Special Ed Lesson Plans

Math IEP Goals For Special Education

Math IEP Goals

Drafting IEP goals can be difficult, so here are a few math IEP goals (across various ability levels) to get you started. Please adapt and modify to meet the specific needs of your students. Keep in mind a goal should be a skill you believe is achievable by the student in 1 school year. You can always do an addendum if a student has met all criteria for the goal/objectives.

Remember, when writing objectives, break down the goal into smaller steps. You can lessen the percentage of accuracy, the number of trials (3/5 vs 4/5), or amount of prompting. Just make sure the objectives build on each other and are working towards mastery.

The reason why I always list accuracy at 100% when writing Math goals is because the answer is either right or wrong, an answer to a math problem can’t be 50% correct. So feel free to play with the ## of trials for accuracy.

Number Identification:

Goal: Student will independently identify numbers 1-20 (verbally, written, or pointing) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When verbally prompted by teacher to “point to the number _________”, Student will independently select the correct number with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently count in rote order numbers 1-25 with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently count by 2, 3, 5, 10 starting from 0-30 verbally or written, with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

One-to-one Correspondence:

Goal: When given up to 10 objects, Student will independently count and determine how many objects there are (verbally, written, or by pointing to a number) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly/monthly.

Goal: When given up to 10 items/objects, Student will independently count and move the items to demonstrate 1:1 correspondence and identify how many there are with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given 10 addition problems, Student will independently add single digit numbers with regrouping with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials as measured quarterly.

Goal:  Student will independently add a single digit number to a double digit number with and without regrouping with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently add double digit numbers to double digit numbers with (or without) regrouping with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Adding with Number Line:

Goal: Given 10 addition problems and using a number line, Student will independently add single digit numbers with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly. 


Goal: Student will independently subtract a single digit number form a double digit number with and without regrouping with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given 10 subtraction problems, Student will independently subtract double digit numbers from double digit numbers with and without regrouping with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently subtract money/price amounts from one another with and without regrouping, while carrying the decimal point with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials as measured quarterly.

Goal: Using a number line, Student will independently subtract numbers (20 or less) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Telling Time:

Goal: Student will independently tell time to the half hour on an analog clock (verbally or written) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly. 

Goal: Student will independently tell time to the hour on an analog clock (verbally or written) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Elapsed Time:

Goal: Given a problem with a start time and end time, Student will independently determine how much time has elapsed with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given a problem with a start time and duration of activity/event, Student will independently determine what the end time is with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Dollar More:

Goal: Using the dollar more strategy, Student will independently identify the next dollar up when given a price amount with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently identify the next dollar amount when given a price, determine how much is needed to make the purchase, and count out the necessary amount (using fake school money) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When given a price, student will identify which number is the dollar amount with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.      

Money Identification/Counting Money:

Goal: When given a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny, Student will identify the coin and corresponding value with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When given a random amount of coins (all of one type), Student will independently count the coins with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When given a mix of coins (to include quarter, dime, nickel, penny), Student will independently count the coins with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When given a mixture of coins and dollar bills, Student will independently count the money with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When give 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers, Student will independently round to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands independently with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Greater than/Less than:

Goal: Given 2 numbers, pictures, or groups of items, Student will independently determine which number is greater than/less than/equal by selecting or drawing the appropriate symbol (<,>, =) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently count objects or pictures of objects and tally the corresponding amount (up to 15) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials as measured quarterly.

Goal: Given a number, up to 20, Student will independently tally the corresponding number with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given data and a bar graph template, Student will independently construct a bar graph to display the data and answer 3 questions about the data with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given a line, pie, or bar graph, Student will independently answer questions about each set of data with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given data and a blank graph template, Student will independently construct the graph to display the appropriate data with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: When given a picture of a shape divided into parts, Student will independently color the correct sections in to represent the fraction given with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently add fractions with like denominators with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Word Problems:

Goal: Student will independently solve one step addition and subtraction word problems with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently solve two step word problems (mixed addition and subtraction) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently solve one and two step multiplication world problems with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently read a one or two step word problem, identify which operation is to be used, and solve it with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given a word problem, Student will independently determine which operation is to be used (+,-,x, /) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Even/Odd Numbers:

Goal: When given a number, student will independently identify if the number is odd or even (written or verbally), with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.


Goal: Given varying lines and objects, Student will independently estimate the length of the object/picture, measure it using a ruler, and identify how long the object/picture is with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.


Goal: Student will independently solve 10 multiplication facts (2, 3, and 5 facts) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Student will independently solve 20 multiplication facts (facts up to 9) with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Goal: Given a division problem (where the divisor is _____), Student will independently solve it with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Feel free to use and edit as necessary. It’s up to you how often you want to measure the goals, but remind parents that even if the goal says 5/5 times quarterly, it doesn’t mean you’re only working on it those 5 times. That is just the number of times you’ll take official data. Just make sure it’s a reasonable ## so you have time to take all the data you need. Especially if you have multiple goals/objectives to take data for!

Happy drafting!

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Math Goals for IEPs

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Free IEP Goal Bank With 110+ Goals and Printable Tracking Sheets

All the goals you need, when you need them.

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There are as many IEP goals as there are students. But the longer you teach special education, the more you’ll find yourself searching for just the right reading comprehension goal for a student with a learning disability or a behavior goal for a kid who has ADHD. That’s where an IEP goal bank, also known as a goal database, comes in.

Below you’ll find a list of over 100 IEP goals covering a variety of focus areas. Plus be sure to fill out the form on this page to get access to a free, editable Google Doc version of the goal bank along with a bundle of free editable goal-tracking sheets. The bundle includes daily and weekly goal-tracking sheets, as well as trial tracking and progress tracking sheets for data collection.

IEP Goals 101

  • Reading Comprehension Goal Bank
  • Math Goal Bank
  • Writing Goal Bank
  • Behavior Goal Bank
  • Social Skills Goal Bank
  • Social-Emotional Goal Bank
  • Executive Functioning Goal Bank
  • Self-Advocacy Goal Bank

IEP goals should be specific enough to be implemented by anyone who reads them. They should address aspects of the general curriculum but at the student’s functional level. And the goals should be actionable and measurable.

The goals should also include the accuracy and number of trials that the student needs to complete to show mastery. The accuracy and number of trials will depend on the student’s ability, strengths, and skills. (Typical accuracy and trials are 80% 4-out-of-5 trials.)

Finally, the goals should include the level of support the student needs. Should they be demonstrating the skill independently, or do they need a few prompts or maximum support? Build that into the goal too.

So, a finished goal might be: When given a pile of coins (all one type), Jaime will count the coins and find the total with no more than two prompts with 70% accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials.

Daily goal tracking sheet.

IEP Goals for Your Database

A lot of thought goes into each IEP goal, so here are more than 100 goals that every special education teacher should have in their bank.

Reading Comprehension IEP Goal Bank

Reading comprehension is a skill that many students struggle with it. Choose a goal that helps students reach the next level of reading comprehension so they can understand and enjoy what they read.

  • When given a story at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use a storyboard or story map to outline the story’s main elements.
  • When given a nonfiction text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizer to identify key information.
  • When given a paragraph at their reading level, [STUDENT] will apply the RAP strategy ( R eading a single paragraph, A sking oneself to define the main idea and supporting details, P utting the information into the reader’s language).

Reading IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use an outline strategy to summarize the content or retell the story.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will read and demonstrate literal knowledge by answering five literal questions.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of text using total communication (AAC devices, PECS, verbalization, sign language) to answer five literal questions about the text.
  • When presented with a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use context clues to identify the meaning of unknown words.
  • When given a passage at their instructional level, [STUDENT] will make a prediction and read to confirm or adjust their prediction with information from the text.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the main idea and two supporting details.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a sentence, [STUDENT] will combine background knowledge with information from the text to infer the author’s meaning.
  • Given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will answer five inferential questions.
  • After reading a passage with visual supports (e.g., highlighting), [STUDENT] will answer literal questions with minimal assistance.
  • After reading a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the author’s purpose for writing.
  • Given a list of author’s purposes and a text, [STUDENT] will select the correct author’s purpose for writing.

Math IEP Goal Bank

Students may be working on numeracy or word problems. Whatever their focus, choose a math goal that helps them progress.

  • [STUDENT] will identify a one- or two-digit number (verbally, pointing, written).
  • [STUDENT] will rote-count from 1 to 25 (or higher).
  • [STUDENT] will skip-count by 2, 3, 5, 10 to 50 (verbal or written).

When given up to 10 objects, [STUDENT] will count and state how many objects there are (verbally, pointing).

  • Given 10 addition problems, [STUDENT] will independently add single-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number with (or without) regrouping.
  • Given 10 subtraction problems, [STUDENT] will independently subtract double-digit numbers from double-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently tell time to the half hour (or quarter hour, etc.) on an analog clock (verbal or written).
  • [STUDENT] will independently identify the next dollar amount when given a price, determine how much is needed to make a purchase, and count out the necessary amount using school money.
  • Given a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny, [STUDENT] will identify the coin and value.
  • Given a random amount of coins (all one type or mixed), [STUDENT] will independently count the coins.

math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  • When given two-digit (or three- or four-digit) numbers, [STUDENT] will round to the nearest tens (or hundreds or thousands).
  • Given two numbers (pictures, groups of items), [STUDENT] will determine which number is greater than/less than/equal to by selecting or drawing the appropriate symbol.
  • Given data and a graph (bar, pie), [STUDENT] will complete the graph to display the data.
  • Given a graph (bar, pie, line), [STUDENT] will answer three questions about the data.
  • [STUDENT] will identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
  • When given a picture of a shape divided into parts, [STUDENT] will color the correct number of sections to represent the fraction given.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will solve one-step word problems using addition and subtraction (or multiplication and division).
  • [STUDENT] will independently solve 15 multiplication facts (up to 9).
  • Given a fact-fluency tracker, [STUDENT] will track mastery of multiplication facts up to 12.
  • Given a problem-solving checklist, [STUDENT] will use the checklist to solve a one-step or two-step word problem.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

Here are writing IEP goals for organization, fluency, and editing.

  • Given a topic, [STUDENT] will write a sentence that accurately addresses the topic.
  • Given a word bank, [STUDENT] will select the appropriate words to complete a sentence or paragraph about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will use a keyword outline to write a paragraph with at least [number of] sentences, including an introduction/topic sentence and conclusion sentence.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will dictate a response to a question and use talk-to-text to communicate at least three sentences about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will write a three-paragraph essay about a topic that includes a clear introductory sentence, main idea, supporting details, and conclusion.
  • [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizers to organize ideas in response to a writing topic.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a paragraph to revise, [STUDENT] will add transitional words and phrases to connect ideas in sentences (or paragraphs).
  • When given a prompt, [STUDENT] will maintain writing for [amount of time] as measured by observation and student writing output.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

Everything we see in school is behavior, from working to engaging in class to maintaining self-control and managing emotions. If a student has an IEP for ADHD, an emotional disability, autism, or other categories, they may be working on behavior goals to improve their ability to succeed in school.

  • Given a self-monitoring checklist, [STUDENT] will demonstrate self-regulation during [# of sessions] across [# of months].

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a token board, [STUDENT] will follow class rules to earn [# of tokens] for each 30-minute period in special and general education settings.
  • Given a self-regulation strategy (e.g., zones of regulation), [STUDENT] will identify when they are moving from green to red, and apply a self-regulation strategy to maintain their self-regulation.
  • Given support and a visual model, [STUDENT] will implement an organizational system for their locker/desk/backpack/binder.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given scripts and reminders, [STUDENT] will manage frustration and disruptions to their routine during classroom activities.
  • Given a social story, [STUDENT] will be able to adjust to new routines and procedures in the classroom.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will manage conflicts, independent of teacher support, 4 out of 5 occurrences over a ___ time period.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will initiate work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will complete work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a token board and visual or rules, [STUDENT] will follow rules and earn tokens throughout the total school environment.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

Social skills may not seem academic, but how students engage with others can be an important outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that can support their progression in forming relationships with peers and adults.

  • During unstructured class time, [STUDENT] will engage in respectful conversation with peers (maintain personal space, use respectful voice).
  • During unstructured class time or play time (e.g., recess), [STUDENT] will engage with peers (participate, share, follow rules, take turns) for > 10 minutes with minimal adult prompting.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will invite a peer to join in during recess.
  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate conversation (ask appropriate questions, respond to questions, take turns) for > five turns.
  • When frustrated or involved in a conflict, [STUDENT] will resolve the conflict without aggression but will apply a problem-solving strategy (walk away, tell a teacher).
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate five back-and-forth exchanges with peers during structured play activities.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate turn-taking with peers in classroom discussion.
  • [STUDENT] will decrease inappropriate verbal comments to once per day (or week) or less as measured by teacher observation and behavior checklist.
  • Given a pre-activity checklist, [STUDENT] will identify one peer they would like to engage with and how they are going to engage (e.g., ask a question, invite to play).

Social-Emotional Skills IEP Goal Bank

Identifying and managing feelings is another important school outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that help students advance in social-emotional skills.

  • [STUDENT] will work cooperatively with peers in small-group settings (e.g., share materials, engage in conversation, accept others’ ideas).

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will identify appropriate social rules and expectations for various social situations.
  • [STUDENT] will refrain from interrupting others.
  • [STUDENT] will identify emotions presented in picture form.

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in communication with others by asking questions when provided with the opportunities.
  • [STUDENT] will increase or maintain conversation about a preferred or nonpreferred topic.
  • Given a strategy and visual prompts, [STUDENT] will identify the signs of anxiety and apply a strategy to address feelings of anxiety in real and simulated situations.
  • Given a picture scale, [STUDENT] will identify the level of anxiety they are feeling.

Executive Functioning IEP Goal Bank

Executive functioning skills are skills like planning, working memory, attention, problem-solving, mental flexibility, and self-regulation that help kids be successful in school. Students with poor executive functioning have a hard time with time management, organization, getting started with or finishing work, and connecting past experiences with current actions. (Know any kids like this?) Here’s a list of goals for helping students with executive functioning.

  • Given visual cues, [STUDENT] will implement a system for organizing their backpack (locker, binder).
  • Given a task and a list of materials, [STUDENT] will gather the needed items to complete the task.

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will arrive at class with necessary materials (paper, pen, computer).
  • [STUDENT] will use a checklist (visual schedule) to independently complete classwork.
  • [STUDENT] will respond appropriately to oral commands.
  • [STUDENT] will ask for clarification and further explanation when needed.
  • [STUDENT] will request desired objects or instructional materials and equipment using [picture prompts, sign language, AAC device, etc.].

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will express needs, wants, and feelings using [picture prompts, sign language, verbalization, etc.].
  • [STUDENT] will create a daily visual schedule (or checklist or to-do list) and complete it.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to follow multiple-step directions (two or three steps) with minimal (one or two) adult prompts.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will refer to their checklist for task completion to finish assigned work.

Self-Advocacy IEP Goal Bank

Self-advocacy goals are for skills from decision-making to goal attainment, asking for help, and speaking up for yourself. These are important skills that students need to develop, especially as they transition into independent living, college, and career.

  • [STUDENT] will effectively communicate their needs and preferences in the classroom by [raising their hand, writing a note].
  • [STUDENT] will use a communication notebook to write questions and concerns to the teacher one time per week.
  • [STUDENT] will identify a goal, create a list of steps to achieve the goal, and work through the steps.
  • Given a challenging situation to solve, [STUDENT] will define the problem and come up with two possible solutions.
  • Given a task that involves a choice (e.g., the school lunch menu, a list of books), [STUDENT] will select between the options available.

Given a task that involves a choice (e.g., the school lunch menu, a list of books), [STUDENT] will select between the options available.

  • [STUDENT] will create a list of three personal strengths and three areas for improvement.
  • [STUDENT] will actively participate in the development of their IEP goals and accommodations.
  • [STUDENT] will identify one IEP goal and three objectives to support that goal.
  • When faced with an academic challenge, [STUDENT] will seek assistance by raising their hand or using the classroom procedure for seeking help.
  • [STUDENT] will advocate for accommodations and/or modifications in the classroom using an appropriate time, tone of voice, and language.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of their learning preferences using a checklist, verbal communication, or another method of communication.
  • [STUDENT] will engage in positive self-talk daily with and without teacher support.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will learn and apply two self-advocacy strategies.

By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will learn and apply two self-advocacy strategies.

  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to ask for help when needed.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will identify and communicate two environmental requirements (e.g., “I need a movement break”).
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will engage in three conferences and/or meetings where the student will communicate their educational needs.
  • [STUDENT] will explain and advocate for testing accommodations through the classroom teacher, testing center, school counselor, etc.
  • [STUDENT] will reflect on their academic progress and will determine which accommodations are supporting their learning.

Get Your Free Editable and Printable IEP Goal Bank and Goal Sheets

Just fill out the form on this page to get instant access to an editable Google Doc with all the goals mentioned above as well as a bundle of four printable and editable goal-tracking sheets. Save your goal bank and access it any time to cut and paste goals into your IEP software and/or into the editable and printable goal-tracking sheets provided. The bundle includes daily and weekly tracking sheets, as well as trial tracking and progress tracking sheets for data collection.

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IEP Goals For Math

Welcome to our blog post on IEP goals for math! Setting goals for your child’s education is an essential step in their academic journey if you’re a teacher or the parent of a student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Many students find math difficult, so helping your child thrive in school by setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals might be helpful. This post will explore  what constitutes a strong IEP objective for math  and offer some starter  examples to get you going . Let’s get started, so grab a coffee and settle in.

What are IEP Goals for Math?

IEP goals for math are  specific, targeted objectives developed for students with an I ndividualized Education Plan (IEP) .  These objectives are intended to assist students with disabilities in improving their arithmetic skills and succeeding in the classroom. Each student’s IEP for math  should be customized to meet their specific requirements  and based on their existing knowledge and capabilities.

They should be  SMART objectives , which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. IEP objectives for math could center on several things, like  enhancing fundamental math abilities, problem-solving skills, or deepening comprehension of more complex arithmetic ideas . Parents and educators can assist students with disabilities in overcoming obstacles and succeeding in arithmetic by  creating clear and attainable goals .

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For example, a measurable goal for a student may be “To develop basic math skills, such as addition and subtraction, by the end of the school year.” This goal is  measurable  because it has a time limit (by the end of the school year) and a particular objective (improvement). It is  relevant  because it directly relates to the student’s needs and academic pursuits. According to Understood.org , it is feasible since it is reasonable for the student to progress in this area within the allotted time frame. It is also time-bound because it specifies a deadline for completing the task.

It is  feasible  since it is reasonable for the student to progress in this area within the allotted time frame. It is also  time-bound  because it specifies a deadline for completing the task.

Teachers and parents can support students with disabilities to make progress and succeed in the classroom by establishing specific and attainable math IEP goals, as recommended by Great Schools .

It’s critical to frequently evaluate the student’s progress toward their IEP goals and revise them as necessary to keep them demanding yet doable. Read about the Special Education Math Curriculum to learn more.

IEP Goals for Math Problem Solving

IEP goals for math problem-solving are created to assist children with disabilities in acquiring the knowledge and methods required to comprehend and address mathematical problems. These objectives must be precise, catered to each student’s requirements and skills , and based on the student’s present performance levels and long-term goals.

Here are a few  additional points to consider when developing IEP goals for math  problem-solving:

  • Focus on the student’s specific needs:  A thorough evaluation of the student’s present math ability should serve as the foundation for developing IEP goals particular to the student’s unique needs and abilities. For example, students who have trouble comprehending word problems can set a goal to enhance their capacity to read and understand mathematical word problems.
  • Make the goals measurable:  IEP goals should specify specific performance indicators so that the student’s development may be monitored and assessed. To “increase the student’s accuracy in solving math problems from 75% to 90% within a six-month timeframe,” as an example.
  • Make the goals achievable:  Given the student’s abilities and resources, the IEP goals should be achievable and realistic. For the learner to succeed and develop confidence, creating both demanding and challenging but not impossible goals is crucial.
  • Make the goals relevant:  The student’s long-term goals and aspirations should be connected to the IEP goals to be meaningful, pertinent to the student’s needs and interests, and significant.
  • Set a timeline:  A completion schedule for IEP goals should be included so that the student and their support team know the anticipated timetable for progress.

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Functional Math IEP Goals Examples

Functional math IEP goals  focus on helping a student with a disability develop the math skills they need to function independently in their daily life .

Some examples of operational math IEP goals might include:

  • “Within a three-month period, the student will be able to identify and make correct change when given a purchase amount and payment up to $5.00.”
  • Within six months, the learner will be able to precisely measure and pour ingredients to follow a recipe with 90% accuracy.
  • The student can arrange and keep track of appointments and activities within nine months with 80% accuracy using a calendar and telling time.
  • Within nine months, “the learner will be able to compare prices and calculate sales tax and savings when shopping, with 80% accuracy.”
  • “The student will be able to calculate and track a budget for a 12-month period, covering income and expenses.”

It is important to note that functional math goals  should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) and tailored to the individual student’s needs and abilities .

Jennifer Hanson is a dedicated and seasoned writer specializing in the field of special education. With a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of children with diverse learning abilities, Jennifer uses her pen to educate, inspire, and empower both educators and parents alike.

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How to Write SMART IEP Goals

A major task for special education teachers is writing Individualized Education Programs, or IEPs.  A major part of the IEP is the statement of annual IEP goals and objectives. 

We can think of the goal as being the destination that you want your special education student to get to by the end of a year. The services that you put into place support the goals that have been set a student with a disability.

Creating a quality goal with scaffolded objectives can take a lot of time and effort. So I want to show you one way in which you can break down this process into a series of manageable steps.  

Start with IEP Law

Before we dive into how exactly to go about writing goals and objectives, first let’s look at how IEP goals are defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:

(II) a statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals, designed to–

(aa) meet the child’s needs that result from the child’s disability to enable the child to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum; and

(bb) meet each of the child’s other educational needs that result from the child’s disability

Examine Content Standards

When creating academic goals for students with disabilities, it is important to ground the goals in the grade level content standards. This provides students with access to grade level curriculum as stated above.  

For many districts who are working with the Common Core State Standards, it is important to base grade level goals on how students are functioning within relation to these grade level content standards. 

Now let’s go through the process of writing SMART IEP goals:

Step 1. Identify the Standards that Meet the Student’s Needs

The first step in this process involves identifying the standard(s) that should be addressed.  You can start by identifying the grade level standards for the student. Standards have already broken out by grade level and have been organized by domain within this document.

By reviewing the student’s Present Levels, you can determine which standards the student may have the most difficulty with. Additional data sources should be used to select standards for student goals.

Teachers should then prioritize the standards based on those that would have the greatest impact on the student’s progress towards grade level.   For math, one consideration could be around the mathematics content at the student’s current grade level.

Major content in mathematics is considered the major work for the grade level. These are the areas in which general and special education teachers will need to spend most of their time throughout the year.  

Special educators can choose to focus on these areas when creating IEP goals. These are areas that will come up a lot during day-to-day instruction. To learn more about major content in math visit Achieve the Core for information. 

Step 2. Set Performance Target

The next step would be to set the performance target. You can utilized the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance in order to determine the baseline performance, historical rate of growth/progress, accommodations, and necessary supports needed to make the grade level content accessible for the student.

By deconstructing the standard and determining which components will promote student success, an individualized performance target can then be set.  

For example, in math, you may want to see a student demonstrate success through completion of a teacher generated worksheet with 80% accuracy over the course of 4 to 5 trials.

Step 3. Develop a SMART IEP Goal.

Special education teachers should ensure that they are keeping in mind what the acronym SMART stands for when developing goals:

S – Specific: The goal is focused by content (i.e. the standards) and the learner’s individual needs.

M – Measurable: Performance target is clearly stated and an appropriate measure is selected to assess the goal.

A – Attainable: Based on the student profile, it is determined that they have the ability to meet the performance target.

R – Relevant: Relevant to the individual student’s needs.

T – Time-bound: The goal is achievable within the time frame of the IEP.

Step 4. Develop SMART Objectives aligned to the selected IEP Goal.

There are three ways in which you can develop scaffolded objectives:

  • Sequential benchmarks that demonstrate increasing fluency, independence, or accuracy
  • Components of the goal
  • Prerequisite skills

I prefer to develop objectives utilizing specific skills or components of the grade level, standards-based goal.  I find that by breaking down the content into workable chunks, I can develop lessons over a period of time that builds up to a grade level standard.  

When reviewing general education curriculum, one can see that teachers are rarely tasked with tackling an entire standard within one lesson. To expect a special education student to tackle an entire standard in one goal or objective is also pretty unrealistic.   

At times, it may be necessary to create scaffolded objectives to provide students with prerequisite skills from the current or previous grade levels.  The data may indicate that many of your students need the standards deconstructed in this way. This helps the student meet the grade level goal that was developed.

When following the steps listed above, I created the following IEP goal for a third grade student:

By____ when given a teacher generated problem set, manipulatives, and a prompt, Student will interpret whole number quotients of whole numbers by drawing a picture and describing a context that indicates the partitioning of a total number objects into equal shares as measured by 80% accuracy on at least 4 out of 5 trials.

When really unpacking the standard and digging into the content, I decided that I would create four scaffolded objectives that would support the student in meeting their grade level goal:

By____, when given a teacher generated problem set and a prompt, Student will interpret whole-number quotients as the number of objects in each group when partitioned into equal groups by drawing a picture and providing an explanation with 80% accuracy on at least 4 out of 5 trials.

By_____, when given a teacher generated problem set, manipulatives, and a prompt, Student will represent a situation with a division expression with 80% accuracy on at least 4 out of 5 trials.

By ____, when given a teacher generated problem set, manipulatives, and a prompt, Student will represent a division expression with a situation by drawing a picture and providing an explanation with 80% accuracy on at least 4 out of 5 trials.

When I really think about the deconstructed standard and review student weaknesses,  I may find that instead of breaking this standard out by the grade level content covered, I may need to include another goal that supports prerequisite skills that I will address prior to going into this standard. 

When considering the example above, we ask, “is the student ready for division even with the supports included in the goals and objectives? Would it make more sense to attack addition, subtraction, and multiplication first?”  

This is where the individualization comes into play and where you really have to be strategic in how you write the annual goal.   Every IEP goal should be specific to the individual, but it helps to have a process to follow to make creating these goals a bit easier.

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Solution Tree Blog

Developing Mathematics IEP Goals and Objectives that Work!

IEP goals

How do you address the needs of struggling learners and students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) in your math classroom? By leveraging the Standards for Mathematical Practice (NGA and CCSSP, 2010) during the IEP goal setting and objective writing process, we were able to help all of our students in the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) make meaningful gains in mathematics learning. In this blog, we want to briefly share the essential elements of an IEP goal-setting tool that is transforming instruction for our students receiving special education services.

Traditionally, IEP goals and objectives have focused only on developing student fluency with operations. The prevailing thought, now described as a myth, was that students could not engage in mathematical problem solving if they did not understand their basic facts. A collaborative team, led by Joyce Agness and Kym Craig, set out to shift the conventional thinking from a focus on fluency with basic facts to a focus on fluency with the learning behaviors defined by the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The team wanted to strengthen a student’s capacity to solve any mathematics problem they encountered.

The result of the collaboration was a tool that guides special educators through the development of student goals and objective that focus on a student’s long-term mathematics learning. The focus on learning behaviors is shifting our special educator’s thoughts about supporting mathematics instruction. Instead of mathematics viewed as a disconnected set of skills to be memorized, our teachers are viewing problems as puzzles with multiple solution paths and high levels of critical thinking. Additionally, teachers are reporting that the scaffolding of the behaviors helps determine exactly where student skill levels lie and how to adjust instruction to advance their mathematical abilities. So, for the first time, IEP goals and objectives are aligned to the everyday instruction meaning that our students are pulled out of first instruction far less frequently.

In regards to monitoring, the tool is designed to help teachers easily collect both quarterly and longitudinal data for each student in grade 3-8. One teacher stated, “I feel like we are finally focused on working on our student’s thinking and reasoning skills. This focus will serve our students better, not just in math class, but in every class.”

The innovative work of a few educators working collaboratively to benefit our students receiving special education services, has the potential of improving the learning of all students.

IEP Goal-Setting Tool


National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Washington, DC: Authors.

“The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students.” (NGA and CCSSO, 2010)

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Number Dyslexia

IEP Goals For Math Problem Solving

Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by Editorial Team

Math problems may prove exceptionally difficult for students with learning disorders. Thankfully, the schools are now adopting a sincere approach to making education quite inclusive for children with special education needs. In addition to offering individualized education programs , they insist on working with parents/guardians as a team. So, if you are a parent or caretaker of a child with math learning difficulties, you must know about IEP goals approved under the special education program.

In this post, we intend to acquaint you with IEP goals for math problem-solving. By having knowledge of these IEP goals in hand, teachers and parents can ascertain the effectiveness of the program. Also, they can evaluate the program implementation procedure and include changes in a student-centric manner when required.

Measurable IEP goals for math problem-solving

IEP is the right of students with learning difficulties. It has got the backing of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), which is a law.

The law dictates that schools arrange for suitable interventions to help children with special needs meet their educational goals. Governed by these laws, the following is a list of measurable math problem-solving IEP goals:

  • The goal for building number sense: By the end of the x period, child A will subitize n number of sets containing 10 or few items with 80% accuracy. This goal is suitable for the K2 level and may be repeated till the attainment of perfection.
  • Pattern identification: A major part of math problem-solving is dependent on the ability to sequence numbers or identify patterns. It is part of math reasoning and the goal reads as, “The student will identify and explain the pattern at least twice with a minimum of 70% accuracy at the end of the academic session.”
  • Find fractional values: Moving from whole numbers, a student must be familiar with certain parts of it. Hence, the IEP goal for learning fractions includes “the student will identify half, one-third, and one-fourth of a quantity by the end of the chosen period with 70-80% accuracy.”
  • Attain Operational fluency: By the end of Grade 3, the teacher may strive to impart fluency in doing mathematical operations on whole numbers up to1000 using manipulatives . A suitable format of goal will be, “The student will recall all operational facts, interpret products of whole numbers, and write a verbal expression of mathematical equations with almost 100% accuracy in ‘n’ number of attempts.”
  • Learn geometry problem-solving: Corresponding to the expectations from students of Grade 5 and Grade 6, the student with individualized education needs shall demonstrate fluency in calculating the perimeter, area , and volume of a given set of geometrical figures (mostly, square, rectangle and circle).
  • Polynomial expressions’ expansion, combination, and simplification mastery with 80% accuracy
  • Tabulate and solve graphs based on equations and inequalities
  • One-step and multi-step linear equations are to be solved using correct strategies 8/10 times with 80% accuracy
  • Determine slope with at least 80% accuracy from given ordered pairs or equations or graphs

More or less, the IEP goals for math problem-solving surround these classic branches of the subject. With the increase in grades, the level of difficulty changes.

Manpreet Singh

An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having  just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of  Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’, 

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Motivating IEP Math Goals & Exercises for Primary Grades

  • by Mike Radicone

Let’s face it – while math can be fun, it’s also one of the most challenging subjects. Things can get even more frustrating in an IEP classroom, where everyone’s math abilities are on different levels. That’s why it’s vital for you as a special-ed teacher to create a unique set of mathematical goals for each one of your special education students.

But where do you start? Luckily for you, we’ve created this IEP math goals blog post to get you going.

Basic Principles of IEP Math Goal Creation

When setting the math IEP goals for your students, make sure you identify SMART goals

The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. For example, a goal like “solve 8 out of 10 simple addition problems with two integers until the end of the semester” is a SMART goal. However, getting to that threshold might seem impossible and demotivating if the student is not good with numbers. Therefore, your goals should also be specific to each student’s unique abilities to keep them encouraged. Luckily for you, there are state-specific IEP goal sets available online. Here’s an example from Virginia:

VA Standardized IEP Math Goals

math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

Helping Kids Understand Algebraic Operations

Primary grade students in a special-ed classroom should understand and solve simple addition and subtraction problems (up to the count of ten). With IEP students, the key to success in mathematics is to use visual aids to reinforce learning.

For instance, you can ask your students to show their answers to simple counting problems, using their fingers, drawings, or mental images.

Fun activities and visual aids will help students visualize mathematical equations Here’s an example of an activity you can run:

Q: Ela has 5 birds, but 2 of them just flew away! How many birds does Ela have left?

A: The classroom will have to raise three fingers to show the correct answer.

So, to sum up, the general approach towards math teaching in an IEP classroom is first to reinforce learning with visual aids and then set goals that are unique to each student’s learning abilities.

Curious to see some IEP-specific math problems and goals?

IEP Math Questions and Goals Bank

math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

Basic Adding And Subtracting

If your students can count up to ten and perform simple subtraction/addition problems – then you are on a good path!

When it comes to the goal-setting itself, you should define a “SMART” goal for each of your students based on their abilities at the beginning of the semester, dependent on their abilities.

If a student is good with math, Meredith should solve 9 out of 10 algebraic problems with 3 integers correctly by the end of the year.

If a student struggles with math: Jacob should solve 7 out of 10 algebraic problems with 2 integers by the end of the year.

Curious to see what goals other teachers are setting for their students?

IEP Primary Grades Math Goals Bank

Exercises for Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Once your students get used to the basic logic behind subtraction and addition, you should teach them how to use algebraic thinking with more advanced problems. The first step here would be to teach them how to use number lines and worksheets. Number lines are visual graphs with all the numbers spread out at an equal distance away from each other. They look like this:

You should practice multiple-step algebraic expressions with your students to teach them algebraic thinking. For instance, ask your students to circle the number with the correct answer after completing 3 steps. For example:

  • We are starting at 7
  • Where did we end up? Circle the correct quadrant (1).

The number lines can visually help kids move forward with more complicated algebraic problems, opening the road for more complex problems.

Once your students get a hand with simple algebraic operations, you can also start working on some subtraction and addition worksheets with them. You can use simple one-step equations like the ones below for primary grades:

After your students complete a worksheet like this for the first time – you will understand their abilities better and devise a motivating set of SMART goals based on that. Use such worksheets weekly to practice simple arithmetic operations and assess your students’ relative progress.

Are you looking for some prepared math worksheets?

Subtraction question bank

Set Effective Math Goals for Your Students with Datability

When done manually, tracking each students’ goal progress in an IEP classroom can be challenging. Datability’s visual goal setting tool can help you automate each student’s goal tracking and help you assess their performance over time.

Additionally, you’ll have all the student’s data kept in one place, making it easier for you to understand their performance. If you want to find out more about Datability and how the platform works, you can schedule a call with us, and we’ll answer all of your questions.

Schedule a call

Meanwhile, head over to our blog page to stay tuned with the latest trends, news, and best practices in special ed.

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  • Teachers Collaborative @ TeachTasticIEP
  • Apr 7, 2022

5 Essential Math Word Problem IEP Goals | TeachTastic

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

For special education teachers, IEP goals and lesson plans seem to be the bane of our existence. We are often asked to write goals that are impossible to measure and lack creativity. However, writing IEP goals doesn't have to be so difficult. In fact, it can be quite simple if you know what you're doing.

Solving Word Problem IEP Goals | Problem Image

When writing IEP goals for math word problems, you should keep a few things in mind. But first, I'll start with a story on how I've tackled writing a few goals myself.

This story begins with me being hard at work on just an ordinary day in the life of a sped math teacher. Just when I think I've written the perfect activity for one-to-one correspondence for your kindergarten math skill level students and I'm sitting down organizing a box of manipulatives to start my day. I am slightly proud of myself for being prepared and savoring the brief moment of quiet before students arrive.

Alas, the quiet is broken.

In walks a general education teacher looking for support for word problems. My brain has to code shift at a moment's notice, and there I go off and running, explaining all the different types of word problems and how I have strategies for teaching each kind.

Subtraction word problems?

Double-digit numbers in word problems?

Two-step word problems?

Word problems for multiplication where a student will identify equal groups?

What kind of math word problems are we talking about here?

She laughs and replies, I'd better take a seat...

There is a great deal of comedy in that line of questioning but in actuality, special education teachers really do have to understand all the grade levels and strategies for teaching word problems and all other math state standards for grades kindergarten through twelfth grade. So I'd like to see this particular or any general education teacher pull that out of their hat.

As the conversation progressed, we got down to two issues her students were struggling with

They are not independently reading the word problem with complete comprehension of the academic (math) vocabulary.

They are not extracting correct information and forming a problem in the correct order.

No matter what type of word problem, these two topics seem universal, so let's get right to plotting solutions. Then we will have a foundation of where to start our iep goal creation and their many objective options.

Practice Solving Word Problems Often

When it comes to math, many students tend to panic at the mere mention of word problems. However, word problems are an essential part of math, and they can be pretty helpful in developing problem-solving skills. For one thing, word problems force students to slow down and read carefully, which is often difficult to do in a fast-paced math class.

In addition, word problems provide a context for understanding how mathematics can be applied in the real world. In other words, solving word problems can help students see that math is not just a bunch of abstract rules but something that can be used to solve real-life problems. As a result, special education teachers need to use word problems whenever possible so that students have ample opportunity to gain confidence and become comfortable with the process.

Word problems are a great way for special education teachers to introduce new skills. They help with engagement by letting students see the relevance in their everyday lives. This allows students to understand how the skill can be applied in practical ways, which inevitably leads to greater buy-in.

There are a variety of ways to incorporate math word problems into your instruction. One way is to use them as a daily warm-up. This can be done by writing a word problem on the board or overhead and having students solve it as they come into class. Another way is to use word problems as part of a lesson. For example, if you are teaching addition, you could begin with some basic problems and then gradually introduce more difficult ones. As students become more comfortable with the process, they will be better able to handle more challenging word problems.

No matter how you choose to use them, it is important to provide students with plenty of opportunities to practice solving word problems. The best advice is to not just think about using them but actually do it. Every day and any day is a good day for word problem practice.

Teaching Word Problem Keywords

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These are the operations that students must be able to understand and complete in word problems to be successful in mathematics. However, these operations present a great challenge for many special education students. This is due to various factors, including executive functioning deficits and difficulty with abstract concepts. However, there are things that special education teachers can do to help their students be successful with word problems.

One of the most important things that teachers can do is to teach keyword vocabulary and why it is important. Keywords such as increased by, difference between, product of, out of, and is, are essential for understanding word problems. By explicitly teaching these words and their meanings, special education students will better understand the word problems they are presented with. In addition, teachers need to provide concrete examples of word problems that include these keywords. This will help students see how these words are used in context and aid in their understanding.

The following is a list of the most popular keywords for word problems, organized by topic:

comparatives ("greater than", etc)

increased by


decreased by

difference between

greater than

how many less

how much more


each ("they got three each", etc)

increased/decreased by a factor of

save (old-fashioned term)

times, multiplied by

twice, triple, etc

equal pieces, split

percent (divide by 100)

the ratio of, the quotient of

Create Problem-Solving Routines

Another important strategy that can be used to help special education students with word problems is to provide a clear and concise model of how to solve the problem. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as a problem-solving routine or anchor chart.

A problem-solving routine is simply a step-by-step guide that students can follow when they are presented with a word problem. This routine should include steps such as reading the problem, identifying the keyword, extracting the information, and solving the problem. By having a routine in place, students will know exactly what to do when they are presented with a word problem.

McGraw Hill Teaching Word Problems

How to Teach Students to Make Sense of Mathematical Word Problems

Visualize or Model the Problem

Encourage students to think of word problems as a story or scenario. This can help them to visualize the problem and make it more accessible. Graphic organizers can be used to draw story pictures or diagrams that model the problem and show the relationships between different elements. Graphic organizers are especially useful for visual learners or those who need extra support in understanding a problem.

Additionally, Graphic organizers can be used with a variety of math manipulatives, such as number lines, Cuisenaire rods, and place value charts. This allows for differentiation, as different students can use different manipulatives that best meet their needs.

Introducing One Number at a Time

When introducing word problems to students, it is important to gradually increase the level of difficulty. An easy way to do this is to introduce one number at a time. For example, start with a word problem with only one number variable, such as "Sam had _____ apples. He gave _____ away. How many apples does he have left?"

Introduce the first number as three and have the students fill in the blank.

Ask how many apples does Sam have?

Using manipulatives to establish a visual of three apples or objects

Introduce the second number as two and have the students on the blank.

Ask the students to reread the problem in its entirety and determine which operation they will need to use.

Students are using the graphic organizer they will be able to fill in key information such as:

What is the problem asking?

What information do I need to know?

What information do I know?

What are the important numbers and units?

What operation am I going to use?

Once students are comfortable with solving this type of problem, you can gradually increase the number of variables, such as "Sam had three apples. He gave two away and then he found one on the ground. How many apples does he have now?"

For daily practice, use this same word problem but change the numbers and the keyword is given away to get them used to different variations before changing the word problem entirely.

Because many students look at big numbers and give up before even attempting the problem, the strategy works particularly well for stamina building. Start with single-digit numbers that can be increased by an odd number, such as three or seven, with each repetition of the word problem. Eventually, you will get to triple digits while allowing the students to gain confidence with a very low fear of threshold.

Annotating Guide for Key Information in Word Problems

circle important numbers and labels

underlined the question

box in operation clues

I've seen similar strategies referred to as C.U.B.E.S but I found that using this full layout conflicted with the graphic organizer models that I was using and cause students confusion with additional vocabulary. In my opinion, it was just easier to keep it simple with the above-listed strategies, circle, underline, and box.

District, State, and National Assessments

No matter what strategies or methods you choose to teach students, they must always be in line with how the students will be presented with word problems on high-stakes assessments. Make sure that if you're teaching keywords they are the right ones and if you are using manipulatives or graphic organizers know in advance that that form of differentiation and scaffolding will need to be set to a gradual release in preparation for the final assessment. Accommodations are only meant to be short-term to help the learner access the material but when it comes to testing time you know you need to do the right thing and have the fully prepared without any form of the tool they will not have access to on the testing day.

IEP Goals for Word Problems and How to Create Them

IEP Goal: Given a word problem, the student will read it aloud with _____% accuracy as measured by _____.

This is just one example of an IEP goal you could write for reading word problems aloud.

But what if we want to get more specific? Let's say that we want the student to be able to read aloud a word problem and answer it correctly 80% of the time. We could write an IEP goal that says:

IEP Goal: Given a word problem, the student will independently read it aloud and answer it correctly 80% of the time as measured by _____.

This is a great goal, but let's say that we want to add a little bit more to it. We could add:

IEP Goal: Given subtraction word problems, the student will independently read it aloud, answer it correctly 80% of the time, and explain their thinking process using _____ strategy.

The sky's the limit when it comes to adding things to IEP goals, but you get the idea. Now let's move on to the next issue.

IEP Goal: Given a word problem, the student will independently extract the information and write it in mathematical order _____% of the time as measured by _____.

IEP Goal: Given a word problem, the student will extract the information, write it in mathematical order, and solve the problem _____% of the time as measured by _____.

Now we're really getting somewhere! These are just a few examples of IEP goals that you could write for word problems, but remember, the sky's the limit. So get creative and come up with some goals that are specific to your students' needs.

If you're looking for ways to help your students with word problems, the tips and strategies we've provided in this blog post should give you a good starting point. But, remember, the sky's the limit when it comes to creating IEP goals, so get creative and develop goals specific to your students' needs. And if you need more help, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!

Thank you for reading!

Download a free copy to keep handy when writing your next IEP word problem math goal.

Q. What are ways to help students with solving word problems?

A. There are a number of ways that you can help students with word problems. Some strategies that you may want to consider include:

Using manipulatives or graphic organizers

Teaching keyword recognition

Providing opportunities for practice

Annotating keywords

“14 Effective Ways to Help Your Students Conquer Math Word ...” We Are Teachers , https://www.weareteachers.com/math-word-problems/.

Kue, Diane. Solved: A Teacher's Guide to Making Word Problems Comprehensible . Atmosphere Press, 2021.

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  1. Developing Mathematics IEP Goals and Objectives that Work!

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  2. 50 Math IEP Goals and Objectives (Printable List PDF)

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  3. Printable list of Math IEP Goals, by grade. Includes some skill subsets

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  4. Iep Goals For Multi Step Math Problems

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  5. 29 Math Problem Solving IEP Goals (Including Math Reasoning)

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade

  6. 55 Functional Money and Math IEP Goals including Modern Money Skills

    math problem solving iep goals 9th grade


  1. 50 Math IEP Goals and Objectives, including Calculation and Computation

    Goal: Multiplication and Division Proficiency. Objective: Over the course of the IEP period, the student will develop fluency in multiplication and division facts up to 10, accurately solving multiplication and division problems in written and mental calculations with at least 80% accuracy across multiple assessments.

  2. The Perfect IEP Goal for 7th

    This IEP goal is for all 7th-9th grade students with IEP goals aimed at success in pre-algebra. It is inclusive of sub-skills necessary to solve multistep equations with variables on both sides, expanding expressions, distributive property, and the collection of like terms when solving.Goal progression could include 3 to 4 week intervals aimed toward skill-building in the areas of mathematic ...

  3. 29 Math Problem Solving IEP Goals (Including Math Reasoning)

    Math problem solving is a critical skill for students with learning disabilities that requires individualized support and attention. Effective math problem solving IEP goals are specific, measurable, and achievable, and are developed through collaboration with parents, teachers, and other stakeholders.

  4. Math IEP Goals For Special Education

    Math IEP Goals For Special Education Drafting IEP goals can be difficult, so here are a few math IEP goals (across various ability levels) to get you started. Please adapt and modify to meet the specific needs of your students. Keep in mind a goal should be a skill you believe is achievable by the student in 1 school year. You can always do an addendum if a student has met all criteria for the ...

  5. Math Word Problem IEP Goals: 12 Examples and Objectives

    Here are 10 more examples of Math Word Problem IEP Goals. Objective: Student will accurately identify key information in math word problems. Goal: By the end of the IEP period, student will correctly identify relevant data in 9 out of 10 math word problems. Objective: Student will apply appropriate mathematical operations to solve word problems ...

  6. IEP Math Goals: Strategies for Success

    Tailored math objectives in IEPs focus on enhancing students' numeracy, problem-solving, and mathematical reasoning skills for educational success.

  7. PDF Resource Guide for IEP for Ninth Grade Math

    Resource Guide to the Arkansas Curriculum Framework for Students with Disabilities for Ninth Grade Mathematics. In June 2005, the Arkansas Department of Education convened a task force of general education mathematics teachers, teachers of students with disabilities and administrators to collaborate and develop the following resource guide to ...

  8. Math IEP Goals & Objectives

    Browse free CCS-aligned, math goals & objectives for word problems, number sense, computation, geometry, life skills mathematics, and graphing.

  9. Free IEP Goal Bank With 110+ Goals and Free Tracking Sheets

    Math IEP Goal Bank Students may be working on numeracy or word problems. Whatever their focus, choose a math goal that helps them progress. [STUDENT] will identify a one- or two-digit number (verbally, pointing, written). [STUDENT] will rote-count from 1 to 25 (or higher). [STUDENT] will skip-count by 2, 3, 5, 10 to 50 (verbal or written). When given up to 10 objects, [STUDENT] will count and ...

  10. IEP Goals for Math: A Comprehensive Guide

    IEP objectives for math could center on several things, like enhancing fundamental math abilities, problem-solving skills, or deepening comprehension of more complex arithmetic ideas. Parents and educators can assist students with disabilities in overcoming obstacles and succeeding in arithmetic by creating clear and attainable goals.

  11. How to Write SMART IEP Goals

    Now let's go through the process of writing SMART IEP goals: Step 1. Identify the Standards that Meet the Student's Needs. The first step in this process involves identifying the standard (s) that should be addressed. You can start by identifying the grade level standards for the student.

  12. IEP Goal and Objective Bank Grades K-8

    Find standard-aligned IEP goals for grades K-8 in math, reading, writing, social-emotional skills & more. Printable resources for measurable results.

  13. PDF Microsoft Word

    This is not an exhaustive listing of goals and objectives; rather it includes suggested content and a format for meaningful IEP math goals and objectives. Content in objectives may not reflect the exact grade level when a certain math concept or piece of math-related equipment may be taught.

  14. Developing Mathematics IEP Goals and Objectives that Work!

    Traditionally, IEP goals and objectives have focused only on developing student fluency with operations. The prevailing thought, now described as a myth, was that students could not engage in mathematical problem solving if they did not understand their basic facts. A collaborative team, led by Joyce Agness and Kym Craig, set out to shift the ...

  15. 7 Proven Word Problem IEP Goals to Boost Math Skills in Special Education

    6th Grade. Do you ever wonder how we can better support students with disabilities in developing their math skills? The secret lies in individualized education programs (IEPs) and word problem IEP goals specifically designed to empower these students. By setting tailored, achievable goals and implementing effective strategies, we can help ...

  16. IEP Goals For Math Problem Solving

    In this post, we intend to acquaint you with IEP goals for math problem-solving. By having knowledge of these IEP goals in hand, teachers and parents can ascertain the effectiveness of the program. Also, they can evaluate the program implementation procedure and include changes in a student-centric manner when required.

  17. Math Tips & Strategies for Students with IEPs

    Students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that includes a goal in the area of math need more support as well as understanding from the people in their lives that have the potential to impact their learning and progress the most: their grade level teacher, their special education teacher and their parents or caregivers. If you fall into one of these categories, read on and make ...

  18. Motivating IEP Math Goals & Exercises for Primary Grades

    Basic Principles of IEP Math Goal Creation. When setting the math IEP goals for your students, make sure you identify SMART goals. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. For example, a goal like "solve 8 out of 10 simple addition problems with two integers until the end of the semester" is a SMART goal.

  19. Free IEP Goal Bank with 1000+ Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives

    Free IEP Goal Bank with 1000+ Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives separated by Goal Categories Inside: Browse our comprehensive IEP goal bank to streamline your special education planning. Find ready-made individualized education program goals for students with diverse needs. Includes many IEP Goal Examples.

  20. PDF Cu r r en t G o al / O b j ecti ves

    Goal - Will demonstrate an improvement in mathematical (pre-algebra) concepts, reasoning, and computation necessary to develop problem solving skills and to utilize mathematics to address everyday problems; 80% Objectives Student will demonstrate the ability to utilize order of operations to solve mathematical equations at an accuracy of 80% or ...

  21. 5 Math Word Problem IEP Goals and How to Teach Them in Your Classroom

    3rd Grade. Conventions of Standard English. Phonics and Spelling. Vocabulary. Language and writing. Looking for effective IEP goals for math word problems? Check out this blog post for 5 essential goals to help your students excel!

  22. PDF IEP Goals and Objectives Bank (Redmond, Oregon)

    The Goal Bank has been designed to allow users to locate specific goals as used in the eSIS SPED Full software. Click on a Content Area to proceed to specific Content Strands. From there, locate the specific strand and click to locate the Individual Goals. IEP Goals and Objectives Bank (Redmond, Oregon)

  23. 10 Problem Solving IEP Goals for Real Life

    Problem solving is an essential executive functioning skill. Learn how to integrate it into your functional and academic IEP (and everyday) goals.

  24. Special Education Lesson Plan Template 675 (docx)

    Special Education Lesson Plan Template General Information Student Profile Selected: Julie Lesson Title: Basic Building Blocks Subject(s): Math Grade/Level/Setting: 9 Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge: -Basic knowledge on how to solve single digit math equation.-Basic formatting for keeping equations/inequalities neat and orderly.-Understanding what a Variable is.