presentation indian food

The Art Of Indian Food Presentation: A Feast For The Eyes

Step into the world of Indian cuisine and prepare to be amazed by the artistry of food presentation. Indian food is not only a delicious feast for the taste buds, but also a visual spectacle that captivates the eyes. With a rich and diverse culinary heritage, each dish is meticulously crafted to stimulate all your senses. From vibrant colors to intricate designs, Indian food presentation is an integral part of the dining experience, making every meal a feast for your eyes. Discover the secrets behind this art form and immerse yourself in the flavors and beauty of Indian culture.

The Art Of Indian Food Presentation: A Feast For The Eyes

Table of Contents

The Significance of Food Presentation in Indian Culture

Food presentation holds great significance in Indian culture, as it goes beyond simply satisfying one’s hunger. The visual appeal of the food plays a vital role in Indian culinary traditions, with a strong emphasis on symbolism, hospitality, and generosity.

Visual Appeal

In Indian culture, food is considered not just a necessity but also a form of art. The visual appeal of a dish is given utmost importance, as it is believed to enhance the overall dining experience. Bright and vibrant colors, along with meticulous arrangements, create an enticing presentation that stimulates the senses.

Indian food presentation often incorporates symbolic elements that represent various cultural and religious aspects. For example, certain dishes may be arranged in a circular shape to symbolize the cycle of life, while others may be shaped like lotus flowers to represent purity and spirituality. Symbolic motifs are carefully chosen to reflect the values and beliefs of the Indian people.

Hospitality and Generosity

In Indian culture, food is seen as a means to express hospitality and generosity. When guests are invited into an Indian home, the host takes great pride in presenting a lavish spread of food. Elaborate and beautiful food presentation is a way of showing respect and warm hospitality.

Traditional Indian Food Presentation Techniques

Indian cuisine boasts a rich diversity of traditional food presentation techniques that are unique to different regions and occasions.

Thali Presentation

Thali presentation is a popular style of serving food in India. A thali refers to a large plate that is divided into several compartments, each filled with different dishes. This presentation technique allows for a varied selection of flavors and textures to be showcased in an organized and visually appealing manner.

Banana Leaf Presentation

In South India, banana leaves are commonly used as a traditional serving surface. The large and sturdy leaves provide a natural and eco-friendly presentation platform. The food is placed on the leaf, and the leaf itself adds a touch of freshness to the overall presentation.

Layered Presentation

Layered food presentation involves arranging different components of a dish in visually appealing layers. This technique adds depth and dimension to the presentation, making it all the more enticing. It is often used in desserts, such as layered cakes and sweets, but can also be seen in savory dishes.

Terracotta Cookware Presentation

Terracotta cookware, such as clay pots and pans, is widely used in Indian cooking. These traditional vessels not only impart a unique flavor but also bring a rustic charm to the food presentation. Serving dishes in terracotta cookware adds an authentic touch to the overall experience.

Tandoor Cooking and Presentation

Tandoor, a traditional Indian clay oven, is often used for cooking various dishes, especially bread and meat. The smoky and charred flavors resulting from tandoor cooking provide a distinctive taste. The presentation of tandoor-cooked dishes is usually done on skewers or in decorative clay pots to showcase the cooking method.

The Art Of Indian Food Presentation: A Feast For The Eyes

Key Elements of Indian Food Presentation

To create an impressive presentation, Indian cuisine incorporates key elements that contribute to the overall visual appeal.

Color and Contrast

Colors play a significant role in Indian food presentation. Vibrant hues derived from spices, vegetables, and edible flowers are used to create a visually stunning layout. The careful combination of contrasting colors adds depth and excitement to the presentation, making it visually appealing.

Garnishes and Decorations

Garnishes and decorations are essential elements in Indian food presentation. Fresh herbs, microgreens, edible flowers, and intricate vegetable carvings are commonly used to elevate the aesthetics of the dish. These decorative elements not only add visual appeal but also enhance the flavors of the food.

Arrangement and Placement

The arrangement and placement of dishes and ingredients are crucial in Indian food presentation. Delicate and intricate patterns are created on plates, thalis, or banana leaves to create a visually appealing layout. The strategic placement of each item ensures a harmonious balance and aesthetic appeal.

Table Setting and Utensils

The table setting and choice of utensils also contribute to the overall presentation. Traditional copper or brass utensils, silverware, and intricately designed serving dishes are often used to enhance the dining experience. These elements add a touch of elegance and cultural authenticity to the presentation.

Regional Variations in Indian Food Presentation

India’s cultural diversity is reflected in the various regional styles of food presentation. Each region has its unique traditions and techniques that contribute to the overall visual appeal of Indian cuisine.

North Indian Presentation Styles

North Indian food presentation focuses on rich flavors and hearty portions. The presentation often includes elaborate curries, bread, and rice dishes served in ornate silverware or brass utensils. The use of colorful spices and garnishes further enhances the visual appeal of North Indian cuisine.

South Indian Presentation Styles

South Indian food presentation is known for its simplicity and use of banana leaves as serving surfaces. The food is traditionally served on a banana leaf, which lends a natural and rustic look to the presentation. The placement and arrangement of various dishes on the leaf are done meticulously to create an aesthetically pleasing layout.

Eastern Indian Presentation Styles

Eastern Indian food presentation is characterized by delicate and artistic arrangements. The use of edible flowers, intricate vegetable carvings, and decorative molds are common in this region. The presentation showcases a balance of flavors, colors, and textures, creating an enticing visual experience.

Western Indian Presentation Styles

Western Indian food presentation often focuses on showcasing the flavors and spices unique to the region. The use of clay pots, terracotta cookware, and traditional utensils adds an earthy and rustic charm to the presentation. The colors and garnishes used reflect the vibrant and diverse culinary heritage of Western India.

The Art Of Indian Food Presentation: A Feast For The Eyes

Modern Influences on Indian Food Presentation

While traditional techniques continue to be celebrated, modern influences have also made their mark on Indian food presentation.

Fusion Cuisine Presentation

Fusion cuisine, which combines elements from different culinary traditions, has gained popularity in recent years. The presentation of fusion dishes often incorporates a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. The use of unconventional plating techniques and the inclusion of international ingredients creates visually striking and innovative presentations.

Fine Dining Presentation

The rise of fine dining in India has brought a new level of sophistication to Indian food presentation. Fine dining establishments focus on meticulous plating techniques, intricate designs, and attention to detail. Each dish is carefully crafted and presented to create a visually stunning and unforgettable experience.

Street Food Presentation

Street food holds a special place in Indian cuisine, and its presentation has evolved over time. Street food vendors have started paying more attention to the visual appeal of their dishes. Vibrant colors, creative containers, and artistic arrangements are used to entice customers and create an Instagram-worthy presentation.

The Role of Spices in Indian Food Presentation

Spices are the heart and soul of Indian cuisine, and they play a significant role in food presentation.

Aromatic Spices

Aromatic spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and cumin not only add flavor but also contribute to the visual appeal of Indian dishes. The warm and inviting aroma that emanates from these spices enhances the overall dining experience.

Spice Blends and Powders

Indian cuisine is renowned for its unique spice blends and powders, such as garam masala and curry powder. These blends are carefully selected and added to dishes to create depth of flavor and a visually appealing color palette.

Tempering and Seasoning

The art of tempering, which involves the gentle frying of spices in hot oil or ghee, adds a burst of flavor and aroma to Indian dishes. This technique is often used as a finishing touch and also contributes to the overall presentation.

Vegetarianism and Indian Food Presentation

Vegetarianism is deeply rooted in Indian culture, and it has a significant influence on food presentation.

Vegetable Carving

Vegetable carving is a traditional art form in India and is often seen in vegetarian dishes. Skilled artisans create intricate designs and shapes using vegetables, adding a touch of elegance to the presentation. Vegetable carvings can range from simple patterns to elaborate sculptures, showcasing the artistic talents of Indian chefs.

Vegetable and Fruit Arrangements

The use of vegetables and fruits as natural decorations is common in Indian food presentation. Colorful vegetable slices, citrus fruits, and edible flowers are used to create visually appealing arrangements that further enhance the appeal of vegetarian dishes.

Sweets and Desserts in Indian Food Presentation

Sweets and desserts hold a special place in Indian cuisine, and their presentation is no exception.

Mithai Presentation

Mithai, or Indian sweets, are often presented in an elaborate and decorative manner. Traditional mithai such as barfi, gulab jamun, and jalebi are carefully arranged and garnished with silver foil, saffron strands, and nuts. The presentation reflects the rich and indulgent nature of Indian sweets.

Festive and Celebration Desserts

Indian festivals and celebrations are incomplete without special desserts. These desserts, known as “mithais,” are presented with great care and attention to detail. Elaborate decorations, intricate designs, and vibrant colors are used to create visually stunning desserts that embody the joy and festivity of Indian culture.

Beverage Presentation in Indian Cuisine

Beverages play an integral role in Indian cuisine, and their presentation adds to the overall dining experience.

Lassi and Milkshake Presentation

Lassi, a traditional yogurt-based drink, and milkshakes are often served in tall glasses with colorful straws and garnished with saffron, pistachios, or rose petals. The presentation of these refreshing beverages adds to their appeal and helps to cool down the palate.

Tea and Chai Presentation

Tea, or “chai,” is a beloved beverage in India, and its presentation varies across the country. In some regions, tea is served in small clay cups, while in others, it is presented in elegant teacups. The use of traditional tea sets and the inclusion of a saucer and spoon further enhance the presentation.

Regional Beverages and Presentation

Each region in India has its unique beverages, and their presentation reflects the local traditions and customs. From refreshing coconut water served in coconut shells to spiced buttermilk served in earthen pots, the presentation of regional beverages showcases the diversity and flavors of Indian drinks.

Mastering the Art of Indian Food Presentation

Mastering the art of Indian food presentation requires attention to detail, practice, and experimentation.

Attention to Detail

Every element, from the choice of ingredients to the arrangement of dishes, requires careful consideration. Attention to detail is crucial in creating a visually appealing presentation that represents the essence of Indian cuisine.

Practice and Experimentation

Creating stunning food presentations takes practice and experimentation. Indian chefs spend years honing their skills and exploring new techniques to elevate their dishes. Trying different plating styles, experimenting with colors, and incorporating unique garnishes can help aspiring chefs master the art of Indian food presentation.

Balancing Taste and Presentation

While visual appeal is important, it should never compromise the taste and flavors of the dish. The balance between taste and presentation is key in Indian cuisine. Chefs strive to create visually appealing dishes that are also delicious and satisfying to the palate.

In conclusion, food presentation plays a significant role in Indian culture. From the visual appeal and symbolism to the hospitality and generosity demonstrated through food, Indian cuisine embraces the art of presentation. Traditional techniques, regional variations, modern influences, and the use of spices all contribute to the richness and diversity of Indian food presentation. With attention to detail, practice, and a balance between taste and presentation, anyone can master the art of Indian food presentation and create a feast for the eyes.

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Vegetarian Food

Non-vegetarian food, rice dishes, indian breads, tandoori food, desserts & sweets, beverages & drinks, indian spices, indian food presentation and garnishing.

Presentation is an important part of good Indian cooking, and imaginative use of garnishes can make an ordinary dish into something really special. The perfect garnish should make a dish look both decorative and appetizing. But not only that, a garnish is an affectionate gesture, a compliment to your guests as well as a compliment to the food. The traditional way to serve Indian food is on a thali or large tray, often of beautifully wrought metal. Each different dish will be in a small metal or earthenware bowl perched around the edge of the try. Often banana leaves will serve as disposable plates. Decoration is simple (nuts, chopped herbs, lemon slices, tomatoes, lettuce and coriander leaves) are often used to add color and a crisp texture to savory dishes. Serving Indian foods requires traditional table settings. The first thing any caterer needs is plenty of warmers, if you are catering a buffet. Serving spoons and ladles are required, as well as plates and napkins. Indian food is traditionally eaten with the hands, but it a good idea to offer utensils for clients who may not be comfortable with that aspect of the culture. 

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Whether chopped, flaked, toasted or fried - offer an abundance of flavor, texture and color and make an ideal garnish for many dishes.

Toasted, flaked almonds make an attractive garnish for rice and curry dishes, giving a contrast in texture and color. Brown the flaked almonds on a baking tray either in a hot oven or under the grill (broiler) Whole, halved or finely chopped walnuts add flavor and are and attractive garnish to many salads, green vegetables, and can even be finely chopped in savory butters for fish. Pistachio nuts are a delicate pare green in color and have a sweet, pleasant flavor. They can be used to garnish desserts. Pine nuts are delicious fried in butter and then sprinkled over vegetables or salads or into spicy vegetable soups. Desiccated or flaked coconut, toasted is traditionally used as the accompaniments to curries. Sprinkled over a tomato salad, it offers both a flavor contrast and a crunchy texture. It is also delicious on some fish and vegetable dishes. Hazelnuts have a very distinct flavor and are most delicious toasted and skinned. Finely chopped, they make a crunchy coating or sprinkled over vegetables. Flaked, can also garnish soups and salads. Devilled nuts can be simply made by frying blanched nut (whole almond are most successful) in oil and butter until browned, and then tossing them in salt and cayenne or curry powder. They can be used for spicy dishes.

Grooved lemon slices

Use as a garnish for: fish and shellfish dishes, chicken dishes, kebabs. 1. Slice the lemon approximately 1/4 inch /5 mm thick, but finer if they are to be twisted. 2. The lemon slices can be pressed into some finely chopped fresh herbs (fresh coriander) to coat the flesh. Variation: small oranges or limes can be used instead.

Orange Julienne

Use as a garnish for soups, salads, meat, poultry, curries and oriental dishes. Julienne strips can also be made from grapefruit, lemons, limes.

  • Using a vegetable peeler or sharp paring knife, cut the peel thinly from the fruit.
  • Using the point of the knife, scrape away any bitter white pith.
  • Trim the strips into neat lengths then cut the peel into matchstick-wide strips.
  • Blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, refresh in cold water, then pat dry on absorbent kitchen paper.

Chili flowers

Use as garnish for hot, spicy dishes 1. Cut the stalk ends of small red or green chili peppers to the desired length. Slide a small paring knife around the inside of the chili to loosen the core and seeds and remove them. 2. Using scissors, cut around the length of the chili to form petals, trimming the tips of each petal to a point. 3. Drop the chili flowers into iced water and leave for 1 -1½ h to allow the chili flowers to blossom.

Tomato rose

Use as a garnish for almost any cold meat, fish or vegetable dishes, egg dishes.

  • Select medium-sized, firm, ripe tomatoes. Starting at the non-stalk end of the tomato, slice a continuous paper-thin strip of skin ½ in/ 1½ cm wide. Use a small sharp paring knife and cut in a circular fashion around the tomato to produce this "spiral" with ease.
  • Using the stem end of the strip to form the centre of the rose, carefully wind the tomato peel around itself, skin side out.
  • When completely wound, shape the skin into a rose, making the "petals" more open around the base of the flower. A couple of bay, curry or mint leaves add a final touch.

Onion rings

Use as a garnish for spicy dishes, vegetable, egg dishes, salads.

  • Select firm, medium-sized red, white or brown onions. Peel off the outer papery skin. Turn the onion on its side and cut slices approximately 1/4 in/5 mm thick. Separate the slices.
  • Sprinkle the rings with paprika pepper, turmeric or mild curry powder. Alternatively, toss the ring in finely chopped parsley, so they are evenly coated.

Using beautiful serving dishes and cotlery makes the dish look extraordinary.

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north indian food a culinary journey through

North Indian Food

Sep 06, 2023

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In this document, we will explore some of the typical and traditional dishes that exemplify the essence of North Indian food.

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North Indian Food: A Culinary Journey through Typical and Traditional Dishes North Indian restaurants vibrant and diverse tapestry of flavors, aromas, and textures. It is renowned for its rich history, intricate preparation methods, and the use of an array of spices and ingredients. This cuisine varies significantly from state to state within the region, making it a delightful gastronomic adventure. In this document, we will explore some of the typical and traditional dishes that exemplify the essence of North Indian food. Paneer Tikka Paneer Tikka is a beloved appetizer in North Indian cuisine. It consists of cubes of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, which often include red chili powder, turmeric, and garam masala. These marinated paneer cubes are then skewered and grilled or baked to perfection. The result is a smoky, spicy, and incredibly flavorful dish that is perfect for starting a North Indian meal. Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani) Butter Chicken is an iconic North Indian dish that has won hearts worldwide. It features succulent pieces of chicken cooked in a creamy tomato-based gravy, which is rich in butter and aromatic spices. The dish is a harmonious blend of sweet and savory flavors, making it a must-try for anyone exploring North Indian cuisine. Rogan Josh Rogan Josh is a traditional Kashmiri dish that has become a staple in North Indian cuisine. It features tender pieces of lamb or goat cooked in a fragrant gravy of aromatic spices such as cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. The dish gets its vivid red color from Kashmiri red chili powder. Rogan Josh is known for its robust flavors and is often enjoyed with naan or steamed rice.

Chole Bhature Chole Bhature is a popular street food dish in North India, especially in Delhi. It consists of spicy chickpea curry (chole) served with deep-fried bread (bhature). The chickpea curry is cooked with a blend of spices like cumin, coriander, and asafoetida, imparting a distinctive North Indian flavor. This hearty dish is both delicious and filling. Aloo Paratha Aloo Paratha is a classic North Indian breakfast dish. It comprises unleavened wheat flatbreads stuffed with a spiced potato mixture. The parathas are cooked on a griddle with ghee or oil until they are golden brown and crispy. Aloo Paratha is often served with yogurt, pickles, and sometimes even butter. Dal Makhani Dal Makhani is a creamy lentil dish that hails from Punjab, a state in North India. It is made using black lentils (urad dal) and kidney beans (rajma), cooked in a rich tomato-based gravy. Cream and butter are added to lend a velvety texture and a luxurious taste to this comforting dish. It is usually accompanied by naan or rice. Tandoori Roti Tandoori Roti is a type of Indian flatbread traditionally made in a tandoor, a clay oven. It is popular throughout North India and pairs wonderfully with various gravies and curries. The dough for tandoori roti is typically made with whole wheat flour and water, resulting in a slightly chewy and blistered bread with a smoky flavor. Samosa Samosa is a beloved North Indian snack that has become a favorite worldwide. It consists of a crispy pastry shell stuffed with a mixture of spiced potatoes, peas, and sometimes minced meat. Samosas are deep-fried until golden brown and are best enjoyed with chutney or tamarind sauce. Gajar Ka Halwa Gajar Ka Halwa is a delightful North Indian dessert made from grated carrots, milk, sugar, and ghee. It is slow-cooked to perfection, allowing the carrots to absorb the flavors of the milk and sugar. The result is a sweet, fragrant, and utterly indulgent dessert, often garnished with nuts and raisins.

Conclusion North Indian cuisine is a treasure trove of flavors and culinary traditions. Whether you're savoring the rich, creamy curries of Punjab or the fiery delights of Rajasthan, every dish in this region tells a story of its own. The dishes mentioned in this document are just a glimpse into the diverse and delicious world of North Indian food. So, next time you find yourself craving a culinary adventure, consider exploring the vibrant and flavorful dishes that North India has to offer. Your taste buds will thank you for the journey through this gastronomic wonderland. For more details contact us; Our website:

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South Indian Breads Parotta White flour battered with planta, milk and layered , baked in griddle Chapathi Wheat flour battered with milk and banana, baked in griddle Egg Kothu Parotta Minced parotta added with onion and egg Chicken Kothu Parotta Minced parotta added with onion, egg, shredded Chicken and Chicken curry Mutton Kothu Parotta Minced parotta added with onion, egg, lamb pieces and mutton curry Vegetable Kothu Parotta Minced parotta added with onion and mixed vegetables Ceylon Paratta White flour dough, thin layered and baked in griddle Ceylon Egg Parotta White flour dough, thin layered and stuffed with egg Ceylon Chicken Parotta White flour dough, thin layered and stuffed with egg and boneless chicken Ceylon Mutton Parotta White flour dough, thin layered and stuffed with egg and lamb pieces

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28 Indian Street Food to Make at Home and Save the Trip to Restaurant!

Posted: February 22, 2024 | Last updated: February 22, 2024

<p>Are you craving the delicious taste of Indian street food? Check out our carefully selected collection of authentic and easy-to-make recipes from the Indian subcontinent! </p> <p>With choices ranging from starters to desserts, you will find classic dishes like papdi chaat, chicken tikka masala, and ras malai. These recipes are easy to make but guaranteed to satiate your taste buds. </p> <p>Impress your family and friends with these mouthwatering dishes and bring the flavors of India to your kitchen without the restaurant price!</p>

Are you craving the delicious taste of Indian street food? Check out our carefully selected collection of authentic and easy-to-make recipes from the Indian subcontinent! 

With choices ranging from starters to desserts, you will find classic dishes like papdi chaat, chicken tikka masala, and ras malai. These recipes are easy to make but guaranteed to satiate your taste buds. 

Impress your family and friends with these mouthwatering dishes and bring the flavors of India to your kitchen without the restaurant price!

<p>Papdi chaat is a distinctive potato and chickpea salad known for its unique blend of sweet, creamy, spicy, and savory flavors. It makes for an irresistibly delicious starter.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Papdi Chaat</a>.</p>

28. Papdi Chaat

Papdi chaat is potato and chickpea salad with a unique taste. It’s sweet, creamy, spicy, and savory at the same time. It’s just a delicious starter.

Get the recipe: Papdi Chaat .

<p>Sev Puri is a classic Bombay street food with delightful flavors and textures. The interplay of two classic chaat chutneys adds to the taste adventure – the tangy tamarind sweet and sour chutney beautifully contrasts with the refreshing coolness of the cilantro-mint chutney. </p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Sev Puri</a>.</p>

27. Sev Puri

Sev Puri is a classic Bombay street food with delightful flavors and textures. The interplay of two classic chaat chutneys adds to the taste adventure – the tangy tamarind sweet and sour chutney beautifully contrasts with the refreshing coolness of the cilantro-mint chutney. 

Get the recipe: Sev Puri .

<p>Bhel Puri is a popular Mumbai street food snack prepared using crispy puffed rice, puri or papdi, vegetables, sev (gram flour vermicelli), and three types of chutneys. This street-style bhel recipe is a quick and easy recipe that tastes similar to the bhel puri recipe found in the streets of Mumbai.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Bhel Puri</a>.</p>

26. Bhel Puri

Bhel Puri is a popular Mumbai street food snack prepared using crispy puffed rice, puri or papdi, vegetables, sev (gram flour vermicelli), and three types of chutneys. This street-style bhel recipe is a quick and easy recipe that tastes similar to the bhel puri recipe found in the streets of Mumbai.

Get the recipe: Bhel Puri .

<p>Gujarati Khichu, a popular savory dish, is known as Papdi no Lot or Khichiya papdi lot. This easy and quick snack or side dish is made with rice flour, green chilies, and basic spices and is served hot with peanut oil and pickle masala.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Gujarati Khichu</a>.</p>

25. Gujarati Khichu

Gujarati Khichu, a popular savory dish, is known as Papdi no Lot or Khichiya papdi lot. This easy and quick snack or side dish is made with rice flour, green chilies, and basic spices and is served hot with peanut oil and pickle masala.

Get the recipe: Gujarati Khichu .

<p>These deep-fried potato slices in a spicy gram flour batter will have you reaching for more. Fluffy inside with a crispy outer shell, Aloo Pakoras will become your new favorite tea-time snack. <a href="">Get the recipe.</a></p>

24. Aloo Pakora

This Aloo Pakora is sliced potato discs coated in a spiced gram flour batter. It’s crispy on the outside but soft and fluffy on the inside.

Get the recipe: Aloo Pakora .

<p>The Aloo Paratha recipe is a fried flatbread with spiced potato filling. It’s what you want to try for a savory snack or a light meal when you like something simple but a little bit more elaborate than a sandwich. You can also serve it as a starter before your mains.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Aloo Paratha</a>.</p>

23. Aloo Paratha

This Aloo Paratha recipe is what you want to try for a savory snack or a light meal when you like something simple but a little bit more elaborate than a sandwich.

Get the recipe: Aloo Paratha .

<p>Onion Bhaji is a great finger food and a handy teatime snack when you don’t want something sweet. Paired with Mint Chutney, these crispy fritters will be hard to put down. <a href="">Onion Bhaji recipe.</a></p>

22. Onion Bhaji

Onion bhaji, also known as onion pakora, is a crispy and spicy onion cake that is great to eat with chutney.

Get the recipe: Onion Bhaji .

<p>Another tangy chickpea dish loaded with potatoes, onions, chilies, and tomatoes and drenched in lemony spices. Add some crunch with papdi or crushed-up crisps, and you’ve got yourself an enticing starter or snack. <a href="">Get the recipe</a>.</p>

21. Chana Chaat

Chana Chaat is a tasty snack that you can make in no time. With chickpeas as its main ingredient, it offers refreshingly tangy, sweet, and spicy flavors—a perfect choice for a snack and appetizer.

Get the recipe: Chana Chaat .

<p>Samosa Chaat is the epitome of all the irresistible flavors in Pakistani cuisine. Sweet and savory, tangy and spicy, crunchy and juicy, this is one dish you will be serving repeatedly. <a href="">Samosa Chaat recipe.</a></p>

20. Samosa Chaat

This samosa chaat is the no-ordinary snack you ever come across. It’s light but hearty, savory yet tangy and sweet at the same time. In short, it’s just delicious. 

Get the recipe: Samosa Chaat .

<p>Matar Kachori (Peas kachori) is a delicious North Indian snack of crispy, flaky, deep-fried pastry stuffed with tangy, spicy green peas filling. This proper winter appetizer is the best companion with a cup of hot masala chai. This Shasta matar ki kachori has all the crunch and flavor to hit the right spots. </p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Matar Kachori</a>.</p>

19. Matar Kachori

Matar Kachori (Peas kachori) is a delicious North Indian snack of crispy, flaky, deep-fried pastry stuffed with tangy, spicy green peas filling. This proper winter appetizer is the best companion with a cup of hot masala chai. This Shasta matar ki kachori has all the crunch and flavor to hit the right spots. 

Get the recipe: Matar Kachori .

<p>This delicious mutton Keema Samosa is the perfect handheld snack. Filled with a bright, spicy, smoky meat filling and fried to crispy golden perfection, you will love this tasty and savory patti samosa appetizer.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Keema Samosa</a>.</p>

18. Keema Samosa

This delicious mutton Keema Samosa is the perfect handheld snack. Filled with a bright, spicy, smoky meat filling and fried to crispy golden perfection, you will love this tasty and savory patti samosa appetizer.

Get the recipe: Keema Samosa .

<p>A simple Niramish street food recipe from Odisha that anyone can follow. Seasoned mashed potato balls dipped in chickpea flour/besan batter and then deep-fried to perfection. Enjoy these slightly crispy cutlets, crispy from the outside and soft from the inside, as your evening snack with tea or coffee.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Aloo Chop</a>.</p>

17. Aloo Chop

A simple Niramish street food recipe from Odisha that anyone can follow. Seasoned mashed potato balls dipped in chickpea flour/besan batter and then deep-fried to perfection. Enjoy these slightly crispy cutlets, crispy from the outside and soft from the inside, as your evening snack with tea or coffee.

Get the recipe: Aloo Chop .

<p>Bengali Vegetable Chop or Croquette is a popular snack made with beetroot, carrot, potatoes, spices, and breadcrumbs and deep-fried until golden brown. It is a well-known street food from Bengal and is entirely vegan.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Bengali Vegetable Chop</a>.</p>

16. Bengali Vegetable Chop

Bengali Vegetable Chop or Croquette is a popular snack made with beetroot, carrot, potatoes, spices, and breadcrumbs and deep-fried until golden brown. It is a well-known street food from Bengal and is entirely vegan.

Get the recipe: Bengali Vegetable Chop .

<p>Chicken Kathi Roll is a popular Indian street food made with juicy chunks of chicken kebabs, freshly sliced onions, green chilies, coriander leaves, and mustard sauce rolled in soft, flaky parathas. Kati roll, also known as Kathi, has its roots in Kolkata. Hence, it is also known as the Kolkata Chicken Roll.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Chicken Kathi Roll</a>.</p>

15. Chicken Kathi Roll

Chicken Kathi Roll is a popular Indian street food made with juicy chunks of chicken kebabs, freshly sliced onions, green chilies, coriander leaves, and mustard sauce rolled in soft, flaky parathas. Kati roll, also known as Kathi, has its roots in Kolkata. Hence, it is also known as the Kolkata Chicken Roll.

Get the recipe: Chicken Kathi Roll .

<p>Shami Kebab is one delicious kebab with a beautiful texture and delicate spiciness mixed with savory meat. It’s one of the must-have snack items in Pakistani/ Indian households simply because they’re too good to exclude. <a href="">Shami Kabab recipe</a>.</p>

14. Shami Kebab

Shami Kebab is one delicious kebab with a beautiful texture and delicate spiciness mixed with savory meat. It’s one of the must-have snack items in Pakistani/ Indian households simply because they’re too good to exclude.

Get the recipe: Shami Kebab .

<p>Ghugni is a curry that uses white or yellow matar (peas) and potato in a whole load of spices, topped with onion, chilies, and coriander. Its taste and flavor will surely make you crave more. It is light, fulfilling, yummy, and relatively easy on the pockets.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Ghugni</a>.</p>

Ghugni is a curry that uses white or yellow matar (peas) and potato in a whole load of spices, topped with onion, chilies, and coriander. Its taste and flavor will surely make you crave more. It is light, fulfilling, yummy, and relatively easy on the pockets.

Get the recipe: Ghugni .

<p>Crispy, crunchy, and coated with a delicious blend of spices, these Air Fryer masala peanuts will become your next favorite healthy snack. </p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Masala Peanuts</a>.</p>

12. Masala Peanuts

Crispy, crunchy, and coated with a delicious blend of spices, these Air Fryer masala peanuts will become your next favorite healthy snack. 

Get the recipe: Masala Peanuts .

<p>Today, I am sharing a recipe for one popular street food that is near and dear to me. Kala Chana Chaat! It’s a simple, easy-to-make snack that is perfect for all occasions. This low-fat, protein-rich dish is a versatile street food that you can adapt to your liking for spice and flavor.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Kala Chana Chaat</a>.</p>

11. Kala Chana Chaat

Today, I am sharing a recipe for one popular street food that is near and dear to me. Kala Chana Chaat! It’s a simple, easy-to-make snack that is perfect for all occasions. This low-fat, protein-rich dish is a versatile street food that you can adapt to your liking for spice and flavor.

Get the recipe: Kala Chana Chaat .

<p>This chicken tikka kebab uses aromatic spices and yogurt for marination and then grilled to perfection to get a flavorful and succulent chicken on the skewer. Perfect for a light lunch or barbecue menu. </p><p><strong>Get the recipe: </strong><a href="">Chicken Tikka Recipe</a></p>

10. Chicken Tikka

This chicken tikka kebab uses aromatic spices and yogurt for marination and then grilled to perfection to get a flavorful and succulent chicken on the skewer. Perfect for a light lunch or barbecue menu.

Get the recipe: Chicken Tikka .

<p>This Paneer Tikka Masala recipe is a delicious example of Indian cuisine. The dish comprises paneer (Indian cottage cheese) cooked in a creamy tomato sauce loaded with delicious Indian spices.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Paneer Tikka Masala</a>.</p>

9. Paneer Tikka Masala

This Paneer Tikka Masala recipe is a delicious example of Indian cuisine. The dish comprises paneer (Indian cottage cheese) cooked in a creamy tomato sauce loaded with delicious Indian spices.

Get the recipe: Paneer Tikka Masala .

<p>Enjoy the sizzle of Chicken Seekh Kabab: a fiery, tender blend of minced chicken grilled to perfection on skewers. Perfect as an appetizer, these succulent kababs pair wonderfully with fluffy naan and a tangy tomato chutney kick. A must-try treat!</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Chicken Seekh Kabab</a>.</p>

8. Chicken Seekh Kabab

Enjoy the sizzle of Chicken Seekh Kabab: a fiery, tender blend of minced chicken grilled to perfection on skewers. Perfect as an appetizer, these succulent kababs pair wonderfully with fluffy naan and a tangy tomato chutney kick. A must-try treat!

Get the recipe: Chicken Seekh Kabab .

<p>Chicken tikka masala is an ever-popular Indian dish you should try making at home. With this super easy recipe, you can make a tasty, succulent grilled chicken dish in a creamy, spicy tomato sauce without a restaurant bill. <a href="">Get the recipe</a>.</p>

7. Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken tikka masala is an ever-popular Indian dish you should try making at home. With this super easy recipe, you can create a tasty, succulent grilled chicken dish in a creamy, spicy tomato sauce without a restaurant bill.

Get the recipe: Chicken Tikka Masala .

<p>Keema Paratha is minced meat stuffed flatbread that is delicious with a dollop of plain yogurt. The beef has well-balanced spices, and the bread is crispy and moist.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Keema Paratha</a>.</p>

6. Keema Paratha

Keema Paratha is minced meat stuffed flatbread that is delicious with a dollop of plain yogurt. The beef has well-balanced spices, and the bread is crispy and moist.

Get the recipe: Keema Paratha .

<p>Simply indulgence for a weekend brunch. That is what this meltingly-tender lamb nihari has to offer. Its aromatic gravy is so delicious to mop with your naan bread.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Lamb Nihari</a>.</p>

5. Lamb Nihari

Simply indulgence for a weekend brunch. That is what this meltingly-tender lamb nihari has to offer. Its aromatic gravy is so delicious to mop with your naan bread.

Get the recipe: Lamb Nihari .

<p><a href="">Rasmalai </a>is a popular sweet treat amongst the Pakistani community, and it’s no wonder why. It consists of fluffy and sweet milk dumplings soaked in creamy, sweet milk. This dessert uses milk powder as a key ingredient that creates a gorgeous, light, creamy taste, and it is so indulgent yet so simple to make you will be astonished at how decadent the results are. </p>

4. Rasmalai

Try the delight of Rasmalai crafted from milk powder: soft, fluffy dumplings drenched in lightly sweetened, fragrant milk. This dessert is easy to prepare and irresistibly delicious, making you want a second serving. Perfect for any occasion, it’s a treat that promises satisfaction with every spoonful.

Get the recipe: Rasmalai .

<p>Kheer is one of the most loved desserts in Pakistani and Indian cuisines. It’s the rice pudding at a different level compared to others alike. </p><p><strong>Get the recipe:</strong> <a href="">Kheer</a>.</p>

Kheer is one of the most loved desserts in Pakistani and Indian cuisines. It’s the rice pudding at a different level compared to others alike. 

Get the recipe: Kheer .

<p><a href="">Besan Barfi</a> is a sweet treat from the Indian subcontinent made of chickpea flour to create a beautiful, decadent fudge. The cardamom flavor gives besan barfi an exotic taste. This dessert is not too sweet so you can enjoy a piece without the guilt! </p>

2. Besan Barfi

This sweet Indian mithai will remind you of sweet fudge. However, Besan Barfi uses besan flour/ chickpea flour, a rich protein and fiber source. So this mithai tastes richer and will make you feel less guilty when enjoying it.

Get the recipe: Besan Barfi .

<p>Besan Ladoo is a delicious sweet treat made of chickpea flour. This recipe will help you make this Mithai that is not too sweet, so you won’t feel guilty or worried about having it.</p><p><strong>Get the recipe: </strong><a href="">Besan Ladoo</a></p>

1. Besan Ladoos

Like the Barfi version, Besan Ladoos also uses besan flour/ chickpea flour. The difference is that this mithai does not use milk like its cousin. With the crumbly buttery texture and the right sweetness (unlike the overly sweet store-bought ones), you will not worry too much about enjoying this mithai with your cup of coffee or tea. 

Get the recipe: Besan Ladoos .

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A History of Moscow in 13 Dishes

Jun 06 2018.

War, hunger, and some of the world’s great doomed social experiments all changed the way that Moscow eats.

Moscow, the European metropolis on Asia’s western flank, has always been a canvas for competing cultures. Its cuisine is no different. The ancient baselines of winter grains, root vegetables, and cabbage acquired scaffolding from both directions: eastern horsemen brought meat on sticks, western craftsmen brought pastries, and courtly French chefs came and drowned it all in cream.

History has a place on the plate here, as well: war, hunger, and some of the world’s great doomed social experiments from Serfdom to Communism to Bandit Capitalism all changed the way that Moscow eats. So in the spirit of all of those grand failures, we—a Russian chef and an American writer—will attempt here to reduce the towering history of this unknowable city to 13 dishes, with some Imperial past but a special emphasis on the more recent decades of culinary paroxysms as Moscow emerged from its Soviet slumber.

Olivier Salad

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To visualize the long marriage between French and Russian cuisines, picture Peter the Great, on a diplomatic sojourn to Paris in 1717, a “ stranger to etiquette ”, meeting the 7-year-old boy-king Louis XV and lifting him in the air out of sheer elán. These things were simply not done, and yet, there they were. Peter’s joyful (and often envious) fascination with all things French took hold, among other places, in the kitchen. He brought French chefs back to his palaces, and then the lesser nobility followed suit, and when the first restaurants emerged in Moscow, they also spoke French. The Hermitage Restaurant, which was open from 1864 until history intervened in 1917, had a Francophone Belgian named Lucien Olivier as a chef, and he made a salad that was a perfectly unrestrained combination of French flavors and Russian ingredients: grouse! Veal tongue! Proto-mayonnaise! The ingredients now tend toward the pedestrian—boiled beef, dill pickles, various vegetables all bound with mayonnaise—and it has become a staple of Russian cuisine, especially on New Year’s. And yes, if you’ve ever seen the lonely Ensalada Rusa wilting behind the sneezeguard of a Spanish tapas bar, that is supposed to be a successor to the Olivier. But in Moscow, you should eat Matryoshka ’s version, which is not the original recipe but has some of that imperial richness: crayfish, quail, sturgeon caviar, and remoulade, all under a translucent aspic skirt, for 990₽ ($16).

There’s a type of expression around bottling things—bottled lightning, summer in a jar, etc.—that feels very apt here. What exactly is bottled with vareniye (jam)? A lot more than just fruit. These jams, which tend to be thinner than western varieties—with whole berries or fruit chunks in syrup—are bottled with a lot of Russian identity. There’s the Russian love of countryside. Deep dacha culture of summer cottages and personal orchards. Traditional naturopathy (raspberry vareniye taken with tea will fight fever). And above all, friendship is bottled here— vareniye made from the overabundance of fruit at one’s dacha is the most typical Russian gift, real sharing from real nature, even in the often-cynical heart of Europe’s largest megacity. Visitors who are short on lifelong friendships in Moscow can pick some up fine vareniye at any Lavka Lavka shop (we recommend the delicate young pine cone jam) or, curiously enough, at many Armenian stores.

Borodinsky Bread

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The clinical-sounding title of Lev Auerman’s 1935 classic Tekhnologiya Khlebopecheniya ( Bread Baking Technology) doesn’t promise scintillation. But Auerman’s recipe for rye bread changed Russian bread forever. An older legend had it that the bread was baked dark for mourning by a woman widowed in the battle of Borodino in 1812, but the real birth of the bread came from Auerman’s recipes. A modification on sweet, malted Baltic breads, Auerman’s Borodinsky bread was 100% rye and used caraway or anise. The recipe has evolved a bit—today it is 80% rye and 20% wheat high extraction flour and leans more on coriander than caraway. But its flavor profile (sweet, chewy) as well as its characteristic L7 mold —a deep brick of bread—has made it easily identifiable as the traditional, ubiquitous, every-occasion bread of Moscow. You can buy it everywhere, but the Azbuka Vkusa high-end markets have a reliably good sliced version.

Buckwheat Grechka

Look closely at those Russians who have followed their money to live in London, or are vacationing in Cyprus or Antalya. See the slight melancholy that not even cappuccinos or sunshine can erase. It’s not because Russians are gloomy by nature; it’s probably because there is no real grechka outside of Russia and Ukraine, and that is devastating. Buckwheat grain and groats— grechka (or grecha in Saint Petersburg)—are deep in the culture. It’s a wartime memory: May 9 Victory Day celebrations feature military kitchens serving buckwheat like they did at the front. It’s a little slice of Russian history that lies somewhere between oatmeal and couscous. In Moscow, eat it at Dr. Zhivago with milk (180₽/US$2.90) or mushrooms (590₽/US$9.50), and rejoice.

Mimoza Salad

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This fantastically expressive egg-and-canned-fish salad is a testament to Soviet ingenuity—it’s the ultimate puzzle to make a drastically limited food chain sparkle—and the universal human thrill of layering foods. The geological creation starts with a base layer of fish, then layers of grated cooked potato, mayonnaise, shredded cheese, grated carrots, sweet onion, diced egg whites and then capped with a brilliant yellow crumble of boiled egg yolk. It sits there on the plate, dazzling like the flowering mimosa tree it is named after. The taste? Well, it’s comfort food. Pick some up to go at any Karavaev Brothers location —the excellent deli chain sells it for 650₽ (US$10.40) a kilo.

It seems odd, almost impossible, to imagine a time in Russia before shashlik. It’s meat on a stick, something that all humans should have had on the menu since at least the time of Prometheus. But shashlik as we know it know—cubes of marinated meat cooked with vegetables over a mangal grill—didn’t really take off in Russia until the early 1900s. And due to a lack of suitable meat in much of the Soviet era (there were no meat cattle herds, only dairy), we’re starting the clock on shashlik in the late Soviet period. Despite its relatively recent (re)appearance, it is now the ubiquitous grill phenomenon of Russia, a welcome ritual of summer.

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Much of Russian cuisine has borrowed heavily from Central Asia and further east over the millennia ( pelmeni anyone?), but plov is a striking example of an entire eastern dish making its way directly into Russian households. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and upheaval in many Central Asian Soviet Republics, mass economic migration to Moscow took off in the late 80s and early 90s. Central Asians today are the lifeblood of the Moscow labor force (part of up to 10-12 million Central Asian migrants living in Russia), and plov—rice steamed in stock with meat and vegetables—has jumped from the migrant communities to the homes of Muscovites everywhere. It has developed an unfortunate reputation for being a food that even finicky kids will eat, so there is a lot of harried domestic plov being made. But you can get a fully expressed Uzbek version at Danilovsky Market, online at , or at Food City—the surf-and-turf Tsukiji of Moscow.

The Big Mac

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So many of the difficulties in American-Russian relations come down to one foundational attitude problem: The Americans (that’s half of this writing duo) were incredibly, distressingly smug through the entire fall of the Soviet Union. We mistook Soviet failure for an American victory, and that made all the difference. What does that have to do with a Big Mac? Well, when Russia’s first McDonald’s opened on Pushkinskaya in 1990 and 5000 people turned out to wait in line for the first taste of America, we back home in the states mistook it for culinary and commercial superiority. But there was something more complicated happening: Russians had been denied Western goods for so long and with such force that any outside identity was much-needed oxygen. And the long-term victory, as McDonald’s has continued to thrive in post-Soviet Russia, really belongs to the local franchise, which used higher-quality ingredients than in the U.S. and created a chain that was successful not because of its American identity but because of its Russian modifications. We wouldn’t recommend eating at any McDonald’s, especially not when there is Teremok for your fast-food needs, but having a soda in the original location is one way to sit and ponder the sin of hubris. And to use the free toilet and Wi-Fi.

The crown jewel of Levantine meat preparations, perhaps the single greatest street meat in the world: Shawarma. It first came to Moscow with a shawarma joint across from the Passazh mall, opened in the early 90s by Syrian cooks who dazzled masses with their sizzling, spinning, spiced meat emporium. Lines that stretched into the hundreds of people weren’t uncommon in those heady early days. And even though the original spot closed many years ago, Moscow shawarma only grew from there, mutating into the beast it is today, where you’re likely to find chicken, cabbage, mayo and a thin tomato sauce all combining to make the Levant a distant memory.

Fish Tartare aka Sashimi

One result of the aforementioned American smugness is that the West seemed surprised at how rapidly 1990s Russia assimilated some of the most hardcore capitalist traits, including but not limited to conspicuous consumerism. Moscow’s new elite was very, very good at that. What could be more conspicuous that recreating a restrained, exclusive seafood cuisine from Japan in the chaotic, landlocked megacity of Moscow? The very improbability of high-end sushi and sashimi in Moscow fueled much of its allure, and even though the trends have moved on from sushi, you can still tell the emotional attachment that the oligarch class has to those formative wastes of money. Sumosan restaurant started in Moscow back in 1997 and has since expanded to Monte Carlo and Londongrad , where they serve a dish that they call Fish Tartare, among others, in their restaurants and through their private jet catering service.

Blue Cheese roll

If the early elite sushi restaurants in Moscow were the frivolous edge of a food phenomenon, then Yakitoriya , a chain which started in the late 1990s, democratized it with affordable sushi rolls geared to local tastes. The Blue Cheese Roll, available now on their menu, seems like the apex (or nadir) of the Russianized roll: salmon, smoked eel, cucumber, cream cheese, Blue Cheese sauce. It might not be Jiro’s dream, but a true Russian middle class, one that can work honestly, earn meaningful salaries, and have a freaky sushi roll at the end of the week just like the rest of us—that’s something worthing dreaming for. Blue Cheese Roll, Yakitoriya, 417₽ (US$6.70)

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If you’re American, have you ever wondered why tacos took over middle America but sopes remain virtually unknown? It’s curious how a country can assimilate some foods from their neighbors and but remain blissfully ignorant of others. That may explain what took place two years ago in Moscow, when the city seemingly discovered, as if for the first time, the bagged awesomeness that is khinkali , a soup dumpling from Russia’s southern neighbor Georgia. It became very trendy very quickly, and khinkali joints sprouted across Moscow like griby after a rain. But it wasn’t just that dish: what they were serving was a bit of the imagined southern, sybaritic lifestyle of the Caucasus, as promised in restaurant names like Est’ Khinkali Pit Vino ( Eat Khinkali Drink Wine ). Your best bets are at the stately Sakhli , around 100₽ (US$1.60) per soft, fulsome dumpling, or the more modernized Kafe Khinkalnaya on Neglinnaya Street , 100₽ (US$0.80) a dumpling.

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We have named burrata—yes, that Italian alchemy of cheese and cream—the Perfect Dish of Moscow 2018, if only because it is the Dish of the Moment, ready to be enjoyed at the height of its faddishness now, and equally ready to be replaced when the city decides to move on. Read Anna Maslovskaya’s masterful breakdown of why—and where—to eat burrata in Moscow.

Top image: Olivier salad with chicken. Photo by: Kvector /Shutterstock

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The Perfect Dish: The Moscow Burrata

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    The clinical-sounding title of Lev Auerman's 1935 classic Tekhnologiya Khlebopecheniya (Bread Baking Technology) doesn't promise scintillation. But Auerman's recipe for rye bread changed Russian bread forever. An older legend had it that the bread was baked dark for mourning by a woman widowed in the battle of Borodino in 1812, but the real birth of the bread came from Auerman's recipes.

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    cooked to perfection and presentation on the traditional Mexican plates $$$$ Bfl's. Open until 11PM. Mexican, Vegetarian options ... for dinner for some good Mexican food $$$$ BroS BurritoS Mexican, Restaurant, Cafe, Fast food ... Indian restaurant, Pub & bar #18 of 211 Mexican restaurants in Moscow. Open until 9:30PM.