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What Is Cephalic Position?

The ideal fetal position for labor and delivery

  • Why It's Best

Risks of Other Positions

  • Determining Position
  • Turning a Fetus

The cephalic position is when a fetus is head down when it is ready to enter the birth canal. This is one of a few variations of how a fetus can rest in the womb and is considered the ideal one for labor and delivery.

About 96% of babies are born in the cephalic position. Most settle into it between the 32nd and 36th weeks of pregnancy . Your healthcare provider will monitor the fetus's position during the last weeks of gestation to ensure this has happened by week 36.

If the fetus is not in the cephalic position at that point, the provider may try to turn it. If this doesn't work, some—but not all—practitioners will attempt to deliver vaginally, while others will recommend a Cesarean (C-section).

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Why Is the Cephalic Position Best?

During labor, contractions dilate the cervix so the fetus has adequate room to come through the birth canal. The cephalic position is the easiest and safest way for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

If the fetus is in a noncephalic position, delivery becomes more challenging. Different fetal positions have a range of difficulties and varying risks.

A small percentage of babies present in noncephalic positions. This can pose risks both to the fetus and the mother, and make labor and delivery more challenging. It can also influence the way in which someone can deliver.

A fetus may actually find itself in any of these positions throughout pregnancy, as the move about the uterus. But as they grow, there will be less room to tumble around and they will settle into a final position.

It is at this point that noncephalic positions can pose significant risks.

Cephalic Posterior

A fetus may also present in an occiput or cephalic posterior position. This means they are positioned head down, but they are facing the abdomen instead of the back.

This position is also nicknamed "sunny-side up."

Presenting this way increases the chance of a painful and prolonged delivery.

There are three different types of breech fetal positioning:

  • Frank breech: The legs are up with the feet near the head.
  • Footling breech: One or both legs is lowered over the cervix.
  • Complete breech: The fetus is bottom-first with knees bent.

A vaginal delivery is most times a safe way to deliver. But with breech positions, a vaginal delivery can be complicated.

When a baby is born in the breech position, the largest part—its head—is delivered last. This can result in them getting stuck in the birth canal (entrapped). This can cause injury or death.

The umbilical cord may also be damaged or slide down into the mouth of the womb, which can reduce or cut off the baby's oxygen supply.

Some providers are still comfortable performing a vaginal birth as long as the fetus is doing well. But breech is always a riskier delivery position compared with the cephalic position, and most cases require a C-section.

Likelihood of a Breech Baby

You are more likely to have a breech baby if you:

  • Go into early labor before you're full term
  • Have an abnormally shaped uterus, fibroids , or too much amniotic fluid
  • Are pregnant with multiples
  • Have placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix)

Transverse Lie

In transverse lie position, the fetus is presenting sideways across the uterus rather than vertically. They may be:

  • Down, with the back facing the birth canal
  • With one shoulder pointing toward the birth canal
  • Up, with the hands and feet facing the birth canal

If a transverse lie is not corrected before labor, a C-section will be required. This is typically the case.

Determining Fetal Position

Your healthcare provider can determine if your baby is in cephalic presentation by performing a physical exam and ultrasound.

In the final weeks of pregnancy, your healthcare provider will feel your lower abdomen with their hands to assess the positioning of the baby. This includes where the head, back, and buttocks lie

If your healthcare provider senses that the fetus is in a breech position, they can use ultrasound to confirm their suspicion.

Turning a Fetus So They Are in Cephalic Position

External cephalic version (ECV) is a common, noninvasive procedure to turn a breech baby into cephalic position while it's still in the uterus.

This is only considered if a healthcare provider monitors presentation progress in the last trimester and notices that a fetus is maintaining a noncephalic position as your delivery date approaches.

External Cephalic Version (ECV)

ECV involves the healthcare provider applying pressure to your stomach to turn the fetus from the outside. They will attempt to rotate the head forward or backward and lift the buttocks in an upward position. Sometimes, they use ultrasound to help guide the process.

The best time to perform ECV is about 37 weeks of pregnancy. Afterward, the fetal heart rate will be monitored to make sure it’s within normal levels. You should be able to go home after having ECV done.

ECV has a 50% to 60% success rate. However, even if it does work, there is still a chance the fetus will return to the breech position before birth.

Natural Methods For Turning a Fetus

There are also natural methods that can help turn a fetus into cephalic position. There is no medical research that confirms their efficacy, however.

  • Changing your position: Sometimes a fetus will move when you get into certain positions. Two specific movements that your provider may recommend include: Getting on your hands and knees and gently rocking back and forth. Another you could try is pushing your hips up in the air while laying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (bridge pose).
  • Playing stimulating sounds: Fetuses gravitate to sound. You may be successful at luring a fetus out of breech position by playing music or a recording of your voice near your lower abdomen.
  • Chiropractic care: A chiropractor can try the Webster technique. This is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment which enables chiropractors to establish balance in the pregnant person's pelvis and reduce undue stress to the uterus and supporting ligaments.
  • Acupuncture: This is a considerably safe way someone can try to turn a fetus. Some practitioners incorporate moxibustion—the burning of dried mugwort on certain areas of the body—because they believe it will enhance the chances of success.

A Word From Verywell

While most babies are born in cephalic position at delivery, this is not always the case. And while some fetuses can be turned, others may be more stubborn.

This may affect your labor and delivery wishes. Try to remember that having a healthy baby, and staying well yourself, are your ultimate priorities. That may mean diverting from your best laid plans.

Speaking to your healthcare provider about turning options and the safest route of delivery may help you adjust to this twist and feel better about how you will move ahead.

Glezerman M. Planned vaginal breech delivery: current status and the need to reconsider . Expert Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2012;7(2):159-166. doi:10.1586/eog.12.2

Cleveland Clinic. Fetal positions for birth .

MedlinePlus. Breech birth .

UT Southwestern Medical Center. Can you turn a breech baby around?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. If your baby is breech .

Roecker CB. Breech repositioning unresponsive to Webster technique: coexistence of oligohydramnios .  Journal of Chiropractic Medicine . 2013;12(2):74-78. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2013.06.003

By Cherie Berkley, MS Cherie Berkley is an award-winning journalist and multimedia storyteller covering health features for Verywell.

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  • Fetal presentation before birth

The way a baby is positioned in the uterus just before birth can have a big effect on labor and delivery. This positioning is called fetal presentation.

Babies twist, stretch and tumble quite a bit during pregnancy. Before labor starts, however, they usually come to rest in a way that allows them to be delivered through the birth canal headfirst. This position is called cephalic presentation. But there are other ways a baby may settle just before labor begins.

Following are some of the possible ways a baby may be positioned at the end of pregnancy.

Head down, face down

When a baby is head down, face down, the medical term for it is the cephalic occiput anterior position. This the most common position for a baby to be born in. With the face down and turned slightly to the side, the smallest part of the baby's head leads the way through the birth canal. It is the easiest way for a baby to be born.

Illustration of the head-down, face-down position

Head down, face up

When a baby is head down, face up, the medical term for it is the cephalic occiput posterior position. In this position, it might be harder for a baby's head to go under the pubic bone during delivery. That can make labor take longer.

Most babies who begin labor in this position eventually turn to be face down. If that doesn't happen, and the second stage of labor is taking a long time, a member of the health care team may reach through the vagina to help the baby turn. This is called manual rotation.

In some cases, a baby can be born in the head-down, face-up position. Use of forceps or a vacuum device to help with delivery is more common when a baby is in this position than in the head-down, face-down position. In some cases, a C-section delivery may be needed.

Illustration of the head-down, face-up position

Frank breech

When a baby's feet or buttocks are in place to come out first during birth, it's called a breech presentation. This happens in about 3% to 4% of babies close to the time of birth. The baby shown below is in a frank breech presentation. That's when the knees aren't bent, and the feet are close to the baby's head. This is the most common type of breech presentation.

If you are more than 36 weeks into your pregnancy and your baby is in a frank breech presentation, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. It involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a breech position, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Most babies in a frank breech position are born by planned C-section.

Illustration of the frank breech position

Complete and incomplete breech

A complete breech presentation, as shown below, is when the baby has both knees bent and both legs pulled close to the body. In an incomplete breech, one or both of the legs are not pulled close to the body, and one or both of the feet or knees are below the baby's buttocks. If a baby is in either of these positions, you might feel kicking in the lower part of your belly.

If you are more than 36 weeks into your pregnancy and your baby is in a complete or incomplete breech presentation, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. It involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a breech position, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Many babies in a complete or incomplete breech position are born by planned C-section.

Illustration of a complete breech presentation

When a baby is sideways — lying horizontal across the uterus, rather than vertical — it's called a transverse lie. In this position, the baby's back might be:

  • Down, with the back facing the birth canal.
  • Sideways, with one shoulder pointing toward the birth canal.
  • Up, with the hands and feet facing the birth canal.

Although many babies are sideways early in pregnancy, few stay this way when labor begins.

If your baby is in a transverse lie during week 37 of your pregnancy, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. External cephalic version involves one or two members of your health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a transverse lie, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Many babies who are in a transverse lie are born by C-section.

Illustration of baby lying sideways

If you're pregnant with twins and only the twin that's lower in the uterus is head down, as shown below, your health care provider may first deliver that baby vaginally.

Then, in some cases, your health care team may suggest delivering the second twin in the breech position. Or they may try to move the second twin into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. External cephalic version involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

Your health care team may suggest delivery by C-section for the second twin if:

  • An attempt to deliver the baby in the breech position is not successful.
  • You do not want to try to have the baby delivered vaginally in the breech position.
  • An attempt to move the baby into a head-down position is not successful.
  • You do not want to try to move the baby to a head-down position.

In some cases, your health care team may advise that you have both twins delivered by C-section. That might happen if the lower twin is not head down, the second twin has low or high birth weight as compared to the first twin, or if preterm labor starts.

Illustration of twins before birth

  • Landon MB, et al., eds. Normal labor and delivery. In: Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2021. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed May 19, 2023.
  • Holcroft Argani C, et al. Occiput posterior position. https://www.updtodate.com/contents/search. Accessed May 19, 2023.
  • Frequently asked questions: If your baby is breech. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/if-your-baby-is-breech. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Hofmeyr GJ. Overview of breech presentation. https://www.updtodate.com/contents/search. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Strauss RA, et al. Transverse fetal lie. https://www.updtodate.com/contents/search. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Chasen ST, et al. Twin pregnancy: Labor and delivery. https://www.updtodate.com/contents/search. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Cohen R, et al. Is vaginal delivery of a breech second twin safe? A comparison between delivery of vertex and non-vertex second twins. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2021; doi:10.1080/14767058.2021.2005569.
  • Marnach ML (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. May 31, 2023.

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Why Is Cephalic Presentation Ideal For Childbirth?

Why Is Cephalic Presentation Ideal For Childbirth?

5   Dec   2017 | 8 min Read

cephalic presentation is good or bad

During labour, contractions stretch your birth canal so that your baby has adequate room to come through during birth. The cephalic presentation is the safest and easiest way for your baby to pass through the birth canal.

If your baby is in a non-cephalic position, delivery can become more challenging. Different fetal positions pose a range of difficulties and varying risks and may not be considered ideal birthing positions.

Two Kinds of Cephalic Positions

There are two kinds of cephalic positions:

  • Cephalic occiput anterior , where your baby’s head is down and is facing toward your back.
  • Cephalic occiput posterior , where your baby is positioned head down, but they are facing your abdomen instead of your back. This position is also nicknamed ‘sunny-side-up’ and can increase the chances of prolonged and painful delivery. 

How to Know if Your Baby is In a Cephalic Position?

You can feel your baby’s position by rubbing your hand on your belly. If you feel your little one’s stomach in the upper stomach, then your baby is in a cephalic position. But if you feel their kicks in the lower stomach, then it could mean that your baby is in a breech position.

You can also determine whether your baby is in the anterior or posterior cephalic position. If your baby is in the anterior position, you may feel their movement underneath your ribs and your belly button could also pop out. If your baby is in the posterior position, then you may feel their kicks in their abdomen, and your stomach may appear rounded up instead of flat. 

You can also determine your baby’s position through an ultrasound scan or a physical examination at your healthcare provider’s office. 

Benefits of Cephalic Presentation in Pregnancy

Cephalic presentation is one of the most ideal birth positions, and has the following benefits:

  • It is the safest way to give birth as your baby’s position is head-down and prevents the risk of any injuries.
  • It can help your baby move through the delivery canal as safely and easily as possible.
  • It increases the chances of smooth labour and delivery.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Cephalic Position?

Conditions like a cephalic posterior position in addition to a narrow pelvis of the mother can increase the risk of pregnancy complications during delivery. Some babies in the head-first cephalic presentation might have their heads tilted backward. This may, in some rare cases, cause preterm delivery.

What are the Risks Associated with Other Birth Positions?

Cephalic Presentation

A small percentage of babies may settle into a non-cephalic position before their birth. This can pose risks to both your and your baby’s health, and also influence the way in which you deliver. 

In the next section, we have discussed a few positions that your baby can settle in throughout pregnancy, as they move around the uterus. But as they grow old, there will be less space for them to tumble around, and they will settle into their final position. This is when non-cephalic positions can pose a risk.  

Breech Position

There are three types of breech fetal positioning:

  • Frank breech : Your baby’s legs stick straight up along with their feet near their head.
  • Footling breech: One or both of your baby’s legs are lowered over your cervix.
  • Complete breech: Your baby is positioned bottom-first with their knees bent.

If your baby is in a breech position , vaginal delivery is considered complicated. When a baby is born in breech position, the largest part of their body, that is, their head is delivered last. This can lead to injury or even fetal distress. Moreover, the umbilical cord may also get damaged or get wrapped around your baby’s neck, cutting off their oxygen supply.  

If your baby is in a breech position, your healthcare provider may recommend a c-section, or they may try ways to flip your baby’s position in a cephalic presentation.

Transverse Lie

In this position, your baby settles in sideways across the uterus rather than being in a vertical position. They may be:

  • Head-down, with their back facing the birth canal
  • One shoulder pointing toward the birth canal
  • Up with their hands and feet facing the birth canal

If your baby settles in this position, then your healthcare provider may suggest a c-section to reduce the risk of distress in your baby and other pregnancy complications.

Turning Your Baby Into A Cephalic Position

External cephalic version (ECV) is a common, and non-invasive procedure that helps turn your baby into a cephalic position while they are in the womb. However, your healthcare provider may only consider this procedure if they consider you have a stable health condition in the last trimester, and if your baby hasn’t changed their position by the 36th week.

You can also try some natural remedies to change your baby’s position, such as:

  • Lying in a bridge position: Movements like bridge position can sometimes help move your baby into a more suitable position. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your legs bent. Raise your pelvis and hips into a bridge position and hold for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times daily.
  • Chiropractic care: A chiropractor can help with the adjustment of your baby’s position and also reduce stress in them.
  • Acupuncture: After your doctor’s go-ahead, you can also consider acupuncture to get your baby to settle into an ideal birthing position.

While most babies settle in a cephalic presentation by the 36th week of pregnancy, some may lie in a breech or transverse position before birth. Since the cephalic position is considered the safest, your doctor may recommend certain procedures to flip your baby’s position to make your labour and delivery smooth. You may also try the natural methods that we discussed above to get your baby into a safe birthing position and prevent risks or other pregnancy complications. 

When Should A Baby Be In A Cephalic Position?

Your baby would likely naturally drop into a cephalic position between weeks 37 to 40 of your pregnancy .

Is Cephalic Position Safe?

Research shows that 95% of babies take the cephalic position a few weeks or days before their due date. It is considered to be the safest position. It ensures a smooth birthing process.

While most of the babies are in cephalic position at delivery, this is not always the case. If you have a breech baby, you can discuss the available options for delivery with your doctor.

Does cephalic presentation mean labour is near?

Head-down is the ideal position for your baby within your uterus during birth. This is known as the cephalic position. This posture allows your baby to pass through the delivery canal more easily and safely.

Can babies change from cephalic to breech?

The external cephalic version (ECV) is the most frequent procedure used for turning a breech infant.

How can I keep my baby in a cephalic position?

While your baby naturally gets into this position, you can try some exercises to ensure that they settle in cephalic presentation. Exercises such as breech tilt, forward-leaning position (spinning babies program), cat and camel pose can help.

Stitches after a normal delivery : How many stitches do you need after a vaginal delivery? Tap this post to know.

Vaginal birth after caesarean delivery : Learn all about the precautions to consider before having a vaginal delivery after a c-section procedure. 

How many c-sections can you have : Tap this post to know the total number of c-sections that you can safely have.

Cover Image Credit: Freepik.com


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cephalic presentation is good or bad

In this Article

The ABCs of Cephalic Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide for Moms-to-Be

The ABCs of Cephalic Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide for Moms-to-Be

Updated on 24 November 2023

As expectant mothers eagerly anticipate the arrival of their little ones, understanding the intricacies of pregnancy becomes crucial. One term that frequently arises in discussions about childbirth is "cephalic presentation." In this article, we will understand its meaning, types, benefits associated with it, the likelihood of normal delivery and address common concerns expectant mothers might have.

What is the meaning of cephalic presentation in pregnancy?

Cephalic presentation means the baby's head is positioned down towards the birth canal, which is the ideal fetal position for childbirth. This position is considered optimal for a smoother and safer delivery. In medical terms, a baby in cephalic presentation is said to be in a "vertex" position.

The majority of babies naturally assume a cephalic presentation before birth. Other presentations, such as breech presentation (where the baby's buttocks or feet are positioned to enter the birth canal first) or transverse presentation (where the baby is lying sideways), may complicate the delivery process and may require medical intervention.

Cephalic presentation types

There are different types of cephalic presentation, each influencing the birthing process. The primary types include:

1. Vertex Presentation

The most common type where the baby's head is down, facing the mother's spine.

2. Brow Presentation

The baby's head is slightly extended, and the forehead presents first.

3. Face Presentation

The baby is positioned headfirst, but the face is the presenting part instead of the crown of the head.

Understanding these variations is essential for expectant mothers and healthcare providers to navigate potential challenges during labor.

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What are the benefits of cephalic presentation?

In order to understand whether cephalic presentation is good or bad, let’s take a look at its key advantages:

1. Easier Engagement

This presentation facilitates the baby's engagement in the pelvis, aiding in a smoother descent during labor.

2. Reduced Risk of Complications

Babies in head-first position typically experience fewer complications during delivery compared to other presentations.

3. Faster Labor Progression

This position is associated with quicker labor progression, leading to a potentially shorter and less stressful birthing process.

4. Lower Cesarean Section Rates

The chances of a cesarean section are significantly reduced when the baby is in cephalic presentation in pregnancy.

5. Optimal Fetal Oxygenation

The head-first position allows for optimal oxygenation of the baby as the head can easily pass through the birth canal, promoting a healthy start to life.

What are the chances of normal delivery in cephalic presentation?

The chances of a normal delivery are significantly higher when the baby is in cephalic or head-first presentation. Vaginal births are the natural outcome when the baby's head leads the way, aligning with the natural mechanics of childbirth.

While this presentation increases the chances of a normal delivery, it's important to note that individual factors, such as the mother's pelvic shape, the size of the baby, and the progress of labor, can also influence the delivery process. Sometimes complications may arise during labor and medical interventions or a cesarean section may be necessary.

You may also like: Normal Delivery Tips: An Expecting Mother's Guide to a Smooth Childbirth Experience

How to achieve cephalic presentation in pregnancy?

While fetal positioning is largely influenced by genetic and environmental factors, there are strategies to encourage head-first fetal position:

1. Regular Exercise

Engaging in exercises such as pelvic tilts and knee-chest exercises may help promote optimal fetal positioning.

2. Correct Posture

Maintaining good posture, particularly during the third trimester , can influence fetal positioning.

3. Hands and Knees Position

Spend some time on your hands and knees. This position may help the baby settle into the pelvis with the head down.

4. Forward-leaning Inversion

Under the guidance of a qualified professional, some women try forward-leaning inversions to encourage the baby to move into a head-down position. This involves positioning the body with the hips higher than the head.

5. Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor and promoting flexibility, potentially aiding in cephalic presentation.

6. Professional Guidance

Seeking guidance from a healthcare provider or a certified doula can provide personalized advice tailored to individual needs.

1. Cephalic presentation is good or bad?

Cephalic position is generally considered good as it aligns with the natural process of childbirth. It reduces the likelihood of complications and increases the chances of a successful vaginal delivery . However, it's essential to note that the overall health of both the mother and baby determines its appropriateness.

2. How to increase the chances of normal delivery in cephalic presentation?

Increasing the chances of normal delivery in cephalic presentation involves adopting healthy practices during pregnancy, such as maintaining good posture, engaging in appropriate exercises, and seeking professional guidance. However, individual circumstances vary, and consultation with a healthcare provider is paramount.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the journey of pregnancy involves understanding various aspects, and cephalic presentation plays a crucial role in determining the birthing experience. The benefits of a head-first position, coupled with strategies to encourage it, empower expectant mothers to actively participate in promoting optimal fetal positioning. As always, consulting with healthcare professionals ensures personalized care and guidance, fostering a positive and informed approach towards childbirth.

1. Makajeva J, Ashraf M. Delivery, Face and Brow Presentation. (2023). In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing

2. Boos R, Hendrik HJ, Schmidt W. (1987). Das fetale Lageverhalten in der zweiten Schwangerschaftshälfte bei Geburten aus Beckenendlage und Schädellage [Behavior of fetal position in the 2d half of pregnancy in labor with breech and vertex presentations]. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd

cephalic presentation is good or bad

Anupama Chadha

Anupama Chadha, born and raised in Delhi is a content writer who has written extensively for industries such as HR, Healthcare, Finance, Retail and Tech.

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Fetal Presentation, Position, and Lie (Including Breech Presentation)

, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

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Abnormal fetal lie or presentation may occur due to fetal size, fetal anomalies, uterine structural abnormalities, multiple gestation, or other factors. Diagnosis is by examination or ultrasonography. Management is with physical maneuvers to reposition the fetus, operative vaginal delivery Operative Vaginal Delivery Operative vaginal delivery involves application of forceps or a vacuum extractor to the fetal head to assist during the second stage of labor and facilitate delivery. Indications for forceps... read more , or cesarean delivery Cesarean Delivery Cesarean delivery is surgical delivery by incision into the uterus. The rate of cesarean delivery was 32% in the United States in 2021 (see March of Dimes: Delivery Method). The rate has fluctuated... read more .

Terms that describe the fetus in relation to the uterus, cervix, and maternal pelvis are

Fetal presentation: Fetal part that overlies the maternal pelvic inlet; vertex (cephalic), face, brow, breech, shoulder, funic (umbilical cord), or compound (more than one part, eg, shoulder and hand)

Fetal position: Relation of the presenting part to an anatomic axis; for transverse presentation, occiput anterior, occiput posterior, occiput transverse

Fetal lie: Relation of the fetus to the long axis of the uterus; longitudinal, oblique, or transverse

Normal fetal lie is longitudinal, normal presentation is vertex, and occiput anterior is the most common position.

Abnormal fetal lie, presentation, or position may occur with

Fetopelvic disproportion (fetus too large for the pelvic inlet)

Fetal congenital anomalies

Uterine structural abnormalities (eg, fibroids, synechiae)

Multiple gestation

Several common types of abnormal lie or presentation are discussed here.

cephalic presentation is good or bad

Transverse lie

Fetal position is transverse, with the fetal long axis oblique or perpendicular rather than parallel to the maternal long axis. Transverse lie is often accompanied by shoulder presentation, which requires cesarean delivery.

Breech presentation

There are several types of breech presentation.

Frank breech: The fetal hips are flexed, and the knees extended (pike position).

Complete breech: The fetus seems to be sitting with hips and knees flexed.

Single or double footling presentation: One or both legs are completely extended and present before the buttocks.

Types of breech presentations

Breech presentation makes delivery difficult ,primarily because the presenting part is a poor dilating wedge. Having a poor dilating wedge can lead to incomplete cervical dilation, because the presenting part is narrower than the head that follows. The head, which is the part with the largest diameter, can then be trapped during delivery.

Additionally, the trapped fetal head can compress the umbilical cord if the fetal umbilicus is visible at the introitus, particularly in primiparas whose pelvic tissues have not been dilated by previous deliveries. Umbilical cord compression may cause fetal hypoxemia.

cephalic presentation is good or bad

Predisposing factors for breech presentation include

Preterm labor Preterm Labor Labor (regular uterine contractions resulting in cervical change) that begins before 37 weeks gestation is considered preterm. Risk factors include prelabor rupture of membranes, uterine abnormalities... read more

Multiple gestation Multifetal Pregnancy Multifetal pregnancy is presence of > 1 fetus in the uterus. Multifetal (multiple) pregnancy occurs in up to 1 of 30 deliveries. Risk factors for multiple pregnancy include Ovarian stimulation... read more

Uterine abnormalities

Fetal anomalies

If delivery is vaginal, breech presentation may increase risk of

Umbilical cord prolapse

Birth Injuries

Perinatal death

It is best to detect abnormal fetal lie or presentation before delivery. During routine prenatal care, clinicians assess fetal lie and presentation with physical examination in the late third trimester. Ultrasonography can also be done. If breech presentation is detected, external cephalic version can sometimes move the fetus to vertex presentation before labor, usually at 37 or 38 weeks. This technique involves gently pressing on the maternal abdomen to reposition the fetus. A dose of a short-acting tocolytic ( terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously) may help. The success rate is about 50 to 75%. For persistent abnormal lie or presentation, cesarean delivery is usually done at 39 weeks or when the woman presents in labor.

cephalic presentation is good or bad

Face or brow presentation

In face presentation, the head is hyperextended, and position is designated by the position of the chin (mentum). When the chin is posterior, the head is less likely to rotate and less likely to deliver vaginally, necessitating cesarean delivery.

Brow presentation usually converts spontaneously to vertex or face presentation.

Occiput posterior position

The most common abnormal position is occiput posterior.

The fetal neck is usually somewhat deflexed; thus, a larger diameter of the head must pass through the pelvis.

Progress may arrest in the second phase of labor. Operative vaginal delivery Operative Vaginal Delivery Operative vaginal delivery involves application of forceps or a vacuum extractor to the fetal head to assist during the second stage of labor and facilitate delivery. Indications for forceps... read more or cesarean delivery Cesarean Delivery Cesarean delivery is surgical delivery by incision into the uterus. The rate of cesarean delivery was 32% in the United States in 2021 (see March of Dimes: Delivery Method). The rate has fluctuated... read more is often required.

Position and Presentation of the Fetus

If a fetus is in the occiput posterior position, operative vaginal delivery or cesarean delivery is often required.

In breech presentation, the presenting part is a poor dilating wedge, which can cause the head to be trapped during delivery, often compressing the umbilical cord.

For breech presentation, usually do cesarean delivery at 39 weeks or during labor, but external cephalic version is sometimes successful before labor, usually at 37 or 38 weeks.

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Home » Child Birth » Cephalic Presentation: All You Need To Know

Cephalic Presentation: All You Need To Know

  • By Adeola Adebo

An exciting experience for many expectant mothers is the moment when they feel their baby’s first kick or a change in his/her position.

You may not feel your baby move for the first time until you are about 14-20weeks gone. Many more kicks will surely come after that as your little bean explores his/her temporary home.

Black pregnant woman in a jean shirt holding her stomach

Feeling your baby bounce or turn around in your womb is a good sign.

Of course, a bouncing baby is a healthy baby, especially in the third trimester. This is because the third trimester is the time when your baby flips over to assume the birthing position.

This is very important as the position your baby takes in the womb makes all the difference in how you give birth. The final position most babies (about 96%) assume just before birth is the head-first (cephalic) position.

In This Article:

I) cephalic occiput anterior, ii) cephalic occiput posterior, breech (bottom-first) position:, how do you determine your baby’s position, can you change your baby’s position, a final note, what is cephalic position.

You’d most likely begin to hear the term “cephalic position” or “cephalic presentation” as you get closer to your delivery date.

woman undergoing cephalic presentation

Let us break it down for you; this simply means that your baby’s feet are up with his head down near your birth canal, or vagina. This head-first position is the safest way for your baby to come into this world.

Your doctor will closely keep track of your baby’s position as you get closer to your delivery date. This should begin around weeks 34-36 of your pregnancy. If your baby is not in the cephalic position by the 36 th week, your doctor might try to gently nudge your baby into position.

There are two ways your baby may assume the head-first position:

In this position, your baby’s head is downwards and facing your back. This is the position most babies assume and is the best for a smooth delivery. This is because this position makes it very easy for your baby to come out or crown.

In this position, your baby’s head is also downwards but facing your belly. Only about 5% of cephalic babies are born this way and it is harder for your baby to come out.

woman undergoing cephalic with husband

Are There Other Positions?

Other positions your baby may assume asides the head-first position are:

About 4% of babies are born in this bottom-first position.

However, this position can cause complications for both mother and baby because the birth canal will have to open wider. There is also an increased risk of your baby’s arms and legs getting tangled. The different breech positions are:

  • Frank Breech : This breech position is where your baby’s bottom is facing downwards with legs straight up in such a way that her feet are close to her face.
  • Complete Breech: In this position, your baby’s bottom is facing downwards with legs in a crossed position.
  • Incomplete Breech: An incomplete breech position is one where one of your baby’s legs is bent in a cross-legged position while the other leg is directed towards the head.
  • Footling Breech: Like the name implies, in this position, your baby’s feet are down near the birth canal in such a way that they will exit feet-first.
  • Transverse (Sideways): This is a position where your baby is in a sideways position-lying horizontally in your stomach. Some babies who start off in this position eventually shift completely into a head-first position. Rarely, a baby remains in this position till the time of birth. In these cases, your doctor might recommend a Cesarean section (C-section) for safe delivery.

Your doctor can find out your baby’s position through:

  • A physical exam
  • An ultrasound scan
  • Listening to your baby’s heartbeat

You may guess your baby’s position on your own through their kicks. Kicking in your lower stomach or groin may show that your baby is in a breech (bottom-first) position. On the other hand, a baby in the cephalic (head-first) position will kick around your ribs or upper stomach.

A way to get your baby to move is by stroking, massaging or tapping your belly.

You could also try some home exercises like inversions or yoga to encourage your baby to turn. Your doctor may also recommend some medications that will relax your muscles to allow your baby to turn in the right direction.

It is also possible for your baby to be in a cephalic position but still not be facing the right way. During labor, your baby might turn by itself or can be gently assisted to turn by your doctor through your vagina. However, this turning largely depends on your size and your baby’s size.

The best position for a smooth and safe delivery is the cephalic position (head-first). Fortunately, most babies assume this position before birth.

However, even if your baby does not assume this position, there is absolutely no need to worry. Your midwife or doctor will be there to guide you and help you decide what is best for you and your baby.

  • Sabrina Rogers-Anderson 2020, 6 Baby Positions In The Womb And What They Mean , The Tot,Viewed on Sept22, 2020,<https://www.thetot.com/pregnancy-and-fertility/6-baby-positions-in-the-womb-and-what-they-mean/>.
  • Noreen Iftikhar 2020, Cephalic Position: Getting Baby in The Right Position For Birth , Healthline Parenthood, Viewed on Sept 22, 2020, <https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/cephalic-position>.
  • Shutterstock


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Cephalic presentation

October 14, 2016

A cephalic presentation or head presentation or head-first presentation is a situation at childbirth where the fetus is in a longitudinal lie and the head enters the pelvis first; the most common form of cephalic presentation is the vertex presentation where the occiput is the leading part (the part that first enters the birth canal). All other presentations are abnormal (malpresentations) which are either more difficult to deliver or not deliverable by natural means.

The movement of the fetus to cephalic presentation is called head engagement. It occurs in the third trimester. In head engagement, the fetal head descends into the pelvic cavity so that only a small part (or none) of it can be felt abdominally. The perineum and cervix are further flattened and the head may be felt vaginally. Head engagement is known colloquially as the baby drop, and in natural medicine as the lightening because of the release of pressure on the upper abdomen and renewed ease in breathing. However, it severely reduces bladder capacity, increases pressure on the pelvic floor and the rectum, and the mother may experience the perpetual sensation that the fetus will “fall out” at any moment.

The vertex is the area of the vault bounded anteriorly by the anterior fontanelle and the coronal suture, posteriorly by the posterior fontanelle and the lambdoid suture and laterally by 2 lines passing through the parietal eminences.

In the vertex presentation the occiput typically is anterior and thus in an optimal position to negotiate the pelvic curve by extending the head. In an occiput posterior position, labor becomes prolonged and more operative interventions are deemed necessary. The prevalence of the persistent occiput posterior is given as 4.7 %

The vertex presentations are further classified according to the position of the occiput, it being right, left, or transverse, and anterior or posterior:

Left Occipito-Anterior (LOA), Left Occipito-Posterior (LOP), Left Occipito-Transverse (LOT); Right Occipito-Anterior (ROA), Right Occipito-Posterior (ROP), Right Occipito-Transverse (ROT);

By Mikael Häggström – Own work, Public Domain  

Cephalic presentation. (2016, September 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia . Retrieved 05:18, September 17, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cephalic_presentation&oldid=739815165

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You and your baby at 32 weeks pregnant

Your baby at 32 weeks.

By about 32 weeks, the baby is usually lying with their head pointing downwards, ready for birth. This is known as cephalic presentation.

If your baby is not lying head down at this stage, it's not a cause for concern – there's still time for them to turn.

The amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus is increasing, and your baby is still swallowing fluid and passing it out as urine.

You at 32 weeks

Being active and fit during pregnancy will help you adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. It can also help you cope with labour and get back into shape after the birth.

Find out about exercise in pregnancy .

You may develop pelvic pain in pregnancy. This is not harmful to your baby, but it can cause severe pain and make it difficult for you to get around.

Find out about ways to tackle pelvic pain in pregnancy .

Read about the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby. It's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to feed your baby, and you do not have to make up your mind until your baby is born.

Things to think about

  • how you might feel after the birth

Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 32 weeks pregnant .

You can sign up for Start4Life's weekly emails for expert advice, videos and tips on pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Page last reviewed: 13 October 2021 Next review due: 13 October 2024

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Breech, posterior, transverse lie: What position is my baby in?

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

Fetal presentation, or how your baby is situated in your womb at birth, is determined by the body part that's positioned to come out first, and it can affect the way you deliver. At the time of delivery, 97 percent of babies are head-down (cephalic presentation). But there are several other possibilities, including feet or bottom first (breech) as well as sideways (transverse lie) and diagonal (oblique lie).

Fetal presentation and position

During the last trimester of your pregnancy, your provider will check your baby's presentation by feeling your belly to locate the head, bottom, and back. If it's unclear, your provider may do an ultrasound or an internal exam to feel what part of the baby is in your pelvis.

Fetal position refers to whether the baby is facing your spine (anterior position) or facing your belly (posterior position). Fetal position can change often: Your baby may be face up at the beginning of labor and face down at delivery.

Here are the many possibilities for fetal presentation and position in the womb.

Medical illustrations by Jonathan Dimes

Head down, facing down (anterior position)

A baby who is head down and facing your spine is in the anterior position. This is the most common fetal presentation and the easiest position for a vaginal delivery.

This position is also known as "occiput anterior" because the back of your baby's skull (occipital bone) is in the front (anterior) of your pelvis.

Head down, facing up (posterior position)

In the posterior position , your baby is head down and facing your belly. You may also hear it called "sunny-side up" because babies who stay in this position are born facing up. But many babies who are facing up during labor rotate to the easier face down (anterior) position before birth.

Posterior position is formally known as "occiput posterior" because the back of your baby's skull (occipital bone) is in the back (posterior) of your pelvis.

Frank breech

In the frank breech presentation, both the baby's legs are extended so that the feet are up near the face. This is the most common type of breech presentation. Breech babies are difficult to deliver vaginally, so most arrive by c-section .

Some providers will attempt to turn your baby manually to the head down position by applying pressure to your belly. This is called an external cephalic version , and it has a 58 percent success rate for turning breech babies. For more information, see our article on breech birth .

Complete breech

A complete breech is when your baby is bottom down with hips and knees bent in a tuck or cross-legged position. If your baby is in a complete breech, you may feel kicking in your lower abdomen.

Incomplete breech

In an incomplete breech, one of the baby's knees is bent so that the foot is tucked next to the bottom with the other leg extended, positioning that foot closer to the face.

Single footling breech

In the single footling breech presentation, one of the baby's feet is pointed toward your cervix.

Double footling breech

In the double footling breech presentation, both of the baby's feet are pointed toward your cervix.

Transverse lie

In a transverse lie, the baby is lying horizontally in your uterus and may be facing up toward your head or down toward your feet. Babies settle this way less than 1 percent of the time, but it happens more commonly if you're carrying multiples or deliver before your due date.

If your baby stays in a transverse lie until the end of your pregnancy, it can be dangerous for delivery. Your provider will likely schedule a c-section or attempt an external cephalic version , which is highly successful for turning babies in this position.

Oblique lie

In rare cases, your baby may lie diagonally in your uterus, with his rump facing the side of your body at an angle.

Like the transverse lie, this position is more common earlier in pregnancy, and it's likely your provider will intervene if your baby is still in the oblique lie at the end of your third trimester.

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

Ahmad A et al. 2014. Association of fetal position at onset of labor and mode of delivery: A prospective cohort study. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology 43(2):176-182. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23929533 Opens a new window [Accessed September 2021]

Gray CJ and Shanahan MM. 2019. Breech presentation. StatPearls.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448063/ Opens a new window [Accessed September 2021]

Hankins GD. 1990. Transverse lie. American Journal of Perinatology 7(1):66-70.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2131781 Opens a new window [Accessed September 2021]

Medline Plus. 2020. Your baby in the birth canal. U.S. National Library of Medicine. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002060.htm Opens a new window [Accessed September 2021]

Kate Marple

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Fetal Cephalic Presentation During Pregnancy

Fetal Cephalic Presentation During Pregnancy

What is Cephalic Position?

Types of cephalic position, when does a foetus get into the cephalic position, how do you know if baby is in cephalic position, how to turn a breech baby into cephalic position.

If your baby is moving around in the womb, it’s a good sign as it tells you that your baby is developing just fine. A baby starts moving around in the belly at around 14 weeks. And their first movements are usually called ‘ quickening’ or ‘fluttering’.

A baby can settle into many different positions throughout the pregnancy and it’s alright. But it is only when you have reached your third and final trimester that the position of your baby in your womb will matter the most. The position that your baby takes at the end of the gestation period will most likely be how your baby will make its appearance into the world. Out of all the different positions that your baby can settle into, the cephalic position at 36 weeks is considered the best position. Read on to know more about it.

A baby is in the cephalic position when he is in a head-down position. This is the best position for them to come out in. In case of a ‘cephalic presentation’, the chances of a smooth delivery are higher. This position is where your baby’s head has positioned itself close to the birth canal, and the feet and bottom are up. This is the best position for your baby to be in for safe and healthy delivery.

Your doctor will begin to keep an eye on the position of your baby at around 34 weeks to 36 weeks. The closer you get to your due date, the more important it is that your baby takes the cephalic position. If your baby is not in this position, your doctor will try gentle nudges to get your baby in the right position.

Though it is pretty straightforward, the cephalic position actually has two types, which are explained below:

1. Cephalic Occiput Anterior

Most babies settle in this position. Out of all the babies who settle in cephalic position, 95% of them will settle this way. This is when a baby is in the head-down position but is facing the mother’s back. This is the preferred position as the baby is able to slide out more easily than in any other position.

2. Cephalic Occiput Posterior

In this position, the baby is in the head-down position but the baby’s face is turned towards the mother’s belly. This type of cephalic presentation is not the best position for delivery as the baby’s head could get stuck owing to its wide position. Almost 5% of the babies in cephalic presentation settle into this position. Babies who come out in this position are said to come out ‘sunny side up’.

When a foetus is moving into the cephalic position, it is known as ‘head engagement’. The baby stars getting into this position in the third trimester, between the 32nd and the 36th weeks, to be precise. When the head engagement begins, the foetus starts moving down into the pelvic canal. At this stage, very little of the baby is felt in the abdomen, but more is felt moving downward into the pelvic canal in preparation for birth.

Fetal Cephalic Position During Pregnancy

You may think that in order to find out if your baby has a cephalic presentation, an ultrasound is your only option. This is not always the case. You can actually find out the position of your baby just by touching and feeling their movements.

By rubbing your hand on your belly, you might be able to feel their position. If your baby is in the cephalic position, you might feel their kicks in the upper stomach. Whereas, if the baby is in the breech position, you might feel their kicks in the lower stomach.

Even in the cephalic position, it may be possible to tell if your baby is in the anterior position or in the posterior position. When your baby is in the anterior position, they may be facing your back. You may be able to feel your baby move underneath your ribs. It is likely that your belly button will also pop out.

When your baby is in the posterior position, you will usually feel your baby start to kick you in your stomach. When your baby has its back pressed up against your back, your stomach may not look rounded out, but flat instead.

Mothers whose placentas have attached in the front, something known as anterior placenta , you may not be able to feel the movements of your baby as well as you might like to.

Breech babies can make things complicated. Both the mother and the baby will face some problems. A breech baby is positioned head-up and bottom down. In order to deliver the baby, the birth canal needs to open a lot wider than it has to in the cephalic position. Besides this, your baby can get an arm or leg entangled while coming out.

If your baby is in the breech position, there are some things that you can do to encourage the baby to get into the cephalic position. There are a few exercises that could help such as pelvic tilts , swimming , spending a bit of time upside down, and belly dancing are a few ways you can try yourself to get your baby into the head-down position.

If this is not working either, your doctor will try an ECV (External Cephalic Version) . Here, your doctor will be hands-on, applying some gentle, but firm pressure to your tummy. In order to reach a cephalic position, the baby will need to be rolled into a bottom’s up position. This technique is successful around 50% of the time. When this happens, you will be able to have a normal vaginal delivery.

Though it sounds simple enough to get the fetal presentation into cephalic, there are some risks involved with ECV. If your doctor notices your baby’s heart rate starts to become problematic, the doctor will stop the procedure right away.

Most babies get into the cephalic position on their own. This is the most ideal situation as there will be little to no complications during normal vaginal labour. There are different cephalic positions, but these should not cause a lot of issues. If your baby is in any other position, you may need C-Section . Keep yourself updated on the smallest of progress during your pregnancy so that you are aware of everything that is going on. Go for regular check-ups as your doctor will be able to help you in case a complication arises.

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cephalic presentation is good or bad

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Fetal Presentation, Position, and Lie (Including Breech Presentation)

, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Variations in Fetal Position and Presentation

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cephalic presentation is good or bad

Presentation refers to the part of the fetus’s body that leads the way out through the birth canal (called the presenting part). Usually, the head leads the way, but sometimes the buttocks (breech presentation), shoulder, or face leads the way.

Position refers to whether the fetus is facing backward (occiput anterior) or forward (occiput posterior). The occiput is a bone at the back of the baby's head. Therefore, facing backward is called occiput anterior (facing the mother’s back and facing down when the mother lies on her back). Facing forward is called occiput posterior (facing toward the mother's pubic bone and facing up when the mother lies on her back).

Lie refers to the angle of the fetus in relation to the mother and the uterus. Up-and-down (with the baby's spine parallel to mother's spine, called longitudinal) is normal, but sometimes the lie is sideways (transverse) or at an angle (oblique).

For these aspects of fetal positioning, the combination that is the most common, safest, and easiest for the mother to deliver is the following:

Head first (called vertex or cephalic presentation)

Facing backward (occiput anterior position)

Spine parallel to mother's spine (longitudinal lie)

Neck bent forward with chin tucked

Arms folded across the chest

If the fetus is in a different position, lie, or presentation, labor may be more difficult, and a normal vaginal delivery may not be possible.

Variations in fetal presentation, position, or lie may occur when

The fetus is too large for the mother's pelvis (fetopelvic disproportion).

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The fetus has a birth defect Overview of Birth Defects Birth defects, also called congenital anomalies, are physical abnormalities that occur before a baby is born. They are usually obvious within the first year of life. The cause of many birth... read more .

There is more than one fetus (multiple gestation).

cephalic presentation is good or bad

Position and Presentation of the Fetus

Some variations in position and presentation that make delivery difficult occur frequently.

Occiput posterior position

In occiput posterior position (sometimes called sunny-side up), the fetus is head first (vertex presentation) but is facing forward (toward the mother's pubic bone—that is, facing up when the mother lies on her back). This is a very common position that is not abnormal, but it makes delivery more difficult than when the fetus is in the occiput anterior position (facing toward the mother's spine—that is facing down when the mother lies on her back).

Breech presentation

In breech presentation, the baby's buttocks or sometimes the feet are positioned to deliver first (before the head).

When delivered vaginally, babies that present buttocks first are more at risk of injury or even death than those that present head first.

The reason for the risks to babies in breech presentation is that the baby's hips and buttocks are not as wide as the head. Therefore, when the hips and buttocks pass through the cervix first, the passageway may not be wide enough for the head to pass through. In addition, when the head follows the buttocks, the neck may be bent slightly backwards. The neck being bent backward increases the width required for delivery as compared to when the head is angled forward with the chin tucked, which is the position that is easiest for delivery. Thus, the baby’s body may be delivered and then the head may get caught and not be able to pass through the birth canal. When the baby’s head is caught, this puts pressure on the umbilical cord in the birth canal, so that very little oxygen can reach the baby. Brain damage due to lack of oxygen is more common among breech babies than among those presenting head first.

Breech presentation is more likely to occur in the following circumstances:

Labor starts too soon (preterm labor).

Sometimes the doctor can turn the fetus to be head first before labor begins by doing a procedure that involves pressing on the pregnant woman’s abdomen and trying to turn the baby around. Trying to turn the baby is called an external cephalic version and is usually done at 37 or 38 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes women are given a medication (such as terbutaline ) during the procedure to prevent contractions.

Other presentations

In face presentation, the baby's neck arches back so that the face presents first rather than the top of the head.

In brow presentation, the neck is moderately arched so that the brow presents first.

Usually, fetuses do not stay in a face or brow presentation. These presentations often change to a vertex (top of the head) presentation before or during labor. If they do not, a cesarean delivery is usually recommended.

In transverse lie, the fetus lies horizontally across the birth canal and presents shoulder first. A cesarean delivery is done, unless the fetus is the second in a set of twins. In such a case, the fetus may be turned to be delivered through the vagina.

cephalic presentation is good or bad

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  11. Fetal Presentation, Position, and Lie (Including Breech Presentation)

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    Fetal Presentation, Position, and Lie (Including Breech Presentation) - Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment from the MSD Manuals - Medical Consumer Version. ... Trying to turn the baby is called an external cephalic version and is usually done at 37 or 38 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes women are given a medication ...

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