzmessung unter Wasser zur Integration in ein Regelungssystem
  • Bauer. Julius (2021): Regelungskonzepte für Windenergieanlagen in Bezug auf die Vermeidung von Vogelkollisionen
  • Westphal, Timo (2020): Energetische Standortentwicklung eines Gemeindequartiers und Technologievergleich zur Rückstromung von lokal erzeugtem Wasserstoff
  • Hinrichs, Christian (2019): Projektierung eines Windparks in Hafengebieten nach §11 der Benutzungsverordnung am Beispiel des Rostocker Überseehafens
  • Shahid, Adeel (2019): Simulation of Microgrid with a PMSG
  • Alam, Md Nura (2019): Development and control of Inverter for 1,5MW PMSG
  • Qureshi, Muhammad Zeeshan (2019): Investigation of virtual inertia of a 1.5MW PMSG
  • Vaghani, Manishkumar (2018): Control of Wind Turbine with Induction Generator for short overloads
  • Basak, Kaushik (2018): Simulation of virtual inertia for a 2MW PMSG
  • Renschler, Manuel (2018): Entwurf von Inter-Array Kabelsystemen für schwimmende Offshore-Windkraftanlagen
  • Pienkny, Friedrich (2018): Offshore-Kabelanbindung an eine schwimmende Unterstruktur
  • Tanveer, Muhammad Usman (2018): Stability considerations of converter and stall controlled wind turbine with asynchronous generator
  • Venugopal, Anjali (2018): Erstellung eines detailierten Synchrongeneratormodels
  • Schmeißer, Patrick (2017): Bemessung einer Ringflanschverbindung eines schwimmenden Offshore-Fundaments
  • Zwisele, Timo Alexander (2017): Entwurf eines skalierten WEA Blattes zur Anwendung bei einer skalierten WEA in einem Wind-Wellen-Kanal
  • Gabriel, Göran (2017): Stalling behaviour analysis of a wind turbine utilising CFD simulation methods
  • Flatow, René (2017): Wirtschaftlichkeit von Kleinwindanlagen unter Berücksichtigung des technischen Konzeptes
  • Porath, Marcus (2016): Konzeptuntersuchung einer getriebelosen WEA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lagersituation
  • Nan, Li (2015): Berechnung der Querschnittssteifigkeiten des Rotorblatts einer WEA durch ein FE-Verfahren für dünnwandige mehrzellige Profile mit Einsatz von MATLAB

Software Lab Project

  • Vishnukumar Patel/Bhavsar, Sachin /Manank (2018): Studying aerodynamic features of the wake of the turbine tower using CFD
  • Ravi, Akshay (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbine airfoils using CFD (NACA64_A17, SD2030_LWET)
  • Krishna, Shivakumar Gummekeri (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of a scaled wind turbine blade using CFD (Forces, Moments at Root of Scaled DOWEC Blade)
  • Subbaraju, Rakshith (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of a scaled wind turbine blade using CFD (Forces, Moments at Root of Scaled DOWEC Blade)
  • Amarnath, Veernala Surya (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under offshore conditions (CART)
  • Tanga, Vishnuvardhan Naidu (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under near-offshore conditions (CART)
  • Gandhi, Rajan (2018): Load calculation of a 125kW turbine under mountain conditions (CART)
  • Lakkakula, Sai Dev (2018): Analysis of Scaled Model of GICON-TLP and NREL 5MW Offshore Wind Turbine
  • Makwana / Bhagat, Abhishek / Sonukumar (2018): Hydrodynamics Analysis of Floating Substructure for a medium size Wind Energy Turbine
  • Mohan / Kiran, Boddeda / Vani Himaja Sarma (2018): Graphic presentation of eigenmodes of wind turbine rotor blades in MATLAB on the basis of 3D finite element beam models
  • Kumar/ Vamsi, Ramesh / Konikineni (2018): MATLAB-Tool for calculation of eigenmodes of wind turbine rotor blades including twist angle and pre-bending
  • Bravaliya/Pal, Kaushikkumar/ Sankha Subhra (2018): Calculation and visualization of airfoil properties for different Reynolds number of DU-96W180
  • Ramani/Nur, Mitesh/Abeed Hassan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA63-415 using CFD
  • Sisupalan/Abusali Mohideen, Anand/Asadullah Masthan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA0012 using CFD
  • Kaki/Chandregowda, Anilkumar/Pavan (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of S814 using CFD
  • Basavaraj/Modi, Anil Kumar/Shadrul (2018): Predicting aerodynamic characteristics of NACA0018 using CFD

Bachelor Theses

  • Lau, Henning (2022): Investigation of noise and infrasoound of wind turbines related to the tower passage of blades
  • Albrecht, Max (2021): Nutzraumkonzeption zur Wasserstoffproduktion in Gründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
  • Wilhelm, Paul (2021): Konstruktion einer Haltevorrichtung zur Materialprobenentnahme an Großwälzlagern der Windenergieindustrie
  • Busse, Alexander (2021): Kostenanalyse einer 400 Kilowatt Windenergieanlage mit einer schwimmenden Unterstruktur
  • Kiok, Anne (2020): Konzeptionierung eines skalierten Modells für eine selbstinstallierende schwimmende Windenergieanlage
  • Randow, Marcus (2020): Ökobilanzierung und Bewertung des Ressourcenverbrauchs von schwimmenden Windenergieanlagen
  • Günther, Nils (2020): Windparksimulation mit netzstabilisierenden Betrieb der Windenergieanlagen
  • Westphal, Timo (2018): Konzept zur Gesamtenergieversorgung eines Ingenieurzentrums auf Basis der erneuerbaren Energieträger Sonne und Wind
  • Draack, Leon (2018): Zusammenstellung des Stands der Technik von schwimmenden Unterstrukturen nach dem Spar Buoy Prinzip
  • Hussein, Ahmed (2018): CAPEX Berechnung für eine Windenergieanlage mit einer Nennleistung bis zu 200kW
  • Hinz, Maximilian (2018): Entwicklung eines wirtschaftlichen Serienfertigungskonzepts für ein schwimmendes Offshore Fundament
  • Herrmann, Tim (2017): Rückbau und Recycling von Windenergieanlagen und Einfluss auf die Stromgestehungskosten
  • Kolyadych, Yaroslav (2016): Entwicklung eines Wind- und Wellenkanals - Studie zu den Skalierungsgesetzen
  • Budde, Falko (2016): Modellierung von Energieversorgungskonzepten auf der Grundlage von Windenergie kombiniert mit Power-to-Gas-Verfahren
  • Berberich, Jascha Florian (2015): Einfluss aktueller Technologietrends auf die Stromgestehungskosten bei Windenergieanlagen
  • Kelting, Helge (2015): Untersuchung neuer Konstruktionskonzepte für Rotoren von Windenergieanlagen
  • Heye, Christoph (2015): Messung und Analyse von Geräuschen von Windenergieanlagen
  • Klemp, Anja (2014): Optimierung von Stahlrohrtürmen hoher Windenergieanlagen – Einfluss von Stahlsorte und Schweißnahtgüte auf das Design

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University of Rostock

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uni rostock master thesis template

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  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.article')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> article = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.monograph')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> book = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.collection')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> collection = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.dissertation')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> doctoral thesis = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.habilitation')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> postdoctoral thesis = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.masterthesis')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> master thesis = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.bachelorthesis')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> bachelor thesis = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.studythesis')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> study thesis = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.workingpaper')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> working paper = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.report')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> report/study = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.poster')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> poster = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.presentation')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> speech/presentation = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.review')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> review = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.adminpublication')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> administrative publication = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.journal')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> journal = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.volume')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> volume/issue = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.multipart')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> multipart monograph = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.series')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> series = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:epub.other')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> other document = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.doctype_class.facet:doctype:data')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> data publication = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:000')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 000 Generalities, Science = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:004')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 004 Data processing Computer sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:010')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 010 Bibliography = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:020')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 020 Library & information sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:030')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 030 General encyclopedic works = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:050')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 050 General serials & their indexes = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:060')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 060 General organization & museology = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:070')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 070 News media, journalismn, publishing = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:080')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 080 General collections = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:090')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 090 Manuscripts & rare books = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:100')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 100 Philosphy = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:130')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 130 Paranormal phenomena = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:150')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 150 Psychology = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:200')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 200 Religion = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:220')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 220 Bible = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:230')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 230 Christian theology = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:290')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 290 Other & comarative religions = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:300')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 300 Social sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:310')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 310 General statistics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:320')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 320 Political science = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:330')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 330 Economics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:333.7')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 333.7 Natural resources, energy and environment = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:340')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 340 Law = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:350')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 350 Public administration = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:355')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 335 Military science = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:360')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 360 Social services, association = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:370')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 370 Education = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:380')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 380 Commerce, communications, transport = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:390')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:400')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 400 Language, Linguistics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:420')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 420 English = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:430')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 430 Germanic = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:439')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 439 Other Germanic languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:440')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 440 Romance languages French = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:450')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:460')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 460 Spanish & Portugese languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:470')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 470 Italic Latin = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:480')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 480 Hellenic languages Classical Greek = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:490')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 490 Other languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:491.8')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 491.8 Slavic languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:500')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 500 Natural sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:510')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 510 Mathematics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:520')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 520 Astronomy & allied sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:530')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 530 Physics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:540')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 540 Chemistry & allied sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:550')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 550 Earth sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:560')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 560 Paleontology Paleozoology = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:570')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 570 Life science = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:580')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 580 Botanical sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:590')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 590 Zoological sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:600')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 600 Technology (Applied sciences) = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:610')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 610 Medical sciences Medicine = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:620')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 620 Engineering & allied operations = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:621.3')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 621.3 Electrical Engineering, Electronics = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:624')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 624 Structural and Environmental Engineering = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:630')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 630 Agriculture = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:640')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 640 home economics & family living = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:650')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 650 Management & auxialiary services = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:660')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 660 Chemical engineering = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:670')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 670 Manufacturing = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:690')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 690 Buildings = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:700')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 700 The arts = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:710')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 710 Civic & landscape art = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:720')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 720 Architecture = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:730')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 730 Plastic arts Sculpture = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:740')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 740 Drawing & decorative arts = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:741.5')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 741.5 Comics Cartoons = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:750')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 750 Painting & paintings = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:760')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 760 Graphic arts Printmaking & prints = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:770')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 770 Photography & photographs = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:780')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 780 Music = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:790')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 790 Recreational & performing arts = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:791')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 791 Public performances = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:792')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 792 Stage presentations = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:793')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 793 Indoor games & amusements = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:796')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:800')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 800 Literature & rhetoric = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:810')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 810 American literature in English = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:820')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 820 English & Old English literatures = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:830')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 830 Literatures of Germanic languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:839')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 839 Other Germanic literatures = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:840')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 840 Literature of Romance languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:850')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 850 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic literatures = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:860')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 860 Spanish & Portuguese literatures = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:870')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 870 Italic literatures Latin = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:880')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 880 Hellenic literatures Classical Greek = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:890')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 890 Literatures of other languages = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:891.8')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 891.8 Slavic Literature = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:900')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 900 History = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:910')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 910 Geography & travel = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:914.3')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 914.3 Geography & travel Germany = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:920')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:930')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 930 History of the ancient world = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:940')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 940 General history of Europe = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:943')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 943 General history of Europe Central Europe Germany = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:950')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 950 General history of Asia Far East = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:960')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 960 General history of Africa = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:970')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 970 General history of North America = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:980')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 980 General history of South America = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:990')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> 990 General history of other areas = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:B')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> B Fiction books = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:K')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> K Children's and youth literature = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.sdnb_class.facet:SDNB:S')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> S School books = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">


  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> University of Rostock = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.auf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.ief')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.inf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Interdisciplinary Faculty = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.juf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Law = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.umr')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> University Medicine = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.mnf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.msf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technologies = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.phf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Arts and Humanities = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.thf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Theology = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.wsf')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.ub')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> University Library = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.uar')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> University Archives and Kustodie = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.fug')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Research Center for University history = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.itmz')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> IT- and Media Center = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:unirostock.zww')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Center for quality assurance in studies and further education = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:hmtrostock')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Rostock University of Music and Drama = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">
  • = 0" x-on:click="window.location=baseurl + 'do/browse/' + mask + '?_add-filter=' + encodeURIComponent('+ir.institution_class.facet:institution:andere')" x-effect="updateHiddenStateForParents($el)"> Other institutions = 0 && counts[countPos + 1] > 0" x-text="countPos >= 0 ? counts[countPos + 1] : '-'">

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Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl für Datenbank- und Informationssysteme

Universität Rostock

Lehrstuhl Schiffbau

General information.

  • Course of Study
  • Bachelor (B.Sc.) Mechanical Engineering
  • Master (M. Sc.) Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
  • Internationale Master Advanced Design of Ships and Offshore Structures Double Degree (M.Sc.)
  • Evaluation scheme

Winter Semester

  • Ship Design (M.Sc.)
  • Damage Stability of Ships (M.Sc.)
  • Computer-aided Design and IT in Ship Design ,Production and Operation (M.Sc.)
  • Team Project EMship (M.Sc.)

Summer Semester

  • Basic of Ship Technology (B.Sc.)
  • Resistance and Propulsion (M.Sc.)
  • Lab in in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (B.Sc.)

Offers to students

  • Thesis Topics
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LaTeX student thesis template

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LaTeX-template for protocols of experiments

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  • Physikalisches Praktikum 
  • Vorlesungsverzeichnis Physik
  • Personensuche im LSF
  • Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
  • Mitarbeitendensuche

Universität Rostock

Institut für Physik

  • Degree programs
  • MSc in Physics of Life Light and Matter

Master thesis

  • LaTeX-template

The third and fourth semester are the research phase. The students achieve the ability to work on scientific problems.

The modules In-depth Knowledge Acquisition and Method training lay the foundation for a successfull work on the master thesis. Here, the students familiarize themselves with a new area of knowledge, they read up on this subject matter in the literature. They get acquainted with relevant measuring and analyzing methods or theoretical methods and numerical techniques.

The master thesis in the fourth semester aims on independent work on a scientific problem. The module „Master thesis Physics of Life, Light and Matter“ consists of the written thesis and a colloquium. The students have to write the thesis within 20 weeks.

The students learn to work well in a team. They are able to discuss complex physical facts and own results referring to the current state of research. They can present this in a scientific work as well as in a talk. In a scientific discussion, they can deal with critical questions and properly present their own results. The students follow the rules of good scientific practice.

The topic of the master thesis is choosen from a catalogue offered by scientists of the Institute of Physics. It is, however, also possible to choose topics from other scientific institutions; in this case the second supervisor has to be a scientist of the Institut of Physics.

Good scientific practice

Bachelor, master and doctoral theses, but also reports that have to be made during the undergraduate course of study, have to be prepared according to the rules of good scientific practice at Rostock University (Regeln zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zur Vermeidung wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens an der Universität Rostock).

The Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik (KfP) has adopted a recommendation on "Good scientific practice for scientific qualification reports and theses in physics" . This paper presents the current general set of accepted standards for the preparation and writing of scientific qualifying reports and theses in physics.

This recommendation with criteria "for good scientific practice in conjunction with qualifying reports and theses draws on two aspects of scientific work, the processes of obtaining new physical insights as well as the representation of the results.

Utilizing the rules of good scientific practice is an important goal of learning within undergraduate and graduate studies, in particular in constructing bachelor and master theses, but also already relevant at an earlier stage, for example, during the undergraduate practical experiments.

The authors themselves are responsible for upholding the rules and regulations of good scientific practice. They are guided by their supervisors, who advise in such a way as to see that the rules of good scientific practice are upheld."

>> Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis bei wissenschaftlichen Qualifikationsarbeiten in der Physik

>> Good scientific practice for scientific qualification reports and theses in physics

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department.

This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com , and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing immediately.

Checkout this short video to see how to easily create and edit new chapters as your thesis develops.

Please read the unofficial quick guide to the template; it contains some tips and suggestions on how to modify certain things.

(Updated 27/08/17)

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

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Document templates for student theses and SLU publications

The SLU Library has document templates in Word for SLU publications. The templates follow the SLU visual identity.

SLU University Library templates

  • Doctoral theses . The SLU University Library thesis template is mandatory to use for doctoral theses (for the “kappa” or summary chapter in compilation theses and monographs). It can also be used for licentiate theses.
  • Student theses and independent student projects

The templates are continuously updated. The latest version of the library’s Word templates and tips on how to use them can be found here:

  • SLU University Library templates and template guide

All templates follow the guidelines for SLU publications.

  • Publishing policy and guidelines

Other SLU templates

The SLU division of communication offers several templates. For example, there is a report template for InDesign if you prefer.

  • Templates from the division of communication


Pdf documents published by SLU must be compliant with the Swedish accessibility regulations. In order for your final pdf to be accessible you need to follow the formatting in the templates and add descriptions of all images (so-called alt-texts) to images and tables in the Word document.

  • SLU Word templates - see "Creating accessible pdf files in Word"

SLU University Library [email protected] , 018-67 35 00 Addresses and opening hours

oxforddown : An Oxford University Thesis Template for R Markdown

Welcome to the bs4 output from the oxforddown thesis template for R Markdown . To view/download the PDF output, click here (or click the cover image). Enjoy!

Ulrik Lyngs 4 January 2021

Download PDF

This R Markdown template is for writing an Oxford University thesis. The template is built using Yihui Xie’s bookdown package, with heavy inspiration from Chester Ismay’s thesisdown and the OxThesis  template (most recently adapted by John McManigle).

This template’s sample content include illustrations of how to write a thesis in R Markdown, and largely follows the structure from this R Markdown workshop .

Congratulations for taking a step further into the lands of open, reproducible science by writing your thesis using a tool that allows you to transparently include tables and dynamically generated plots directly from the underlying data. Hip hooray!


This is where you will normally thank your advisor, colleagues, family and friends, as well as funding and institutional support. In our case, we will give our praises to the people who developed the ideas and tools that allow us to push open science a little step forward by writing plain-text, transparent, and reproducible theses in R Markdown.

We must be grateful to John Gruber for inventing the original version of Markdown, to John MacFarlane for creating Pandoc ( http://pandoc.org ) which converts Markdown to a large number of output formats, and to Yihui Xie for creating knitr which introduced R Markdown as a way of embedding code in Markdown documents, and bookdown which added tools for technical and longer-form writing.

Special thanks to Chester Ismay , who created the thesisdown package that helped many a PhD student write their theses in R Markdown. And a very special thanks to John McManigle, whose adaption of Sam Evans’ adaptation of Keith Gillow’s original maths template for writing an Oxford University DPhil thesis in LaTeX provided the template that I in turn adapted for R Markdown.

Finally, profuse thanks to JJ Allaire, the founder and CEO of RStudio , and Hadley Wickham, the mastermind of the tidyverse without whom we’d all just given up and done data science in Python instead. Thanks for making data science easier, more accessible, and more fun for us all.


  1. Uni Rostock Vorlagen

    uni rostock master thesis template

  2. Master Thesis Zeitplan Masterarbeit

    uni rostock master thesis template

  3. 36 Erstaunlich Master thesis Vorlage Vorräte

    uni rostock master thesis template

  4. 18 Thesis Outline Templates and Examples (Word

    uni rostock master thesis template

  5. Thesis Outline Template

    uni rostock master thesis template

  6. Master Thesis Cover Page Template

    uni rostock master thesis template


  1. 23:23 (10:12) HC Empor Rostock vs. TSV Altenholz

  2. Anerkennung der Studientitel und Berufsbefähigungen

  3. Uni Rostock Tryouts #14

  4. Testat Ergebnise, Physio Testat und Bib Sessions // Medizin Uni Vlog im 3. Semester

  5. Warum Betreuende selten ein Thesis-Thema vergeben #bachelorarbeit #masterarbeit #studium #thesis

  6. K.0.-Kriterien für die Themenwahl deiner #thesis #bachelorarbeit #masterarbeit #studium


  1. Vorlagen

    Vorlagen. In diesem Bereich stehen Vorlagen für Praktikumsberichte, Seminar-, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten zur Verfügung. Der Praktikumsbericht enthält Hinweise zur inhaltlichen Bearbeitung. Die anderen Dokumente unterscheiden sich nur in den Vorgaben für Deckblätter und Ehrenerklärungen. Wichtig: Die Kontrolle der Richtigkeit aller ...

  2. Instructions for submitting and preparing theses

    Offer for Master- and Bachelor thesis. Downloads. Software Lab. Requirements for Recommendations Letter . Search Submit. Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation. Search; Quicklinks; Menu; ... University of Rostock Chair of Modeling and Simulation Albert-Einstein-Straße 2 18059 Rostock Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 9151 Fax.: +49 (0) 381 498 ...

  3. Format Template

    Format Template. All papers written at the chair (diploma, study, project, bachelor and master thesis, as well as internship and project reports) are to be prepared and submitted using the format template (LaTeX) of the Chair of Lightweight Structures. This not only makes it easier for the staff of the chair to read and check the work, but at ...

  4. Abschlussarbeiten und Studienarbeit

    Universität Rostock Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik Dekanat Albert-Einstein-Straße 2 18059 Rostock Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-9001 Fax: +49 (0) 381 498-9002 E-mail: dekan.msf uni-rostock de

  5. Topics for BSc./MSc. Theses

    Studying Business Information Systems Engineering. Topics for BSc./MSc. Theses. In the course of your studies, you will have to write a master's thesis and/or bachelor's thesis, depending on the course of study. During this time, you will acquire new specialist knowledge and learn the tools of independent development and research work under the ...

  6. Thesis

    Thesis. To complete your Bachelor's or Master's degree, you have to write a thesis. We recommend the following procedure: Approx. 6 weeks before your intended start date, ask various professors for available topics or contact the appropriate chair with your desired topic. Meet with your chosen supervisors about 3 to 4 weeks before the start ...

  7. Templates

    Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more. ... This is an inofficial template for a Bachelor's or Master's Thesis at the University of Rostock. The template employs the corporate design of the university in a more modern way. Johann Bauer.

  8. Open Topics for Theses and Student Projects

    Software Lab Projects / Pre-Thesis and; Master theses. ... University of Rostock Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Chair of Wind Energy Technology Albert-Einstein-Str. 2 18059 Rostock. GERMANY. Phone: +49 381 / 498 - 9571 Email: lwet.msf(at)uni-rostock(dot)de.

  9. Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis and Student Research Project

    Format Template; Courses . Fundamentals of Lightweight Design; Lightweight Construction; ... Current topics for the Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis and Student Research Project ... Contact University of Rostock Chair of Lightweight Design Phone: +49 381 498-9171 Fax: +49 381 498-9172 sandra.palfi(at)uni-rostock.de . Address University of Rostock

  10. PDF Application for Admission to Master Thesis

    Universität Rostock | Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik, 18059 Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Straße 2 Application for Admission to Master Thesis (must be handed in at least 2 weeks before the starting date) Family name: _____ Given name: _____ Matrikel nr.:

  11. Hinweise zur Bearbeitung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

    Universität Rostock Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Ulmenstraße 69, Haus 1 (Thünen-Haus) 18057 Rostock Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 4000

  12. publish obligatory copies @ RosDok

    Maria Schumacher. [email protected]. Phone: 0381 498 8637. RosDok repository is the digital library platform of the University of Rostock, designated for online publication and long term archiving of theses and other academic documents as well as digital reproductions of historical collections.

  13. Finding scientific theses

    To do so, select " [HSS] Thesis note" in the upper middle drop-down menu. Example: HSS habilitation* rostock. All electronic dissertations published at the University of Rostock from 2016 onwards can also be searched on the document server RosDok. If you have any further questions about searching for theses, please contact the information desk ...

  14. Completed Theses and Student Projects

    University of Rostock Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Chair of Wind Energy Technology Albert-Einstein-Str. 2 18059 Rostock. GERMANY. Phone: +49 381 / 498 - 9571 Email: lwet.msf(at)uni-rostock(dot)de

  15. Browse electronic publications ... @ RosDok

    560 Paleontology Paleozoology -. 570 Life science 364. 580 Botanical sciences 12. 590 Zoological sciences 43. 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 29. 610 Medical sciences Medicine 1356. 620 Engineering & allied operations 275. 621.3 Electrical Engineering, Electronics 73.

  16. Theses

    University of Rostock 18051 Rostock Tel.: +49 381 498 - 0 Office of the Rectorate: Universitätsplatz 1 18055 Rostock

  17. Templates

    Konrad Zuse Haus. Albert-Einstein-Straße 22. 18059 Rostock Südstadt. Phone: +49 (0) 381 498 7591.

  18. Templates

    University of Rostock Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Chair in Ship Design Albert-Einstein-Str. 2 18059 Rostock Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 9270 Fax: +49 (0) 381 498 - 9272 info.lsb uni-rostock de

  19. Master thesis

    Übersicht; Quantenoptik und Photonik . Experimentelle Festkörperoptik Alexander Szameit; Experimentelle Quantenoptik Boris Hage; Extreme Photonik Eleftherios Goulielmakis

  20. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    Abstract. This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start ...

  21. PDF Deadline extension Master thesis

    Universität Rostock | Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik, 18059 Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Straße 2 . Deadline extension Master thesis (must be handed in to the Studienbüro at least 4 weeks before deadline ) Family name: _____ First name: _____ Matrikel nr.:

  22. Document templates for student theses and SLU publications

    The SLU University Library thesis template is mandatory to use for doctoral theses (for the "kappa" or summary chapter in compilation theses and monographs). It can also be used for licentiate theses. Student theses and independent student projects. Reports. The templates are continuously updated. The latest version of the library's Word ...

  23. Welcome

    Abstract. This R Markdown template is for writing an Oxford University thesis. The template is built using Yihui Xie's bookdown package, with heavy inspiration from Chester Ismay's thesisdown and the OxThesis template (most recently adapted by John McManigle).. This template's sample content include illustrations of how to write a thesis in R Markdown, and largely follows the structure ...